unit 7 Cultrual relics 語言點(新課標版高一英語教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-6-20 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Warming up

China World Cultural Heritages

China is a vast country. With a long history and brilliant culture, it is a land endowed with unique and beautiful natural scenes as well as man-made views. It has become a world-level tourism destination attracting tourists from many countries. As of 2003, 29 famous scenic spots and historical sites in China have been included in the list of World Heritage by UNESCO. They are not only the wealth of the Chinese nation, but also a crystallization (結晶)of the civilization (文明)and wisdom of mankind(人類), a natural and cultural heritage shared by all.

1987 The Great Wall 長城 (北京)

1987 Mount Taishan 泰山 (山東)

1987 Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 故宮(北京)

1987 Mogao Caves 敦煌莫高窟(甘肅)

1987 Mausoleum of the First Qin Emporer 秦始皇陵及兵馬俑(陜西)

1987 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 周口店北京猿人遺址 (北京)

1990 Mount Huangshan 黃山 (安徽)

1992 Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area 九寨溝自然風景區 (四川)

1992 Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area 黃龍自然風景區 (四川)

1992 Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area 武陵源風景名勝區 (湖南)

1994 Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples, Chengde 承德避暑山莊及周圍寺廟(河北)

1994 Temple and Cemetery of Confucius, and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu曲阜孔廟、孔林、孔府1994 Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains 武當山古建筑群 (湖北)

1994, 2000, 2001 Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa 布達拉宮 (西藏)

1996 Lushan National Park 廬山國家公園 (江西)

1996 Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area 峨眉山-樂山大佛(四川)

1997 Old Town of Lijiang 麗江古城 (云南)

1997 Ancient City of Ping Yao 平遙古城 (山西)

1997, 2000 Classical Gardens of Suzhou 蘇州古典園林 (江蘇)

1998 Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in Beijing 頤和園 (北京)

1998 Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing 天壇 (北京)

1999 Mount Wuyi 武夷山 (福建)

1999 Dazu Rock Carvings 大足石刻 (重慶)

2000 Mount Qincheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System 青城山-都江堰 (四川)

2000 Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui - Xidi and Hongcun 皖南古村落-西遞、宏村(安徽)

2000 Longmen Grottoes 龍門石窟 (河南)

2000, 2003 Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 明、清皇家陵寢 (河北)

2001 Yungang Grottoes 云崗石窟 (山西)

2003 Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas 三江并流 (云南)

the Pyramids of Egypt 埃及金字塔, St. Petersburg 圣彼得堡 (俄羅斯),

Stonehenge 史前巨石柱 (英國)

New words:

1. cultural- adj. having to do with culture 文化的

2. relics - trace or feature surviving from a past age and serving to remind people of it


Shanxi Province is a place where its cultural relics are well looked after.


3. represent-vt. be/give/make a picture/sign/symbol or example of;act or speak for; be agent for


The foreign minister represented the country at the conference.


The picture represents a hunting scene. 這是一幅行獵圖。

4. include- vt. bring in as part of the whole 包括;包含

e.g. We no longer includes him among our friends. 我們不再把他看做我們的朋友。

The price includes postage changes這個價格包括郵資在內。


e.g. There are seven people watching TV, including three foreigners.


Many people, including me, want to go there by plane.



e.g. Most shops are open every day, Sunday included.

Everybody has something to say, me included.

5. ruin- n. destruction;serious damage ;state of being destroyed


vt. cause the ruin of 使毀滅;使敗壞

e.g. Food stores are frequently ruined by rain water or damp, or eaten by mice.


6. restore-vt. give back;歸還;交還 bring back into use; reintroduce 再使用;再采用。

repair;rebuild as before;reconstruct so that it is like the original 修復;重建

7. unite- vt.vi. make or become one; join 聯合;結合;合并;團結

8. period-n. length or portion of time 一段時間

9. damage- n. harm or injury that causes loss of value 損害;損壞(使失去價值)

vt. harm or injury 毀壞;損害;損壞

e.g. A large number of buildings were damaged in the earthquake in Tangshan.


It is well known that pests continue to eat crops, causing damage.


