教材解讀(Material Interpretation)
通常人們忌諱“只見樹木,不見森林”,然而這里我們姑且就一個單元這只林片木來想象一下那片充滿神奇的森林。從某種意義上說,這或許正是這套教材的編寫者們的用意所在。高一英語新教材的編寫依然以單元為單位,但每個單元打破了呆板的塊狀設計,換之于流暢的線型流程,為課堂教學的靈活組織留下了更大的空間。整個教材體現了Communicative Curriculum的指導思想。每個單元以功能為主題,話題為支撐,結構為平臺,任務為載體,意義交流為目的,充分體現了語言運用的基本思路,為任務型課堂教學構建了框架,注重提高學生用英語獲取信息、處理信息、分析和解決問題的能力,發展學生與人溝通和合作的能力。
本單元的主題是Technology,中心話題為Hi-tech,話題本身具有強烈的時代氣息,貼近學生的實際生活,符合學生的認知水平,在學生中有較強的認同感。這一單元的交際功能項目(Functional Item)有兩個:1. Describing things 2. Expressing agreement & disagreement。結構項目(Structure)為The Present Continuous Passive Voice;主要能力項目為Reading 和Writing,其中一個閱讀正篇,兩個Language Input, 要求學生學會閱讀并在閱讀中培養根據上下文或構詞法理判斷詞義的能力,同時學會寫信并在信中闡述問題的癥結,發表自己的觀點。拓展項目為如何運用高科技獲取更多英語信息,提升英語學習,并探究科技為人類帶來便利的同時可能存在的負面影響以及消除這些影響的解決辦法。
二 教學目標(Instructional Objectives)
通過教學,學生能描繪一些日常用品(如第一課時的A Guessing Game 和Describing and Drawing),發現一些問題,發表個人觀點,努力解決問題(如第二課時的Problems and Solutions,Role Play和A TV Chitchat Program: Help is on the Way);能學會與他人交流和合作(如第三課時中的Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students);能學會尋找適當渠道解決實際問題(如第四課時中的A Letter of Complaint to the Headmaster);能自己學會學習,在學習中建立輸入假設,在實踐中驗證假設,并最后修正假設(如第四課時的對The Present Continuous Passive Voice的學習);能懂得基本的一些學習策略,并運用這些策略提高在一定的context 中對一些較難詞義的推斷能力(如第五課時中的Word and Strategy);能運用高科技獲取更多英語信息,提升自己的英語學習(如第三課時中的Story Sharing和第六課時的Essay Writing);能探究高科技為人類帶來文明和便利的同時可能存在的負面影響以及消除這些影響的解決辦法(如第五課時中的Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of cellphones, robots, computers etc.);能在研究性的學習中進行自我反思,培養公民意識、社會責任感和全球觀念(如第五課時中的A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café和第六課時中的To Be a Technology-driven Human or not to Be);能在不斷的反思中領悟并懂得人類追求高科技的根本目的,倡導人與人之間的友愛和真情(如第六課時中的寫給未來控制了人類的巨能電腦Q12 的題為Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World的信)。
Unit 9 (SEFC 1A)
Notion Technology
Topic Hi-tech
Functional Items 1. Describe things
2. Expressing agreement & disagreement
Structure The Passive Voice (3) The Present Continuous Passive Voice
Tasks 1.A Guessing Game Describing things and how they work
2. Describing and Drawing Topic Touch
2. Role play Solving problems by giving opinions
3. A TV Chitchat Program Help is on the Way
4. A Project Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students
5. An Investigation Teaching and Living Facilities of the School
6. A Discussion Damage That Is Being Done to the Earth
7. An Interview Voice of Students
8. A Letter of Complaint
9. A Hi-tech Show
10. A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café
11. A Debate To Be a Technology-driven Human or Not to Be
12. A Letter to Q12 Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World
13. An Essay Big Thing
Moral Goals 1. Creative Thinking
2. Communication and Cooperation
3. Love and Caring
4. Environmental Protection
5. Social Awareness
6. Global Sense
三.教學設想(Teaching Assumptions)
在整個單元的教學中我們突出以話題為綱,交際功能為主線,兼顧結構,適當拓展。在教學方法上堅持以Communicative Approach為主,輔以其他多種有效教學方法。充分運用任務型教學途徑,精心設計各種任務,以任務為載體,搭建意義交流舞臺,創設各種情景途徑,創建各種情感體驗機會。通過教學,進一步發展學生基本語言運用能力,激活學生的英語思維,保持英語的學習熱情,使精心設定的Moral Goal 的完成能水到渠成。例如,提高用英語獲取信息、處理信息、分析和解決問題的能力,發展學生與人溝通和合作的能力;激發學生對事物深入了解的探究心理,逐步養成研究性學習意識; 通過自主學習和社會調查,和與發展國家在科技方面的比較,了解社會,增強社會責任感((Social Responsibility),強化祖國意識(National Awareness),培養全球觀念(Global Sense)。
1.話題拓展 (Extended Topics)
以Technology為主題,由中心話題衍生出六個Sub Topics, 分別是New Uses of Things, Problems and Solutions, Life in a Technological Era, Teaching & Living Facilities of the School, Controversy about Technology 和Attitude towards Technology。 根據每一個Sub Topic精心設計相應的任務,突出交際功能,通過完成任務使學生達到交流的目的,完成語言的運用,能力要求涵蓋聽、說、讀、寫及綜合運用,人文因素涉及學生的情感態度、學習策略、文化意識、價值取向和評判標準。所有的Sub Topics 均指向中心話題,在單元的結束提升主題:Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World。
2.課時設計(Time Allocation)和階段教學目標(Phase Teaching Demands)
整個單元擬用五個課時完成,每個課時由一個Sub Topic 展開,功能項目明確,任務真實具體,能力取向明朗。
Sub Topic New Uses of Things
Focus Listening
Function Describing things how they work
