人教版新目標英語科Unit3 This is my sister資料教案

發布時間:2016-5-27 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Unit 3 This is my sister




語言目標 學習策略與思維技巧 重點詞匯

This is my brother.

Is she your sister?

Yes, she is./ No, she isn't. *運用對話練習,掌握如何用于介紹家人、朋友。


*通過學習、識別、記憶,學會歸納、總結一些單詞的構成(復合詞)學會巧記單詞。 bother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, uncle, aunt, cousin, parent.

語言結構 語言功能 跨學科學習

1、指示代詞this, that, these, those

2、人稱代詞I, he, she

3、Yes / No問句的簡單回答

4、Plural nouns Introduce people

Identify people 藝術:畫出家庭成員圖畫并根據此介紹。





思路:本單元的Topic是“Talk about family”。這是每個學生都熟悉且感到親切的話題,因此學生參與各項活動的積極性、主動性會比較高,而且每位學生都有話可說,有事可做,不會感到無從下手,當旁觀者或聽眾。所以,在這一單元的教學過程中,我本著《新標準》所提倡的“面向全體學生”,這一教學思想,盡可能多地創設讓所有學生都參與的活動,采用任務型教學途徑,倡導體驗參與,讓學生在做中學,學中做,使所有學生都能體驗到成功的喜悅,使其在愉快和自信的情緒中保持積極的學習態度,增強信心。同時,根據“整體設計目標,體現靈活開放”這一教學原則,在強調任務設計的實用性與可行性的同時,也注意階梯性,使特長生有展示才能的舞臺,使班里的英語優秀生有創新、展示的機會,并培養他們課外自主學習、合作學習、探究學習等學習策略,也拓寬了他們的學習渠道(查字典、翻閱資料、上網等)。從而促使全班同學在各自原有的水平上得到發展。基于此,結合教材特點,我提出以下教學建議:


eg Task One:(看圖添加人頭)

Game: Guess, “Who is he/she” according to the clothes he/she wears in the family/photo and then draw his/her head.

Task Two:(家庭-學校聯系冊)

Fill in a form: Fill in the form that given by the teacher on the basis of the Ss' families in order to build an easy contact between the school and the Ss' family.

Task three:名信片設計能手

Contest: Choose the best desinger according to the photo and the letter he/she writes, choose the best photo with origind idea, the best English description and the best English oral teller as well.



Step1 Warming up (Recycling)

(Greetings)T: Hi/Hello, Nice to meet you!

(Personal names)T: What's your/his/her name?

(Identify objects)T: Is this/that your……?

(Yes, itis./No, it isn't.

Unit 3 This is my sister


第一課時:P13-P14 第二課時:P15-P16

第三課時:P17 第四課時:P18及練習冊

Step2 Presentation


T: What's this?-It's a photo.

Is this your photo?

Ss: No, it isn't.

T: This is my photo. Look! This is my family.

Who's this/that?

Who are these/those?

-This/That is my father/mother……(講授新詞)

These are my brothers/……

用Who's this/that?句型講授新詞,在問答中與學生形成互動,比全部靠老師一人唱獨角戲會更好一點。只要學生小學時有接觸過英語,對家庭成員中一些簡單的稱呼應不陌生,因此在回答過程中,對猜地、講對的學生應予以肯定,表揚并適當獎勵。

2、Read all the words.(先跟老師讀,然后組內讀,再隨意抽讀,注意學生語音(美音)的糾正)。

3、Match the words with the people in the picture(1a ).

Step 3 Listen and practie.

1、(出示掛圖P13)T:Now we all know David's family members. Look at Dave. Who does he talk about? (Ss guess first)Listen to the tape and circle the people he talks abut.

2、T: What about the others? Who are they?


This/That is his……

or These/Those are his……

3、Introduce your best friend/friends.


eg SA: Hi,××, This is my friend LiMing(SC).

SB: Hello,LiMing, Nice to meet you.

SC: Hello,××,Nice to meet you, too.

(Or) SA: Hi, ××,These are my friends LinLin and Fangfang.


Step4 Listening

(出示一男孩畫面)T: And this is David's friend, LinHai. Today Dave asks LinHai to his home for dinner and meet his family. Now listen, who greets him? Finish 2a 2b.

Step5 Game

1、First according to 2C, ask and answer in pairs.

2、Play a guessing game.

每組推選一人上臺,用布將他/她眼睛蒙上,其它組任選四人上前問候(Hi/Hello)。其余學生問:Who's this?讓他/她猜Is this××?Ss: Yes, it is./No, it isn't.可猜三次,猜中小組得1分并繼讀猜。猜錯,退下。

Step6 Task

出示一張Tom's Family photo like this




Step1 Revision

1、Game: Teacher gives some word cards (with pictures) to some students. When the teacher asks“Where'sDavid's father?”

持有相應卡片的學生應立即站起并回答(She/he is)here.


Step2 Guessing Game and Presentation

T: Yesterday I told you something about my family and friends. Now I'll write some of their names on the Bb. Guess who the person is, I'll see who has the best memory.


eg 寫下“Peng Haibing”

S1: Is he your father? T: No, he isn't.

S2: Is he your brother? T: Yes, he is.

又如:“Cai YiLuo”

S1(可能):Is she your mother/dahghter/aunt?

在游戲過程中根據學生猜測的需要及相應情景,適時地教授新詞Son, daughter, aunt, uncle,cousin.

Step3 Pairwork

1、First look at the picture, finish 3a

2、Practise the conversation with your partner.

Step 4 Groupwork

1、Identify persons

Take out their photos and put them together in their group.

Take turns to ask and answer questions about the photos.

Identify the person in the photo.(利用照片問答,辯認人物)

2、Ask some pairs/ groups to make a conversation in front of the class on the basis of their photo. or give an introduetion of their own family photo.

Step 5 Listening

T:Lin Hai and Dave are also talking about the photo. Finish Section B (2a、2b).

Step 6 Make a family tree

先老師示范,然后完成Section B (1)中的family tree, 并讓學生制作自己家的family tree,并加以評比展示。

Step 7 Task


T:I want to know something about each of your families. Please fill in the form in pairs first.


然后兩人交換并帶回家,家長核查(予以一定的糾正), Members Name Age Job Telephone Number

××'s Father




Step 1 Revision

Ask Students to give an introduction of his / her family according to the picture he / she drew or the photo he / she takes to school(用畫或照片介紹家人、朋友)

Step 2 Read and draw

Read the letter. Draw a picture of Emma's family 完成(3a)

Step 3 Look and write 完成(3b)

Step 4 Write a letter


T:You also have a photo of your family or your friends, Can you write a letter about it ?


Step5 Task

(Sending cards to your penfriend / teacher)






4、閱讀“Just for run!”

5、Having a quiz


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