參考教案 教學建議
教學建議(Suggested teaching notes)
第 73課Ask and answer可讓學生做快速的連鎖問答,使他們熟悉句型和數(shù)字,并達到脫口而出的熟練程度。為了給學生創(chuàng)造更多的機會,教師可提供火車列車時刻表中全國各主要城市間的距離表或世界各地航空路程表,將其放大制成掛圖,貼在黑板上。第75課Ask and answer可用同樣的材料進行課堂練習活動。待學生練熟課本上的句型后,要適時插入練習冊第73課的練習1。其中的重要句型是:
1)How many kilometres by train is it from… to…?
2)How far away is… from…?
3)How many kilos of milk was produced on Green Lake Farm last year?
4)What about 1996?
5)53,500 kilos 5,100 kilos more was produced than last year.
1) How many li by air is it from… to…?
2) How far away is the earth from the moon?
3) How many TV sets were sold in the shop last year?
4) What about 1996?
5) 213 sets. 47 sets more(less) were sold than last year.
T: How many pages do you think this book has?
S1: I think about 120.
T: NO. The number is too small.
S2: What about 500?
T: Oh, that's too big.
S3: How about 250?
T: That's quite right. 265.
在第一冊和第二冊中,我們已經(jīng)陸續(xù)學習了數(shù)字的用法,教師可幫助學生回憶它們的念法,并做快速連鎖問答。還可就長度、高度、重量等做問答,例如:How long is the Yellow River?How heavy is your bag? How tall/high is that tree?等等。
教師讓學生先口頭操練第73課Practise,此時將練習冊第73課練習2也轉換成類似課本上 Practise的形式,例如:
Workers make watches in Guangdong.
Workers produce TV sets in Fujian.
People produce fridges in Beijing.
People produce keys in the factory.
學生通過全班、半班、兩人小組的口頭練習后(將陳述句轉為被動語態(tài),再轉入下一個句型操練(回答What is/are… used for?)。教師提供如下的提示:
1)telling the time 2)watching TV programmes 3)keeping food fresh 4)opening and locking doors 5)making clothes 6)selling and eating 7)sending people 8)making glasses and other things 9)giving people food 10)sending letters
兩個練習所涉及的物品的用途都包括在這些提示中。學生經(jīng)過反復操練能夠完全熟練掌握該句型,教師可引導他們說同一物品的多種用途或談論其它物品的用途。例如:Radios are used by old people for listening to the news and music.
Radios are used by policemen for sending and receiving messages.
Radios are used by students for learning English.
Your room must be kept clean and tidy.
Older people must be given seats on a bus.
The tree must be watered often.
本單元第74課是一篇題為“The universe and man-made satellites”的課文,是一篇科技小品。為了引起學生的閱讀興趣,建議讓學生帶著問題有目的地閱讀,或在閱讀前讓學生猜測課文內(nèi)容,然后再閱讀課文證實他們的猜測。具體做法是:
1)What do we mean when we talk about the universe?
2)Do you know anything about the moon? Try to say something about it.
3) What is a man-made satellite? What's it used for?
4)Please say something about people's knowledge of the universe.教師可將學生們的回答簡單地板書在黑板的一側。然后讓他們打開書閱讀課文。學生們閱讀后,教師帶著他們驗證猜測。在這個過程中,實際上教師是在讓學生熟悉本課的大意,并接觸課文中的句型和詞語。教師在黑板的另一側板書課文中的關鍵詞,與學生們的猜測答案相對照。下一步讓學生逐段復述課文。反復數(shù)次后,做練習冊第74課練習2。學生在對證這個練習答案的過程中,又復習了本課的詞語,掌握了與課文內(nèi)容相關的新表達方式。這樣他們完成練習3、4也就不難了。學生完成了練習2、3、4后,教師可繼續(xù)讓他們將這3個練習中的語句與課文作比較,找出異同,例如:
1)課文-Many of the stars cannot be seen because they are too far away.
練習Many of the stars are so far away that we cannot see them.
2)課文-The moon travels round the earth. It is our satellite.
練習The moon, our satellite, travels round the earth.
