外研新標準book1 module 3 完整教案(外研版高一英語必修一教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-3-4 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Content: Module 3 [Senior I ( I ) , New Standard English ]

一、 題材內容


二、 教學目標

1) 語言知識:

語音 句子中的重音

詞匯 abandoned cassette circus colorful desert diamond expert farm fields helicopter law tram shoot kindergarten product recently scenery supply

詞組 in the central part of, a long-distance train, dark red, until the 1920s, on the coast of, out of date, a dining car, comic books, for the first time, feel nervous, a speed of

語法 -ed形式作形容詞;表達過去時間的詞語或詞組

功能 禮貌用語

話題 介紹旅游經歷;介紹童年故事

2) 語言技能:

聽 聽懂對事件的回憶、旅游介紹并獲取信息

說 禮貌地進行Everyday English中的對話;運用過去時間回憶;運用含有-ed句子介紹風光

讀 Scanning, skimming, careful reading, generalization; inference等閱讀微技能訓練

寫 用所學的詞匯、詞組、及含-ed的句子寫介紹旅游情況的文章和各種回憶

3) 學習策略:


認知 聯系,歸納,推測,速讀,略讀,查讀等技能

調控 從同伴處得到反饋,對自己在敘述及作文中的錯誤進行修改

交際 積極、有效同時禮貌地進行對話

資源 積極有效閱讀從網上及各種媒體所獲取的有關旅游及介紹各地風光的信息

4) 文化意識:了解我國現代化建設的最新成就;了解我國及各地不同的旅游文化

5) 情感態度:熱愛祖國河山;為祖國建設感動自豪;倡導文明禮貌

三、 教學重點和難點

重點:1. 如何使用地道英語描述風光、事件或回憶

2. 正確理解并應用-ed形容詞

3. 如何禮貌進行日常對話

難點: 能用得體的英語表達自己,描述過去的難忘經歷

四、 教學方法


五、 教材處理


Pre-task: 學生回憶往事,激活背景知識,重溫情感體驗

Task-cycle: 通過整個模塊聽說讀寫的訓練,強化“描述風光或一件難忘的事”的表達及語篇能力,為完成任務做好鋪墊

Post-task: 達成任務,展示成果,反饋學習情況。

六、 教學安排


Period 1: Introduction, Reading and vocabulary (1.2)

Period 2: Reading

Period 3: Grammar 1&2, Function, Culture Corner

Period 4: Vocabulary, reading and speaking

Period 5: Listening, pronunciation, Everyday English

Period 6: Task, writing



Ss=students; T=teacher; =group work; = pair work; =individual work =screen

Period 1 Introduction, Reading and vocabulary (1.2)






Task 1: Describe a trip ( 15m) – Introducton

Pre-task Brainstorming

Try to bring out as many words about transportation as possible.

Task-cycle Learn different verbs and nouns about traveling.

Activity 1 Matching ( 1 )

Activity 2 Put me in the right place!

A: Draw a picture with road, rails, water and clouds on the blackboard. Put

different vehicles in the right position on the picture.

B: Ask and answer Qs in (2) according the picture.

Activity 3 Filling & Guessing game

get on (off)

get into (out of)



take off/ride


B: Show pictures taken in Hainan. Q: How did I get there? (different answers should be encouraged)

Post-task: Describe the first time you traveled a long distance

A: Q: When someone want to describe his first trip, what do you want to know?

5W & 1H ( who, when, where, what, why & how )

B: Describe the first trip Report to all

Task 2: Describe Australia ( 25m )-Reading & vocabulary

Pre-task: Search information about Australia before class

Task-cycle: Australia

Activity 1 Brain-storming (words about Australia)

Activity 2 Talking ( 1 )

A: Talk about the pictures on P22 + things about the country brought by Ss

B: Get questions in (1) solved

C: Dialogue between “Australians” and “tourists” Report to all

Activity 3 Vocabulary ( Part )

A: Choose the words which you think can be used to describe a train trip to Australia from the list shown on the screen (a dictionary is recommended)

B: Match the words with pictures (camels, cassette, desert, diamonds, sand, soil)

C: Choose a word in the blanket to match the underlined part in a passage (2)

Not long ago, I had a wonderful trip to Hainan. It’s not an area of dry land, because it’s surrounded by sea. There you can always enjoy the beautiful sunshine, green trees and blue water. On the beaches, you can’t find any valuable stones, but you can always touch the soft sand instead. On my way back, I made friends with some of the people traveling on the train.

Post-task: Display ( A brief make-up story about a trip to Australia using some of the new words)

Recalling(4m) Recall what we learn today. & Questions unsolved.

Homework(1m) Workbook P80 4. 5.

Describe your first time you travel to a place of interest.

Period 2 Reading







Task Learn and retell the passage

Pre-task Content Prediction(2m) According to the picture and the title, try to predict what we will be able to learn from the passage.

Task-cycle Reading(40m)

Pre-reading Map reading Look at the map of the railways in Australia, discuss which city you would like to travel and how to get there.


