參考教案 教學參考資料
教學參考資料(Reference for teaching)
補充注釋(Additional notes)
1.乘坐何種交通工具的表達法,除了 by bike/bus/ car/ jeep/ train/ boat/ ship/ plane外,還有 by land(陸路), by river (水路), by sea (海路)和 by air(航空)。這些僅要求理解。
answer, thank, work(v. +n.) home (n.+ adv.)
welcome (adj.+ interj. +vt.) one (num. + pron.)
there (adv. + interj.) so (pron. +conj.)
4.fifth (第五)是將基數詞five的后兩個字母ve改為f,再加上后綴-th構成的。
eighth(第八)因為基數詞 eight的最后一個字母是 t,加后綴-th時,只加 h。
5.parent常用復數 parents,意思“雙親”、“父母親”(father and mother),用單數要有上下文,如:
To have good children one must be a good parent.要有好孩子,你必須是個好母親或好父親。
6. And the air today is nice and clean.而且今天的空氣很清新。
在口語中,連詞and可放句首,表示說話者要說的另外一件事,起承上啟下的作用。nice and在口語中表示“非常……,實在……”的意思。
參考教案 Unit 2 How do you come to school 教學建議 示例三
教學建議(Suggested teaching notes)
(一)教學運用某種交通工具去某地的表達法:by bike/bus/car/train/ship/plane/以及問答。
How do you/does he(she) come to school/go to work/go home/…?
How many come/go to school on foot?
I come to school/go to work/go home by…
I walk to school. 或 I come/go to school on foot.
(二)教學定冠詞在世界上獨一無二的事物前的用法。如:the sun, the moon, the land, the sea.
(三)復習一般現在時態:它與 often, usually 和 sometimes 連用以及它與現在進行時態的區別。
(四)教學濁輔音[{]: usually[>ju:{u+li]。
(五)教學拼讀規則:元音字母e及其組合ea和ee讀[i:];元音字母i讀[i]和[i:];非重讀音節中的元音字母a, e, o和字母組合er和o(u)r讀[+]。
運用實物(如玩具)、課本上的插圖、教學掛圖、圖片、閃視卡片 (flash-cards, 一面為圖畫、另一面為單詞)、簡筆畫(參見《教學簡筆畫第二冊》第25、26頁)或投影片教學本單元的生詞: moon, sun, land, sea, ship, train, foot(feet), workbook, by. 可用動作教動詞walk, 并聯系教學名詞 walk。可用漢語教學 air, usually(=most often),用構詞法知識教學 another(合成: an + other), fifth和 eighth(派生:+后綴th), clean(轉類) 及fine(轉義)。
利用書前第2頁彩圖 Shopping Game, 復習 Is/Are there…?及其答語 Yes, there is/are. 或 No, there isn't/aren't any. 然后操練下列對話:
A:What can you see in the picture? (Is/Are there any…?)
B:I can see…(Yes, there is/are. 或 NO,…)
A: How many…can you see in the picture?
B:I can see…
或 A:How many… are there in the picture?(L. 8)
B:There are/is…
替換詞:bag, box, basket, room, house, shop, train, ship, …
替換詞組: on the desk/table/bed/…;under the chair/…; behind the door/house/…
學習介詞 by后,立刻聯系交通工具的名稱,學習介詞詞組 by bike/bus/car/jeep/train/boat/ship/plane以及 on foot. 接著進行對話操練。除了練習 How do you come to school/go home/…?及其答語 By bike/bus/…/on foot. 外,還可增加問答如下:
A:DO you often/sometimes go to the park/zoo/…/go to see your grandparents/…?
B:Yes, I do.(No, I don't.)
A:How do you usually go there/go to the to their house/…?
B: I usually go there on foot/by bus/…
回答時,可加 but sometimes…。如:I usually go there on foot/walk there. but sometimes I go by bus. 將主語改為 he/she/Mr Li/Wei Ping/…, 以操練動詞的第三人稱單數形式。還可用 How do you like…? 的句型,結合有關 fruit, drink, meat, colours, sports以及 doing sth. 等詞匯進行對話練習如下:
Choose any answer:
Very much.
A little.
A lot.
…don't…at all.
…doesn't…at all.