Structure It is used for…
They are made of…
This thing can be put…
Tasks 1. A Guessing Game
2. Describing and Drawing
Moral Focus Creative thinking
Sub Topic Problems and Solutions
Focus Speaking
Function Expressing agreement and disagreement
Structure Absolutely. That’s exactly what I was thinking. That’s a good point. That’s just how I see it. That’s worth thinking about. I disagree. I’m afraid I don’t agree. Well, it depends. Well, I don’t know. Well, I am not sure about that…
Tasks 1. Role Play Give advice and make suggestions
2. A TV Chitchat Program
Help is on the Way
Moral Focus Communication and Cooperation
Sub Topic Life in a Technological Era
Focus Reading
Function Designing and describing a new model of cell phone
Structure It is made of… It will be improved in…New functions is being added to…Various sounds can be produced…
Tasks 1. Story Sharing
2. An Activity Find out how many classmates have cell phones, describe their cell phones in detail and explain the reasons why they need them to the whole class
3. Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students
Moral Focus Love & Caring
Sub Topic Teaching and Living Facilities of the School
Focus Writing
Function Describing problems and giving opinions
Structure The Present Continuous Passive Voice:
I am being given too much homework.
We are always being highly controlled by the teachers
Not enough opportunities are being offered to us students
At night, I am frequently being disturbed by the noise from the nearby construction site. …
Great damage is being done to the Earth.
Too many trees are being cut.
Animals are being hunted….
Tasks 1.A Discussion Damage That Is Being Done to the Earth
2.An Interview Voice of Students
3.A Letter of Complaint
Moral Focus Communication & Cooperation
Sub Topic Controversy about Technology
Focus Using English
Function 1.Talking about the advantages and disadvantages of the cellphones, robots and computers etc.
2.Using the words and phrases to describe things
Structure press eenagereminddareemergencydialobey hroughoutcalendar
throughout the world, stay in touch with sb., call for help, in case of emergency, have fun, be cool….
Tasks 1. A Hi-tech Show
2. A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction
to Cyber Café
Moral Focus Social Awareness
Sub Topic Attitude toward Technology
Focus Using English
Function 1. Persuading by giving various opinions and expressing agreement and disagreement
2. Using the proper expressions
Structure Absolutely. That’s exactly what I was thinking. That’s a good point. That’s just how I see it. That’s worth thinking about. I disagree. I’m afraid I don’t agree. Well, it depends. Well, I don’t know. Well, I am not sure about that Oh, I do so agree. Absolutely right. Definitely. I guess so. I can’t agree with you there. Not really. Not exactly. No way……
Tasks 1.A debate: To Be a Technology-driven Human or not to Be
2. A Letter Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World
Moral Focus Global Sense
3.教學思路(Teaching Planning)和任務設計(Task Designing)
整個單元分成六個次話題:New Uses of Things, Problems and Solutions, Life in a Technological Era, Teaching and Living Facilities, Controversy about Technology 和Attitude towards Technology, 根據難點重點設計任務,注意任務的連貫性、剃度性。
第一課時話題為New Uses of Things, 能力重點為Listening。在設計任務時特地設計了Describe the things and how they work, 突出Listening外,巧妙地融進了Speaking , 為下一課時作好了鋪墊。 在做Describing and Drawing任務時,老師有意識地用一些如CD機,遙控器之類的東西,讓一組學生進行Description,另一組學生進行Drawing and Guessing, 這樣成功地創造了一個Information Gap,使學生興致盎然,并在完成任務的同時悄悄地接近了單元中心主題。教學者就這樣不露痕跡地完成點題這一細節。結束任務是除了本節課探討的這些東西的New Uses 以外,思考一下使用這些東西帶來的問題。 這樣巧妙地過渡到了第二課時的話題Problems and Solutions。
