NSEFC-II Unit10 Frightening nature

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Unit 10 Frightening nature

I. Brief Statements Based on the Unit

Have you experienced a terrible nature disaster? Certainly few of us have. Do you want to know something about it? Certainly many of us do. After you have learned this unit, Unit 10. Frightening nature, you are sure to obtain some useful information about that. The unit will be taught in four periods. In the first period, we'll deal with Warming up, Listening and Speaking. At the beginning, four pictures are shown to the students. They are asked to talk about them and then write down what is observed. The pictures are about geology, meteorology, astronomy and biology, including typhoon, cobra and cells. The pictures and the questions after them can greatly stimulate the students' interest in science. Listening is about weather

forecast in the USA. The exercises of listening can test how the students grasp the detailed information in it. Speaking provides all types of topics for the students to talk about. When they finish their talking, a lot of useful expressions on how to express emotion, anxiety and fear are mastered by them. In the second period, we'll deal with Prereading, Reading and Post-reading. In the beginning, the students will see and talk about three pictures about a famous volcano vesuvius, which once erupted about two thousand years ago, and destroyed two small towns. Then the

whole text gives us a vivid picture at that time. It describes how the writer’s uncle died. His uncle, attracted by the scene of volcano eruption, wanted to observe and record more about that. So he decided to go and see it from closer. He went there and rescued his friend's wife. Then he went to see another friend of his, who lived very near to the erupting volcano. He even encouraged the scared people to calm down. But unfortunately, he died at last. He only thought about learning more about volcano and wasn't afraid at all. He valued scientific knowledge more than his life. In the third period, we deal with Word study and a grammar item--Ellipsis. Plenty of exercises are arranged for it. The students will master it through practice. Integrating skills are delt with in the fourth period. The text is about a ship, controlled by the captain and his crew, fighting against a terrible typhoon. The story without end asks the students to use their imagination and write how it will end. We are sure that when the unit is finished, the students will not only improve their ability to listen, speak, read and write, but also learn and master plenty of useful words and expressions.

II. Teaching Goals

1. Talk about natural disasters volcanoes, hurricanes and typhoons.

2. Express emotion, anxiety and fear.

3. Learn about Ellipsis.

4. Practise creative writing.

III. Teaching Time: Four periods

IV. Background Information

1. Volcanoes

There are thousands of volcanoes all over the world. What makes volcanoes?

What happens?

The inside of the earth is very hot. Because it is very, very hot, the rock has melted like ice. It has become liquid, like water, his always boiling, like water in a kettle. If you have seen a kettle boiling, you know that the steam and boiling water try to get out. The very hot melted rock inside the earth also tries to get out. Usually it cannot because the outside of the earth is too thick and strong.

But in some places the outside of the earth is thin and weak. Sometimes a crack (a small opening) appears. The hot melted rock, which we call “lava”. pushes up

through the crack and bursts through. Steam and gas shoot up into the air and the hot melted lava pours out. Big pieces of rock may be thrown high into the air.

After a while the volcano becomes quiet again. The melted lava becomes hard. Later the same thing happens again and again. Each time more hot lava pours out on top of the cold lava and then becomes hard. In this way a kind of mountain is built up, with a hole down the middle. Perhaps the volcano will then be quiet and no more lava will burst out. Perhaps it will start again hundreds of years later.

Although there are thousands of volcanoes in the world, most of them are dead. Only about 500 sometimes start to throw out lava again. A famous volcano which is now dead is Mount Fujiyama in Japan. It is covered with snow in winter.

Vesuvius is the name of a very famous volcano in Italy. It first came to life many, many years ago. It was quiet for hundreds of years. Then in the year 79 it suddenly burst. A great cloud of smoke shot up into the sky with great burning rocks, which fell all around. Hot lava poured down its sides. About 3 000 people were killed.

This has happened again many times since that year. Sometimes no damage was

caused, or only little damage. But there was serious damage in the years 472,

1631, 1794, 1861, 1872 and 1906. You can see that a volcano can stay alive for many years. In 1906 part of the top of the mountain fell off. There was also serious damage in 1914 but there has not been any since that year.

2. What Is a Tornado?

What exactly is a tornado? The general picture is familiar enough. The phenomenon usually occurs on a hot. sticky day with south winds and an ominous sky. From the base of a thunderhead, a funnel-shaped cloud extends a violently twisting spout toward the earth. As it sucks in matter in its path, the twister may turn black, brown, or occasionally (over snow) even white. The moving cloud shows an almost continuous display of sheet lightning. It lurches along in a meandering path,

usually northeastward, at 25 to 40 miles per hour. Sometimes it picks up its finger from the earth for a short distance and then plants it down again. The funnel is very slender: its wake of violence averages about 400 yards wide. As the tornado approaches, it is heralded by a roar as of hundreds of jet planes or thousands of railroad cars. Its path is a path of total destruction. Buildings literally explode as they are sucked in by the tornado's low-pressure vortex (where the pressure drop

is as much as 10 percent) and by its powerful whirling winds (estimated at up to 500 miles per hour). The tornado's lifetime is as brief as it is violent. Within a few tens of miles (average: about 16 miles), it spends its force and suddenly disappears.

3. Earthquakes

Earthquake is a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface. It's a kind of crustal movement form of expression.

Earthquake is regarded as one of the most damaging forces known to man: since records began to be written down, it has been estimated that earthquake-related fatalities have been numbered in the millions, and that earthquake-related destruction has been beyond count.

The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas. One such area surrounds the Pacific Ocean and its contiguous land masses. The other extends from the East India to the Atlas Mountains, including the Himalayas, Iran, Turkey, and the Alpine regions. It is in these two great belts or zones that ninety percent of all earthquakes take place. The text refers to two of the strongest quakes in San Francisco. As to our country, a large number of earthquakes happened in North China and Northwest China. The powerful earthquake of Tang Shan happened in the city of Tang Shan, Hebei Province on July 28th, 1976, which caused more than 240 000 deaths and the whole city was destroyed.

