牛津7AUnit 5(譯林牛津版七年級英語上冊教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-9-24 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Period :One

Content: Comic strip& Welcome to the unit .

Analysis of learning:This section introduces the idea of shopping for a particular.

purpose :buying a birthday present .Ss are encouraged to use vocabulary to talk about popular presents .

Objectives:1.Congnition objecttive.

a:To introduce vocabulary about common presents for teenagers

b:To activate existing vocabulary and learn new words related to the unit’s theme .

2.Skill objective.

a:To guess meaning from pictures

b:To sort vocabulary

3.Situation objective

To arouse Ss ‘interest and train Ss’ communicative ability

Emphasis and difficulty: Some new words and phrases .

Method :Task Teaching Method

Procedures :

Teaching Activities Learning Activites

Stage1.Warm up

Ⅰ.Greetings Ⅱ.Every day English1. Today is Monday .What day is tomorrow?2. How old are you ?3. When is your birthday ?4. (Objectives:to practise oral English and to arouse Ss interest). Ⅲ.Revision Ⅰ.Greeting Ⅱ.Everyday EnglishⅢ.Revision

Stage2:Learn the part on page 70 .

Task1:To talk about the pictures on page 70.

1. Show the pictures2. Ask some questions to check the understanding 1. Read the pictures quickly.2. Answer questions a:What does Spotty want to do ?3.Read again and answer questions.a:Who want to buy things ?b:Does he have any money?c:Who gives him the money? d:Who will carry all the bags ?4.Act out the conversation

Activity2:Help Spotty decide which to buy

1. Make sure Ss understand the purpose of the activity.eg :We know Spotty wants to buy a lot of things .Let’s guess what it will buy?2.Go through the answers with the class ,identify the words which students do not know and present them. 1. Volunteers say out some words related to the theme .2. Read the new words 3. Look at the pictures4. Guess general meanings of new words by looking at pictures and keywords 5. Practice the new words 6. Sort the vocabulary eg:food :book:toy:decoration:

Task 2.To talk about the presents

Activity 1.To discuss what presents Simon and Sandy like

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.2. Divide Ss into pairs 3. Walk around and give Ss help if necessary4. Encourage Ss to do as much of the task as they can on their own. 1. Look at the pictures in part 1 on page 71.Find which items they can recognize and whether they know the words in English2. Exchage their answers 3. Parctice the words with the help of the teacher .4. Look at the pictures again and report which presents are suitable for boys and which presents are suitable for girls.5. Write down the suitable presents for Simon and Sandy in Part 2 and give reasons for their answers 6. Point out the presents that are suitbable for both.7. Check their lists in pairs 8. Present the result

Activity2:To discuss the presents Ss like

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.2. Present some new words on the blackboard.(They are about the name of the shops ) 1. Read the new words on the blackboard 2. Think about the presents they like 3. Talk about the presents they like and exchange their opinions 4. Give out reasons for the choices. 5. Dicuss where they can buy the present 6. Practice the new words

Stage 3:Homework :An oral reportRequsts:1 To do a survery .You should go into some different shops yourself .and look carefully to find some goods in the shop .The price is also very important2.Do the repont as the model :You can buy …in … And the price is …

Unit 5 Going Shopping

Period :Two

Content: Part A of Reading

Analysis of Learning: Ss have known somethng about shopping. So during this course.I just let the Ss understand how to go shopping in English.

Objectve: 1.Cognition objective:

a.To get Ss to consolidate the patterns:“there is /are…”

b.To ger Ss to learn some expressions of shopping

2.Shiu objective:

To get Ss to grasp the languages of shopping skillfully duning the creative situation

3.Situation objective:

To arouse Ss interest and train Ss ability of reading

Emphasis and difficulty: some usages of the expressions such as:Can I help you?

“How much is lare…?”

does Ido…cost?