第二課時話題為Problems and Solutions, 能力重點是Speaking。通過Warming up 和對上一節課布置的問題的思考,輕松引入Speaking。通過幫助老師解決難題這一任務, 預演怎么Give opinions, 如何express agreement and disagreement。接著,進入Role Play 這一任務。 通過觀看Family Album, USA,和Mr Bean中的幾組鏡頭, 學會更多表示同意和反對的方法,拓展語匯,豐滿語言。此后學生開始由外及里,進入每人的內心世界,審視自身的問題,尋求解決的途徑。最后通過模擬電視臺主持人主持的一檔題為Puppy Love 的Chitchat Program,讓學生模擬老師、家長、校長、專家、教育部門領導等角色,暢所欲言,以進一步鞏固已學語言,達到真實交流的目的。結束時一個What Makes Such Service Possible?又將學生引入中心話題Technology的思索.。要求學生在思索之后通過上網閱讀,準備一個能體現Technology優越性的愛心故事,在下一節課與其他同學分享。這以環節不僅與下一節課的主題Life in a Technological Era聯系了起來,為下一節閱讀課作了準備,更為本單元最后主題的升華即Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World 埋下了伏筆。
第三課時為Reading, Sub Topic為Life in a Technological Era。通過Story Sharing這一“讀中帶說”的任務,感悟Technology,暢談由此帶來的便利和文明的提高。接著轉入閱讀,依次完成閱讀的各級任務,同時初步領略語言項目The Present Continuous Passive Voice,為下一節課作好鋪墊。最后,從感受高科技進入體驗高科技,完成一個Cell Phone新款 的設計任務,并用恰當語言表述其性能、款式,完成產品的宣傳策劃,接著根據市場反饋,修正設計任務。這節課的Assignment是一個關于學校教學和學生生活設施的一個調查。學生五、六人不等,組成一個小組,完成對學校現有教學和生活設施的調查,明確在這方面還應該有哪些投入,緊扣下一節的話題,并為在下一節課模擬和校長的Interview中和寫給校長的 A Letter of Complaint中準備好真實的材料。
第四課時的話題為Teaching and Living Facilities。通過Warming up 中的Word Puzzle(或 Word Game),自然導入Word Study和 Grammar。在Grammar中,根據Krashen 的Input Hypothesis(輸入假設理論),由學生通過對課文中一些相同結構句子的分析,形成自己的假設,通過兩人小組活動的句型轉換練習,驗證假設,獲得反饋,最后在題為Talk about the Damage that is Being Done to the World的討論中提純語言,修正假設,完成良好的自主學習習慣。利用上一節課課后所做調查中的材料,模擬和校長的一個Interview,在Interview中學生反映學校學習和生活中的問題。反映問題時學生會不可避免地用到剛學的語法結構,如I am being given too much homework. We are always being highly controlled by the teachers. Not enough opportunities are being offered to us students. At night, I am frequently being disturbed by the noise from the nearby construction site. …等等,重新復習怎么提出觀點,扮演校長的學生也不可避免地會對學生的觀點、建議要表示同意或反對,這樣,又一次凸現了本單元Expressing agreement and disagreement的功能項目。最后給校長寫一封抱怨信,將在學習和生活遇到的問題和自己的觀點、建議寫進信內,投入校長信箱,等待校長答復。由于在學習Unit 9時,學生在新學校已生活了約一兩個月,這樣的任務設計應該是非常真實,也容易操作。本課的Assignment 是準備一個Hi-tech Show, 學生五、六人不等,組成一個小組,確定主題,上網搜索,充分展示高科技的成果和給人類帶來的文明,要求配上解說詞。每一小組時間不超過2分鐘。
第五課時話題為Controversy about Technology, 音樂MTV欣賞作為Warming up,接著從MTV的制作,直接進入各小組的Hi-tech Show, 因為高科技的成就和給人類生活帶來的文明是本單元的中心主題,因此在這里進一步進行渲染、烘托。同時話鋒一轉,對比鮮明地轉入本課話題Controversy about Technology。通過對手機、機器人和電腦等物advantages 和disadvantages的討論,進行反思,最后完成對于青少年進網吧玩游戲問題的調查,寫出調查報告。
第六課時是終結性課時,集中體現各種能力,重點突出語言的使用,課時話題為Attitudes toward Technology。Warming up是一個師生之間的chatting。在chatting中談中國與西方國家在科技發展上的差別,中國青少年與中國未來的關系,中國青少年該如何處理個人與民族的關系等,自然切入主題。緊接著的是調查報告反饋。每個小組用兩分鐘時間陳述報告,交換意見,最后以班級名義將整合的調查報告呈交有關部門。通過調查,學生開始接觸世界,了解社會,以此增強公民意識和社會責任感。討論出青少年進入游戲網吧的有關規定,交給各個社區,用于宣傳教育。完成一個題為To Be a Technology-driven Human or not to Be的Debate。在Debate中,進一步點明本單元的中心主題和體現本單元的交際功能項目。在Debate之后用一些伊拉克戰爭、原子彈爆炸、核武器競賽和心臟移植手術、南極探險等圖片的鮮明對比使學生對該如何使用高科技進行深刻的反思,想象abusing高科技可能帶來的惡果。緊接著是Language Input,講述的是2374年人類被巨能電腦Q12控制后的世界模樣。最后以一封寫給巨能電腦Q12的題為Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World的信作為本單元的結束,使主題得到了升華。
主題線:淺嘗----接觸----了解----深入----問題----對策----反思--- 升華
任務線: A Guessing Game Describing things and how they work
---- Describing and Drawing Topic Touch
----Role play Solving problems by giving opinions
----A TV Chitchat Program Help is on the Way
----A Project Designing and advertising a new model of cell phone for Chinese high school students
----An Investigation Teaching and Living Facilities of the School
----A Discussion Damage Done to the Earth
----An Interview Voice of the Students
----A Letter of Complaint
----A Hi-tech Show
----A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café
----A Letter to Q12 Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World
----A Debate To Be a Technology-driven Human or Not to Be
----An Essay Big Thing New Uses of Things---A Guessing Game----Role
在教學方法上追求輕松自然,強調教學方法的多樣化、藝術性。具體采用的教學方法有情景教學法(Situational Approach)、交際法(Communicative Approach)、整體語言教學法(Whole Language Teaching)、情感激勵法(Affective Motivation)等。在重視語言內涵的前提下不拒絕語言形式上的韻味和美感,適時配以音樂、時尚、藝術等,追求人與語言內容、語言形式的和諧。在強調語言實際功能的基礎上,注意呈現語言的人文光輝,使語言學習既受用無窮,又多姿多彩。