Nowadays scientists know a little about earthquakes and they still cannot stop these disasters from happening. However, they can warn people who live in these areas by pre diction, in advance to take precautions against such disasters. A worldwide earthquake warning network is already in operation at present and is expected to make earthquake prediction several years ahead of time.

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn the new words of this period and master their usages.

2. Listen to a passage about weather forecast,

3. Talk about natural disasters.

Teaching Important Points:

1. How to improve the students' listening ability.

2. How to improve the students' speaking ability.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to use what the students have learned to describe a nature disaster.

Teaching Methods:

1. Listening to improve the students' ability to listen.

2. Discussion and free talk to get every student to speak.

3. Talking the interesting topics to raise the students' interest in science.

Teaching Aids:

1. a computer

2. a projector

3. a tape recorder

Teaching Procedures

Step I Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

T: Have you finished your homework?

(Ss: Yes )Please put your exercise books on your desks. I'll check your homework.… (After teacher checks the students’ homework, teacher says the following. )

T: Open your books at Page 113. Let's learn the new words of this period first. SA, read the new words, please.


(Teacher corrects the students' mistakes in pronunciation and gives the brief explanations of some words when necessary.)

Step II Warming up

T: Please open your books at Page 73.Look at the four pictures. What can you see in the pictures? Have a discussion with your partner and do the exercises. Some minutes later, I'll ask some of you to give the answers.

(Teacher goes among the class and join in the students' discussion. Some minutes later, teacher says the following. )

T: Have you finished?

Ss: Yes.

T: Let's do Ex. 1. Who will talk about the first picture?

S: Perhaps the first picture is a geomorphologic map.

T: Please go on !

SB: In the second picture we can see a scene in which some tall trees are blown down. Perhaps a typhoon has just happened. What a sad scene! If we want to get more information, we can see pictures taken by the satellite on the Internet.

Sc: In the third picture. I saw a comet. It has a very bright head and a long less

bright tail and is moving through the sky to the ground. If we want to see it

more clearly, we can see it through a telescope.

T: How do you know when it will happen?

SD: The TV programme will tell us in advance. It will tell us its detailed timetable and the other information about it.

SE: In the last picture we can see a cell, but it is enlarged many times. We often see cells in our biology classes. As long as you have a microscope, you can see them clearly.

T: Do you often hear about these things in newspapers or on TV?

SF: Both. In summer we often hear about typhoons on the Pacific. There are about seven typhoons in the southeast of our country. If there are fewer, drought will take place.

SG: Some years ago, we learned from the newspaper and TV that a comet would pass through the dark sky in our country. Our geography teacher organized us to watch it through a microscope.

T: Now answer the third question, please. How does nature form a danger to people in the world and how can science help reduce that threat?

SH: Typhoons are harmful to us. They can pull up the tall tree, blow down the wire poles and even destroy people's houses. Sometimes it can cause severe flood.

SI: Earthquake can bring great damage to people's life. It can cut off electricity

and water supply and destroy houses. Even it often causes deaths. In 1976 a terrible earthquake in Tang Shan killed thousands of people.

SJ: If the typhoon and earthquake can be forecast, damages will greatly be reduced. Scientists in our country can forecast typhoons exactly and some of the earthquakes have been forecast before. I’m sure they will control the natural disaster and reduce the losses to the lowest degree.

T: In which ways are the fields of science important to our everyday life?

SK: Geograph is important. If we do well in it, we can find more coal, gas and oil, as well as all kinds of metal.

SL: Meteorology is important. If we master it, we can tell our farmers much information about farming. If so, they will increase their productivity and

avoid losses.

SM: In our geograph lessons, our teacher told us that the stars and planets in

the universe have effects on the earth, especially the weather on the earth. So we should learn astronomy well and know as much about it as possible so

that we can forecast their effect.

SN: Biology is an important subject. It affects our everyday life directly. If we

develop better medicine, some diseases will be got rid of. SARS,for example,

broke out in our country last year. We needed a lot of effective medicine

then. If it had not been for the success our scientists achieved, we would have

had much more losses.

T: OK. Let's stop here. Knowledge is power. Let's work hard at our subjects and lay a solid foundation for the future. I wish all of you a bright future.

Step III Listening

T: Now let's do listening. Please turn to Page 73 and 7L Read the information about the exercises. (After a few minutes.)

T: Do you understand what we should do?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Let's listen to the tape. I'll play the tape three times. When I play it for

the first time, try to get as much information as possible and write it down on a piece of paper. When 1 play it for a second time, check your answers to be sure they are correct. Then check your answers with your partner and have a discussion with them. At last, I'll play it for the third time and answer all the questions you are not sure about. Are you clear about that?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Let's begin.


Step IV Speaking

T: Let's go on to do speaking. Please open your books at Page 74. Read the dialogue first and then talk about typhoon with your partner. A few minutes later, let’s act it out.

Sample dialogue

(A: Student a; B: Student b)

A: Are there any typhoons in the area where you live?

B: No, there aren't.

A: Have you heard about it?

B: Yes, I have. I saw a VCD about typhoon last year, and I learned something from it.

A: What is it like?

B: Very terrible! When it happens, trees are pulled up and some old houses are


A: Is that so? I wish there were no typhoons in the world.

B: That's impossible. But when it comes, there will be rain with it.

A: How about hurricane and tornado?

B: There are many words for a violent tropical circular wind. A cyclone may be very large, bringing rain and great destruction. When it happens in the western Atlantic Ocean, it is called a hurricane, and the same tiling happening in tile western Pacific or China sea is a typhoon. When shaped like a pipe and passing in a narrow path, it is a tornado if it goes over land and a waterspout if it goes over water.

A: I see. Thank you very much for telling me so much.

B: Not at all.

T: (Show the screen.) Have you met with one of such situations above? Are you

frightened? Have you heard anyone meet with that? Describe how they behaved then. Have a discussion with your partner and make up a dialogue. The useful expressions on the blackboard may be a help to you.

(Teacher writes the useful expressions on Page 75 on the blackboard.)

Sample dialogue:

(A: Students c ; B: Student d)

A: Have you been in a situation that frightens you?

