人教版高二Unit 18 Invention

發布時間:2017-11-10 編輯:互聯網 手機版


當全世界科學技術發展迅猛,各種發明創造層出不窮,是因為人的思維品質與思維方式即(creative thinking)對發明創造起著至關重要的作用。因此培養學生的探究性思維能力,創造思維能力是時代社會對教育的要求。教師在課堂教學設計中力求體現“開放、啟發、引導、自主”的教學原則,幫助學生運用相關的詞匯表達自己的思想及思維過程,培養學生用英語描述某一發明創造,如構造的工作原理、用途等的能力。況且,我們曾經在高一(上)Unit9 Technology,高二Unit 1 Make a Different, Unit 6 Life in the future, Unit 11 Scientific achievement 等單元中已積累一些詞匯。


“熱身”(Warming up)部分設計了三個練習,列舉了四件與學生日常生活聯系密切的,富有啟迪意義。





“語言學習”(Language study)分詞匯和語法兩部分。詞匯部分設計了兩個練習,其目的是幫助學生復習所學過的詞匯(包括詞性和詞形)及短語。語法部分圍繞定語從句而展開,而且選用了謎語,生動有趣。

“綜合技能”(Integrating skills)部分有閱讀和寫作兩個任務。閱讀的文章說明科學隱喻(運用通俗的名稱于新的發明之中,如電腦中的memory,storage和paste、print等等)的作用及其局限性。寫作題有兩個:“未來的電子計算機”和“向十九世紀的人介紹電腦”,由學生選作。這個任務符合學生的年齡特點、貼近現代生活,能夠引起學生的興趣。


“復習要點”(Checkpoint)復習了定語從句。同時通過兩個問題引導學生對本單元所學的內容 進行一次反思。

II 教材內容處理


我校大部分學生具有較充分的閱讀詞匯,但學生語法知識,口語表達能力較弱,用英語思維表達的習慣很弱。學生具有一定的自學能力,學校局域網健全,并配備學生專用電子閱覽室。這些使學生的自主探究學習成為可能。基于上述學生情況,我列出本單元4項重點和4項難點。旨在突出圍繞本單元課題的詞匯,獲取文章大意的閱讀能力及闡述觀點的能力,以培養學生聚合思維和發散性思維,從而達到培養學生Creative thinking way,這也是本單元的教學目標之一。在word study 課時中把重點放在學生自我發現、練習鞏固上,講練結合,當堂鞏固。在定語從句復習與寫作訓練中,以圖式理論為指導,采用分類列舉法幫助學習記憶語法規則,用列表法為學生提供必要的說看材料,讓學生擴展成文。同時,以“引導、鋪墊、分散、突破、反饋”為原則,處理課堂教學任務;以分組合作,筆頭記錄、口頭匯報的方式反饋兩項主題活動,這也是本單元2個非常重要的預習作業;以測試性評價手段,借助多媒體來鞏固構詞法、定語從句和本單元的重點詞匯。在整個單元教學中,始終堅持任務目標,材料輸入(導說領先),活動或討論,筆頭落實,環環相扣。碰到一項較難的任務時,以教師提供幫助或教學內容在教學程序上的鋪墊來減輕任務的難度,從而使大部分都能獲得成就感。




     增加workbook中的聽力練習,同時把workbook integrating作為泛讀材料


1.who is the young scientist? What nationality is he?

2.what is the teenager’s invention?

3.what do the judges think of the new invention?

4.what advantages does the new invention provide?

5.how many projects take part in the competition and how many of them made it through to the final round?

   Discussion: 1.Is a creative student always a top student in subjects?

2.What do you think makes him a creative student?

刪減部分:Wb P131 Ex2

Wb P133 Ex3

改編教材:1、把P62 part4作為第一課時的導入材料,以激發學生的興趣

     2、把P62 Ex3改編成游戲。

     3、把P61 Ex3改編成競賽活動。

     4、把wb P130 listening P131 talking與speaking部分相結合,作為第二課時,主要培養學生的合作意識和口語能力。









 “How much do you know invention?”