例如在本單元中,我們非常重視Warming up,通過Warming up,激活學生已有的知識和經驗,調動各種學習機智如情緒、態度、心理等,鏈接即將開始的Classroom Activity。使整個單元的Warming up形式多樣,景趣交融。
在教學中和任務設計中不經意卻是有意識地將多媒體、電腦等揉入在其中,并特別注意這些東西在課堂上的有效使用,體現其輔助作用(如在本單元的授課中,第一和第四課時為使用多媒體);同時讓學生也實踐操作(如第五課時中的Hi-tech Show),使中心主題與課堂實踐,學生意識與教師意圖融為一體,凸現主題。
四.教學理念(Conceptual Bases)
以任務型教學(Task-based Language Teaching)為設計理念,正確定位學生在語言學習中的主體地位,以任務為載體,使學生通過體驗、感悟、完成任務,達到意義協商、真實交流的目的;強調語言的內容含義優于語言的形式結構;注重語言的功能性,但不忽視語言的人文性;注意教師的人格力量在語言學習中的積極作用;提高學生獲取信息、處理信息和分析、解決問題的能力,強化學生的文化意識,激發學生的探究心理,促使學生研究性學習習慣的逐步形成;全面提高學生的人文素養,增強學生的社會責任感。
在教學中,根據ELT頂尖級專家Krashen的Comprehensible Input 和 Input Hypothesis理論,有效組織語言教學,促進學生構建自己的學習模式,盡早養成自主學習的習慣。
1)Physical Expression
2)Vocal Expression
3) Verbal Expression
2. 對學生英語聽說課的評價
Which speaking ,listening activities did you participate in this week?
Which did you enjoy/dislike? Why?
In which speaking activity do you think you did best? What makes you think so?
What type of speaking activity would you like to do better? …
3. 對于學生閱讀的評價
How did you feel about the passage you read? Were you excited or bored?
Can you understand the passage easily? How long did you spend finishing it?
Did you meet with any difficulties?
What did you learn from the passage?
Do you have the habit of reading more related information?…
4. 對于學生寫作的評價
How did you go abut writing this piece?
What problems did you encounter?
Have you solved the problems now?
What goals did you set for yourself in this piece?
How well did you accomplish them?
What are your goals for your next piece?
What did you do with your notebook?
Teacher’s Comments:
You do a good job of /__________________.This student can______________________.
You can improve in______________________. This student need__________________.
Students’ Comments:
I did well in __________________________.
I plan to improve by _________________________.
Parents’ Comments:
6. 學完Unit 9, SEFC 1A 之后的幾種評價
Name:________________ Date:_____________
Did you
1. listen to other people?
2. respond to other people’s ideas?
3. help to organize the talk?
4. help others in the group?
5. explain your ideas clearly?
6. understand the ideas?
7. enjoy the discussion?
Did everyone in the group
1. join in?
2. listen to each other
3. help each other?
Has the talk helped you to understand the subject?
Has the groupwork help you with your thinking?
What parts of the assignment did you do best?
What parts of the assignment did the group do best?
How would you improve this assignment if you have to do it again?
How would you improve your own groupwork?
How could your group improve its work?
Please use the back of the paper to add further comments if you wish?
2) Assessing
Think back to the Speaking activity on page 58 and answer the questions below. How can you make the next discussion more successful and interesting?
Name__________________________ Date__________________________
Did the discussing go well?
Couldy you express your ideas clearly?
Were there long pauses or silences?
Was your pronunciation clear and correct?
Did the other group members understand you?
Did you understand the other group members?
When you didn’t understand, or when the others didn’t understand you, did you ask for help or give explanations? How? Did it work?
Have you made any progress?
What areas need improvement?
Do you think it would be useful to do this kind of activity again?
What kind of activity do you think would be most useful to help you improve your spoken English?
Write a summary
Teaching Planning
Unit 9
SEFC 1A, Revised Edition
Zhejiang Hongda School
Affiliated to
Shanghai International Studies University
2003. 8. 16
1st Period
Sub Topic New Uses of Things
Focus Listening
Tasks 1.Describe things and how they work
2.A Guessing Game
Teaching Aims:
1.To review the Simple Present Passive Voice
It is used for…
They are made of(from)…
This thing can be put ….