本單元第75課Practise和Choose the right words及練習冊第75課練習1、 2都是有關選擇電視節(jié)目的對話練習。練習冊第75課練習3和第76課練習3分別是有關put和make詞組的練習。這些練習中生詞很少,只有兩個:enjoyable和channel。但討論選擇電視或電臺節(jié)目的對話在教材中是第一次出現(xiàn)。
TV: 1.Programme for Children Radio: 1. Music World
2. 29-part Series: Family(2) 2. News Report
3.China Reports 3. Foreign Languages Magazine
4.Series: Women 4.Window on Chinese History
5. Chinese Programmes for Foreigners
6.Music Bridge
7.Basketball Match (Beijing Vs Henan)
1)Which TV/radio programme shall we watch/listen to?
2)Which TV/radio programme do you think is more interesting/enjoyable?
3) Well, I don't think any of them is interesting/enjoyable.
4)I think I shall…instead.
5) Why don't you go and… instead?
6) Good idea. That is much better than…./… is better than….
學生看圖按全班、半班、兩人小組操練句型,直至熟練為止。然后全班進入下一個對話內(nèi)容的學習,即課本第75課Choose the right words和練習冊第75課練習1。這兩個練習原本是寫的練習,但建議教師依靠圖片和角色扮演等手段,讓學生們先口頭熟悉對話內(nèi)容,并采取各種形式進行口頭操練,然后再據(jù)此完成筆頭練習。教師應鼓勵學生積極思維,創(chuàng)造性地編出不同的對話。例如:
1) A: Which TV programme shall we watch? I can't decide.
B: Which do you think is more interesting?
A: Well, I think the children's programme is more enjoyable.
B: Which channel is it on?
A: It is usually found on Channel 3. Try that.
B: I've tried that. But I can't get it.
2) A: What are you doing?
B: I'm trying to find our favourite TV programme-sports.
A: Have you got it yet?
B: No. I don't know which channel it is on.
A:It must be on Channel 14. Try that.
B:OK…But this is not sports.
A: Well, I don't think any of the programmes is interesting. I think I shall listen to the radio instead. Why don't you join me? It must be more enjoyable.
復合名詞:afternoon baskeball bedroom birthday blackboard bookseller bookshop breakfast classmate classroom day-time doorbell Englishman fireplace football gate-keeper gateman grand-parents granddaughter grandson handbag headache headmaster headteacher hometown homework housework kilometre know-all loudspeaker mooncake motorbike northeast northwest pencil-box penfrlend photograph playground policeman postcard railway reading-room shopkeeper southeast southwest spaceship sunrise sunshine teapot teamwork volleyball weekday 名詞變形容詞:interesting surprising northern southern woolen
cleaner driver inventor keeper teacher speaker traveller visitor worker
1) My sister loves in France. Last week she sent me a postcard. She said that she had watched a very interesting program me on TV. It was sent to France from Japan by satellite. The program me was about twins. She liked it very much.
2) David lives in Oxford. Last week I got a letter from him. It said that he had heard a very interesting program me on the radio. The program me was about the old things in a museum and it was sent to Oxford from China by man-made satellite. He said that he enjoyed it very much.
參考教案 Unit 19 Mainly revision 教學參考資料 示例二
教學參考資料(Reference for teaching)
補充注釋(Additional notes)
1. When we talk about the universe, we mean the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the space between them. 當我們談論宇宙時,我們指的是地球、太陽、月亮、星星和它們之間的空間。
mean 作動詞,表示“意指、意謂”,其后常接名詞或賓語從句等。又如:
Whom do you mean? 你指的是誰?
I always mean what I say. 我總是說話算數(shù)的。
2. SO far, no man has travelled farther than the moon … 到目前為止,還沒有人到比月球更遠的地方去旅行過……。
so far 到目前為止;至今。又如:
So far we have learnt no more than 1,000 English words. 到現(xiàn)在為止,我們所學的英語單詞不到1,000個。
So far, so good. 到目前為止,一切順利。
We are doing things no one has so far done. 我們正做別人沒做過的事。
3. Thanks to space satellites … 由于宇宙衛(wèi)星……
thanks to 幸虧,由于。又如:
Thanks to your help, we finished the work on time. 幸虧有你的幫助,我們及時完成了工作。
參考教案 Unit 19 Mainly revision 教學步驟 示例二
教學步驟(Teaching steps)
Lesson 73
1 In this unit, the lesson plans follow the exercises in the book very closely and grammar points are treated briefly. If your Ss need extra practice on particular topic, feel free to provide a grammar focus where necessary.