10. ancient- adj. belonging to times long past 古代的;遠古的

11. pollution- n. polluting or being polluted 污染;弄臟

12. limit- n. line or point that cannot be passed; greatest or smallest amount, degree, ect. of what is possible 邊界;界限;限度;極限

13. sincerely- adv. in a sincere manner 真實地

14. event -n. thing that happens, esp. sth. important; incident 事情;大事;事件

any of the races, competition, etc. in a sports programme (體育活動)比賽項目

e.g. The 800m is the third event of the afternoon. 800米是下午的第三項比賽。

15. photograph- n. picture; photo

Fill in the blanks using the above words

1. The red lines on the map ______________ railroads.

2. It was quite an ________________ when a woman first became prime minister.

3. The insurance company(保險公司)will pay for the _______________ to my car.

4. The money you paid does not ______________ tips.

5. The villagers set up a website to help people learn more about the cultural ____________.

6. The man from Taiwan found his mother with the help of the old ________________ of hers.

Answers: 1. represent 2. event 3. damage 4. include 5. relics 6. photograph


1. under attack 遭到攻擊

attack 作“攻擊”講多用作可數名詞,但在under attack 中是不可數名詞,其前面不用冠詞。

under repair 正在修 under discussion 在討論之中

The road is under repair and is closed to motor traffic. 此路在修,禁止機動車輛通行。

2. give in 讓步;屈服

e.g. I would rather die than give in.

give up 放棄;戒掉;停止

give off 發出、放出(氣、味、光)

give out 用完; 耗盡

give back 恢復;歸還

3. in ruins 成為廢墟; 遭到嚴重破壞

4. in pieces 成為碎片/塊

5. be used to do 被用來干

6. bring …back to life 使蘇醒;使生動;使活潑

7. pull down 拆毀;推毀

8. set up 設立;創立

9. with the help of 在…的幫助下

10. come true 成為現實

Match the words with their definition

1) give in a to be in a very bad state

2) in ruins: b to make something good exist again/ to repair something old

3) bring back: c to examine something quickly

4) look over: d to make someone think about something from the past

5) restore: e to finally agree to what someone wants after a period when you refuse to agree

Fill in the blanks using the above words and phrases

1) I'm just __________ what you've written.

2) The war left one million people dead and the country _______.

3) We will never _______ to terrorists' demands.

4) Three wins in a row helped _______ the team's confidence.

5) The photos _________ some wonderful memories.

Answers: 1). Looking over 2) in ruins 3) give in 4) restore 5) bring back

Important sentences:

1. Where there is a river, there is a city.

Where 在這里引導的是地點狀語從句,相當于介詞in/at/to +the place where +where 從句。

e.g. Where there is smoke , there is fire. 無風不起浪;事出有因。

Where there is sound , there must be sound waves. 哪里有聲音,哪里必有聲波。

2. It is true that many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.

3. We’ll do everything we can to save our city.

Ways of giving advice or making suggestions Ways of replying to others' advice or suggestions

Acceptance Refuse

1. Shall I / we …?

2. Let's …, shall we?

3.Why not …?

4. Why don't you / we …?

5. You'd better ….

6. I think it's better (for you / us) to ….

7.Would you like / love to …?

8.What / How about …?

9.I suggest (that) you (should)….

10.I advise you (not) to ….

11.I wonder if you should….

12.Have you considered …? 1. All right. / OK.

2.That's all right.

3.Certainly. / Sure.

4.Good idea. / That's a good idea.

5.That sounds great.

6. That sounds (like) a good idea.

7. I'd like (love) to …. 1. I'm afraid that ….

2. I'm sorry, but ….

3. I'd like (love) to, but ….

4. It (That) sounds nice, but ….

Period 3 Grammar:

Passive in the Present Perfect /the Present Perfect Passive Voice

Find out the sentences in the text which have the same meanings as followings:

1. It is true that people of old times have built many of the world’s greatest cities on the banks of a river.

2. People have put back parts of statues together.

3. People have replaced the missing pieces.

The Present Perfect Passive Voice

have / has + been + V(p.p.)

1. They have discussed the problem for weeks.

The problem has been discussed for weeks.

2. He has invited the famous scientist to give a speech.

The famous scientist has been invited to give a speech.

3. They have spent all the money.

The money has all been spent by them.