2. To develop the students’ listening skill by creating an information gap and stimulating their desire to discover things
Moral Focus: Creative Thinking
Teaching Aids:
A tape recorder, the listening cassette, a toothpick, a sock, a plastic bag , pictures or objects of some daily things like chopsticks, a cell phone, a remote controller, a CD player, a walkman, a computer, a refrigerator, a mirror, a satellite receiver etc.
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Warming up
1. Greetings
2. Atmosphere Stirring
Talk about something that is seemingly common and trigger the students to discover something unique by observing carefully and thinking lively.
Example: Observe the teacher carefully and identify something unique like a certain scar, the smoking habit, the left-handedness etc, and then talk about the possible causes.
Create a proper learning environment and get the students geared for the oncoming classroom activities
3. Brainstorming
Present objects: a toothpick, a sock and a plastic bag
Provoke the students’ thinking by encouraging them to think of the new uses of the above objects
Be ready to accept any offered answers
Try to involve as many students as possible
Step Two Pre-listening
3. Show pictures of some daily things including one or two but not all of the objects that are to be described
4. Prepare the students for the listening by encouraging them to discover what are being described
Step Three Listening and Identifying
5. Listen to the tape and identify what is being described.
6. Talk about the possible uses of the described things.
7. Ring a bell to the Simple Present Passive Voice
Step Four Talking and Guessing
8. Group work
Divide the whole class into several groups
Think about the objects we use in our daily life.
Describe two or three of the objects to the other groups and see if they can guess what you are describing.
Remember not to make it too easy to guess
Take turns to do the describing and guessing
.Use the following structures and questions to help with the description and guessing
It is used for….
It can be found….
It is often seen….
They are made of(from)…
This thing can be put ….
What does it look like? What is it used for?
What is it made of? Who usually uses it?
How do people use it? How does it work?
When is it used? Where do you usually see it ?
Step Five Topic Touch
9. Describing and Drawing
Divide the whole class into two groups.: A describing group and a guessing group.
The teacher let the students in the describing group see some certain objects or pictures like a remote controller, a TV set, a CD player, a walkman , a satellite etc. Then one of the students begins to describe what is being presented by the teacher. Others are ready to add something to the description. Remember not to make it too easy to guess.
Students in the guessing group are supposed to draw and then guess what is being described.
Each group has three descriptions and three guesses
The group which gets more right answers wins.
This game is also served as a slight touch of the Unit Topic
Step Six A Discussion
10. Work in groups of six
11.Discuss about the good impact of one of these things.
12.Each group member contributes some notes to the reporter of the group
13.Report to the whole class
Step Seven Listening in WB
14.Listen to the tape and fill in the information chart below.
15.Compare the information with the partner
Step Eight Pair work
16.Work in pairs.
Look at the space projects below and decide which one is the most useful.
Put “1” in front of the most useful project and “5” in front of the least useful.
Compare answers with the other pairs and explain your choices
Step Nine Summary
17. Summarize the good impact of all the things described and mentioned.
18..Think about the potential problems with the things described and mentioned
19.Suggest solutions to the problems
2nd Period
Sub Topic: Problems and Solutions
Focus Speaking
Tasks 1. Role Play
2.A TV Chitchat Program
Teaching Aims: To learn phrases and sentences of expressing agreement and disagreement (Absolutely. That’s exactly what I was thinking. That’s a good point. That’s just how I see it. That’s worth thinking about. I disagree. I’m afraid I don’t agree. Well, it depends. Well, I don’t know. Well, I am not sure about that…)
Moral Focus: Communication and Cooperation
Teaching Aids:
a set of multi-media teaching system, some episodes from Family Album, USA and Mr Bean, some role cards…a toothpick, a sock, a plastic bag , chopsticks, a cell phone etc.…
Teaching Procedures:
Step one Warming up
2. Quick Wits
Draw the students’ attention by identifying the following statements.
The word “boat” can be spelled using four letters from the word “automobile”.
11minutes past 5 o’clock is 48 minutes before 6 o’clock.
If you turn a left-handed glove inside out , it will fit on a right hand?
Step Two . . Problem Solving
3..Discuss in groups of three about the possible problems with things mentioned the previous day
Examples: chopsticks, car, air-conditioner etc.
4. Provide solutions to all these problems and share opinions with other groups
5.Tolerate different opinions from other groups
Step Three Listening and Speaking
6 .Describe one or two of the teacher’s stressful situations
7. Encourage students to give solutions
8 .Exchange ideas with other students
Step Four Speaking and Acting
9 Discuss about Jane’s problem and express opinions
Jane wants to buy a cellphone. Before she buys one, she asks her parents and her best friend what they think.
.Work in groups of four
.Decide which role each group member should play
Take a few minutes to prepare the role cards
Report your decision to the class when you have finished the discussion
Step Five Looking and Learning
10.Watch some episodes from Family Album, USA and Mr Bean
11. Recognize more ways of expressing opinions
( Oh, I do so agree. Absolutely right. Definitely. I guess so. I can’t agree with you there. Not really. Not exactly. No way….)