B: Yes. It was last summer. I spent my summer vacation in my hometown, a small village in a mountainous district. One day, I went hiking with my cousin. On our way home, we met a cobra.

A: Were you frightened when you saw it?

B: Very! It made my hair stand on end. My cousin was too frightened to move at that time, too. Because we both saw on TV that the poison of a cobra can kill a person easily.

A: What happened next?

B: Fortunately it didn't see us. We acted just as the TV programme told us. At

last, it went by. The distance between the cobra and us was only three metres or so.

A: How terrible !

Step V Summary and Homework

T: In this period, we've talked about some topics about geology, meteorology, astronomy and biology, and listened to a passage about weather information.

Also we've had a discussion about some frightening situations. After class, go on with the discussion according to the pictures on Page 25 using the useful expressions on the blackboard. (Teacher reads the expressions.) And do the fifth part of Warming up. That's all for today. Class is over.

Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 10 Frightening nature

The First Period

Useful expressions :

How terrible!

It makes me feel uneasy when…

I think it's very unpleasant…

It makes me feel very worried.

I get very upset.

It's a frightening thing…

I dare not …

I'm really frightened to…

What's really scary…

I'm afraid of…

I'm frightened to death by…

She's scared to death.

He gets into a total panic when…

It makes my hair stand on end.

What terrifies me…

Step VII Record after Teaching

The Second Period

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn the useful words and expressions: draw one's attention, at hand, call for,

urge, upon arrival, calm down, light up, in a panic, more than

2. Learn the text “Under the Volcano” and master the detailed information in it

Teaching Important Points:

1. How to improve the students' reading ability.

2. Try to master the usages of the new words and expressions of this period.

Teaching Difficult Point:

The usaGes of some words and expressions

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast-reading to get the students to grasp the main idea of the text.

2. Reading carefully to get the students to master the detailed information.

3. Pair work or group work to make the students be active in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. a computer

2. a tape recorder

3. a projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

T: In last period, two students described a frightening situation. Do you remember?

Ss: Yes.

T: What is it about?

Ss: It's about a cobra. It is frightening.

T: Who will give us another example?

SA and SB We will try.

(A: Student a; B: Student b)

A: Are you afraid of lightening?

B: Not very. What about you?

A: When lightening appears, I'm not frightened if I'm at home or at school. But if I am in the open air, it is a different matter.

B: Please tell us your experience, will you?

A: Yes. That was when I was seven. We lived in the countryside then, you know. One afternoon, when I was in the field with my mother, there was an increase in the winds. We hurried home but that was too late. On our way home, the clouds gathered and the winds increased to a storm. It became darker and darker. Suddenly there was thunder and lightening.

B: What was it like?

A: First came the terrible lightening. It was very bright. Everything around me and I myself appeared to be white. Then came the thunder. Crack! It seemed that something exploded. That's the terrible sound I've ever heard. I was frightened to death and threw myself into my mother's arms. She got into a total panic. Carrying me on her back, she ran as fast as she could. Later, we heard that the lightening struck a tall tree and some of the branches burnt.

B: That's terrible. I'm frightened to hear that.

Step II Pre-reading

T: Please open your books at Page 75, Pre-reading. Read the information in Part 1 and have a discussion with your partner. Then we'll ask some students to talk about it.

(After a few minutes' discussion.)

T: Who can tell us something about the pictures?

Sc: This terrible story happened in Italy in the year 79 AD. The volcano's name is Vesuvius. It was quiet for hundreds of years and then it suddenly erupted. The second picture is the volcano Vesuvius. In the picture it was erupting.

SD: I think the first picture shows us a terrible scene after the volcano erupted. It is said that the whole city was buried under the metres of hot ash and mud, and 3000 people were killed. But since 1914, there has not been any damage.

SE: In the third picture, we can see the relics of that city. If was excavated a

long time ago and now it is a natural cultural relics. People can go to see

the relics of the towns. Pompeii and Herculaneum, and even go to the top of the volcano to visit it.

T: Do you know which country has the most volcanoes?

SF: Perhaps Japan.

T: Do you know what makes volcano?

Who can tell us something about it?

SG: I'll try. As we know, the inside of the earth is very, very hot. There, the rock

has become liquid, and it is always boiling. The hot melted rock always tries to get out, like the boiling water and the steam. In some places the hard shell of the earth is weak and thin. It will burst through. Some volcanoes can be quiet for some years, even hundreds of years.

Step III Reading

T: Quite right. Some of the students know quite a lot. We should learn from them. Now read the text fast and find the answers to the questions on the screen. Write your answers on a piece of paper and I'll collect the first five pieces.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Scan the text and answer the following questions.

1. What is described in the following passage?

What happened?

2. When and where did it happen?

3. Who is the writer of the letter

T: (A few minutes later.) Have you finished? Those who have finished, hand in your answer pieces, please. (Teacher collects the first five pieces.) Who will answer the questions? Volunteers?

Sa: I'11 answer Question 1. In the passage, the writer describes how his uncle died. When the volcano was erupting.

Sb: Question 2. It happened near the Mount Veruvins on the 24th of August in 79 AD.

Sc: Question 3. The writer of the letter is Pliny's nephew.

T: (Show the screen.) Very good. Please read the text again and discuss the questions on the screen with your partner. A few minutes later, I'll ask some students to give us their answers.

Answer the following questions:

1. For what reason did the writer write the letter?

2. Why did the writer's uncle go to see the sight?

3. What did he do in order to help the other calm down?

4. What did they do in order to be against the shower of rock?

5. Why did they carry torches?

Suggested answers:

1. Because Tacitus was writing a history book and he needed something about his uncle's death. So he asked the writer to tell him something about his uncle.

2. Because he wanted to see it from closer at hand. Later, he received a letter from

his friend's wife, asking him to rescue her, so he wanted to rescue her.

3. In order to make his friend calm down, he asked to be taken to the baths.

4. They tied pillows on top of their heads as protection against the shower of


5. Because it was daylight else where in the world, there the darkness was darker and thicker than any right, so they arrived torches to give light when they

went out.