How do you like pears/tea/fish/…?
How does Mrs Smith like working in China/Chinese food/…?
How does your father like shopping/watching TV/…?
How does her friend like cooking/playing football/…?
How do his friends like swimming/doing housework/…?
還可以用 How many…?來操練:
A:How many students come to school on foot?
如不用名詞而用代詞,要用介詞詞組 of you/them:
A:How many of you/them go home by bus/bike/…?
B:Twenty-one(of us/them).
聽力訓練除注意聽課堂師生英語和教學錄音帶外,必須按時做好本單元的聽力練習 How do the six children come to school?
第8課第二部分提供閱讀的材料不是一段語篇,而是一個圖表,學生需要思考方可看懂。教師可先用英語解釋 N=48;N stands for the(total) number of students in Class 2. (參見第8課注釋1。)接著說明圓周表示48;半圓上寫的是 on foot,指12個學生步行到校。這樣乘自行車(全班的四分之一)、乘公共汽車和汽車到校的學生數就看得出來了。教師先問 How many students usually come to school on foot?找一學生回答。接著讓學生來問答。先在全班示范,然后兩人小組活動,使每個學生都有開口的機會。如果有可能,還可設計不同的比例圖,讓學生開展問答,這是一種具有交際性的活動。
與本單元同步的《閱讀訓練》第二單元(第5-8頁)是一則長195個詞的幽默故事 A woman and a duck。給學生4分鐘默讀,2分鐘聽錄音,2分鐘做填空練習(第8頁)。還可讓學生按故事內容編小品并表演。
練習冊第5課練習2冠詞填空可在課堂上口頭做,第1、3、5、7句布置為家庭作業(抄寫全句并填好空)。練習3為同音詞的歸納,在堂上先筆寫,然后口頭檢查。個別學生上黑板寫,可當堂訂正。讓學生再說出一二個來:[w#+] where,wear。
學完第6課的生詞后,讓學生把學過的交通工具寫在練習本上,叫二三個學生到黑板上寫:ship,boat,train,plane,car,jeep,bus,bike。練習冊第6課練習1是口筆頭綜合的信息交流練習,可以三人或四人小組方式進行,一面問答,一面筆記,填入表格;既訓練聽說能力,又學習記筆記。要抽點時間在堂上做,教師在旁指導。練習3是筆頭練習,要求結合本課重點,用英語描寫某個同學,至少寫6句。例如:Wang Ping usually comes to school by bike. She gets to school early every day. She doesn't like to be late. Her home is far away, so she has lunch at school. In the afternoon she often plays games after school and gets home after 5:00 by bike. In the evening she usually does her home- work. She often watches TV,but sometimes she reads. She works hard all day. 可在堂上口頭做后,課后筆頭完成。
教科書第7課的第3部分 Ask and answer 和練習冊第7課練習1 Make a survey 合在一起進行。邊口問,邊舉手統計,將數字填入表格,不寫阿拉伯數字,而寫數詞。要求學生在練習本上畫出表格,邊聽邊填寫,練習筆記能力。練習3是介詞填空練習,可在課上先筆頭做,讓學生邊看邊填空。然后口頭做,讓學生訂正。布置第2、6、10、11句為家庭作業。練習2可移到教學第8課時做。
練習冊第8課練習3仍是口筆頭綜合練習,做法同前。可以利用練習冊第7課練習2來復習一般現在時態和現在進行時態。要求學生在一般現在時態的句子里加上時間狀語,如 every day,on Saturday,after School 等。可口頭做后,當堂筆寫3句,余下4句為家庭作業。練習4為組成問句練習。由學生先當堂筆頭寫在練習本上,課堂口頭檢查訂正。也可布置為家庭作業。學完第二單元的4課后,可以給學生一次筆頭小測驗:聽寫并填空。題目見英語分課教學步驟第8課第6步 Test。朗讀時將空白____讀成 Blank。
從教科書第8課第1部分 Word families和練習冊第8課練習1和2可以看出本單元的語音內容是哪些字母和字母組合讀[i:]以及在不重讀音節中元音字母 a,e,o和字母組合er和o(u)r 讀[+]。還有長元音[i:]和短元音[i]的區別。在教學sea,clean時,可讓學生說出學過的帶 ea 讀[i:]的詞,如tea,eat,read,team,cheap,speak,teach,leave,please等,還可在黑板上寫出幾個運用這條拼讀規則能讀出來的生詞,如 beat,dean,heap,lead,meal,peak,reach等,讓學生拼讀,以鞏固ea讀[i:]這條拼讀規則。順便指出ea還可讀[e],如 bread,heavy,sweater等。同時做第8課練習1。
至于ee讀[i:] 的拼讀規則,可先讓學生補充舉例,如 tree,three,jeep,meet,green,feet等。我們再加上生詞deed,feel,keen,peep,reef,seek等,由學生拼讀。
(五)其他活動 配合本單元第5課學習對話 What can you see in the picture? I cansee…,可以玩游戲 I can see。具體做法:教師先帶領學生做。自己看好教室里一樣東西(如:門 door),告訴學生這個詞的第一個字母:I can see something and the first letter is D.讓學生猜 Can you see a desk/dress/doll/door?如沒有猜對,你用 No, I can't.回答,直到猜對了,你答: Yes,I can. 接著由猜對的學生來領做這個游戲。
參考教案 Unit 2 How do you come to school 教學步驟 Lesson 5 示例三
教學步驟(Teaching steps)
Lesson 5