Step Six Describing and Deciding
12. Encourage the students to disclose their problems by asking
What troubles you most?
What is your problem?
What is your worry?
What upsets you?…
13. Get them to know where to find help by asking
To whom do you usually turn for help?
Where can your problems be possibly solved?
Who can most probably serve as a helper?
(Possible answers: Psychology Center, Hotline Service, Chatting Room, A Radio or TV Chitchat Programs…)
Step Seven Participating and Producing
14. Class Work
A TV Chitchat Program: Help is on the Way
Suppose you are a host or hostess of a popular TV chitchat program.
The Topic of this program is Puppy Love
One student act as the host or hostess. Two students as the interviewees suffering from such problems and try to seek help from the host or hostess. Others as audience present at the program. They may be representatives of headmasters, teachers, parents, experts, administrators, policy-makers and students etc., who are supposed to express different opinions
Decide roles and prepare it for four minutes
Present the Chitchat Program
Step Eight Thinking and Judging
15. Lead the students gradually to the Unit Topic Technology by asking
What is the value of such programs? Name some other similar service-centers.
Is such service important?
What makes it possible?
What do you know about technology?
Why does the government pay so much attention to the development of technology?
Why is technology so important to people’s life?
In what way has it changed or promoted people’s life?…
Step Nine Topic Hunt
16. Homework
Profound understanding the positive effect of technology on individuals, nations and even the whole globe by surfing the internet and collecting related information
Hunt for caring stories hailed by technology and share the stories with other students in the next class.
3rd Period
Sub Topic: Life in a Technological Era
Focus Reading
Tasks 1. Story Sharing
2.A Project Design a New Model of Cell Phone
Teaching Aims: 1. To have a general understanding of how technology has changed the way people live
2.To get a rough idea of the Present Continuous Passive Voice
Words and images are being sent throughout the world.
They are being used as cameras and radios, and to sent e-mail or surf the internet.
New functions are being added to the phones….
Moral Focus: Love & Caring
Teaching Aids: a tape recorder, a reading cassette , the multimedia teaching system etc.
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Warming up
1. Greetings
2. Students’ description of some new inventions accompanied with photos downloaded from the internet
Step Two Story Sharing
3. Share the caring stories hailed by technology
4. Comment on such stories
Step Three Presentation
5. Comments on the great impact brought by technology and life in a technological time
6. Discuss these questions with a partner before reading
Have you ever used a cell phone? Do any of your classmates have cell phones?
How is the way we live today different from life in the past?
How have inventions and new technology changed our way of life?
Why are things like cell phones, computers and TV so popular?
What invention do you think is the most important in the human history?
Step Four Pre-reading
7. Predicting
Read the headline and guess the meaning of “Life on the Go”.
What information do you expect to find in the text?
Which country does the girl in the passage come from? How do you know?
What is the other example that is being used to support the idea?
Step Five Reading
9. Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions
What new invention is being discussed?
What kind of people are being talked about in this passage?
10. Read the whole text for through understanding and fill out the outline of the text
An Outline of the Text
Wang Mei is an example of Chinese teenagers who have cell phones.
Cell phones can be used for many things.
For Example:__________________________________________
Cell phones also cause problems.
i. In school___________________________________
ii. At home____________________________________
There are several reasons why teenagers like cell phones.
Wang Mei explains why she likes her cell phone and what she uses it for.
Step Six Post-reading
11. Answer the following questions.
Why do some schools not let students use cell phones? Do you agree?
Why do teenagers like cell phones so much?
Wang Mei says that cell phones are the most useful inventions ever. Do you agree?
Which invention do you think is the most useful? Why?
What does the title “Life on the go” mean?
What is the writer’s attitude toward this problem? How do you know?
Step Seven An Activity
12.Find out how many students have phones in the class
13.Interview one of them and find out what his or her phone is like. These questions may help you do the interview
What type of phone do you have?
When and where did you buy it?
Who gave you the financial support?
Why do you want to have a phone?
What is your parents’ attitude?…..
14.Describe the phone and explain the reasons to the whole class
Step Eight A Project
15.Design your own cell phone. You work for a company that makes cell phones. Your manager wants you to design a new model to increase the sales among Chinese high school students. Work in groups and draw your model in the box below.
A New Model
16.Advertise your model
These questions may help you do the job
What colour is it?
What size is it?
What shape is it?
What material is it made from?
What features does it have?
How much will it cost?
17.Find out the market’s reaction and revise the design.
18. Let the students make their own choices with reasons available
19.Revise the design and submit it to your manager.
Step Nine An Investigation (Homework)
20. Investigate the teaching and living facilities provided by the school
21. List things that are already provided and still needed
Classroom Facilities
Items Provided Items Needed
Dormitory Facilities
Items Provided Items Needed
22. Dwell on the great function of the facilities provided
23 Give acceptable reasons why more new items are needed
4th Period
Sub Topic: Teaching and Living Facilities of the School
Focus Writing
Tasks 1. Describe the damage that is being done to the Earth
2. Write a letter of complaint
Teaching Aims: 1. To encourage the students to pick out the useful phrases on their own like throughout the world, stay in touch with sb., call for help, in case of emergency, have fun, be cool etc..