T: Now look at the screen, please. (Show tile screen.) There are some useful words and expressions in the text. Read them and pay attention to their usages.

Useful words and expressions:

1. draw one's attention: He is very quiet and doesn't draw much attention to himself.

2. at hand: I haven't my book at hand, but I'll show it to you later. He lives close at hand.

3. call for: Success in school calls for much hard work.

4. urge: He urged me to join their company.

5. upon arrival: He telephoned his mother on/upon his arrival.

6. calm down: He told Tom to calm down.

7. in (a) panic: The crowd in a panic fled in all directions.

8. more…than…He is more mad than stupid.

Step IV Listening and Reading Aloud

T: Let's listen to the tape. When I play it for the first time, just listen to it.

When I play it for the second time, you can follow it in a low voice. Then read

the text aloud by yourselves. Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

(Teacher plays it {or tile students to listen. Then the students read the text. While they are reading, the teacher goes among the students to correct their mistakes in pronunciation and intonation if there are any. )

Step V Post-reading

T: let's go oil to do Post-reading 1,2 and 4. Read the requirements carefully and

have a discussion with your partner. Some minutes later, we'll check the answers.

T: (After a few minutes.) Are you ready? Now explain what the words in bold refer to.

S1:“it”in the second paragraph refers to “a cloud of unusual size and shape rising from a mountain”.

S2: “the one” in the fifth paragraph refers to “the wind”.

S3: In the fifth paragraph, “the other” refers to my uncle's friend Pompy.

S4: In the fifth paragraph “their” refers to “broad sheets of flame” and in the

next line, “they” refers to “scared people”.

T: Now the fourth. Who can give us three examples that show he had no fear? One student, one example.

S5: I'll try. The first is that during his trip to his friend's home, which was at the foot of Vesuvius, he wrote a report about all he observed on the way.

S6:The second is that after rescuing Rectina, he still wanted to rescue his friend Pompy. When he saw his friend Pompy, he asked to be taken to the baths in order to help his friend clam down.

S7: I'll give the third example. After baths and dinner, he said he wanted to

sleep. When broad sheets of flame were lighting up many parts of Vesuvius, people scared, but he told them that the flames came from the homes of farmers who had left in a panic with the kitchen fires still on.

T: Are they right?

Ss: Yes.

Step VI Summary and Homework

T: In this class, we've learned the text “Under the Volcano”. You have done

the good work. After class, read the text again, and try to use the useful

words and expressions in your communication. Do you still remember them? Let's recall them together. The first one is: draw one's attention…

(Teacher writes them on the black board.)

Then do Part 2 and 3 in Post-reading That's all for today. Class is over.

Step VII The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 10 Frightening nature

The Second Period

Useful words and expressions:

draw one's attention, at hand, call for, urge, upon/on arrival, calm down, in a panic, more… than…

Step VIII Record after Teaching

The Third Period

Teaching Aims:

1. Get the students to complete a passage according to the information given.

2. Get the students to review the usage of the present participle and the past participle.

3. Get the students to learn and master

Grammar: Ellipsis.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Enable students to learn how to choose the present participle or the past participle.

2. Learn about Ellipsis of different types.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to use Elliipsis to make a sentence brief and clear.

Teaching Methods:

1. Practise to make the students master what they've learned.

2. Inductive method to give the students a clear picture of they should master.

3. Pair work or group work to make every student be active in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. a computer

2. a projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

(Teacher and students learn the new words of this period together. )

T: Have you finished your homework?

Ss: Yes.

T: Who will read his word webs to us?

(Teacher asks some students to read. At last teacher shows the following on

the screen. )

Step II Word Study

T: (Show the screen.) Now let's do an exercise. Read the news on the screen

and fill in the blanks with the words we've learned. Pair work or group work.

Complete the news:

The active v on Montserrat caused more than US $ 323 000 damage to crops and the island's water system, the government said Thursday.

The island was covered with d and a_________ as deep as four inched. Fruit trees and crops were severely damaged, but none of the people were reported injured, officials said. Some wildlife habitats were damaged.

The volcano on Montserrat sprang to life in 1995. More than half of the

population f______ and never returned a . An eruption in 1997 killed 19

people and buried the capital of Plymouth.

Although there was a feeling of p_________, people told reporters that they would not leave their island.

Officials said costs for cleaning up could reach US $188 000. The UN has u________ other countries to help. Britain already gave 2 million pounds last aid Tuesdays.

Suggested answers :

olcano, ust, sh, led, gain, anic, rged

T: Look at the two sentences on the blackboard.

This is a moving story.

The boy is deeply moved by the story.

Can you tell me the difference between “moving” and “moved”, Li Hua?

Li Hua: Yes. The present participle “moving” expresses an action that happens around the same time as the main verb with an active meaning while the past

participle “moved” expresses an action that is completed with an passive meaning. Am I right?

T: Yes, quite right! Please open your books at Page 78. Look at Ex. 2. Read

the sentences and fill in tile blanks with the proper forms of the words in

brackets. And then check your answers with your partner.

Suggested answers:

1. frightening; frightened

2. upsetting; upset

3. terrified

4. scaring; seared

Step III Grammar

T: (Teacher writes the two sentences on the blackboard. )

1. Upon arrival, my uncle hugged Pompy and (?) tried to give him courage.

2. Then came a smell of sulphur, and then (?) flames.

Look at the two sentences on the blackboard. They are both from the text. Read them and decide which words were left out at each place of the question marks. Pair work or group work.

(A few seconds later.)

SA: I think in the first sentence the subject “he or my uncle” was left out.

SB: In the second sentence I think “came”should be at the place of the question


(Teacher writes the completed sentences on the blackboard.)

T: You are right. In modern English there is a tendency to omit or leave out some

words in a sentence for the sake of conciseness. This omission is called ellipsis, and a sentence containing such an omission is called an elliptical sentence, A word or words in a sentence can be omitted only on condition that the omission would not cause the sentence to be understood in more than one way or to be of unclear meaning or wrong. We must keep in mind that we should not omit words necessary for clearness. Are you clear about that?

