Unit 4 Green world語言點詳解(人教版高三英語上冊教案教學設計)

發布時間:2017-12-16 編輯:互聯網 手機版


1.Attempt had been made by others to classfy plant species into groups,but the breakthrough came with the work of Carl Linnaeus.另一些人嘗試按植物種類分類,但是突破性進展卻來自Carl Linnaeus.

attempt to do sth=make an attempt to do sth = make an attempt at doing sth =try to do sth

make an attempt on/upon試圖奪取(在第一單元中講過)

classify vt.編排;分類to arrange or organize according to class or category classify sb./ sth.(as sth.)將某人/某物歸類

We usually classify types of character as good or bad.我們通常把 (人的) 性格之類型分為善與惡。

The books in the library are classified by subject.圖書館的書是按照科目分類的。

Would you classify her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment?


classified(常作定語)分類的 a classified directory分類電話簿 classified advertisements分類廣告

classification n. the act or result of classifying; a category or class分類;類別

2. Showing how plants were related was a complex and strange thing before Linnaeus developed his system.


3.But Linnaeus’ idea of grouping plants in families was unique.而Linnaeus把植物按家族來分類的想法卻很特別。

group v.集合,使成群;類集

The children grouped round the piano.孩子們集合在鋼琴周圍。

We can group animals into several types.我們可以把動物分成好幾類。(We can classify animals as several types.)



Our group is going to climb a mountain tomorrow.我們組明天要去爬山。

The group are having dinner now.組員們正在吃晚飯。

What blood group are you?你是什么血型?

[作定語] a group activity 集體活動

(2)(公司聯營的)集團:a newspaper group報業集團

▲identification (學案上沒有) n. the state of being identified 鑒別;驗明

the identification of high yielding seeds 高產量種子的鑒別

n. proof or evidence of identity 身份證明(縮寫 ID)

His only means of identification was his passport. 他唯一證明身份的證件就是他的護照。

4.As a result,fruits such as peaches and pears are in fact related,although they are different at first sight.


at first sight/glance

At first sight/glance the problem seemed easy. 乍一看這個問題似乎很容易。

They felt in love at first sight.他們一見鐘情。

He could tell at a(single) glance what was wrong with the car.他一眼就能看出汽車有什么毛病。

5.develop a lifelong frienship with… 與……結成為終身好友

make a lifelong friend with sb.

6.Born into a life of privilege,Joseph Banks was the son of a wealthy family. Joseph Banks是一個富裕家庭的孩子,生來就享有特殊權利

privilege n. a special advantage, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual, a class 特權;優惠

Our members have the privilege of using the lending service of the library.


7.lead/live a cosy life過著安逸的生活

live/lead a happy life/a bitter life 過著幸福/痛苦生活

cosy :comfortable; easy

8.but young Banks had an appetite for knowledge但是小班克斯卻有渴求知識的欲望

n. a desire for food 食欲;胃口

Exercises give one a good appetite. 運動增進食欲。

n. a strong wish or liking 愛好;欲望

He has an appetite for writing. 他好從事寫書。(be fond of,go in for)

9.Despite his wealth,he worked to make a career in science. 盡管他很富有,但他謀求在科學上有一番成就。

in spite of his wealth/although he was wealthy/rich….

Some were owners of great wealth and property. 有些人擁有萬貫家財。

10. In 1768,the Royal Navy appointed James Cook as the commander of the Endeavour to take members of the Royal Society on

an expedition to Tahiti.1768年英國皇家海軍任命James Cook為“奮力”號船長,帶領皇家學會成員遠征塔希提島。

appoint sb.(to.);appoint sb.(as.)


He was appointed to the vacant post.他被委派填補那空缺。

We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school.


They have appointed a new manager.他們已經任用了一位新經理。

Who shall we appoint (as) chairperson?我們選派誰擔任主席呢?

appoint sth.(for sth.) 確定或決定某事物

They have appointed a date for the meeting.他們已經約定了開會的日期。

They appointed a place to exchange stamps. 他們約定一個地方交換郵票。

11.This would give astronomers a chance to calculate the distance between the earth and the sun.


They use a computer to calculate the cost of a journey.他們用電腦算出旅行的費用。

I calculate that we will reach London at about 3 p.m.估計我們大約在下午3點到達倫敦。

be calculated to do sth.旨在,打算或計劃做某事

His speech was calculated to stir up the crowd.他講的話有意鼓動/煽動人群。

n. calculation計算,推算

12 …it was the government that paid for all the equipment and expenses for that part of the expedition.


expense n.花費,費用,經費

It’s too much of an expense to own a car.擁有一輛汽車的花費太大。

at one’s expense由某人負擔費用

He had his book printed at his own expense.他自己出錢印了書。

at the expense of sth.在損失或損壞某事物的情況下

He built up a successful business but it was all done at the expense of his health.


