Go for it! BookI Starter Unit2(新目標版七年級英語下冊教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-6-17 編輯:互聯網 手機版


Starter Unit 2是Go for it! 三個預備單元中的第二個單元。預備篇是為了使沒有英語學習基礎的學生更好地使用本套教材而編寫的。它的主要內容為26個英文字母和最基本的英語日常用語。

本單元的教學內容為:Ii - Rr10個字母。


辨認物品What is this in English? 及其回答。


Go For It! 是以《英語課程標準》為依據,以培養學生的英語語言綜合運用能力為目標。每個單元的教學內容都圍繞一個相對集中的主題,學習語言的過程,就是學生完成各項任務的過程。Go For It! 的每一個單元只有一個總體的教學內容安排,沒有具體的分課時教學內容安排。教師必須首先根據所任教學生的實際水平出發,合理安排每單元的課時數,設計好每課時的教學內容。

第一課時:完成Section A – 1a, 1b, 1c。

分課時目標: a) 學習 key等詞匯

b) 學習辨認物體 (Identify things):

What’s this in English? It’s ... .

c) 學習a / an的初步用法: a key an orange

第二課時:完成Section A-2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3,

分課時目標:a) 學習字母Ii – Rr。

b) 了解一些英語縮略詞的意思。

第三課時:完成Section A-4a, 4b, 4c , 5, Section B-1a, 1b, 2a, 2b

分課時目標:a) 鞏固本單元所學的字母、單詞。

b) 學習拼寫單詞和相關句型: Spell it, please.

K-E-Y, key.

第四課時:完成Section B - 3a, 3b, 4, Self check 4

分課時目標:a)鞏固句型:What’s this in English?

It’s a (an) ... .

Spell it, please.

R-U-L-E-R, ruler.

b) 學習元音字母a, e, i, o在開音節和閉音節中的發音規則。

第五課時:完成Self Check 1, 2, 3

分課時目標:復習鞏固Starter Unit 2 的全部內容。



A、 語言知識目標

1、 詞匯:Letters Ii - Rr

map、 ruler、 pen、 orange、 key、 jacket、 quilt

2、 句型:What is this in English?

It is a/an map/orange…

Spell it,please.

P-E-N, pen.

B、 語言技能目標


C、 情感目標





1、 興趣活動教學策略:多采用做游戲和猜謎等形式。

2、 開放性教學策略:新課標的理念之一是“開發課程資源,拓展學用渠道”。這要求我們學會開放性地處理教材。在教學過程中,我們要適當借鑒其他教材的內容,插入大量學生感興趣的圖片和活動,拓寬學生的視野,實現知識的整合。

3、 任務型教學策略:任務型教學途徑是以應用為動力,以應用為目的,以應用為核心的教學途徑。所以教師在教學中應突出語言的應用性原則。把聽說、討論、表演、游戲貫穿于教學,使課堂形式多樣化,充分發揮學生的主動性。






The first period

Step 1 Warming up

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

How are you?

I’m fine, thanks.

How are you? I’m OK.

引導學生在真實的交際中運用Starter Unit 1中學到的日常用語,讓學生體會學英語的樂趣和成功的快樂。

Step 2 A Guessing game

Teacher shows a part of a letter and

asks : “What’s this?” Get the students

to answer the questions like this:

“ I think it’s A / B.”

Then show the whole of the letter

to let the students check whether

they’re right or wrong.

讓學生從不完整的畫面中通過想象力,猜出其中是什么字母。既復習學過的字母,又豐富學生的想象力!癢hat’s this?It’s …”是本單元的重點句型。通過這個游戲,讓學生在聽說中首先建立一定的感性認識,體現聽說領先的原則。

Step 3 Presentation

a. Show the picture of a girl and her room,

then present the new words and the

sentences: What’s this in English?

It’s ….


Step 4 Listen, look and say

a. Section A – 1a

b. Section B – 1b

Step 5 Word challenge

a. Show the things as quickly as possible,

have a competition between boys and

girls. Get them to name what they see.

b. Ss work in pairs.


Step 6 Group work

Students work in groups, draw pictures

of their rooms and talk about the pictures

using “What’s this in English? It’s a/an…”

Teacher is ready to offer his / her help to

those students who are in need of it.


Step 8 Report

Ask some demonstration groups to show

their pictures before the whole class.

They may do like this: This is my room.

What’s this in English? It’s a/an…



1. Read and copy the words in Section A 1b

2. Get the students to finish the pictures

of their rooms and write down the

English names of the things in the rooms.


The Second Period

Step 1 Warming up

a. Greetings.

b. A Guessing game.

Teacher prepares 8 pieces of paper

with the words in Section A on them.

Put them in a box. Get one of the

students to pick a word out of the box.

The other students ask:

What’s this in English?

The student answers: It’s a / an…

c. Check homework.

Ss talk about their pictures in groups.

Get the students to call out the letters

they know in the pictures.

d. Letters challenge.