2 You will need to prepare a written test to give your students at the end of this unit.
3 This lesson mainly revises numbers and the Passive Voice.
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework.
Step 2 Presentation
SB page 73, Part 1. Tell the Ss to look at the diagram. Ask What does it tell us? (The distance between cities. )
Give some examples of the dialogue, playing both parts yourself:
A: How many kilometres by train is it from Nanjing to Wuhan?
B: 1229. How many kilometres is it from Kunming to Shanghai?
A: 2677.
Now ask the whole class:
How many kilometres is it from Changsha to Beijing / Wuhan to Nanjing / Guangzhou to Shanghai?
Make sure the Ss say the numbers correctly. Get individual Ss to make up questions.
Step 3 Practice
Ss ask and answer about the diagram in pairs. Step 4 Presentation
Revise the Passive Voice by collecting a number of objects on your desk. Ask the Ss What's this? What's it made of? Where was it made?
Show or draw pictures of a car, a bag of salt and some bananas.
Ask Where are cars made? (Shanghai) Where is salt produced? (Jiangxi) Where are bananas grown?
Write the questions on the Bb to revise the forms of the Passive Voice.
Step 5 Practice
SB page 73, Part 2. Discuss the model with the Ss. Point out that by people is usually omitted. Do the first one with the whole class as an example, then let the Ss work on their own, writing the answers in their exercise books. Check the answers with the whole class.
Step 6 Write
Talk about the objects on your desk. Ask about (e. g. ) a pen: What's it used for? Help the Ss to answer It's used for writing. Write the sentence on the Bb to revise the be used for + ing structure.
Explain the new words and expressions. Teach satellite and universe by showing pictures or translation. doing problems = solving problems. SB page 73, Part 3. Do two or three examples orally before the Ss write down their answers. Check the answers with the whole class.
Step 7 Workbook
Wb Lesson 73, Exx. 1 and 2.
For Ex. 1, go through the diagram and the model dialogue carefully and do another example(mutton) with the whole class before getting the Ss to ask and answer in pairs.
Do Ex. 2 orally in class. If time permits, let the Ss do Ex. 3. The answers to Ex. 3 are: an, for, from, does, on, feet, water, of, wood, in. This machine is called waterwheel.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Do Ex. 2 in the exercise books
參考教案 Unit 19 Mainly revision 教學步驟 Lesson74 示例二
Lesson 74
Note: This lesson mainly revises different verb tenses, especially the Present Perfect Tense. Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework.
2 Revise the diagram and dialogue in SB page 73, Part 1.
Step 2 Preparation for reading
Revise or introduce some vocabulary: sun, earth, moon, space and spaceship by drawing a picture of the sun on the Bb. Ask What's this? Then draw the earth, saying This is where we live. What's its name? Add the moon, saying This is the moon. The moon is a satellite of the earth.
Revise the word universe and space and draw a spaceship, like this:
SB page 74. Tell the Ss Today we are going to read about the universe. What's the title of the passage? (The Universe and Man-made Satellites). Read the passage quickly and find out what a satellite is. Let the Ss give an explanation in English, if possible, e. g. A satellite goes round the earth. The moon is a satellite of the earth. There are many man-made satellites in the space, too.
Explain that man-made is an adjective meaning made by people. Man in this text means the human race.
Step 3 Reading
Wb Lesson 74, Ex. 1. Read through the questions with the Ss and make sure they understand them.
Let the Ss read the passage carefully and then discuss their answers in pairs. Finally check the answers with the whole class.
Deal with any difficulties that the Ss have. They should be able to guess the meaning of new words such as knowledge and programme from the context, but tell them to use their dictionary where necessary.
