Unit 17New words(人教版高二英語下冊教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-5-10 編輯:互聯網 手機版

1, disablity n.無力, 無能, 殘疾the state of being disabled

disable______ able_____ ability________

I do not doubt your ablity to do the work.

He is a man of many ablities.

2,get around/about

be able to move from place to place

it is difficult for my grandpa to get around without a walking stick.

Bad news gets around quickly.

3,potential adj.潛在的, 可能的n.潛能, 潛力

a potential problem.潛在的問題

4,guidance n.指導, 領導help or advice

with the guidance/help/ aid of sb.

He did the work with his teacher's guidance. 他在老師的指導下做了這件工作。

under sb.'s guidance 在某人指導下

take sb. under one's guidance置某人于自己的庇護之下

guide n.領路人, 導游者 指南vt.指導, 支配, 管理, 帶領, 操縱

a Guide to English Grammar 英語語法指南

They guided us to the office. 他們帶領我們到了辦公室。

5, gift n.贈品, 禮物, 天賦, 才能

gifted adj.有天才的

gifted child n.天才兒童

a birthday [Christmas] gift生日[圣誕]禮物

a person of many gifts多才多藝的人

have a gift for/in poetry [art, language]有詩[藝術, 語言]的天才

talent n.天才, 才干, 才能

talented adj.有才能的

6,assist v.援助, 幫助

assistance n.協助, 援助, 補助,

We all assisted in mending the roof. 我們都幫助修理屋頂。

assist sb. with sth.幫助某人[做某事]

assist sb. to do sth.幫助某人[做某事]

assist sb. in doing sth.幫助某人[做某事]

assistant n.助手, 助教

7, sympathy n.同情, 同情心

I have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison.


to be in sympathy with a plan 贊成一項計劃

be out of sympathy

a letter of sympathy 慰問信

in sympathy(常與with連用)同情

express sympathy for(對...表示)慰問

8, encourage vt.鼓勵, 慫恿

encourage sb. to do sth.鼓勵某人(做某事)

be encouraged by受...鼓勵[鼓舞]

encouraging adj.鼓勵的, 給予希望的,



9, visual

adj.看的, 視覺的, 形象的, 栩栩如生的

visual arts 視覺藝術

visibility n.可見度, 可見性, 顯著, 明顯度, 能見度

invisible adj.看不見的, 無形的

invisibility n.看不清, 看不見的東西, 難看見

10, motive n.動機, 目的adj.發動的, 運動的to provide someone with a stong reason for doing sth.

motivate v.激發

to motivate the child to learn new words 激勵小孩子學習新詞

Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.


11, adjust vt.調整, 調節, 校準, 使適合adapt /get used to /

adjust my watch 校準我的表

adjust oneself in the school 適應學校生活

He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.


adjust oneself to...使自己適應于

adjustment n.調整, 調節

make adjustment to適應

12, ceremony n.典禮, 儀式, 禮節, 報幕員

perform the opening [closing] ceremony舉行開幕[閉幕]式

The marriage ceremony took place in the church. 婚禮在教堂舉行。

13, victory n.勝利, 戰勝, 克服

narrow victory很勉強的勝利, 險勝

gain [have, obtain, win] a (the) victory over戰勝...; 擊敗...

14, dignity n.尊嚴, 高貴

Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity.


Ladies and gentlemen should always act with great dignity.


stand on one's dignity保持尊嚴;

15, participate vi.參與, 參加, 分享, 分擔

participate in v.參加, 參與, 分享

participate in a discussion參加討論

participate in profits分享利潤

participant n.參與者, 共享者adj.參與的

16, facility n.容易 設備, 工具

facility charge設備費

17, conduct n.行為, 操行v.引導, 管理, 傳導

His conduct disagrees with his words.他言行不一。

Your children conduct themselves well.你的孩子們品行良好。

Metal conducts electricity. 金屬導電。

My aunt conducts her business very successfully.我的嬸嬸把企業經營得很成功。

18, accessible adj.易接近的, 可到達的, 易受影響的, 可理解的

He is proud that his wife is accessible to reason.他的妻子通情達理,為此他引以為豪。

This novel seems to me among the most inaccessible.這本書對我來說是最難懂的小說之一。

Access n.通路, 訪問, 入門vt.存取, 接近

There is no access to the street through that door. 穿過那個門沒有通向大街的路。

The only access to the town is across the bridge.到鎮上唯一的通路是經過一座橋。

Citizens may have free accessto the library.市民可以自由使用圖書館

Unit 17 new words

1, disablity n.無力, 無能, 殘疾

disable______ able_____ ability________

I do not doubt ______________________(你的做這個工作的能力)

He is a man of many ablities._____________________

2,get around/about

it is difficult for my grandpa to get around without a walking stick.


3,potential adj.潛在的, 可能的n.潛能, 潛力

a potential problem_______________

4,guidance n.指導, 領導

He did the work with his teacher's guidance.


under sb.'s guidance ___________

take sb. under one's guidance_________________

_____________n.領路人, 導游者 指南vt.指導, 支配, 管理, 帶領, 操縱

________________ 英語語法指南

They guided us to the office. _______________

5, gift n.贈品, 禮物, 天賦, 才能

gifted ________


a birthday [Christmas] gift________________


have a gift for/in poetry [art, language]_________________

talent n.天才, 才干, 才能

talented adj.有才能的

6,assist v.援助, 幫助

assistance n.協助, 援助, 補助,

assist sb. with sth.幫助某人[做某事]

assist sb. to do sth.幫助某人[做某事]

assist sb. in doing sth.幫助某人[做某事]


assistant n.助手, 助教

7, sympathy n.同情, 同情心

I have been a prisoner, so I have a lot of sympathy with other people in prison.

a letter of sympathy __________________

in sympathy(常與with連用)___________

be out of sympathy________________

express sympathy for____________


8, encourage vt.鼓勵, 慫恿

encourage sb. to do sth.鼓勵某人(做某事)

be encouraged by受...鼓勵[鼓舞]

encouraging __________________



9, visual adj.看的, 視覺的, 形象的, 栩栩如生的

visual arts ______________

visibility n.可見度, 可見性, 顯著, 明顯度, 能見度


invisibility n.看不清, 看不見的東西, 難看見

10, motive n.動機, 目的adj.發動的, 運動的motivate v.激發

to motivate the child to learn new words ________________


11, adjust vt.調整, 調節, 校準, 使適合

adjust my watch______________

adjust oneself in the school ___________________

adjust oneself to..._________________


adjustment n.____________

make adjustment to_______________

12, ceremony n.典禮, 儀式, 禮節, 報幕員

perform the opening [closing] ceremony__________________________

_____________________ took place in the church. 婚禮在教堂舉行。

13, victory n.勝利, 戰勝, 克服

a narrow victory_________________

gain [have, obtain, win] a (the) victory over________________

14, dignity n.尊嚴, 高貴


Ladies and gentlemen should always act ___________________


stand on one's dignity_________

15, participate vi.參與, 參加, 分享, 分擔

participate in __________________


participate in profits_______________

participant n.參與者, 共享者adj.參與的

16, facility n.容易 設備, 工具

facility charge_________

17, conduct n.行為, 操行v.引導, 管理, 傳導

His conduct disagrees with his words._____________


Metal conducts electricity. ______________

My aunt conducts her business very successfully.

18, accessible adj.易接近的, 可到達的, 易受影響的, 可理解的

He is proud that his wife is accessible to reason.

This novel seems to me among the most inaccessible.

access n.通路, 訪問, 入門vt.存取, 接近

There is no access to the street through that door. 穿過那個門沒有通向大街的路。



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