Aids:Pictures recorder ,slides

Method:Situation Teaching Method


Teaching Actiuities Learning Actiuities

Stage 1:warm-up

Ⅰ.Gereetings Ⅱ.Everyday English1. Do you like playing football?2. Is there a football in the classroom?3. Do you have any money?4. Let’s go shopping shall we?(objectives:to practise oral English and to review previous Lesson)Ⅲ.Revision 1. Play a game (Finding the objects)a pen too apples a ruler there oranges2.Give an example and ask the Ss to make a dialoguepresent a basketball.A:I like basketball .Do you like it?B:Yes.This basketball is new .Where do you buy it ?A:In the shop .B:I want to buy it,I want you to go shopping with me.A:All right .Let’s go shopping together (objectives:to review the patterns. “There is / are…”to animate the class atmosphere and arouse the Ss’ interest ) Ⅰ.Greetings Ⅱ.Evenday EnglishⅢ.Revision1. Play the games 2. SA:There is a pen in the box SB:There are two apples in the bag .If someone finds the objects ,I will give it to him or her .3. Act out the dialogiue .Practise according to the example and key words given by T (shown on slides )A dress like Want to…go shopping Let’s…

Step 2.Lead into reading

Ⅰ. Present some languages about shopping a. show a table on slides b. According to the table get the Ss to answer some questions?e.g :How much is it ?How much does it cost?What size the dress?Could you try it on ?What colour is it ?Ⅱ.Present two watches. Let the student have a free talk.Ⅲ. Present the two conversations. 1. Practise :Ask Ss to say something about the table (see appendix 1)e.g :Understand the sentences and try fo give correct answers to the questions ,given by T.2. Practise in pairs using the hings given by T.a:Ask the Ss to act the dialogue out .b:According to the talk,let Ss draw a table.3. Reading.Group discussion:a: Talk about the picture with the following questions and then ask one S of each group to report their result.Questions: Where is Amy? What is she doing? Why does she go shopping? Who will be 15 years old?b: Fill in the blanks.,listen to the tape, do some comprehension exercises and find the answers Ss write down all the items Amy looked at and list their cost.

Stage 3: Practice 4. Practice

a: Listen to the tape again.b:Pick out the shopkeer’s and buyer’s languages and write them on the blackboard.c:Have a dialogue in pairs according to the words on the blackboard.

Stage 4: Production 5. Production

Ⅰ. Present some objects and ask Ss to talk about them including the structures learned this class.Ⅱ. Play a game.Ⅲ. Exercitation a: Goup discussions about some objects.b: Whisper the price.Divide the class intor rows. Give clear instruction about the sequence of how the message should be passed on from the first to the last.c: Arrage the right order of the dialogue csee appendix 37

Siage 5: Extension activity.Gives the situation.When Sandy receives the clips, she wants to exchange it. What will she says to the shopkeeper .What will the shopkeep say to her make a dialogve in pairs.

Homework1. Practise the two conversation in Pairs .2. Do the survey

Appendix 1:a dress size colour price discouat

6 red ¥50 10%

Appendix3:a:Lt’s forty douars b:Lt’s too pretty c:How about the blue one?d:Can I help you?e:I’d like a skirt ror my daughter f:She wears size 8g:OK,i’l take it h:Wat couour does she like best?I:How much does it cost?J: What size does she wear?K:She likes blue best. Appendix 2:Things Amy looked at cost





( By Chen Yuhong from Jinhu ShiYan Middle School)

Unit 5 : Going Shopping


Content: Reading:Part B(2)and Part C

Analysics of lesrning :Ss have kmown the two conversaions about shopping and some awareness of different registers .So during this period ,Ss will pay more attention to learn how to solve problem on shopping .

Objectives :1、Congnition objective:

a:To get Ss to grasp some words and phrases

b:To get Ss to consolidate “There be ”structure

2Skilll object

a:To get Ss to learn how to locate spacific informarion by reading

b:To get Ss to learn to solve some problems about shopping .

3、Situafion objecfive .

To arouse Ss interest and train Ss reading ability .

Emphasis and difficulty:

Some phra?? Shopping .

Aids:Pictures ,sliders.

Method:Task Teaching Method .


