SBI Unit 8 Warming up &Speaking 說課稿(人教版高一英語上冊說課)

發布時間:2016-8-6 編輯:互聯網 手機版

引言:《英語課程標準》(實驗稿)提出的我國基礎教育階段英語課程的總體目標是:“培養學生的綜合運用能力”,要求學生“通過英語學習和實踐活動,逐步掌握英語技能,提高語言實際運用能力”,以社會建構主義(Social Constructivism)為理論基礎,倡導任務型教學途徑(Tasked-based Approach),培養學生綜合語言運用能力。設計這節課,旨在探討新課程理念下的大班英語課堂活動的實施策略。

一、教材分析(Material Analysis)

本單元以sports為話題,使學生了解“各種體育運動”、“奧運會”、“體育愛好與興趣”,能用所學的有關sports 的詞匯描述自己喜愛的體育運動和體育明星的生平及事跡;能夠運用所學的語言知識和技能聽懂體育賽事報道,談論各項體育運動。

Warming up是一份類似知識自測的問卷調查,測試學生對奧運的了解程度。目的有兩個,一是呈現本單元的中心話題--Sports and Olympic Games,幫助學生在大腦中形成一個有關“Sports”的信息包;二是學習和復習有關體育運動的名詞,為下一步關于“體育運動”的聽、說、讀、寫打下基礎。Speaking 是一項采訪活動,內容是調查了解同學最喜愛的體育活動及原因。活動以“說”為主,兼容了聽和寫的技能,比較完整的體現了語言能力的綜合訓練。這項設計的特點是:(1)訓練學生在比較真實的情景中使用有關體育的興趣、愛好方面的用語及口頭表達能力;(2)豐富學生有關描述“體育”的語言,包括詞匯和句型等;(3)進一步幫助學生提高對體育活動的認識。

二、教學目標(Teaching goals)

1.Target language

1).Words about names of sports: badminton diving table tennis shooting weightlifting baseball softball skiing speed skating Torch relay track&field etc.

2)stand for because of gold medal would rather continent well-known athelete

3)Useful expressions

Asking about interests and hobbies: Which do you like ,..or..?

What’s your favourite sport?

Which sport do you like best?

Which do you prefer,..or..?

What about..?

Are you interested in ..?

Possible answers: Sure.I love sports.

Yes,very much. /No,not really.

Shooting ,I think.

I like


I like watching it.

I’ d rather watch it than play it.

2.Ability goals

Enable the students to improve their speaking ability by talking about sports,telling their partners what sports they like and why ,with the target language, I prefer …to… etc.

3.Learning ability goals

Help the students learn how to use the structures of expressing and supporting or opposing an opinion.

4.Teaching important points

Let student learn to use the structures of expressing and supporting or opposing an opinion.

5.Teaching difficult points

How to express their ideas about different kinds of sports in a proper way.

6.Teaching methods

1)Talking method to enable the students to express themselves freely.

2)Task-basked Approach

7.Teaching aids

A computer , six large pieces of paper and six big pens

三.教學步驟(Teaching steps)

Activity 1 .Duty report (2’)


Activity2 Words competition(7’)

1. Group work(5’)

Say:As planned,we’ll hold a words competition.Are you ready for the names of sports?

You ’ve found on the walls there are 6 large pieces of paper for you six rows. Let me see which row write most and best. You’ll be given 5 minutes in all,including the time you go and return..


2.Comment (2’)

Say;Time is up.Ss return to their seats,except that 6 students from six rows hold the six pieces of paper,standing in a row in front of the class. Ss compare and decide the winner,making comments.



Activity3 Words teaching(3’)

Guide Ss to learn new words about sports.




Activity4 Pictures talking (3’)

Show pictures. 采用Power point 制作19 張圖片,一張一幅圖。內容為:badminton diving table tennis shooting weightlifting baseball softball skiing speed skating Torch relay track&field rings wrestling high jumping surfing gymnastics etc.

Say: I’ll show you some pictures. You have to look carefully and tell me what you have seen on the screen.




Activity5 Quiz in Warming up(10’)

1. 繼上個環節,最后一張圖片為:兩個老外手舉奧運五環旗在長城上,導入Warming up.


Five rings stand for five continents :Asia,Africa,Europe,America,Australia.

Background color White stand for peace,which goes through the Games.

Possible answer: New Beijing,great Olympics!

2. Ask how much do you know about Olympic Games?Let’s see the quiz.

Ask one s to act as a host (8’)




Activity6 Collecting reasons for loving a special sport (5’)

Ask: Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? Why?




Activity7 Interview task(14’)

Say: I want to have a newspaper edited about sports in our class. I’d like to know what your favorite sports are . I want you to go and work as reporters ,interview your classmates .Don’t forget to fill in the form on the book..

1. Help provided (3’)

電腦多媒體顯示目標語言的交際用語部分。教師帶著body language 領讀,學生模仿并

跟讀,確保正確語音語調。突出重點之重點 I prefer …to… ,I would rather …than…的用法。

2.Instruction & interview(7’)

Every one of group 1 ,go to interview anyone in group2, meanwhile, you ,yourself are being interviewed., So it is with group3 and group4. Try to interview at least 3 of your friends.

再一 次要求全體學生站起來離開位置。打破了小組活動司空見慣的“轉身四人一組”形式,創設仿真的采訪情境,新鮮、靈活。給予他們足夠充足的時間。教師穿梭于學生之間,聆聽他們的對話,給予必要的幫助。


Ask some to report their interview.



1. write about what is your favourite sport , at least 5 sentences.

2. Learn the new words by heart for dictation tomorrow.




為確保本課堂活動的順利進行,教師事先應讓學生形成活動規范,有良好的課堂活動的行為習慣,使教師組織活動時能令行禁止,指揮自如,配合默契。教師本身要有良好的語言素質,有準確、得體的body language,能扮演多重角色,自始至終是活動的組織者,同時又起控制、引導、敦促的作用。為組織好課堂活動,使師生能按計劃完成任務,課前還必須做好各方面的準備,除多媒體課件外,還有六小組用的六張大紙、大號記號筆 ,各組分頭活動的地方在課前都要確定好,以確保上課時秩序井然,忙而不亂;另外,學生“主持人”可課外先培訓,再上崗。

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