A Teaching Plan For Body Language
Zhengshi High school Xu Na
25th, May, 2005
Teaching aim:
1). Aim of knowledge:
a). Read the text and let students have a wide knowledge of body language, including the background, all kinds of forms of body language.
b). Let the students know that just like the spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.
2). Aims of ablities:
a). enable the students to understand differences and similarities between body
language and words, and the will learn to handle clashes in cultural communication;
b).develop students’ ability of basic reading strategies of bottom-up.
c). get students to master the way of comparison.
2) Aims of emotion:
a). Arouse students’ devotion to different kinds of body language.
b). Learn to face life with optimism and happiness.
Key points and difficult points:
1). By making forms and comparison to help the students understand the test well.
2). Try to pick out the key sentences and divide the test into several parts.
Teaching methods:
1) Communicative Teaching Method
2) Task-based Teaching Method
3) Five-step Teaching Method
Teaching aids: multi-media
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Pre-reading
1. Teacher’s talk: Greeting and lead-in
How do you feel today?
Questions What about me? facial expressions
How do you know? gestures
→ Body Language
2. Teacher: What do you know about body language?
a. a brief definition ( One form of communication without using any
b. show some different kinds of body language
students’ task: Look & Guess
What do the following body language mean?
a. facial expressions
b. gestures
step 2 While-reading
Task 1 fast-reading
Try to find out how many body language are mentioned in the text?
( eye contact, thumbs-up, making a circle with one’s thumb and index finger, ……)
Task 2 careful-reading
Teacher: Divide the text into three parts and get the main idea for each one.
Part 1. (para.1) We communicate with people not only by words but also by body language. (examples)
Part 2. (para.2-3) Body language varies form culture to culture.
Part 3 (para. 4-5) Some gestures seem to be universal.
Task 3 Dealing with the specific gestures by forms.
shaking heads
Para.3 nodding (B/I/G)
shaking heads (B/I/G)
students’ game
Do it!
Answer the following questions only with the body language
a. Are you a girl?
b. Do you wear long hair?
c. Can you smoke?
d. Do you like our school?
Teacher: So we have known that different gestures may have different as well as the same meaning. Well, how about greeting people?
( kiss, handshake, hug, bow, nod, ……)
Task 4.
Teacher: However, some gestures are universal.
I am tired. (press palms/ rest one’s head on it/ eyes closed)
I am full. (move hand in circles)
I am hungry. (pat stomach)
Teacher: Among the universal gestures, which one do you think will be the best example of universally understand body language?
Get through
Open doors
Tear down walls
Functions express any emotion
Greet someone
Ask for help
Don’t feel down
So we can say smile is a bridge to the world.
Teacher: What can you learn from this passage? (Proverb)
When in Rome, do as the Romans do!
1. Finish a paper
2. Preview the following lesson.
本次教學活動內容為Body Language, 根據英語課程新標準,對于整個教學設計是依據任務型閱讀在閱讀中的運用這個理念展開的。
(一) 激趣導入。 這次課題與生活比較接近,因此從學生日常生活中尋找話題,引導他們談論與此有關的背景知識,激發他們的閱讀欲望,并使他們對所要閱讀的材料有一定的心理準備。
(二) 閱讀理解全文。 設置一個任務,要求學生們找出在全文中涉及到了多少Body Language,使他們對文章的內容,結構和作者的寫作意圖有一個整體的印象。并培養他們抓重點的能力。細讀過程中,以圖表形式呈現,要求學生在閱讀過程中結合圖表,在通盤理解文章的基礎上逐個突破,加深了對文章主題的理解。
(三) 讀后操練。 在這個部分,設置幾個情景或游戲,并提供多種選擇,使學生根據自己的個性需求進行自由選擇,一方面發展他們的興趣,另一方面也不斷訓練他們的語言,交際能力。
通過這次有意義的優質課評比活動,確實發現了自己很多不足之處,急需改正和進一步學習。 將近一年左右的教學實踐活動,教態仍顯生澀,可能源于對教材分析不夠透徹,準備不夠充分和緊張因素等,因此沒有很好把握整堂課的導入部分,過于制化,不夠自然。本次教學討論Body Language,教材內容相對比較簡單,也富于趣味性,因此學生對于教材的把握和理解問題不大,由此在此基礎上也適當增加了寫背景知識,以次增加學生理解的深度和廣度。教學過程中采用了較多的任務型閱讀,結合圖表,使文字更直觀地呈現,便于學生理解和運用。在整體上,教學思路比較清晰,但在整體把握上不夠緊湊,合理,以至剩下一個話題沒有完成。因此以后在緊湊課堂教學,抓重點難點上要更進一步改正和加強。