13.had to supply about £10,000 of his own money to equip the expedition……不得不把自己的錢(大約一萬英鎊)拿出來為這次遠征提供設備。


(1)supply sb.with sth./ supply sth.to sb.向某人提供某物

They supplied food aids to the people in the flood-stricken area.

=They supplied the people in the flood-stricken area with food aids.


(2)offer sb.sth./offer sth.to sb.向某人提供某物

He offered me a cup of tea.=He offered a cup of tea to me.

(3)provide sb.with sth./ provide sth.for sb.向某人提供某物,供應

The firm has provided me with a car.=The firm has provided a car for me.公司提供給我一輛汽車。


The school provides the students with lesson-sheets.學校免費給學生提供講義。

We can supply you with some rare Ming editions. 我們可以給你提供一些稀有的明版書。

14.He also look out for new economic species; plants that could be grown in England or other parts of the world to produce crops that could be sold . 而且他還調查了一些新的經濟物種,在英國和世界其他地區生長其谷物能夠被賣的植物。

look our for to be careful of 當心;注意;警惕

Look out (for the car)! 留神(汽車)!

15. Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to anther on a large scale, helping to develop local economic with these new imports. 約瑟夫。班克斯是第一位大規摸把植物從一個大陸移到另一個大陸的人,用這些進口的東西來幫助發展當地的經濟。

16.some plants that were spread over the globe in this way include cococa,hemp and tea.用這種方式發展起來的植物有可可,大麻和茶葉。

17.The voyage had been a great success.這次航海取得了巨大的成功。

18.Wonderful discoveries had been of strange new lands,cultures,animals and plants.


19.From behind his desk, however, he was involved in enterprises such as the exploration of Africa and the settlement of Australia.然而他卻在幕后卷入了諸如探索非洲和開拓澳洲之類的航行。


(1)需要The job involved me in London.工作需要我住在倫敦。


The strike involved many people.許多人參加了罷工。

involve sb./sth.in sth./doing sth.使某人/某事物陷入或參與某活動

in solving your problems!你解決你的問題,不要把我拉進去。

He was involved in a heated argument.他參與了一場激烈的爭論。

All the children were involved in the school play. 所有的孩子都參加了學校排練的劇。

20.He accumulated a great deal of knowledge about plants and agriculture.他積累了大量的有關植物和農業方面的知識。



By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.她由于投資精明而積蓄了一筆財產。

My savings are accumulating interest.我的儲蓄不斷生息。

He accumulated a fortune by hard work. 他靠努力工作積蓄了一筆財富。

(2)vi. 增加

Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.房間不經常打掃,塵土很快就越積越多。

Snow accumulated to a depth of 10 feet. 雪已積到十尺深。

n. accumulation 金錢、知識、經驗的積累

21. In growing strawberries Banks went back to the abandoned practice of spreading straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering.在種植草莓時Banks采用早已廢棄的在果實下鋪稻草的方法來降低用水量。

The driver abandoned his car in the snow. 司機把汽車拋在雪地里。

He found a baby abandoned by its parents.他發現了一個被父母遺棄的嬰兒。

The match was abandoned because of bad weather.比賽因天氣惡劣而取消。

(please look up the word:desert)


▲Darwin’s observations on that voyage led him to write his famous book on the Origin of species.…



The article deserves careful study=The article is worth studying.

She deserves a reward for her effort.她積極努力,應該得到獎賞。

They deserve to be sent to prison.他們應該入獄。

▲It was Darwin’s visit on the Beagle to the Galapagos Isles that gave him the key to his new theory.

達爾文乘“小獵犬號”去加拉 戈斯群島的活動使他獲得了新創建理論的鑰匙。


This creature’s natural habitat is the jungle. 這種動物的天然棲息地是叢林。

▲pass sth.down from one generation to the next(常用于被動語態)一代一代傳下去

pass away 去世,逝世(die) pass by走過;經過;忽視 pass sth.on (to sb.)將某物傳交給(某人)

pass through sth.經歷(一段時間) pass on (to sth.)從一階段進入另一階段

▲.As a result of Darwin and Mendel s research, scientists of the nineteenth century formed the belief that the influence of the environment was behind the development of new species. 達爾文和門德爾的研究結果,使得19世紀的科學家悶形成這樣的一種理念:環境的影響導致了新物種的發展。

▲It would take a next generation of scientists to bring the importance of the environment on species back in view.


▲In 1922,Gte Turesson found evdence for the existence of stable varieties within species in nature.