Ss: Yes.

Step IV Practice

T: (Teacher shows the screen.) Here are ten sentences on the screen and they

are all correct. Work with your partner and decide which words have been left


Decide which words have been left out.

Example: (I) Beg your pardon.

1. Haven't seen you for ages.

2. Some more tea?

3. Sounds like a good idea.

4. Doesn't matter.

5. Sorry to hear that.

6. Pity you couldn't come.

7. This way, please.

8. Terrible weather!

9. Joining us for a drink?

10. Going to the supermarket?

T: (After a while.) Have you finished? Who will give us the answers? One student, one sentence. Volunteers?

Suggested answers:

1. I haven't seen you for ages.

2. Would you like some more tea?

3. It sounds like a good idea.

4. It doesn't matter.

5. I'm sorry to hear that.

6. It's a pity you couldn't come.

7. You come this way, please.

8. What terrible weather it is!

9. Do you enjoy joining us for a drink?

or: Do you feel like joining us for a drink?

10. Are you going to the supermarket?

Step V Discussion

T: (Teacher shows the screen.) Let's do another exercise. Look at the screen.

Some of the words in the sentences on the screen are unnecessary. Cross these

words out.

Do the following after the example:

Example: It didn't take my uncle long to decide whether to go to save his friends

or not to go to save his friends.

1. She can hold her breath longer than I can hold nay breath.

2. They discussed whether they should stay in the house or they should try the open air.

3. They had a meal, they went out for a walk and they came back to sleep.

4. Don't bathe if you don't want to bathe.

5. I don't visit my parents as much as I ought to visit my parents

(After a while.)

Sa: I think in the first sentence “hold my breath” can be omitted.

Sb: The word “can” can be omitted, too.

T: Who is right?

Ss: Sb.

Sc: In the second sentence, we can leave out the words “they should”. Am I right?

Ss : Yes.

Sd: In the third sentence the second and the third subject “they” can he omitted.

Se: The fourth sentence can he changed like this: Don't bathe if you don't want to.

T: Can the word “to” be omitted?

Ss: No, it can't be omitted.

St: In the fifth sentence, the last few words “visit my parents” can be left

out, can't they?

Ss: Yes.

T: You've grasped the spirit of it. Now open your books on Page 78. Let's do

Ex. 4. Read the requirement and have a discussion with your partner.

Suggested answers:

M: Well, you don't look at all like a sea captain, sir.

C: I'm afraid you don't like very much like a governess. You turn around, please!

M: What do you mean?

or: For what do you ask me to turn around?

C: You turn! You take your hat off! It's the dress. You have to put on another

one before you meet the children.

M: But I don't have another one. I would have made myself a new dress, but

there wasn't time.

C: Well, I'll see that you get some material today, if possible. 1 don't know how

much the mother has told you.

M: The mother has not told me much.

C: You're the twelfth in a long line of governesses, who have come to look after my children since their mother died. I believe that you will do better than last one. She stayed only two hours.

M: What's wrong with the children, sir?

C: There was nothing wrong with the children, only the governess. …

Step VI Summary and Homework

T: In this period we've done some exercises about Word study. And we've learned a new grammar item: Ellipsis. In doing this, we must remember that…(Pointing to the sentences on the Bb.) After class, do more exercises about it. And then do Ex.5 on Page 77. Next class I'll ask some students to tell the story in their own words. That's all for today. Class is over.

Step VII The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 10 Frightening nature

The Third Period

This is a moving story.

The boy is deeply moved by the story.

Grammar: Ellipsis

1. Upon arrival, my uncle hugged Pompy and (?) tried to give him courage.

2. Then came a smell of sulphur, and then (?) flames.

*1. Upon arrival, my Uncle hugged Pompy and (he/my uncle) tried to give him courage, *2. Then came a smell of sulphur, and then (came) flames.

Step VIII Record after Teaching

The Fourth Period

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the new words and expressions of this period.

2. Read a passage about typhoon.

3. Write a passage about how the story will end.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn the useful words and expressions:

steady, unbelievable, on board, knock about, all of a sudden, live through, as

though, all at once.

2. Learn to write about terrible weather.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. Master the expressions and sentences such as dirty weather. She has done for…

2. Improve the students' integrating skills reading skill and writing skill.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast-reading and reading to get the students to grasp the detailed information.

2. Writing practice to get the students to learn how to describe something terrible.

3. Pair work or group work to get the students to be active in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. a computer

2. a projector

3. a tape recorder

Teaching Procedures:

Step I Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

(Teacher and students learn the new words of this period together.)

T: In last period, you were asked to do Ex. 5 on Page 77. Have you finished it?

(Ss: Yes.)OK. Put your exercise-books on your desks. Let's check the chart first.

(Teacher shows the screen and has the students check their answers.)

Fill in the chart below:

Date: The 24th of August in 79 AD, between two and three in the afternoon. What happened: The writer's uncle died because of the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius.

First: His uncle saw a cloud rising from mountain and decided to go and see it from closer at hand.

Next: His uncle received a letter from his friend's wife asking him for help. He hurried to the place at the foot of Vesuvius to rescue her.

Then: Having rescued Rectina, his uncle decided to rescue his friend Pompy on

the other side of the bay. During his trip, he wrote a report about all he observed, When he saw his friend, he tried to give him courage and let him calm down. In the meantime, he tried to make the scared people calm down.

Finally: His uncle died. Two days later, his body was found. His face suggested that he was not afraid at all.

T: Now who will retell the story? Please retell it briefly.