Note:When teaching new words, it's a good idea to remind the Ss of the spelling rules they know. For example, refer to food, soon, afternoon while teaching moon; refer to other, mother, brother while teaching another. This should be made a constant feature in your teaching of new words.
Step 1 Revision
Revise Is/Are there…?by asking about items in the classroom: Is there a blackboard in this room? Are there any cats/flowers/pictures in this room? Help the Ss to answer Yes, there is. No, there aren't any. etc. You can make the questions more difficult by using adjectives(e. g. Are there any green walls in this room?) Get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs.
Step 2 Presentation
Write on the board, Lesson Five, the fifth lesson. Say Turn to page 5. Let's learn the fifth lesson. Repeat the word fifth.
Teach the sun, the moon, the land, these a and a ship, using flash cards or pictures on the Bb or the picture on page 5 of the SB. Explain in Chinese that the is used for unique natural elements, such as the sun and the moon. Practise this dialogue with the Ss, using different flash cards:
A:(holding a flash card of the sun) What can you see in this picture?
B:I can see the sun.
Get a student to play A, asking other Ss What can you see?
Step 3 Learn
SB page 5, Part 1. Read through the vocabulary in Part 1. Ss listen and repeat. Explain that another is an + other. Give more examples, using classroom objects (Here's an English book, and here's another one). Get Ss to make up examples.
Step 4 Ask and answer
SB page 5 Part 2 and Part 3. Ask some individual Ss, then let the Ss work in pairs. Then books closed! Ask Is/Are there…?
Are there any birds in the picture? How many… can you see? etc.
Step 5 Game
The I can see game. Tell the Ss that you are thinking of a classroom object.
They must guess what it is. Say I can see something and the first letter is P. The Ss guess Can you see a pen? Can you see a piece of paper? Answer No, I can't until they guess the right answer: Can you see a pencil? -Yes, I can! The student who guesses must think of the next item and say I can see something and the first letter is…This game can be played in pairs or in groups.
Step 6 Workbook
Wb Lesson 5, Exx.1-3.
Ex. 1 may be done orally in pairs.
Ex. 2 is a written exercise. (The answers are: 1 the, the, the: 2 an, a; 3a, a, the; 4 the; 5 an, a; 6 A, the; 7 a, the; 8 a, a, The, a, The, a. If necessary, briefly review the rules for choosing the correct article.
Ex. 3 can be done orally, with the answers being collected on the Bb. There are a number of alternative spellings:
sea, see; meet, meat; son, sun; bye, buy; no, know; write, right; four, for; two, to; hi, high.
Learn the new words in this lesson.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
參考教案 Unit 2 How do you come to school 教學步驟 Lesson 6 示例三
Lesson 6
Note:Ordinal numbers (such as sixth) can be taught in the same way as in the previous lessons. Tell Ss that most of them are formed by adding th after corresponding cardinal numbers.