2. To fulfill Word Study in the form of a Memory Competition press eenagereminddareemergency
dialobey hroughoutcalendar
3.To enable the students to formulate the rules of the Present Continuous Passive Voice ,test out the rules and finally refine their interlanguage
I am being given too much homework.
We are always being highly controlled by the teachers
Not enough opportunities are being offered to us students
At night, I am frequently being disturbed by the noise from the nearby construction site. …
Great damage is being done to the Earth.
Too many trees are being cut.
Animals are being hunted……..
Moral Focus: Environmental Protection
Teaching Aids:A tape recorder, a cassette etc.
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Warming up
1. Greetings
2. Word Game
Work in pairs and make new words
How many words can you make by moving the sides of the box?
Step Two Presentation
.4. Listen to the text again and enable the students to pick out on their own some useful words , phrases and sentences
Useful Words Useful Phrases Useful Sentences
emergency stay in touch with sb New functions are being added to the phones
… … …
5. Talk about the reasons why these words, phrases and sentences are worth their attention
Step Three Word Study
6. Match the words and phrases with the meaning on the right
(See Word Study, page 61 )
7. A Memory Competition
Books closed.
Two Groups Group 1: Girls Group 2: Boys
Two boys and two girls act as secretaries
The group which gets more guesses wins.
Step Four Grammar
8. Read the text again and try to identify the sentences that have the similar structure
Words and images are being sent throughout the world.
They are being used as cameras and radios, and to sent e-mail or surf the internet.
New functions are being added to the phones….
9. Let the students formulate the rules of the Present Continuous Passive Voice through careful observation
Step Five Pair Work
10. Test out the rules and get feedback through peer interaction by putting the following into the Present Continuous Passive Voice and change the following sentences into questions, using the Present Continuous Passive Voice (see page 61)
Step Six Language Input
11.. Listen to a passage focusing on the Present Continuous Passive Voice and help impress the students with the information and fossilize their hypotheses
Step Seven A Discussion
12. Refine the interlanguage by working in groups of four and describing the damage that is being done to the earth. Hopefully the students will use such structures as
Great damage is being done to the Earth.
Too many trees are being cut.
Animals are being hunted.
Rich farmland are being built on.
The air and water are being seriously polluted.
The whole environment is being destroyed.
Human beings are being compelled to confine to their homes.
As a result a lot of fun has been spoiled. …
13. Fossilize their hypotheses of the Present Continuous Passive Voice
Step Nine An Interview
14. After studying in the new school for a couple of months, you come across some problems with both your study and your life. In your opinion, the school should put more money in improving both the classroom facilities and dormitory facilities. Therefore, you go to see the headmaster and talk about your personal problems or even complaints.
7. An Interview
10. One student act as the headmaster and the other as the student suffering from the problems. The interview takes place in the Headmaster’s office.
11. Hopefully the student can use such structures as
I am being given too much homework.
We are always being highly controlled by the teachers
Not enough opportunities are being offered to us students
At night, I am frequently being disturbed by the noise from the nearby construction site. …
Personal opinions are to be concluded:
More teaching facilities are being needed
Air conditioners should be added to the dorm in case of hot and humid weather.
A telephone and a computer are also needed…
. Review the expressions of agreement and disagreement
Step Ten Writing
8. Write a letter to the Headmaster describing the heavy burden given by the school and complaining about the poor studying and living conditions. Personal opinions and suggested solutions are supposed to be included
9. Put your letter in the Headmaster’s Letter Box
Step Eleven Homework
10. Finish Part 1&2, p136, WB
11. Prepare A Hi-tech Show
The Hi-tech Show is to impress the students with the great impact of technology by displaying the technological achievements. Divide the whole class into several groups and do the show
Work in groups of six
Decide the theme
Produce a courseware
Prepare the introduction
5th Period
Sub Topic: Controversy about Technology
Focus Using English
Tasks 1. A Hi-tech Show
2. Talk about the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cellphones, Robots and Computers etc.
3. A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café
Teaching Aims: 1. To impress the students with the great impact of technology
2.To use the words and phrases to describe things
(press eenagereminddareemergencydialobey hroughoutcalendar
throughout the world, stay in touch with sb., call for help, in case of emergency, have fun, be cool….) To think about the problems caused by technology
Teaching Aids:
A cellphone, pictures of a robot and computer, the multi-media teaching system, etc.
Moral Focus: Social Awareness
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Warming up
1. Enjoy some well-selected MTVs
2. Comments on the producing of these MTVs and the use of new technology
Step Two A Hi-tech Show
3. Impress the students with the great impact of technology by displaying Hi-tech achievements and the great imagination which will bring about new inventions in the future.
Get the groups to show their work
Introduce the Hi-tech achievements
Descriptions must come along with the show
Four minutes are given for each group
4. Imagine the future inventions
Step Three Language Input
Future Travel : Teleportation
5.Read the passage and answer the following questions
What does teleportation mean?
How is teleportation different from normal transportation?
Why is it so difficult to teleport human beings?
Do you think teleportation will be realized? Give your reasons.