Activity 1 First ( Fast ) reading

A. Match: Find out what main idea each paragraph is about. ( my first ride on a long-distance train, the food, the passenger, the Ghan )

B. Main sentence in each paragraph.

C. Main idea

D. Guide Ss to find out the structure of the passage.

Activity 2 Second ( Detailed ) reading Deal with 6 questions in (4)

Activity 3 Third reading ( Reading Strategies Applying )

A. Find out appropriate information to fill in the form below:

Part One (1)

Who When Where What Why How

Part Two (2-3)

Food Scenery

First hundred kms After that Suddenly

B. Put me in the right order and form a passage, adding in the time signals.

Camels were trained to carry supplies back from the central part.

Camels were shot because of the new railway line built by the government.

They brought camels from Afghanistan.

Australians needed a way to the central country.

They tried riding horses, but failed.

C. Word-guessing ( abandon, diamond, supplies)


Activity 1 Retelling Retell the passage with the help of the form

Activity 2 Discussion P24 (5)

Activity 3 Small debate “They should shot the camels”

Recalling(2m) Recall what we learn today. & Questions unsolved.

Homework(1m) Write a reading note


Title__________________________ Module _________ Date___________

General idea:

Words & Phrases:


BS=beautiful sentence

Period 3 Grammar 1&2, Function, Culture Corner


1、 學會通過合作探究,歸納總結出-ed形容詞作定語及其定語的位置,

2、 運用過去時間表達法

3、 運用禮貌用語

4、 了解Maglev,能說出與普通火車的區別


Task 1 Find out rules of “–ed adjectives”

Activity 1 Competition The group which write the most right –ed forms of the verbs given by teachers win.

Activity 2 Find out the rules of “-ed adj.”

A. Look, say, write and combine

a. T act out the sentences: I threw the paper away. The paper was used before.

b. Ss write out the sentences

c. Try to combine the sentences to one: I threw the _______ paper away.

d. Talk about the pictures using –ed form and write them down.

B. Observe, compare and find out the rules (Grammar 1 )

Activity3 Workbook P79 1. 2.

Task 2: Story-making using past tense time expressions

Activity 1 Brainstorming ( past tense time expressions)

Activity 2 Complete the sentences (2)

Activity 3 Story-telling Make stories according to the pictures given to different groups

Task 3: Polite conversation

Activity 1 Act and discuss 2 Ss act out the dialogue. Discuss Qs in (2)

Activity 2 Make new dialogues Suggestions given by Ss-Make new dialogues according to (3.4)

Task 4: Interview ( about Maglev )

Activity 1 Read and compare

Activity 2 Interview & Report (one interviewer + one mayor + designer + assistant)

Activity 3 Your idea of new transportations

Period 4 Vocabulary, reading and speaking


1、 學習表示地點和在該地點做事的詞匯,訓練聯想的認知策略

2、 學習有關回憶的文章,能敘述自己的回憶


Task Childhood memories

Pre-task Words and expressions

Activity 1 District map Draw an imaginary district map with names on it with Ss

Activity 2 Tell me your first time to...

I will never forget the day I ...

I remember the day I ...

my first visit to...


Task-cycle Jigsaw reading & Interview 5 groups read, other groups bring out Qs.-Interview

Post-task Talk show Three famous persons & one TV host on a TV talk show talking about childhood memories.

Period 5 Listening, pronunciation, Everyday English


1、 聽懂對話,抓住要點,獲取信息

2、 句子重音

3、 訓練根據對方話語作出回應、表達態度的技能


Task 1 Knowing things about her

Pre-task Getting information about Mary Lennon

Task-cycle Listening

Activity 1 When & Where & By what Get basic information from the first listening

Activity 2 Interview (Ex.1 & 2)

Post-task “I am Mary Lennon...” Suppose you are Mary, talk about your experience with the help of the Qs

Task 2: “My Pronunciation is better!”

Activity 1 Listen & Imitate

Activity 2 Competition

Task 3: Show your response!

Activity 1 Ex. 1 & 2

Activity 2 Show your response One of you is a superstar, the other is an interviewer. You’re having a talk on CCTV. (Try to use expressions to show your response or attitude towards the other person.)

Period 6 Task, writing


1、 借助一切可借助的力量介紹自己的一次旅游情況

2、 寫童年某一事件的過程,訓練記憶、整理和歸納等邏輯思維能力


Task 1: Display one of your trips to a tourist spot

Pre-task: Things about the trips

A. Collect information about the tourist spot

B. Collect English signs in the tourist spot

C. Collect pictures, photos, postcards, magazines reports, maps or souvenirs about the tourist spot

D. Make notes on 5W & 1H

Task-cycle: Share & Choose

Activity 1 Share the things your collect with your partners

Activity 2 Choose the best S to do the talking, the others offer help when needed

Post-task: Display Talk about your first trips to a tourist spot with the help of all kinds of information. ( an album with comments on it is recommended )

Task 2: Writing

Pre-task: Choose topics

Task-cycle: Writing

Brainstorming --Writing ---Evaluation by oneself & partner ---Correction -- Choose the best one & Correct

Post-task: Show the best writing & Comment

Recalling Recall what we learn today & Questions unsolved.

Homework Composition ( Choose any topics on P27 )

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