Teaching Activities Learning Activities

Stagel:Warm up

Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision

Stage2:Learn Part B and Part C of Reading

Task1: To do a wh-survey

Activify1:To discuss the table on page 72

1、 Make sure that Ss understand the purposeof the activity 2、 Show Ss the table and the explain it 3、 Ask Ss some questions to check for understandingeg a:How many glrls would like the hair clips as a present?b:What is the most popular presents for boys? 1、 Read the table on page722、 Answer the kuestions3、 Discuss the results in pairs.egS1.Do boys like hair clips?S2.No,they don’t.S1.Who like hair clips?S2.Some girls.S1.How many girls like hair clips?S2.There’re four .

Activity2:To discuss what your classmate like

1. Write some names of goods on the blackbard.2. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.eg:Now Let me know what your classmate like?3. Write the model on the blackboard.4. Encourge Ss to be voluntres. 1. Read the names in the blackboard.2. Voluteers ask questions about all the tems on the board and mark down the number of the students who put their hands for each item.3. Display the results on the blackboatd.eg:There’re twenty girls who like CDs.There’re31boys who like football.4.Present the survey in a bar chart. Use their creativity to make the bar chart look intresting by adding colours and illustrations.

Activity 3 : To discuss the price

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of activity.eg: Now let’s suppose one price to each item.2. Divide Ss into pairs.3. give some examples to Ss.eg: If I have ¥20,I can buy 20 cards or 5 cakds and a CD.Please work out the things you can buy with 30 yuan? 1. Dicuss the prices in pairs and give out a rational one.Write it down on the board.eg: A CD costs ¥15, and a card costs ¥1, and so on .2. Work out the price of all the things their classmates like.eg: A hair clip costs ¥2.There’re four girls who like hair clips. They cost ¥8 all together.3. Work out the things they can buy with some certain money.4. Exchange the answers in class.

Task2 To learn to solve problems about shopping

Activity 1: To help kitty decide which to buy

1. Make sute that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.eg: Kitty also wants to buy Simon and Sandy some presents. She has 25 yuan .She does not want to buy the same things as Amy did. Can you help her?2. Walk around the class and provide help in terms of vocabulary.3. Go through the answer with the whole class. If ther are different interpretations ask Ss to check the conversations again. 1. Read the two conversations carefully and try to find out what presents Amy has bought for Simion and Sandy.Finish the table below.Presents Amy has bought for Siman for Sandy


2. Read the conversations again to find out the price of the goods.Finish the table below.Good footballcards last year’s footballcard Hair clips CD


3. Answer True or False questions to understand the conversations.4. Finish the exercises on page72.5. Dicuss the answers.

Activity 2 : To make up a conversation in a shop.

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity .eg: Suppose you are Kitty .Now you are in a shop and you want to buy a football card and a CD for your friend Siman and Sandy .Please make up a conversation between the shop assistant and you.2.Walk around and give them help if necessary. 1. Choose roles2. Prepare the conversation on seat.3. Practice the conversation.4. Act out the conversation.eg:S1:Good morning, sir. Can I help you?S2:Yes,I’d like something for my friend Siman.S1:We have some beautiful football cards today.S2:Very good. Simon likes football very much . How much is it?S1:It’s ¥10.S2:It’s not expensive. I’ll take it.

Activity 3 : Written work. To finish a conversation about shopping.

1. Show Ss the exercise and make sure. Ss understand the purpose of the activity.2. Check the answers and correct mistakes if necessary. 1. Read the exercise 2. Dicuss the answers in pairs.3. Read the conversation together.4. Act out the conversation.

Stage 3: Homework.

Write a conversation in a shop.

Signpost: Tomarrow is your friend Simon’s birthday. You want to buy him something he likes as a birthday present and you only have ¥20.

Unit 5 Going Shopping


Content: Reading:Part B(2)and Part C

Analysis of learning :Ss have known the two conversations about shopping and some awareness of different registers .So during this period ,Ss will pay more attention to learn how to solve problem on shopping .

Objectives :1、Congnition objective:

a:To get Ss to grasp some words and phrases

b:To get Ss to consolidate “There be ”structure

2Skilll object

a:To get Ss to learn how to locate specific information by reading

b:To get Ss to learn to solve some problems about shopping .

3、Situation objective .

To arouse Ss interest and train Ss reading ability .