“a smart something”

  “apply for a patent”


(一) 語言知識和語言技能


vest heel patent officer petrol background reject possibility otherwise connection previous aware trail rider dusty pilot storage glue typewriter

allow for get stuck break away from be aware of trial and error after all keep track of

2、能夠熟練地運用如下句型談論創造發明(Talking about inventions)

The invention can help people…

This is a new way of …

What does it look like?

How does it work?

What’s it made of?

The new invention will make it possible for people to …


4、Learn to write a process essay of a new invention.

(二) 情感目標

1、Learn about what is creative thinking and arouse the Ss to know now to be a creative thinker efficiently.

2、Guide the Ss learn how to find a good way and share other’s invention.

(三) 學習策略

合作學習, 自主學習,學會運用“科學、技術、發明”等相關的詞匯描述新發明創造。

(四) 資源利用








Thomas Edison is the most honoured American inventor. He invented the electric light bulb, the phonograph, and the moving picture-three of the most important inventions of the modern world.






可以這種方式開頭:Let me describe our new invention and then show you its characteristics.

First, … Second, … Third, … Finally, …



1、詞匯:運用本單元所學詞匯及有關發明的詞匯,如:productive, trial and error, apply for a patent, receive a patent, hold a patent, sell a patent等。


① What’s it made of?

② How does it work?

③ I make this in order to…

④ This machine is used for…

⑤ It can be used in the way that…










IV 教學重點與難點


1. Train the Ss’ listening and speaking ability by talking about inventions and listening to some materials.

2. Develop the Ss to grasp the main idea of the passage and help them to understand the passage better by explaining the different creative thinking way.

3. Enable the Ss to master useful expressions in this unit and review the Attributive clause and expand the knowledge of the attributive clause.

4. Do some writing practice to improve the Ss’ ability of writing a process essay of description of an invention.


1. Feed back the Ss’ self-reading effectively in class.

2. How to help the Ss to learn to express and support an opinion.

3. Master some new words and learn to use them freely.

4. Make a clear sketch of the Attributive clause to the Ss and expand it.

V 單元課時教學設計

Period 1 Warning up & Listening

Period 2 Speaking & Talking

Period 3 Pre-reading & Reading & Post-reading

Period 4 Language study & Practice

Period 5 Integrating skill & Writing

Period 6 the Revision of the Attributive Clause (possible)

Period 7-8 the two periods for exercises

Period 1 Warming & Listening

Goals 1. Improve the Ss’ listening ability.

2. Enable the Ss to get involved in the topic and familiar to some new words and expressions.

Step1 Lead-in

Today’s topic is invention.

When we speak of invention, we can’t help thinking of the four great inventions in ancient China. What are they? Meanwhile, with the development of science more inventions have come about. These inventions are wonderful.

T:Now what invention do you think is the most useful? Why?

Ss: Collect the Ss’ opinion

T: But some inventions are so common that we often forget how wonderful they are. For example, zippers are very useful, but they are forgotten. Almost none of us know who invented them. Do you think so? Do you think it is important to know how things were invented?

If you want to invent something, you need to train yourself to have creative thinking to think about them in a different way based on the present things.

Now let’s do some riddles to see how clever you are? (on the screen)

1. What is it that Adam has none Eve has two and everyone has three?

2. What is it that the dead eat and that the living would die if they ate.

3. What is it that you use your head to your toes and the more it works the thinner it gets.

4. What is it that is not an airplane but moves through the sky not a river but is full of water?

Step 2 Warning up and discussion

Let the Ss look at the pictures to tell anything special about each picture and then ask the Ss to match each picture with the correct description below.

Ask some questions:

1. What kind of shoes is it? Is there anything special with the shoe?

2. In picture2 the chopsticks can be eaten.

Which word means eaten? edible chopsticks

3. What does nose-top computer mean?

How can you use it?