Teacher shows the letters very quickly

get the students to call out the letters

they see.




Step 2 Presentation

Teacher presents the new letters.

Step 3 Letter BINGO

Ss play BINGO Game.

a. Teacher calls out the letters first.

b. Then teacher may get one of the students

to call out the letters.

學生必須全神貫注地聽,并快速認讀字母,訓練了學生的聽力、判斷力和反應能力, 還可以檢查學生的字母發音。

Step 4 Listen, number and write

Section A-2a, 2b, 2c, 2d

Step 5 Guessing game: What’s the word?

a. Teacher thinks of a word that the Ss

know. Draw a dash on the Bb for each

letter. Get a student to suggest a letter.

Then another student and another letter

until they get all the letters of the words.

b. Show the picture which match the

word and ask: What’s this in English?

Ss answer: “ It’s a / an …”

c. Get individuals to give their own words.


Step 6 Look and learn

a. Section A-3

b. Teacher shows more special letters.

c. Ss try to think of other special letters.



a. Color and write the letters.

b. Find more special letters like NBA

and their meanings.


The third period

Step 1 Warming up

a. Greetings.

b. A game Letters line up

Divide the students into two parts.

Get the students to find their partners

and line up in the order of the alphabet.

Get the students to call out the letters.

c. Talk about the homework. Maybe some




Step 2 Listen, write and draw

a. Section A-4a

b. Section A-4b

c. Section A-5


Step 3 Presentation

a. Get the Ss to learn the conversation:

--- What’s this in English?

--- It’s a key.

--- Spell it, please.

--- P-E-N, pen.

b. Pair work

c. Section B 1a, 1b, 2a, 2c

學生從GAME自然過渡到分課時的重點句型:Spell it, please.

Step 4 Guessing game

a. Teacher shows a part of a thing, and

gets the students to guess out the

name, using: What’s this in English?

I think it’s a / an…

Spell it, please.



1. Get the Ss to copy the conversion in

Section B-1a, then recite it.

2. Get the Ss to make their own word

guessing game.

The fourth period

Step 1 Warming up

a. The whole class play the game:

What is it?

b. Talk about the homework.

c. Look and Find

Get the students to find the letters

in the picture and arrange them in the

alphabet order.

在游戲中復習:What’s this?

It’s a / an ....

Spell it, please.


Step 2 Listen and write

Section B-3a,3b

Step 3 Listen and repeat

Section B 4

Self check 4

學生學習元音字母a, e, i, o在開音節和閉音節中的發音規律。

Step 4 A Game

Get the students to play the game

“Word Family”.



1. Line up the words you know in Unit 2.

2. Make up your own letter riddles.

3. Review the sounds and find one new word

for each sound.

4. Go over and get ready for a test.


The fifth period

Step 1 Warming up

a. Teacher shows the pictures and get the

students to revise the letters.

b. Get Ss to show their letter riddles.

c. Get the Ss play “Letter Listening game.

Ss are divided into two groups, one is

Big Letters, the other is Small Letters

d. Students revise the sounds by showing


their own word family.

e. Competition: Find the word which contains

letter A. Teacher may give

one example, first. Then get

the Ss to do by themselves.

f. The whole class play the game

“Find friends”

Step 2 A Test

Give the Ss a short test on Unit 2. The test

may contain listening comprehension

and written parts.



Go for it! Starter的教學內容并不復雜,但是要處理好本單元的教學重、難點,教師應當盡量設計貼近學生生活、符合學生認知水平和心理特點的教學形式和方法,讓那些初涉英語學習的學生從一開始打心眼里喜歡英語。教無定法,學無止境。新教材對我們英語教師提出了更新、更高、更全的要求。

例如,在Group work Draw the picture of your room and talk about it, 學生有可能會問教師許多有關房間設施的名詞,這是學生主動學習的表現,教師應給予極大的鼓勵。但同時對教師也提出了很高的要求。教師要有一定的前瞻意識,在課前準備時下功夫,就能相對從容地面對突如其來的提問。


例如,我在本單元第二課時中布置了一項家庭作業:Color and write the letters,既復習了字母,又為Starter Unit 3的教學作好準備。在Starter Unit 3中,教學重點之一是What color is it? 如果到那時,教師在教學中拿出的教具源自學生自己,既拓展了學用渠道,同時又會讓學生萌發出強烈的自豪感和成就感。這樣,學生會以更積極的態度投入到英語學習中去。

此外,在布置回家作業時,教師也可盡量設計一些學生愛做、搶著做的家庭作業,將知識性和趣味性以及能力的培養有機結合,還可以嘗試家庭作業項目化。教師可以為學生建立成長袋,每一次出色的、有創意的作業都可以收錄進成長袋。例如,本單元中我布置的A picture of my room、Colorful letters、Word game等都可以被收藏在成長袋里。成長袋一方面記載了學生進步的過程,另一方面也是他們未來學習的動力。


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