Emphasis and difficulty: Some words and phrases

Aids: Pictures ,sliders.

Method: Task Teaching Method .


Teaching Activities Learning Activities

Stagel:Warm up

Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision

Stage2:Learn Part B and Part C of Reading

Task1: To do a wh-survey

Activify1:To discuss the table on page 72

1、 Make sure that Ss understand the purposeof the activity 2、 Show Ss the table and then explain it 3、 Ask Ss some questions to check for understandingeg a:How many girls would like the hair clips as a present?b:What is the most popular presents for boys? 1、 Read the table on page722、 Answer the questions3、 Discuss the results in pairs.egS1.Do boys like hair clips?S2.No,they don’t.S1.Who like hair clips?S2.Some girls.S1.How many girls like hair clips?S2.There’re four .

Activity2:To discuss what your classmate like

1. Write some names of goods on the blackboard.2. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.eg:Now Let me know what your classmates like?3. Write the model on the blackboard.4. Encourage Ss to be volunteers. 1. Read the names on the blackboard.2.Voluteers ask questions about all the terms on the board and mark down the number of the students who put their hands for each item.2. Display the results on the blackboard.eg: There’re twenty girls who like CDs.There’re 31 boys who like football.4.Present the survey in a bar chart. Use their creativity to make the bar chart look interesting by adding colors and illustrations.

Activity 3 : To discuss the price

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of activity.eg: Now let’s suppose one price to each item.2. Divide Ss into pairs.3. give some examples to Ss.eg: If I have ¥20,I can buy 20 cards or 5 cards and a CD. Please work out the things you can buy with 30 yuan. 1. Discuss the prices in pairs and give out a rational one. Write it down on the board.eg: A CD costs ¥15, and a card costs ¥1, and so on .2. Work out the price of all the things their classmates like.eg: A hair clip costs ¥2.There’re four girls who like hair clips. They cost ¥8 all together.3. Work out the things they can buy with some certain money.4. Exchange the answers in class.

Task2 To learn to solve problems about shopping

Activity 1: To help Kitty decide which to buy

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.eg: Kitty also wants to buy Simon and Sandy some presents. She has 25 yuan .She does not want to buy the same things as Amy did. Can you help her?2. Walk around the class and provide help in terms of vocabulary.3. Go through the answer with the whole class. If there are different interpretations, ask Ss to check the conversations again. 1.Listen to the two conversations carefully and try to find out what presents Amy has bought for Simon and Sandy. Finish the table below.Presents Amy has bought for Simon for Sandy


2.Listen to the conversations again to find out the price of the goods. Finish the table below.Good footballcards last year’s football card Hair clips CDS


3Answer True or False questions to check understanding .4.Finish the exercises on page72.5.Dicuss the answers.

Activity 2 : To make up a conversation in a shop.

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity .eg: Suppose you are Kitty .Now you are in a shop and you want to buy a football card and a CD for your friend Simon and Sandy .Please make up a conversation between the shop assistant and you.2.Walk around and give them help if necessary. 1. Choose roles2. Prepare the conversation on seat.3. Practice the conversation.4. Act out the conversation.eg:S1:Good morning, sir. Can I help you?S2:Yes,I’d like something for my friend Simon.S1:We have some beautiful football cards today.S2:Very good. Simon likes football very much . How much is it?S1:It’s ¥10.S2:It’s not expensive. I’ll take it.

Activity 3 : Written work. To finish a conversation about shopping.

1. Show Ss the exercise and make sure. Ss understand the purpose of the activity.2. Check the answers and correct mistakes if necessary. 1. Read the exercise 2. Discuss the answers in pairs.3. Read the conversation together.4. Act out the conversation.

Stage 3: Homework.

Write a conversation in a shop.

Signpost: Tomorrow is your friend Simon’s birthday. You want to buy him something he likes as a birthday present and you only have ¥20.

Unit5 Going Shopping

Period Four

Content: Vocabulary

Analysis of learning: Let Ss learn more words and phrases about shopping

Objectives:1、Target language

vegetables, comic book, Walkman, shoes, tennis racket, T-shirt, bookshop, clothes shop, shoe shop, electrical shop, sports shop, supermarket.