SA: I'II try. On the 24th of August in 79 AD, between two and three in the afternoon, my mother saw a cloud of unusual size and shape. She called my uncle and me to see it. We knew it was rising from a mountain, but we didn't know exactly where it came from. So my uncle decided to go to a nearer place and see it. He was about to start when he received a letter from his friend's wife, asking him to rescue her because she lived near the volcano Vesuvius and there was no way out except by boat. After rescuing her, my uncle wanted to see the volcano again

because he wanted to know more about it. On his way, he wrote all he observed. It was dangerous, but my uncle was not afraid. He decided to rescue his friend Pompy. When he saw his friend, he tried to calm him and he even took a bath, had dinner and slept. He tried to make the scared people calm down too. Finally, they realized that it was too dangerous to stay there and decided to go outside. But it was too late. My uncle immediately fell down, dead. Two days later, his body was found. His expression suggested that he was not afraid at all even at the last time.

Step II Reading

T: (Teacher shows the screen.) Now we'll learn a new passage about typhoon. Open your books at Page 79. Read the passage fast and answer the questions on the screen. Write your answers on a piece of paper and I'll collect the first five pieces.

Answer the following questions:

1. Where did the ship meet bad weather?

2. What should they do in such terrible weather?

(Students read the text. Then teacher collects the first five pieces of answers,

has a look at them and gives them back to the students. )

T: Who will give us the answers?

SA: I'II answer the first question. When the ship Nanshan was on her way from south to Fuzhou, with Chinese workers returning to their home village, it met bad weather.

SB: The second question: In such terrible weather, they could only move the ship over the high sea and into the very eye of the wind.

T: (Teacher shows the screen.) Very good. Now read the text again and have a discussion with your partner about the questions on the screen. A few minutes later, we'll check the answers.

Find the answers to the following questions:

1. How was the weather in the morning?

2. Why did the captain say that it looked as if a typhoon was coming on?

3. Where were they when the full force of the hurricane struck the ship?

4. What does the sentence “Another one like this, and that's the last of her.”


5. Why did the captain strike a match?

What did he see?

Suggested answers :

1. In the morning, the weather was fine, for there was no wind.

2. Because he observed the barometer fell steadily and he knew that a terrible

storm would come soon.

3. When the hurricane struck the ship with full force, they were all on the bridge. It was a higher position on the ship.

4. It means that if another white tower of foam(a very big wave)struck the ship,

it would sink.

5. Because the captain wanted to see the barometre, but there was no light. He

saw the barometre stood very low, and the figure on it was the lowest one he

had ever seen in his life. He knew that the worst was to come yet.

Step III Discussion

Sc: Some sentences in the text are hard to understand for me. Can you help me,

Teacher ?

T: I'll be glad to do that. Which sentence?

Sc: The sentence “The heat was close.”

T: Who will explain that to him?

SD: My dictionary says that the word “close” here means “lacking fresh or

freely moving air”.

T: Are there any sentences that you don't understand?

(Teacher collects the sentences and then discusses them with the students.) At

last, teacher writes explanations to some parts of the sentences on the blackboard.)

Bb: Explanations to some parts of the sentences:

1. There's some dirty weather knowing about.

dirty: (of the weather)rough and unpleasant.

2. What's up?

What's up? =What's up with you? = What's the matter with you?

3. She's done for.

done for: finished or worn out or very tired or about to die etc.

4. It was the lowest reading he had ever seen.

reading: a figure shown by a measuring instrument.

T: (Teacher shows the screen.)Look at the screen. There are some useful words and expressions in the text. Read the sentences on the screen, paying attention to them and learn them by heart.

Useful words and expressions:

1. steady: The table isn't steady.

He is making steady progress in his work.

2. unbelievable: Her good luck is unbelievable.

3. on board: The ship had 500 passengers on board.

4. knock about: A storm was knocking about.

5. all of a sudden: ( = suddenly) All of a sudden the ship struck a rock. 6. live through: He has lived through two wars. 7. as though(=as if):

I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.

8. all at once: All at once we heard a shot and the man fell to the ground. You don't do two things all at once.

Step IV Listening and Reading Aloud

T: Now I'll play the tape. When I play it, pay attention to your pronunciation

and intonation, especially in the dialogue. Then read the text aloud. Are you clear about that?

Ss: Yes.

(Teacher plays the tape for students to listen. When students read the text,

teacher goes among the students and corrects their mistakes in pronunciation and intonation. )

Step V Writing

T: As we know, at the end of the reading passage above, Captain Macwhirr has

to sail his ship through a second storm. He expects it to be much worse

than what they have just gone through. Have a discussion in groups and discuss what will happen next.

(Students discuss the end of the story. Teacher goes among the students and

joins in their discussion. Some minutes later, teacher says the following. )

T: You've done very well. After class, write a passage about how the story will end. You can use your imagination and describe how the captain and his men succeed in passing through the hurricane.

Sample writing:

Before the captain could finish his words, a mountain of wave rushed to the ship.

How big it was! It was just like a wall of water. It's hard to see its top! The captain and the engineer were so frightened that they both closed their eyes. It came so violently with a crash. After that, they were all wet. The captain could not find

his cap and the engineer couldn't find his glasses. The Nanshan was full of water

and began to sink. “Pumps! All at pumps!” The captain cried out. All the passengers joined in them. They used all that could be used to get rid of the water.

Some minutes later, there suddenly came the engineer's voice, “The barometre!”

The captain hurried to the bridge. There, they saw clearly that the barometre rose

steadily, “My God !” The captain hugged the engineer, crying with tears dropping

from their eyes!

Step VI Summary and Homework

T: In this period, we’ve learned a passage about typhoon. It's terrible, isn’t it? In the text, we've learned some useful words and expressions. Do you remember them? They are “ steady…”

(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.) After class, besides writing an end for the story, find as many useful words and expressions as possible and make sentences with them. That's all for today. Class is over.

Step VII The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Unit 10 Frightening nature

The Fourth Period

There is some dirty weather knowing about.

What's up?

She's done for.

It was the lowest reading he had ever seen.

Useful words and expressions:

Steady, unbelievable, on board, knock about, all of a sudden, live through, as

though , all at once

Step VIII Record after Teaching


1.1 單項填空

1.Over a third of the population was believed to have no to the health care.

A. access B. aid C. basis D. belief

解析have access to是固定短語,意為“享有……權力。”


2.It’s always difficult being in a forging country, if you don’t speak the language.