Step 1 Revision
1 Revise, using flash cards, the new words learnt in Lesson 5.
2 Play the I can see game, as in Lesson 5,Step 5.
Step 2 Presentation
Draw a picture of a school on the Bb.
Show a flash card or picture of a bus and say Jim comes to school by bus.
Ss listen and repeat. Teach by bike/car and on foot in the same way. Explain that on is used with foot because people walk on their feet! Note that travel phrases like these have no articles or plurals.
Introduce the word usually. Say Jim usually comes to school by bus, etc. Pay attention to the pronunciation of usually/'ju:{u+li/.
Step 3 Drill
Show a flashcard and mention a mention a person, like this:
T:(holding a flashcard of a bike) Bill
Ss:Bill usually comes to school by bike.
Ss:I usually come to school by bike.
T:(holding a flashcard of a pair of feet) Ann
Ss:Ann usually comes to school on foot.
(You could also accept Ann usually walks to school).
Step 4 Practice
SB page 6, Part 1.Speech Cassette Lesson 6.
Listen to the tape and repeat. Practise the dialogue. Then pairwork: get the Ss to make a dialogue for each picture, using the one in the book as a model.
Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.
Step 5 Ask and answer
SB page 6, Part 2. Ask some individual Ss the question as a model. Then Ss ask their partners the same question in pairs. Finally ask some Ss to report their answers to the class, e.g. My friend comes from Sydney, Australia. His family go home every year by plane.
Step 6 Listening
Wb Lesson 6, Ex. 2. Listening Cassette Lesson6. Ask the Ss How do the six children come to school? Play the tape two or three times, if necessary, for the Ss to find the answers.
Listening text
JIM:Hi, Li Lei! How are you today?
LI LFI:Fine, thanks! Jim, how do you come to School?
JIM:Oh, I usually walk. What about you? How do you come to school?
LI LEI:Oh, I come by bike.
JIM:Do you come with Wei Hua?
LI LEI:No, she comes by bus.
JIM:Oh! Does Wei Hua come to school with Han Meimei?
LI LEI:Oh no! Wei Hua doesn't come with Han Meimei. Han Meimei usually comes by train.
JIM:What about the twins?
LI LEI:Oh, they usually come with their father. They come in their father's car.
(Answers: Jim-walk/on foot; Li Lei-by bike;Wei Hua-by bus; Han Meimei-by train; the twins-by car)
Step 7 Workbook
Wb Lesson 6, Ex. 3,
Ss should write at least 6 sentences about one of their friends, e.g. Liu Ying usually comes to school by bike. She gets to school early every day, etc. If you think this exercise is difficult, do it orally in class first. Then the Ss can do it for homework.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Learn the new words in this lesson.
參考教案 Unit 2 How do you come to school 教學步驟 Lesson 7 示例三
Lesson 7
Step 1 Revision
Write on the board: Lesson Seven, the_lesson. Ask Who can write the right word?(seventh). Get a student to write it on the board in the blank. Revise by bus/car/bike, on foot, etc, by using flashcards. Ask individual Ss How do you usually come to school?
Step 2 Presentation
Tell the Ss Miss Gao usually comes to school by bike, but sometimes she comes by bus. Show the meaning of sometimes by writing the days of the school week on the Bb. For Monday to Friday write by bike, and for Saturday write by bus. Practise the but sometimes structure with other examples, then get the Ss to make up sentences about themselves.
Step 3 Read and act
SB page 7, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 7. Books closed! Ask IS it a nice day? Let the Ss listen to the dialogue to find the answer. Ask a number of comprehension questions: How does Mr Wu usually come to school? What is wrong with his bike? etc. Books open! Play the tape again. Ss listen and repeat, then practisein pairs. Point out the short form Morning is less formal than Good morning.
Note the negative form of Don't you usually come to school by bike? shows surprise.
The answer Yes, I do. is short for Yes, I usually come to school by bike. Get some Ss to act out the dialogue. See if they can do it from memory, only using their books for reference when they forget the words.
Step 4 Ask and answer
SB page 7, Part 2. Discuss each picture with the class, then get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs, for example, How does Mr Green/ Mr Wu/Miss Gao go to work? Check the answers in random order.