2、Language skills

To guess the meaning of words by recognizing shopping items and relating them to typical shops.

3、Self –learning ability

How to use these words in real situations.

Emphasis and difficulty: Some new words and phrases

Teaching method: Task-based Learning Method


Teaching Activities Learning Activities

Stage 1:Warm up

Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision1、Retell Reading 2、Make up a dialogue in a shop

Stage 2: Learn Vocabulary

Task 1:To talk about the pictures on Page 75.

1、Ask Ss what shops they know.2、Show the pictures on P75.3、Tell Ss to check their answers in pairs.4、Ask Ss to read the names of the shops together. 1、List as many shops as they can. e.g. book shop, shoe shop, toy shop, sports shop, clothes shop, flower shop, supermarket2、Write the names of the shops.Underneath the pictures on their own.3、Check in pairs.4、Read together.

Task 2:

1、Make sure Ss understand the purpose of the activity.e.g. Kitty bought a lot of thing.Write their names under the pictures.Where did kitty buy these things?Write the numbers of the shops in Part A in the boxes. 1、Look at the pictures on page75.Volunteers to describe the objects.2、Ss match these items with the shops in Part A by writing the correct number in each of boxes.3、Practice saying .e.g. Kitty bought vegetables in the supermarket.4、Say together.

Extension activities

1、Write the names of some shops on the board. 1、Ss identify a range of different items they can buy in these shops.e.g. Chemist: shampoo, toothpaste, medicine, Butcher: chicken, pork, beef, eggs.

Activity 2:

1、To ask students to draw shops from the nearest shopping mall.2、Ask them to write the items sold in each shop under the picture. 1、Write the names of the shops in large letters above the shops.2、Write and check.3、To describe.

Stage 3:Homework

1、To copy these words phrases2、To write more names and phrases of the shops and the names of the goods in them.

Unit5 Going Shopping

Period Five

Contents: Grammar: Part A、Part B1

Analysis of learning: This section helps the Ss summarize

①The usage of the structure “there be ”

②The present continuous tense

a. What are they doing?

b. Asking questions about what people are doing.

Objectives:1、Language skills

a: To use “there is” and “there are” to introduce new things.

b: To use “there is” before a singular noun.

c: To use “there are” before a plural noun.

d: Use the present continuous tense to talk about things that are happening now.

2、Self-learning ability

Try to get the rules by themselves.

3、Emphasis and difficulty:

Help the Ss use them probably and correctly.


Teaching Activities Learning Activities

Stage 1:Warm up

Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision

Stage 2:Learn Part A and Part B of Grammar

Task 1: Using “there is”/ “there are”

Activity 1:To Present “there be”

1、We use “there is” before a singular noun.We use “there are” before a plural noun. a man some bread six people lots of bogs Is there ……?Are there ……?2、Show some more pictures. 1、Ss should use this structure to describe other places .e.g. a modern building. a nice bedroom . a school library a big farm2、Answer Questionse.g.a .Are there many sheep in the farm?(Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.)b. Is there a lovely toy in the bedroom?(Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.)

Activity 2: Send an e-mail

1、Make sure Ss understand the purpose .2、Tell Ss to use this model e-mail to talk about other things. e g. a youth club, a cinema, a restaurant. 1、Look at P76.2、Complete the sentences with “there is” and “there are”3、Check and read it to each other in pairs.4、Write an e-mail describing their school based on the model .5、Do extension activity.

Task 2: Using the present continuous tense to talk about things that are happening now.

Activity 1: What are they doing?