You could give some more background information about spaceships without people: some spaceships have been sent to visit different planets, such as Mars, Venus and Jupiter.
If you wish, ask the Ss to write the answers to Wb Ex. 1 in their exercise books. The suggested answer to the last question is: With the help of the man-made satellites, it is easy for different countries to send and receive messages. We can also use satellites to help us make telephone calls to foreign countries.
Step 4 Reading aloud
Speech Cassette Lesson 74. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Use any method that you think suitable: repetition by the whole class, groups, pairs or individual Ss. You could play the tape with the Ss reading silently: then pause the tape and get the Ss to read the next sentence.
Step 5 Workbook
Wb Lesson 74, Exx. 2-4. Do Ex. 2 orally first, then let the Ss write down their answers. The answers are: universe, between, far, can, not, satellite, round, by, satellites, into, round, about, receiving, from, smaller. Get the Ss to work alone or in pairs for Ex. 3. Check the answers with the whole class. The answers are: 1 satellite, 2 messages, 3 knowledge, 4 programmes, 5 universe, 6 understand.
Do Ex. 4. The answers are: 1 with, 2 without, 3 without, 4 with.
Step 6 Consolidation
Revise the contents of the passage orally, using the questions in Wb Ex. 1 as a guide.
Read the passage again.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Write down the answers to the questions in Ex. 1 in the exercise books.
參考教案 Unit 19 Mainly revision 教學步驟 Lesson75 示例二
Lesson 75
Note: This lesson mainly revises the modal verbs, comparative adjectives and numbers.
Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework
2 Revise the contents of the passage in Lesson 74. using the questions in Wb Lesson 74, Ex. 1 as a guide.
Step 2 Presentation
SB page 75, Part 1. Tell the Ss to read the model question and find the answer in the box. Then let them ask and answer questions in pairs. Check the answers in the class. Make sure the Ss say the numbers correctly.
Step 3 practice
SB page 75, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 75. Play the tape of the dialogue for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then divide the Ss into two groups to practise. Point out that Which do you think is more interesting? = Which programme (of the two ) is more interesting? Note the use of shall to express a decision in I think I shall read a book instead.
Get the Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs, and then make up a second dialogue about listening to the radio. Get some Ss to act out both dialogues.
Step 4 Acting
SB page 75, Part 3. Do the first two orally as an example, then let the Ss work in pairs, choosing the right words. Check the answers with the whole class. Get the Ss guess the meaning of channel. The answers are: find, found, anything, must, still, them, something, may, take, mend.
Let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. Finally, see if they can do it without their books!
Step 5 Workbook
Wb Lesson 75, Exx. 1 and 2.
Do Ex. 1 orally with the whole class first, then let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. The answers are: find, it, more, on, other, about, very / quite / rather, watch.
For Ex. 2, let the Ss make up their own dialogues. Get some pairs to act out their dialogue.
If time permits, ask the Ss to write out their dialogue in their exercise books.
Do Ex. 3. Get the Ss to read over the sentences and decide which phrases to choose. Then call out Ss to Complete the sentences. The answers are: put up: put, away; put on; put, down; put up; put, on.
Write one of the dialogues in Ex. 2 in the exercise book.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Revise Checkpoints 15 to 18.
參考教案 Unit 19 Mainly revision 教學步驟 Lesson75 示例二
Lesson 75
Note: This lesson mainly revises the modal verbs, comparative adjectives and numbers.
Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework
2 Revise the contents of the passage in Lesson 74. using the questions in Wb Lesson 74, Ex. 1 as a guide.
Step 2 Presentation
SB page 75, Part 1. Tell the Ss to read the model question and find the answer in the box. Then let them ask and answer questions in pairs. Check the answers in the class. Make sure the Ss say the numbers correctly.
Step 3 practice
SB page 75, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 75. Play the tape of the dialogue for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then divide the Ss into two groups to practise. Point out that Which do you think is more interesting? = Which programme (of the two ) is more interesting? Note the use of shall to express a decision in I think I shall read a book instead.
Get the Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs, and then make up a second dialogue about listening to the radio. Get some Ss to act out both dialogues.