Step 5 Survey
SB page 7, Part 3. Group work. Ask the Ss How many students in your group come to school on foot/by bike/bus/car? Get each group to report its answers. Write the results in figures on the Bb. Then ask How many students in the class come on foot? Ss work out the answer from the figures on the Bb. They write the answers in Wb Lesson 7, Ex. 1. Ask the Ss to spell out the numbers in English.
Step 6 Workbook
Wb Lesson 7, Exx. 2 and 3.
Ex. 2 presents a contrast between the Present Continuous (“at the moment”) and the Present Simple (“in the present period of time”)tenses. Do two examples orally with the Ss, then let them write out the sentences. Discuss the answers with the whole class.
For Ex. 3, Ss choose the correct prepositions and fill in the blanks. The answers are:1 at;
2 to, on; 3 in; 4 with; 5 of, on; 6 by, by;
7 behind; 8 with; 9 under; 10 from; 11 by.
Note:Like other exercises, some classes may find this one difficult, Remember the exercise is not intended to be a test. It is intended to practise.
If you think the Ss are likely to make too many mistakes if they do it on their own, do it orally in class first. They can do the sentences for homework. This approach may work well with many exercises in the Workbook.
Do Ex. 2 in the exercise books. (This may be done orally in class first.)
Revise the new language items in Unit 2 for a test.
參考教案 Unit 2 How do you come to school 教學步驟 Lesson 8 示例三
Lesson 8
Step 1 Revision
Teach eighth in the same way as seventh. (But only one t in eighth!)
Ask a student What time do you usually get up?
Write the answer on the Bb. Get other Ss to ask the student questions in the same way: What time do you usually have supper? What do you usually do on Sunday? etc. Ask the class about this student: What time does he/she usually have supper? etc. Then get the Ss to ask and answer in pairs. Get some pairs to report their answers.
Step 2 Word families
SB page 8, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 8. Get the Ss to listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds first,then practise the words randomly by showing the Ss a flashcard and ask them to pronounce the word written on it. Make sure that the Ss stress words of two or three syllables correctly (do extra practice if necessary). Draw the Ss' attention to the pronunciation of the letters. In the second group the letters are all pronounced/+/in unstressed syllables.
Do Wb Lesson 8, Ex. I The answers are: bread, night, Chinese, only.
Step 3 Practice
SB page 8, Part 2. Tell the Ss to look at the diagram. Ask How many students are there in the class? (48) . Get an oral answer. Then ask How many students usually come to school on foot? etc. Get individual Ss to ask more questions. Check the answers. The answers are: 24 students come on foot, 12 by bike, 8 by bus and 4 by car.
Step 4 Practice
Revise the results of the survey in Lesson 7.
Get the Ss to work in pairs to produce a diagram showing the results. Ask a pair to draw it on the Bb.
Step 5 Checkpoint 2
Go through Checkpoint 2. Reteach any points that are necessary and ask the Ss to tell you of any problems they have. Revise the forms of the Present Simple Tense and use drills where appropriate.
Step 6 Test
Dictate this short passage and get the Ss to use the correct word where there is a blank(____). Show the Ss where the blanks are by using a gesture. If you think this is too difficult, dictate the whole passage without leaving any blanks. Please see the Foreword, page 10, as how to give a dictation.
I usually* come____ school *____ bike,* but today* I'm____ foot. *My____ is broken. *It doesn't matter. * I like walking. * It's a fine day *____ a walk! * The air is nice* ____clean. (Answers: to, by, on, bike, for, and)
Step 7 Workbook
Wb Lesson 8, Exx. 2-4.
Ex.2 helps the Ss practise /i:/and/i/. Teach the word seat before you ask the Ss to read the dialogue in pairs. Play Speech Cassette Lesson8 and get the Ss to listen, and then listen and repeat. Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs, paying attention to/i:/and/i/.
For Ex. 3, read through the questions before the Ss ask and answer in pairs. Get some pairs to report their answers.
Ex.4 practises the question form of the Present Simple Tense. Do the first one orally, then get the Ss to write their answers.
Cheek the answers orally.
The answers are: 1 What time do you leave home in the morning? 2 Where does Lucy come from? 3 How many lessons do they have on
Monday?4 How much rice do you want?
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Learn the contents of Checkpoint 2.