1、Make sure Ss understand the purpose.2、Ask some questions with mime and gestures for emphasis.3、T makes statements about yourself e.g. I am enjoying myself. I am having a great time.I am talking to all of you. 4、Ask Ss what kind of statements and questions T has formulated.5、Ask Ss to study the table on P77.6、Explain to Ss how we form the ‘- ing’ form of a verb with the reference to the table on Page 78.7、Remind Ss that the verb ‘to be ’ goes at the beginning of the question. Questions:1、What are you doing? Are you writing a letter to me? Are you singing……? Are you playing the piano right now? Are you swimming now? etc……2、Elicit the ideas about things going on now, at present, at the moment, right now. 3、Go through the table. Point out that we can make negative sentences by adding ‘not’ after the verb ‘to be’.4、Describe what the sentences below the pictures. Ss complete the sentences individually.5、Check in pairs.6、Work out the rules.7、Answer questions according to the pictures.a: What is Simon doing?b: Are Kitty and Sandy eating ice cream?c: This is Millie. What is she doing?d: Is Daniel doing his homework?(No, he is playing computer games.)Are you playing computer games too?(No, we’re having an English class.)

Stage 3: HomeworkWorkbook P69A & P70 B1 B2 B3

Unit5 Going Shopping

Period Six

Contents: Grammar: PartB2 Part C

Analysis of learning: ①Part B2 ask Ss to talk and use things that are happening now freely and correctly .

②Part C let Ss use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people/things when it is clear who or what we are referring to.


1、Target language

a. The usage of the present continuous tense.

b. Personal pronouns (object form)

2、Language skills

a. To use the present continuous tense

b. To introduce personal to refer to someone/something.

3、Self-learning ability

To get to the rules by practising.


Teaching Activities Learning Activities

Stage 1:Warm up

Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Show some of the Ss e-mails to their friends.

Stage 2: Learn P78B2

Task 1: To talk about and complete the conversation.

Activity 1: Talking on the picture.

1、Ask Ss to look at the picture . Tell them that Sandy and Amy are talking on the phone.2、Ask questions. 1、Check their answers with a partner by role-playing the conversation.2、Answer some questions according to the conversation.a. Is Amy studying at the moment?b. Who is visiting her?c. What is her cousin doing now?d. What is Amy doing now ?3、Act out the conversation.4、Talking on the phone.e.g.S1: Hello, where are you?S2: I am walking in the street.S1: What are you doing now?S2: I’m buying something to eat.S1: Are you buying for me? S2: Yes. I’m having it now.

Stage 3:Learn P79C

Task1: Use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people /things

Activity 1: Discuss the table on P79

1、Work through the sample sentences on P79. 2、Write some more sample sentences on the blackboard to practice.3、Explain the difference between the subject form and object form. 1、Make sure to understand how each pronouns is related to the subject in the first sentence.2、Work on more sample sentences.a. My shoes are too big for . b. Do your shoes fit ? Yes, do. c. My mum likes these apples.I can get for .

Activity 2:Tallking to sb.

1、Explain to Ss that Daniel is talking to his father on the phone.2、Complete the sentences with personal pronouns (object form). 1、Read the conversation in pairs.2、Complete the sentences3、Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronouns.■Look at your shoes. They are very dirty. You should clean .■That is Sally’s book. I will give it back to tomorrow.■I need a school bag. My mother is going to buy one.■The principal asked my class to meet him at ten O’clock. He is taking to the Science Museum. ■I left my football at Tom’s house. I will get later.■My brother likes eating apple pies. I am going to buy one.

Stage 4: HomeworkDo workbook: P75

Unit 5 Going Shopping

Period Nine

Context: Check out (P85)

Analysis of learning: This section divides into two parts. Part A checks the usage of "there be" and the present continuous tense. Part B checks the vocabulary.

objectives: 1.to check the usage of "there is/there are", the present continuous tense and personal pronouns.

2.to revise vocabulary related to shopping.

3.to encourage students to help others.

Emphasis and difficulty: "there be"& present continuous tense.

Teaching aids: computer and over-head projector.

Method: Task Teaching Method

Background: This section encourages students to find out how much they have learned and how well their learning strategies are working. Part A of the Checkout sections is set in the context of helping people.

Step I: Revise the grammar: "there be" & present continuous tense.

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "there be".

1._________ a book on the teachers' desk.

2._________ some bread in the fridge.

3._________ five hair clips in the box.

4._________ some toys in the shopping mall.

B. Ask the students to change the upper forms into negative forms and interrogative forms, pay attention to "some" and "any".

1.There is a book on the teachers' desk.

There is not a book on the teachers' desk.