Step 4 Acting
SB page 75, Part 3. Do the first two orally as an example, then let the Ss work in pairs, choosing the right words. Check the answers with the whole class. Get the Ss guess the meaning of channel. The answers are: find, found, anything, must, still, them, something, may, take, mend.
Let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. Finally, see if they can do it without their books!
Step 5 Workbook
Wb Lesson 75, Exx. 1 and 2.
Do Ex. 1 orally with the whole class first, then let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. The answers are: find, it, more, on, other, about, very / quite / rather, watch.
For Ex. 2, let the Ss make up their own dialogues. Get some pairs to act out their dialogue.
If time permits, ask the Ss to write out their dialogue in their exercise books.
Do Ex. 3. Get the Ss to read over the sentences and decide which phrases to choose. Then call out Ss to Complete the sentences. The answers are: put up: put, away; put on; put, down; put up; put, on.
Write one of the dialogues in Ex. 2 in the exercise book.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Revise Checkpoints 15 to 18.
參考教案 Unit 19 Mainly revision 教學步驟 Lesson76 示例二
Lesson 76
Note: This lesson introduces a little knowledge about word formation and revises the Passive Voice. Step 1 Revision
1 Check the homework.
2 Revise the vocabulary connected with space in Lesson 74.
Step 2 Listening
SB page 76, Part 1. Listening Cassette Lesson 76. Wb Lesson 76, Ex. 1. Tell the Ss Today we are going to hear about people who travelled in space.
Read through the questions in Wb Ex. 1 and make sure the Ss understand them. If you wish, let the Ss guess the answers, using a pencil.
Play the tape once or twice as necessary. Let the Ss check their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class. Deal with any difficulties that arise.
Listening text
Listen to the passage, and answer the question on page 76 of your workbook:
Man is beginning to travel in space. The first man in space was a Russian, Yuri Gagarin. He took off on April 12, 1961 and landed again 108 minutes later. The first woman in space was also a Russian, Valentina Tereshkova. In June 1963, she took nearly three days to go round the earth 48 times. she landed on earth after travelling nearly 2 million kilometres. The first man to land on the moon was an American named Neil Armstrong. He landed on the moon on 21 July 1969. He was joined by another American Buzz Aldrin. They stayed on the moon for about 21 hours.
The answers are: 1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 C, 7 C, 8 A.
Step 3 Word building
Explain that, in English, we can make new words from old words. Give examples: class + room = classroom; home + work = homework. See if the Ss can think of other examples.
SB page 76, Part 2. Read through the list. Check that the Ss understand the meaning of the words by translation if necessary.
Note that in American English woollen and traveller are spelt as woolen and traveler.
Step 4 Workbook
Wb Exx. 2 and 3. Do Ex. 2 orally with the whole class before allowing the Ss to work alone. Finally, check the answers with the whole class.
The answers to Ex. 2 are: birthday, grandson, grandparents, homework, home town, southeast, southwest, sitting room, bookshop, bookseller, bedroom, football, housework, weekday, meeting room, loudspeaker, classmate, basketball, northwest, reading room, headmaster, downstairs. For Ex. 3, pay attention to the usage of make.
Step 5 Checkpoint 19
Revise Checkpoints 15 to 18. Spend time on the areas of particular difficulty that you have noticed in your Ss' work. Ask them to raise problems too. If necessary, give some drills or exercises for extra practice.
Step 6 Practice
SB page 76, Part 3. Your revision of the Checkpoints should have covered the Passive Voice. Do this exercise orally with the whole class, then let the Ss write down their answers.
Step 7 Write
SB page 76, Part 4. Let the Ss read the short passage. Ask some questions: Who wrote the letter? Where does she live? What was the program me about? etc. Collect some ideas for the Ss' writing. Tell them to think about an interesting radio / TV program me or book / passage. Ask them What was it about?
Let the Ss write their passage and ask them to check their partner's work. Get them to make any necessary changes.
Finally, collect their work for marking. Pay attention to the contents as well as the grammar of your Ss' work.
Prepare for the mid-term exam.