unit1 That must be a record 語言點講解(人教版高三英語上冊教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-6-3 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Unit 1 That must be a record

1. settle

a. make an agreement about sth, deal with sth, arrange sth 解決,安排 vt.

eg: We have settled that we will leave next week


You should settle your affairs before you leave.


It’s time you settled your problem with him.

什么也沒定下來。Nothing is settled yet

b. Make one’s home in place vi. 安家,


After years of travel, we decided to settle here.

c. come to rest on sth, vi. 停留

The bird settle on a branch.

d. settle(sb )down : (cause sb to )become calm, less restless

Wait until the children settle down before you start the lesson.


The chairman tried to settle the audience down.


2. conclude

a. come to an idea after thinking 下結論, 稱…… (不能用進行時)

conclude +that-clause

eg: The police concluded that he was the criminal of the murder.


b. to bring or come to an end vt.& vi 結束,完結;使終止,

conclude ….with…., conclude with

eg: He concluded his speech with some amusing remarks.


The book concluded with a happy ending.


c. conclusion n. 結論, 決定

arrive at/ come to / draw / reach a conclusion獲得結論

leap / jump to a conclusion 冒然斷定, 過早下結論

n. 結束,結尾

come to a conclusion 結束

bring …to a conclusion 使……結束

in conclusion = lastly, to conclude 最后,總之

In conclusion I’ d like to say that you did it very well.

=To conclude, I’d like to say that you did it very well.

3. send

a. send sth in : send sth by post to a place where it will be dealt with寄送某 地進行處理

eg: Have you send in the application for the job?

Send sb. in: order sb to go to a place in order to deal with a situation 指示某人去某地處理某局面

Eg: Soldiers were sent in to quell the riots.

b. send sth out: give sth out from itself 發出(光熱等)

eg: The sun sends out light and warmth.

c. send sth off: send sth by post 寄出或發出某物

eg: Have you sent that letter off yet? There’s something I want to add to it.

send sb. off: send a footballer etc off the playing field for breaking the rules of play

d. send for sb/sth : ask or order that sth be brought or delivered or that sb. should come 要求或指示將某物取來或送到,或使某人來到, 派人去拿/請

eg: send for a taxi, send for a doctor

4. set

a. set sth. down =write down , put down 寫下來

eg: Why don’t you set your idea down on paper?

set sb. down : 停車讓人下車

eg: The bus stopped to set down an old lady.

b. Set sth aside: Place sth to one side ; save or keep (money or time ) for a particular purpose(放在一邊)

eg: She set the book aside and lit a cigarette.

She sets aside a bit of money every month.

c. Set off / out: leave a place and begin a journey

Eg: She set out/off at dawn.

d. set sth off: cause ( a bomb, mine etc) to explode使爆炸

eg: A slight touch will set the bomb off.

e. set out to do sth: begin a job, task etc with a particular aim or goal

eg: She set out to break the worldland speed record.

f: set about sth/ doing sth: begin, start doing

eg: The new government must set about finding solutions to the country’s economic problems.

g: set sth up : place sth in position

eg: set up a monument/ statue.

5. keep track of:

a. record sth; write down

b. keep informed of sb./sth.

c. keep in touch with


1) Don’t feel bad if you make a mistake. Keep track of (i.e. write down) your mistakes and learn from them

2) Her mother used to keep track of (i.e. write down) every penny she spent.

3) Mr. Stevens kept track of (ie:keep informed of) his business by telephone when he was in hospital.

4) It’s hard to keep track of (ie: keep in touch with)all one’s old school friends

6. fade

a. 凋謝, 枯萎

eg: The flowers faded for want of water. 花兒因缺水而凋謝了。

b. (顏色) 褪去

eg: The color fades when exposed to light. 這顏色曝光后會褪色。

c. (聲音等) 變微弱;(光等) 變暗淡; 逐漸消失 (+away)

eg: The sound of the footsteps faded away. 腳步聲漸漸消失了。

d. 使褪色

eg: Sunshine faded the tapestry. 陽光曬得掛毯褪了色

7. in a row 連續, 一連串

in rows 成行, 成排

eg: Chinese women volleyball team won five champions in a row in the 1980s.

They planted the trees in rows

8. make for意為“向……走(沖)去;有助于造成(某種關系、情況),可成為”。

  Eg: The children took their ice skates and made for the frozen pond.

  The climate makes for good health

9. apply

a. apply(to sb)(for sth)申請

Eg: You should apply immediately, in person or by letter.

Apply to the publishers for permission to reprint an extract

Apply for a job/post/passport/visa

b. apply sth to sth 運用

eg:The results of the research can be applied to new developments in technology.

c. apply oneself/sth(to sth/doing sth)專心

eg: You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work.

We must apply our minds to finding a solution. 動腦筋

d. apply to sb/sth 適用

eg: What I have said applies only to some of you.

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