Unit 10 Expressions
1. weep over/for one’s failure
weep one’s fate悲嘆命運
weep bitter tears
weep oneself to sleep
feel weepy感到想哭
a weeping willow垂柳
2. rent a furnished house at $8 a week
3. attend to his sick mother
have an urgent personal matter to attend to
attend to her cheeks with the powder rag
4. be dressed in rags
a beggar in rags
5. take pride in/ be proud of
6. do herself up for the party
do up the buttons/ the house/ the parcel
7. be worn out穿壞了;筋疲力盡
8. let alone=not to mention; even less更不必說
let sb./sth. alone別管;別攪撓
let sb./sth. be別管,別干涉;別罵
let go放手
let down(衣服)加長;使失望
let off原諒;不處罰
let out(衣服)加寬;泄露;表達; 放出
let up停止;逐漸停止
9. fix one’s mind/attention on全神貫注于
fix one’s eyes on凝視
pay attention to注意
10. approve the plan批準
approve of the plan贊成;認可;
don’t approve of wasting time
11. at length最后;終于;詳細地;冗長地
12. one’s reaction to the news
13. take part in activities
14. make English learning great fun
15. people present at the meeting
be present at the meeting
present the class with the outcome
present the outcome to the class
16. read for pleasure/ read for school
17. save one or two pennies at a time
save a penny or two at a time
18. a card which bears his name
=a card bearing his name
19. stand by the window
20. buy Jim a present with the left money
need money with which to buy a present
21. go far有除夕;成功;經用;夠用
22. be worthy of mention值得一題
be worthy of being mentioned
be worthy to be mentioned
be well worth mentioning
23. pull down her hair披散
let it fall to its full length讓它完全垂下
24. make itself almost a garment使看來象
make (him)a person like his father使成為
25. hesitate for a minute
26. run up one flight of stairs跑上一段樓梯
27. life the mass with a practiced hand
28. search the stores for Jim’s present
turn all the shops inside out
29. be just right for sb.
30. be properly anxious about
31. look at sth. in the mirror for a long time
32. take a second look at sb.
33. have her hair cut out of love for him
34. at the butcher’s /the tailor’s /the baker’s/ the barber’s/ the grocer’s/ the chemist’s
35. get accustomed to the northern weather
36. on the final day
37. be noted for 記住
38. make some coffee/ tea
39. sit on the corner of the table
40. be burdened with 擔負有…
41. with a smile on his face
with a strange expression in his eyes
42. live through hard times度過難關
43. look about the room環顧
44. go cheap/ go for so little money
go on food and clothes花在…
45. make some mistake about sb.誤會
46. in the way of …這類東西 在…方面
47. give a scream of joy
48. break out in tears and cries
burst into tears
burst out crying
49. hug them to her breast緊擁在胸口
50. throw himself down on the couch
51. put his hands under the back of his head
52. forget all about it
53. recommend the story to others推薦
54. on a friendly/ weekly basis在友好/周的基礎上
55. (an idea) flash into one’s mind
56. show his concern(關心) for me
57. It was not long before he came to realize
58. time and (time) again多次;屢次
59. live alone on the farm all her life
60. at the age of twenty
61. be accompanied by在…陪伴下
62. carry a baby in her arms
63. Don’t keep silent when spoken to
64. in a loud and commanding tone of voice
65. one and all=every one
66. fall(fell, fallen) asleep
67. a woman of little experience
68. grow quite used to it
69. (sb/ time) draw near走近
70. as for the baby至于
71. scream with delight高興地尖叫
72. at (the) sight of一看見
catch sight of看見
73. all over the country全國
be wet all over全身濕透了
be all over結束了
74. in the distance在遠處,從遠處
75. make a mess擾亂;弄成一團糟
make a mess of my holiday plan弄亂我的假期計劃
in a mess 亂成一團
76. seat oneself beside the table
be seated, please
find them all seated at the back of the room
a hall seating/holding/admitting 200 people