A. especially B. specially C. extremely D. obviously

解析 題意是“在國外生活常遇到很多困難,特別是如果你不會說那個國家的語言時”。


3.The annual death rate in the United States is 11 per thousand, that of Latin America is 23 per thousand.

A. when B. while C. however D. though

【解析】while 是連詞, 此處意為“而;但……卻”,表示上下文具有轉折對比關系。


4.As is well known to us, a force of attraction between two objects.

A. it always exists

B. there always exists

C. it always exists to be

D. there always exists to be

解析there exists相當于there is,表示存在。


5. That a car causes so much pollution, I would never have bought one.

A. I had known B. If I knew

C. Had I known D. If I would know

解析 此句是虛擬語氣,省略了if,句子使用倒裝語序。


6.She traveled a great deal, did most of her friends.

A. which B. what C. it D. as

解析 as作“像……一樣”解時,句子常使用倒裝語序。


7.They have been trying to arrive at a practical solution the problem.

A. in B. to C. on D. with



8.There are over 100 right clubs in the city, but you don’t often see that is empty.

A. one B. the one C. it D. that

解析 題意是“這個城市里有100多家夜總人,但很少看到有一家沒有人”。One此處代指a night club。


9.The key the earth is to change the way we live.

A. to save;/ B. to saving;/

C. to save; how D. to saving; how

解析key“關鍵;答案”,常與介詞to 連用后接名詞或動名詞;way后面的定語從句常用in which或that引導, 且引導詞可省略。


10.The doctor advised that I a month or so before going back to work.

A. relaxed B. was relaxing

C. would relax D. relax

解析advise后接that從句,從句中的謂語動詞用 “should +v”形式,should可省略。


11.If proper medical care is given, a good chance that the sick boy will get well soon.

A. it might be B. there might be

C. it’s D. there’s

解析there is a chance that…是固定句式,意為“可能……”。


12.She never went again, to apologize.

A. or she ever wrote B. nor did she write

C. nor she ever wrote D. or did she write

解析 否定副詞nor或neither放在句首,句子要部分倒裝。


13.If balance of nature is disturbed, bad results will take place.

A .the; the B. /; / C. the; / D. /; the

解析“自然界的平衡”要說the balance of nature; nature作“自然界”講時,前面一般一加冠詞。


14.It’s bad manners to say “Get out!” or rude remarks

A. such some B. some such

C. such any D. any such

解析 題意是“說‘滾出去!’或諸如此順的話是粗野的”。Such前面可加some, any no, a few, many等到來修飾。


15.-Why didn’t you answer when I spoke to you this morning?

-I but you didn’t hear me.

A. did B. had C. should D. could

解析 由題意可知第二說話人想說:我答應了但你沒有聽見。I did是I did answer的省略。

答案 A

1.2 完形填空

Trees are useful to man in three very important ways. They provide him with wood and other 1 ; they give him shade; they help to prevent drought(干旱)and 2 .

Unfortunately, in many 3 of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is 4 important.

Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to 5 warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire, but, 6 its trees, its soil became hard and 7 . When the empire fell to 8 ,the home country hound itself faced by floods and starvation.

Even where a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for 9 to persuade the villager to see this. The villager wants wood to cook his food 10 ; and he can earn money 11 making charcoal or selling wood to the townsman. He is usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look 12 new trees. So, unless the government has a good system of control, or can 13 the people, the forests will slowly disappear.

This does not only 14 that the villagers’ sons and grandsons have 15 trees. The results are even more serious; for where 16 are trees, their roots break the soil up-allowing the rain to sink in-and also bind(結合)the soil, thus preventing its 17 washed away easily, but where there are no 18 ,the rain falls on hard ground and carrying 19 with it the rich top soil, in which crops 20 so well. Well all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.

1.A. uses B. products C. production D. result

解析 樹木給人類提供木材和其他的產品(products),而production具有抽象的含義,指生產過程。

答案 B

2.A. floods B. soil C. air D .sunlight

解析 與干旱相對,即澇災(flood),也可以后文得到證實。


3.A. corner B. part C. place D. parts

解析 若用place,需用復數形式。


4.A. the most B. the more C. most D. much

解析 三者以上最高級,the 不可以省略。


5.A. set B. build C. put D. organize

解析 造戰船,要用build或set up.


6.A. with B. by C. on D. without

解析 without its trees沒有了樹。


7.A. poor B. fine C. beautiful D. pretty

解析 根據常識,沒有了樹,土壤會變得貧瘠(poor)。


8.A. break B. unite C. bits D. pieces

解后fall to pieces是習語,意為“四分五裂”。


9.A. it B. them C. he D. they

解析 it代指前句所指的government。


10.A. with B. by C. on D. 不填

解析with, 介詞,表示“用……”,此處其賓語wood已提前。


11.A. with B. of C. by D. to

解析 by表示抽象地通過某種方式或手段。


12.A. after B. for C. at D. out

解析 look after照看,照料


13.A. ask B. educate C. want D. remove



14.A. mean B .refer C .know D. realize


15.A. a few B. fewer C. a little D. little

解析 有比較含義,較少,用fewer。


16.A. they B. we C. here D. there

解析 there he句型,表示“有”。


17.A. been B. being C. is D. was

解析 有在prevent后,動名詞being可表被動,其邏輯主語為its.


18.A. water B. trees C. soil D. air


19.A. away B. off C. with D. by

解析carry away帶走,習慣用語。


20.A. come B. grow C. get D. turn

解析 grow此處為不及物動詞,“生長”。


1.3 閱讀理解


Our surroundings are being polluted faster than nature and man’s present efforts cannot prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry, more cars, larger cities, and the growing use of man made materials.

What can explain and solve this problem? The fact is that pollution is caused by man-by his desire(欲望)for a modern way of life. We make “increasing industrialization(工業化)”our chief aim. So we are often ready to offer everything; clean air, pure water, good food, our health and the future of our children. There is a constant flow of people from the countryside into the cities, eager for the benefits of our modern society. But as our technological achievements have grown in the last twenty years pollution has become a serious problem.