The Passive Voice - when to use it

1. 動作執行者不易指出或不需明說.

My watch has been stolen.

2. 動作執行者不言自明.

I was asked several questions in the oral exam.

3. 強調動作承受者.


1. in trouble:“處于困境或險境”

eg .

(1)He is always ready to help those in trouble .

(2)ask / look for trouble

(3)get into trouble

(4)Even an experienced climber can get into trouble .

(5)get sb. into trouble

(6)Don’t mention my name or you’ll get me into trouble .

(7)have trouble(in)doing sth.

(8)I have some trouble in learning English .

(9)take the trouble to do sth.

(10)They took the trouble to tell everyone the news .

(11)trouble sb. for sth.

(12)May I trouble you for the salt ?

(13)make trouble

(14)A few boys are making trouble there .

2. believe , believe in


(1)I believe in him .

(2)I believe him .

(3)Do you believe in everything the Bible says ?

(4)I believe him to be innocent . = I believe that he is innocent .

※ I know he is an honest man . That is why I him all the time . But I don’t

what he told me just now .

A. believe , believe B. believe in , believe in

C. believe , believe in D. believe in , believe

3. share:

(1)divide sth. and give parts to different people

① Let’s cut the cake in half and share it .

② Children must be taught to share .

(2)have or use sth. with another person

① I shared a bedroom with my sister .

② She offered to share her umbrella with me .

(3)share in:to have part of or take part in

① All the members of the department share in the use of the copying machine .

② I shall share(in)the cost with you .

③ She shares(in)my troubles as well as(in)my joys .

(2)share n. how much one person gets or has .

① Here is your share of the cake .

※ Let Harry play with your toys as well , Clare , you must learn to .

A. support B. care C. spare D. share

4. other

(1)He had two sons . One is a baby and the other is a boy of ten .

(2)I don’t care what others may think of me .

(3)Some students come from Korea , the others from Japan .

(4)He has read a lot about the people of other times .

(5)Please write on every other time .

5. another

(1)There are four books on the desk , one is on literature , another is on music and the other two books are on architect .

(2)I’ll stay here for another week .

(3)We walked another ten miles .

(4)It’s late . We’ll go downtown another time .

(5)What he says is one thing , but what he thinks is another .

6. sound

(1)That music sounds beautiful .

(2)His explanation sounds reasonable .

(3)That sounds like a good idea .

(4)She sounds just the person we need for the job .

(5)It sounds a very bad poem to me .

① Those oranges taste .

A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well

② We don’t care if a hunting dog smells , but we really don’t want him to smell


A. well , well B. bad , bad C. well , badly D. badly , bad


<1> His advice seemed to keep sounding in my ears .

<2> Sound your horn to warn the other drivers .

<3> The letter “ s ” in “ island ” is not sounded island .

<4> Does this sentence sound right ?

<5> That sounds a good idea , don’t you think ?

<6> I heard her sing / singing a folk song in the next room .

<7> I heard a folk song sung / being sung in the next room .

<8> The librarian seemed to have never heard of the book I wanted .

<9> It was not until an hour later that we heard about what had happened .

<10> I have only just heard about / of the accident .

<11> Please listen carefully for the telephone bell while I am upstairs .

<12> I heard them talking in the next room , but I didn’t really listen to what they were saying .

※ - Do you know what an earthquake is like ?

- I can’t tell exactly , but I know the noise from an earthquakes a steam whistle .

A. sounds like B. sounds C. is sounded D. is sounding

7. as if

(1)He speaks as if he is an American .

(2)He speaks as if he were an American . In fact , he is Chinese .

(3)It seems as if he had finished the work .

(4)As if anyone would believe that story !

(5)He acts as if(he were)a fool .

(6)It seems as if like / that is going to be cloudy .

8. be about to

(1)We’re going to start in five minutes .(√)

※(2)We’re about to start in five minutes .(×)

(3)I was about to go out when the telephone rang .

※ Susan out the door opened and in came three strangers . She got shocked .

A. was just to go , while B. just went , as

C. was just going , as soon as D. was just about to go , when

9. not all

(1)Not all my friends are smokers .

(2)Not every man will become a hero .

※ I agree with most of what you said , but I don’t agree with .

A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing

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