Unit 1 Good Friends

發布時間:2016-4-1 編輯:互聯網 手機版



1. 詞匯





詞組:argue about sth辯論某事,solve the problem解決問題,fill in the form填表,be fond of(doing) sth喜愛某人/物;sruf the Internet上網;likes and dislikes好惡;express one’s ideas表達某人想法;hunt for sth/sb搜尋人/物;in order to do 為了,even though即使;share happiness and sorro同甘共苦;on board在船/飛機上;tell lies撒謊;keep dogs as pets養狗作為寵物;be quick in在…反映快;click sth away(在電腦上)將…清除掉;have fun玩得高興;drop sb a line給某人寫信(通常指短信)2.日常交際用語 喜好與厭惡

A. 喜好

1. like /love+sth 2.love/like doing sth(泛指所喜愛做的事情或習慣性的動作)/to do sth(表示一次具體時間或某一階段性的動作) 3. enjoy (doing ) sth 4. be fond of (doing) sth 5. be into sth 6.my interest is 7. my hobby is

B.厭惡: 1.dislike sth/doing sth(表達習慣)/to do sth(表達具體的動作) 2.hate sth/to do sth /doing sth

一 名人格言

A friend in need is a friend indeed.患難之交才是朋友

Real friends are few and far between.知音難得.

Long distance separates no bosom friends.海內存知己,天涯若比鄰.

二 課程內容導學


正如問中所說:“我們從查克和其他有不尋常朋友的人那里能 夠得到的教訓是朋友是老師.友誼能夠幫助我們懂得我們是什么樣的人,為什么我們彼此依賴,我們能夠彼此間為對方干點什么.”

三 重點詞語用法

1 honest adj.誠實的,正直的

He is an honest business man. 他是個誠實的商人/ Give an honest opinion提出袒誠的意見 /Do you like my dress? Please be honest.你喜歡我的連衣裙嗎? 請說實話. /be ~ about this matter with us開誠布公地對我們談了這件事情。/She is ~ to John,really.對真誠/Let us be ~ with each other.相互真誠

Ex1..I was ~ __ you to tell me your troubles. (of) 2.(be) quite ~ about it, that’s all the money I have got.(to be)

注意:honest的名詞是honesty,意為“誠實;老實;實在”;副詞是honestly,意思是“以公平而公正的方式;的確(等于really)”.例如: We should learn how to deal honestly with others.我們應該學會如何與別人公平競爭./ Honesty is the character we should have.誠實是我們應該具有的品質.

2 loyal adj. true and faithful 忠誠的;忠貞的

① We are all ~ to the company. 我們都忠于公司 。/He is ~ to his wife.對妻子忠誠。

注意:loyal 的名詞是loyalty,意為“忠誠;忠誠行為”,為不可數;也可作“盡某人忠實的義務或受約束”,為可數名詞.副詞形式為loyally.例如:

① Can I count on your loyalty? 你對我的忠誠能讓我信得過嗎?

② We all have a loyalty to the company. 我們都有對公司效忠的義務.

3.wise a 英明的,明智的,聰明的

a ~ decision英明的決定/a ~ action明智之舉/I’m sure you are ~ to wait明智地等

Ex.It was not very ~ ____ you to te sell the computer.(of)

4.handsome a 英俊的(男性);大方的,美觀的;體態俊美、端莊穩重(女士)

The soldier looks very ~.士兵看上去很英俊。/a ~horse/building/car漂亮的馬建筑物/汽車/a ~ contribution慷慨的捐助


5. smart adj

1) bright and new-looking; well-drssed; neat 帥氣的;衣著講究的;整齊的

① You look very smart in this new dress. 穿上這裙子看上去很漂亮.

② Make yourself smart before all the guests arrive. 趕快打扮一下.

2) having or showing intelligence; clever;ingenious 聰明的;伶俐的;聰敏的

① She is a very smart student. 他是一個很聰明的學生.

② He quickly gave a smart answer. 他很快做出了巧妙的回答.

③ It is smart of the girls to bring so much food and clothing.這些女孩子很聰明,帶上這么多的衣食,

3) quick, brisk 快的,敏捷的

① go for a smart walk in the park.輕輕地散步.

② set off at a smart pace to the playground.邁著矯健的步子走向

4) forceful 有力的,猛烈的

① I gave a smart blow on the lid, and it flew open.朝蓋子猛一擊,就打開了.

② receive a smart criticism from sb.受到嚴厲的批評.

5) fashionable 時髦的,高雅的

① We can eat in a smart restaurant 在一家時髦高雅的餐館吃飯

② She is always the smart set. 她總是趕時髦的人.

注意 :smart的動詞是smarten,意為使自己(某人,某物)“更整潔,更有條理等”;其副詞為smartly,意為“整潔的,利索的,猛烈的”;名詞為smartness.例如:

① You will have to smart yourself up a bit 打扮一下 .

② Try to smarten the house up 把房子整理一下.

③ He walked smartly into the hall. 他邁著矯健的步子進入大廳.

6.argue vi 爭論/爭辯 (argument n )

He ~s well.善辯/~ with sb about/over/on sth/sb into(反out of) do sth(說服做/不做)/for(為而力爭)/~ against(反駁/證明站不住腳)/sb down駁倒某人


7.solution n 解決(方案/方法);解答

find any ~ to an argument找到爭執解決方法

8 especially adv. in particular; specially 尤其;特別

① I bought this flower especially for you. 為你專門買這朵花.

② This mountain is beautiful, especially in spring.尤其是在春天.

注意與specially的異同:都可以表示“專門”解,修飾動詞或介詞短語,兩者可以通用.如上面的句子可以寫成I bought this flower specially for you.然而especially可以作程度副詞,修飾形容詞或副詞,而specially不可以.另外especially 后可跟介詞短語,表示特殊性,而specially無此用法.如:

① She went to Shanghai specially to see her son.專門去看 兒子.

② These flower are especially beautiful 這些花最美.

especially的形容詞為especial,意為“特別的,突出的,特殊的”,“獨特的,獨有的”.如:① Many people think America attacked Iraq for its special interest.很多人認為美國進攻伊拉克為了其特有的利益.

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