6.Fulfill the exam tasks
Learn the strategy of guessing the meaning of the words in the context. Match each word with the best strategy.
Word Strategy
Teleportation Some words are made up of parts. We can use the meaning of each part to guess the meaning of the word
Photons We can use words we already know to guess the meaning of words that mean the same or that have the opposite meaning
Apart Some words are explained in the sentence. The explanation is often between commas(,), dashes(----),or brackets( ).
Step Four More Tips for reading
4. Learn to become a smart reader
See page 63
Step Five A Science Report
7. Listen to a science report from the VOA
8.Impress the students with the latest discoveries in technology
9. Comments on the possible negative aspects of technology
Step Six Talking
10. Modern technology helps us do many of the things we want to do. But technology can also cause problems. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology?
Work together with your partner. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of the following inventions.
Items Advantages Disadvantages
Cellphones 1.Cellphones help us keep in touch with friends and family.
… 1.Using a cellphone is expensive.
2.Overusing it may disturb our work.
Robots … …
Computers … …
Discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology with the help of the lists.
Step Seven Topic Probe (Homework)
11. A Survey A Probe into the Cause of Teenagers’ Addiction to Cyber Café
Pay attention to the percentage of boys and girls respectively
Organize a report
Share opinions with the whole class
A Survey
NO Name Age Sex Name of the Cyber Café Reason Parents’ Attitude School’s Reaction
Step Eight Writing
12. Write an investigation report informing on the result of the investigation.
13. State the present situation and list all the problems
14. Appeal for attention to proper use of Cyber Café by teenagers
15. Suggest solutions and express your own ideas clearly
16. One or two sentences are expected to be used in Present Continuous Passive Voice
6th Period
Sub Topic: Attitude towards Technology
Focus Using English
Tasks 1. A Debate To Be a Technology-driven Human or not to Be
2. A Letter Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World
3. A Short Essay
Teaching Aims: 1. To use the following sentences to continue the debate (Absolutely. That’s exactly what I was thinking. That’s a good point. That’s just how I see it. That’s worth thinking about. I disagree. I’m afraid I don’t agree. Well, it depends. Well, I don’t know. Well, I am not sure about that Oh, I do so agree. Absolutely right. Definitely. I guess so. I can’t agree with you there. Not really. Not exactly. No way……)To express opinions in real situations
2.To learn to write an essay
Moral Focus: Global Sense
Teaching Aids: a tape recorder, a set of multi-media teaching system
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Warming up
Compare China and the western countries in terms of technology with the help of the multi-media teaching system.
Talk about the relationship between the young generation and the future of China
Work out the qualities that the new generation should have in order to make the nation more powerful
Step Two Investigation Report
3. Announce the results of the investigation
4. Personal comments on the results of the investigation
5.Share opinions with other groups
6.Read and refine the language of the report
7.Submit the report to the related department of the local government
Step Three A Design
8.Work in groups of five.
9.Work out some regulations for the communities to keep the teenagers away from the Cyber Cafe.
10.Contribute the regulations to the communities
Step Four Thinking and judging
11.. Prepare the students for the on-coming debate by asking them the following questions.
What helps us a lot in our teaching and learning?
Did I use the multi-media teaching system in every class?
Should we use the multi-media teaching system in every class?
Why yes or no?
How should we make good use of the advanced facilities?
Step Five A Debate
12. A Debate: To be technology-driven human or not to be
13. Divide the whole class into two and debate whether humans should be controlled by technology or not
Explain why humans should be technology-driven and why not
Cite examples to support the idea
Persuasive Language is strongly suggested
A final speech from each is expected
Step Six Discussing
14. Discuss about the result of the ill use of technology
15. Impress the students with the sharp contrast between the abusing use and hailing promotion of technology by showing some of the pictures like中國移動拯救海難主人翁照片,Heart-transplanting Operation, Antarctica Expedition, the Iraq War, the atomic bombing ,the nuclear weapon competition etc.
Step Seven Reflective thinking
16. What would happen if we go on abusing technology?
17. Imagine a world that is controlled by robots?
Step Eight Language Input
18. Read the passage and think what is missing in this future world
Step Nine Imagination
19. Imagine that you are one of the students chosen to solve the problem. Write a letter to Q 12 in which you explain love and friendship. Remember that Q12 is a computer that does not understand how human beings feel and what human life is like. Tell Q12 about how we think, how we feel about each other, and try to give examples of love and friendship
20. Tell your classmates about the examples that you are going to use
21. A Letter to Q12 Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World
. The following may help you with the writing
Tell Q12 who you are and why you are writing this letter
Tell Q12 about love and friendship and explain how love and friendship will make the world better
Tell Q12 what the world will be like with love and friendship
22. Exhibit the writings
Step Ten Tips for Life
23. Give remarks to cultivate some virtues that will be of practical value to the students at school, for subsequent careers and in their personal lives. e.g.
God helps those who help themselves.
Everything has two sides.
Love and friendship is the everlasting topic of this world….
Step Eleven Writing (Homework)
24. Find out how to write an easy on the internet
25. Write an essay in which you explain what the next “Big Thing” will be, and why you think it will be important
26. Poster the essays on the back wall of the classroom