Unit 6 Where are the jazz CDs?
清華附中 周喆
目標語言 學習策略與思維技巧 重點詞匯
Where are the rock CDs?
Go upstairs and take a left…
They’re behind the jazz CDs.
They’re next to the heavy metal CDs.
What’s your favorite kind of music?
My favorite kind of music is… 分類表述
聽取特定信息 pop, classical, jazz, country, dance
amazing, terrible, awful, not bad, cool, fantastic, OK
upstairs, straight
語言結構 語言功能 多元智能
Where, What問句
祈使句:take a left, go upstairs, turn right
表示方位的介詞: next to, between, behind 詢問方位
表述方位 方位識別與表述
Where’s the classical music?
Go upstairs and turn right. It’s next to the dance music.
What’s your favorite kind of music?
My favorite kind of music is pop music.
Who’s his favorite group?
It’s Green Express. They are fantastic.
Steps Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Preparation
Revision Play several music clips Listen and guess what kind of music they are. CAI / CDs
Check the answers with Ss Get familiar with the words OHP / CDs
Task 1 Draw Maps
Aim Draw simple maps of inner buildings by listening to others’ description.
1 Read a music store directions twice as an example. Listen, draw and label a map of the music store. Handout
2 Show a student’s map Check the answer
3 Show the map on the screen Check the answer PowerPoint
4 Show the script on the screen as an example. Take out their homework. (A music store map they drew) PowerPoint
5 Ask Ss to introduce their maps to others and draw. Draw maps and check. A4 paper
Task 2 My Favorite CDs
Aim Get to know others’ favorite music, and find out our favorite music type.
1 Ask Ss to guess the 4 persons favorite music / singer. Predict and discuss P34 2a
2 Show the four names of the singers on the screen Get familiar with the names PowerPoint
3 Play the recorder for the first time. Listen and finish 2a Tape recorder
4 Check the answers Pair work. Discuss
5 Play the recorder again Listen and finish 2a
6 Play the tape the 3rd time Listen and finish 2b. Check. PowerPoint
7 Ask Ss to introduce their favorite music to each other. Take out their favorite CDs and present it to their partner. CDs
8 Move around the give some support. Pair work Handout
9 Ask Ss to change partners. Pair work. Change partners
10 Ask some groups to give reports. Ss give reports
11 Ask 12 group leaders to tell the class their favorite music. Do a survey. Find out what is their favorite kind of music. OHP
Task 3 Buy CDs
Aim Real-life based task. Ss go to the CD store and buy their favorite CDs.
1 Arrange a real CD store by using a S’s map in Task 1. A group of Ss (4) buy CDs by following the map. A map
2 Ask Ss to listen & take notes Others listen and take notes.
3 Ask Ss to ask and answer question about the real task. Pair work.
4 Ask several pairs of Ss to check their listening. Check the answer.
End Play their favorite kind of music. CD
Task One: Draw maps.
Where’s the pop music section?
Pop music fans, follow these directions please.
Go straight. Turn left at the classical music. Then go upstairs.
Pop music is between jazz CDs and dance CDs.
You can find classical music right behind the country music section.
Step 1: 學生拿出教師分發的音像店平面圖,仔細觀察后,聽教師描述路線兩遍后,將路線圖畫好。(Tape scripts): Go straight. Turn left at the classical music. Go upstairs. Go straight, and turn right at the jazz music. Pop music is between jazz and dance. The dance CDs are behind the country music section.
Step 2: 學生分別展示自己的路線圖,檢查是否與教師提供的答案相符。
Step 3: 學生兩人一組將前一天完成的作業:一份自己繪制的音像店路線圖拿出,并拿出一張白紙。相互將自己繪制的路線圖讀給同桌聽(不許將圖給同學看),讓對方將圖畫出。完成后對比。
Step 4: 請幾組同學上臺做示范。
Task Two: My Favorite CDs.
出現的句型:What’s your favorite kind of music?
My favorite kind of music is pop music.
Who’s his favorite group?
It’s Green Express. They are fantastic.
Step 1: 聽力訓練前,預測一下34頁2a聽力訓練中四個人所喜歡的音樂類型分別是什么。然后做Section B 2a, 2b的聽力練習,進行語言輸入。聽三遍檢查。
Step 2: 讓學生拿出從家中帶來的自己最喜歡的CD或錄音帶。學生兩人一組,調查對方最喜歡的音樂類型及其原因,并在所發的表格中做記錄。
Step 3: 在四人小組中找尋新的同伴,調查對方的情況;并調查對方方才小組成員的情況并做記錄。
Step 4: 總結四人小組的情況,向全班匯報調查結果,找出全班最喜歡的音樂類型。
Task Three: Buy CDs.
Where’s the pop music section?
It’s between the country CDs and dance CDs.
What’s your favorite kind of music?
It’s classical music. I like Mozart best.
Who’s your favorite group?
Oh, I love “West life”!
How much are there CDs?
They are 30 yuan.
Step 1: 陳述任務情景:你家附近新開了一家音像店,一天你和你的好友一起去逛這家音像店,由于是第一次來購物,不熟悉店里的布局,在導購員的幫助下,你們找到了想要買的CD。相互討論后各自買到了稱心如意的CD。
Step 2: 將全班分成若干個四人小組。分別扮演導購員、你、朋友和收銀員。分小組上臺進行角色扮演。
Step 3: 其他在臺下的同學仔細傾聽臺上同學所選購的商品種類、價格、數量以及他們分別喜歡什么類型的音樂。并將聽到的這些信息一一記錄在表格中。
Step 4: 小組角色扮演完成后,請臺下的同學驗證記錄的結果。
Students’ Handout
Task 1 Draw maps.
Second Floor
Task 2 My Favorite CDs
You Partner 1 Partner 2 Partner 3
Favorite kind
of music
Favorite group
or singer
Our favorite
kind of music
Task 3 Buy CDs
Student A Student B
Favorite kind of music
Favorite group / singer
The CDs they buy
Money they spend 。 。