Isn’t it time we stopped to ask ourselves where we are going-and why? It makes one think of the story about the airline pilot who told his passengers over the loudspeaker. “I’ve some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we’re making rapid progress at 530 miles per hour. The bad news s that we’re lost and don’t know where we’re going.” The sad fact is that this becomes a true story when spoken of our modern society.

1.Man cannot prevent the world from being polluted because .

A. they want very much to find well-paid jobs

B. they are anxious to enjoy the achievements

C. they have become tired of their homeland

D. they have a strong wish to become industrial workers.


3.According to the passage, what does man value most among the following?

A. Industry B. Health

C. Clean air D. The future of the children

解析 此題考查推理判斷能力。由文章得知,人類以“工業化進程”作為追求目標,故人類最器重的莫過于工業了。


4.The story about the airline pilot tells us that .

A. man know where the society is going

B. people do not welcome the rapid development of modern society

C. man can do little about the problem of pollution

D. the writer is worried about the future of our society

解析 此題考查綜合分析能力。作者講述飛行員故事的目的在于:環境污染將嚴重影響交通,這表明了作者對未來環境的擔憂。


5.What does the writer really want to say in this passage?

A. With the development of technology pollution has become a serious problem.

B. Lower the speed of development to stop pollution.

C. It’s time we did something to reduce pollution.

D. As industry is growing fast, pollution is the natural result.

解析 此題考查中心歸納。作者通過剖析環境污染產生的原因,及預測它對人類生活的危害,從而展示了此問題的嚴重性。因此,最后呼吁人們降低環境污染。



In many countries today, laws protect wild life. In India ,the need for such protection was realized centuries ago.

About 300 B.C. an Indian writer described forests that were somewhat like national parks today. The killing of tame beasts was carefully supervised(監督). Some animals were fully protected. Within the forest, nobody was allowed to cut trees, burn wood for charcoal, or catch animals for their furs. Animals that became dangerous to human visitors were caught or killed outside the park, so that other animals would not become uneasy.

The need for wildlife protection is greater now than ever before. About a thousand species(物種)of animals are in danger of extinction(dying out), and the rate at which they are being destroyed has increased. With mammals(哺乳動物),for instance, the rate of extinction is now about one species every year: from 1 A.D. to 1800, the rate was about one species every fifty years. Everywhere, men are trying to solve the problem of protection wildlife while caring for the world’s growing population.

1.The example of man’s connection with wildlife protection can date back to .

A. the 3rd century B. over 2000 years ago

C. 1 A.D. D. 1800 A.D.

解析 此題考查推理判斷能力。由文章第二段得知,一位印度作家是在公元前300年左右寫了一篇關于保護野生生物的文章。故推斷此文應追溯到2000年前。


2.In forests of ancient India .

A. people were permitted to hunt for fur

B. only tigers could be killed

C. the killing of tame beasts was strictly limited

D. no killing of beasts was allowed

解析 此題考查細節事實。由文章第二段可知,在狩獵活動中對野獸的捕殺受到了嚴格限制。


3.Dangerous animals were caught or killed outside the park .

A. so as to keep human visitors sage

B. in order not to frighten other animals

C. both A and B

D. none of the above


4.From the passage we can infer that .

A. the growth of the world’s population means greater danger to wildlife.

B. about a thousand species are in danger of extinction

C. the rate of extinction of mammals is lower now than it was from 1 A.D. to 1800

D. hunting animals is forbidden everywhere

解析 此題考查綜合分析、判斷能力。縱觀全文,大約有1000種動物瀕臨滅亡邊緣;哺乳動物的滅絕率急劇上升;狩獵雖未完全被禁止,但也不了嚴格的限制,用排除方法,可知世界人口的增長增大了對野生生物的威脅。



In the past, man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.

Today, things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we ware polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.

Everyone realized today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet, with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught. We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear and nothing will grow on the land. Yet, we continue to use bigger and more powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.

We realize that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, we will die. How ever, in most countries waste products ate still put into rivers or into the sea, and there are few laws to stop this.

We know, too, that if the population of the would continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there will not be enough food.

If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available for everyone. Land that is used to grow crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.

Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycle them.

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.

1.Today, we have o think about the problem of our environment, because .

A. things are getting worse and worse

B. the limited natural resources are being used up too quickly

C. the environment is continuing to be polluted by too much waste and poison.

D. if we care nothing about the protection of the environment no human beings will exist on earth

解析 該題考查段落大意,由前二段得知,環境的惡化問題已嚴重影響人類的生存,由此可知答案。


2.If we .the natural resources can be used longer.

A. use them as little as possible

B. use them properly and pay attention to the recycle

C. make full use of them

D. learn to recycle them


3.Which of the following statements in Not true?

A. If we eat more vegetables, more food can be saved.

B. In the past, there was no need for us to think about the environmental protection.

C. If we keep on cutting down trees, forests will disappear, and nothing will grow on land.

D. We should not take more and more fish out of the sea, or there will some be no fish left.

解析 該題考查綜合判斷分析能力。由文章內容得知,隨著人類文明的發展,環境保護變得日益重要;如果不停地伐樹,森林就會消失;如不停止大量捕魚,魚類就會滅絕;我們應多吃蔬菜而少吃肉,由此可知答案。


4.In order to slow the increase of the world population, .

A. we should encourage the young people to marry later.

B. we should encourage the married to use modern methods of birth control

C. we should let the people have more education

D. both A and B


5.According to the passage, the most important thing we must understand is that .

A. we should deep our environment from being polluted

B. we must make enough laws to protect our natural resources

C. man will destroy himself if he doesn’t solve the problems mentioned in the passage

D. we will have no enough food if the population of the world countries rises at the present rate.

解析 該題考查主旨大意,縱觀全文,作者的寫作目的在于呼吁人類重視環境,由此有知答案。



Save the Animals

Animals are natural resources(資源)that people have wasted all through our history.

Animals have been killed for their for and feathers(羽毛), for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way. Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Hundreds more are on the danger list today. A

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