Is there a book on the teachers' desk?

4.There are some toys in the shopping mall.

There are not any toys in the shopping mall.

Are there any toys in the shopping mall?

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given verbs.

1.The boy (run) on the playground now.

2.Don't (close) the window, please.

3.Where is mum? She (cook) in the kitchen.

4.Look, the children (laugh) happily.

II. Part A of check out.

A. Tell students that part A gives them an opportunity to check how well they can use "there is/there are" constructions, the present continuous tense and the object forms of personal to complete the text.

B. Students fill in the blanks on their own. For less able students they may do this exercise in pairs. Ask students to check their answers with their partners. Ask for volunteers to read out the description for each picture. If students have made an error, ask them to refer back to the relevant section to find out where they have gone wrong.

III. Part B of check out.

A. Tell students to look at the word search puzzle in part B. Hidden inside are eight words from this unit. One has been found already.Ask students to look for the other seven wordson their own.

B. Students check their answers with a partner. Tell them to write any problem words on their flash cards which they have learned how to make in unit 3.

IV. Production.

A. Ask students to tell a story based on the four pictures, using

"there be" and present continuous tense.

eg. Helping people in a shopping mall

I'm going shopping on Saturday. There are many people. They are carrying big shopping bags. I'm standing outside a toy hop. There is a woman inside the shop….

C. Ask students to make their own word search puzzles with ther words they have learned in the unit.

Unit 5 Going Shopping

Period Ten

Content: Revision

Analysis of learning: Unit five introduces the idea of shopping for a particular purpose: buying a birthday present. students are encouraged to use vocabulary to talk about popular presents.

objectives:1.to grasp the construction of "there be" and the present

continuous tense.

2.to review the words and phrases.

Emphasis and difficulty: grammar and phrases.

Teaching aids: computer and over-head projector.

Revision of Language points:

I. Important expressions

a new shopping mall called Sunnyside Shopping Mall

the same things as

show sb. around sp.

on the top ( ground, first, second, third… ) floor

a computer games centre

write to me write an e-mail to his friend

over / on the phone

wait for one's turn

I'm waiting for my turn to ask the question.

help the children from poor areas

donate some money / raise some money for sb.

call us on 5551 3871

a pair of football boots

try it / them on try the coat on = try on the coat

five more new words

outside a toy shop

call 110 for help

have a stomach ache

play with sb. / sth.

Don't play with the fire. It's dangerous.

Do you like playing with your sister?

buy him a MP3 player = buy a MP3 player for him

get online = visit the Internet = surf the Internet

write a thank-you letter to sb.

II. Useful sentence structures

1. I want you to go shopping with me today.

I need you to carry all the bags.

want / need sb. to do sth.

2. All right, here's my purse.

Here comes the bus.

Here's an apple for you.

3. Amy wants to buy some presents for Simon and Sandy.

4. Can I help you? What are you looking for?

5. How much do the cards cost?

= How much are the cards?

= What's the price of these cards?

= How much do you pay for these cards?

= How much do you spend on these cards?

= How much do you spend ( in ) buying these cards?

6. There's a discount on last year's cards.

Is there a discount if I buy the whole set?

7. I prefer to buy new cards. ( prefer to do sth. )

prefer A to B

I prefer apples to pears.

I prefer watching TV to playing football.

8. These hair clips are beautiful, and they match her favorite T-shirt. ( = go with )

We must find a tie to match your suit.

Her clothes don't match her age.

9. I don't have enough money to buy her a CD.

I am not tall enough to reach the basket.

10. There is a big new shopping mall near my school. It is called Sunnyside.

11. The mall opens from 9a.m. to 10p.m..

12. Millie is paying for her new shoes.

How much should I pay for the computer?

13. I can't hear you well. Can you say it again?

14. What size are your feet?

What size do you wear?

15. It is very easy to find.

16. I like watching a film before going shopping.

17. When I am playing a game, there are always lots of people waiting for me to finish.

18. he mall is a really fun place to go. It is a good place to meet friends.

19. She is crying with her hand on her stomach.

20. We help each other. I help her with Chinese. She helps me with English.

III. Improve yourself
















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