1922年Gte Turesson發現了自然界物種穩定多樣性存在的證據。

▲grow to bush長成灌木,grow close to the ground長得貼近地面

▲adapt 適應,改編,改寫

I don’t think I shall ever adapt myself to this hot weather.

They are adapted to various climates,soil and other natural conditions.

He is adapting the novel fortelevision.他在把這部小說改編成電視劇。

▲However, Turesson’s findings show that habitat,such as soil conditions,is of equal importance to the output of crops.


output n. amount of things that you have made 產量;產品

We must increase our output to meet people's needs. 我們必須增加產量來滿足人們的需要。


▲procedure n.程序(尤指工商、法律、政治等事務的)

Stop arguing about (questions of) procedure and let’s get down to business.


procedure (for sth.)手續;步驟

What’s the procedure for opening a bank account?在銀行開個賬戶要辦什么手續?

▲promote v.(1)提升,晉升

My daughter’s just been promoted!我的女兒剛被提升了!

promote sb.to sth.提升,擢升某人

The football team was promoted to the first division.該足球隊已晉升為甲級隊。

Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster. 我們的老師已被提升為校長了。


The organization works to promote friendship between nations.該組織旨在促進各國之間的友誼。

Kindness promotes peace. 親切的行為可以促進和睦。

▲rose n. a beautiful flower, which is red, white or yellow 玫瑰(花);薔薇(花)

Father planted roses along one side of the garden. 父親沿著花園的一邊種了玫瑰。

You lie upon roses when young, you'll lie upon thorns when old. 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。

▲peony n. 牡丹;芍藥

She blushed like a peony. 她臉紅得像一朵牡丹花。

▲bunch n. a number of things of the same kind fastened or growing together 串;束

a bunch of flowers 一束花 a bunch of grapes/keys 一串葡萄/一串鑰匙

▲merely adv. only僅僅;只不過

I didn't stop to speak to him--I merely smiled. 我沒有停下來和他說話--我只是微微一笑。

▲enterprise n. an undertaking, especially one of some scope, complication, and risk; a business organization事業;企業

government enterprise 公/國營企業 private enterprise 私/民營企業 small-to-medium-sized enterprises中小企業

▲settlement n. group of homes in a place where no people have lived before 拓居地;定居點

The first settlements were on the east coast of America. 最初的殖民地是在美洲的東海岸。

n. agreeing about something after discussing it 解決(方案)

After long talks about pay, the managers and workers reached a settlement.


▲straw n. dry, cut stalks of wheat, etc. 稻草;麥稈

Everyone of us had a straw hat on. 我們人人都戴草帽。

n. thin tube of paper or plastic for drinking a cold drink 麥管;吸管

He sucked Coke through a straw. 他用吸管吸可口可樂。

▲year after year adv. 年年;一年又一年(= year in year out) 對比year by year

▲tone n. a sound; the quality of a sound; the voice, as expressing feeling音調;語調

She spoke in an angry tone. 她用惱怒的口氣說話。

▲reward n. present or money that you give to thank someone for something 報酬;報答

He was given a reward for passing the examination. 他因考試及格而得到獎品。

He worked hard all his life but without much reward. 他辛勤一生,但得到的報酬卻很少。

vt. give something in return for 酬謝;獎賞

He was well rewarded by the kind things people said about him. 人們表揚了他,這就是對他很好的獎勵。

▲nowhere adv. at, in, or to no place; not anywhere 任何地方都不;什么地方也沒有

He was nowhere to be found. 什么地方也找不到他。

n. an unknown place 不知道的地方:a cabin in the middle of nowhere 不知在什么中心的小屋

▲altogether adv. on the whole; all things considered 總共;總而言之

There were five of us altogether. 我們共有五人。

Altogether, the book is quite interesting. 總的說來,這本書相當有趣。

adv. totally; completely 完全;全部地

Some of what you say is true, but I don't altogether agree. 你說的有些是真的,但我不能全都同意。

▲appearance n. what someone or something looks like 外貌;外表

Do not judge by appearances. 別從外貌判斷事物。

n. being seen; coming 顯露;出現

At the sight of his appearance on the stage, the hall rang with thunderous applause. 他一出場,禮堂里就掌聲雷動。

▲latter adj. 后者

Of the two, the former is better than the latter. 兩者之中前者較后者為佳。

▲distinguish vt.& vi. show the difference in; show the difference; make a distinction 區別;辨別

He could not distinguish cotton from wool. 他不能辨認是棉花還是羊毛。(tell…from)

You are confusing things, let me distinguish. 你把事情越弄越糟,讓我來把它區分出來。

▲in detail with all the facts 詳細地 The teacher explained the text in detail. 老師詳細地解釋了課文。

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