4. What does “inflatable bike” mean?

What are the advantages of bikes of this kind?


1. Which of these inventions do you think would be useful? Why?

教師可以幫助學生運用:I think ** would be the most useful invention because by using **, we can …

2. Is there anything you would like to invent? If so, what and why?

Possible sentence: I would like to invent a multi-use car. The multi-use car is a new type of car which can pass through any place when it is crowded. For example… You will never be late and save a lot of time for you.

Step 3 Pre-listening

We know when someone has invented something, usually he will go to a patent officer to apply for his patent. Now let’s listen to two dialogues.

In the dialogues, Mr Dean and Mr Scoles both have invented something. They’re trying to get the patent for their inventions from the patent officer. Let’s go through the questions on P15 first and then do the listening.

Step 4 Listening

Play the tape twice for students to listen to and them answer the questions. Play it a third time for the students to check their answers in pairs. At last check the answer with the whole class.


Creative thinking

edible chopsticks

environmentally friendly(read-friendly)


apply for 申請(vi) apply 應用(vt)

apply for a patent for sth

the patent officer

give a patent

hold a patent

step6 Assignment

1. Find out as many inventors as possible and try to describe one of most important inventors you think to the class, using the attributive clause if possible.

Period2 Speaking & Talking

Goals: Expand the topic around inventions to develop the Ss’ creating thinking and speaking ability.

Step1 Lead-in and reporting

T: Well, let’s begin our lesson. So far we’ve known some inventions and their inventors. Who is your most admirable inventor. Please describe something him or her to the class? Anyone will be the first?

Invite the some individual to report their preparations one by one.

Step2 Talking

T: We know inventions are important and great. It seems a little difficult to invent something. But do you think it is always difficult to think of something special?

S: No, sometimes it is not so hard to think of “A smart something”. And in our real life. We can create many smart things, for example, a smart refrigerator can tell you when you need to buy more milk or eggs. A smart air-conditioner can change the temperature itself when it is becoming hot or cold.

T: What smart objects can you think of ?

Ss: Collect Ss’ ideas and then let the Ss turn to P131 Ex.1 and choose two of the smart devices below and have a discussion with your partner to see how they could be used and then decide one to give a report.

Smart money Smart shoes Smart basketball Smart clock Smart pen

Smart car Smart medicine Smart bike Smart heater

Step 3 Speaking (role-play)

From the last lesson we also know how to apply for a patent. Now you are in a patent office. Let’s play a game. Each of you will be given a role card work in groups of five: four inventors and one patent officer. Each inventor should explain how the invention works and why it is useful. The patent officer should ask question and decide whether each invention is a good or not. And I’ll show you some useful expressions to help you. In the end show out some example dialogues.

This invention can help people…

This new invention will make it possible for people to…

This is a new way of…

It has many functions like…

What does it look like…

What’s it make of…?

How does it work…?

How would people use it ?

What are some advantages compared to other product of this kind?


1. I’m much impressed by ________

2. I think your invention is ____________

3. That’s really a good idea ___________

4. I’m afraid it might not _____________

5. I’m sorry ,but I can’t give you a patent for

6. I think you can have the patent for ________

Possible examples:

A=Patent Officer

B, C, and D =Inventors

A: Good morning. Please tell me about your invention.

B: Yes, well, I have invented a car that uses water instead of petrol. This invention is great for the environment. Imagine how nice and clean our cities would be if we didn’t have all the air pollution from cars.

A: Yes, it does sound good. How does it work?

B: Well, I can’t explain the details, but it uses a new kind of engine that can turn water into energy. The new engine is a bit expensive, and the cars won’t be able to drive very fast, but I think it will become cheaper with time. It is a new way of producing energy, so we will have to build new cars. It can’t be used for normal cars.

A: I see. What about your invention?

C: I have invented a machine that makes it possible for people to know the future.

A: That sounds incredible! How does it work?

C: It’s a small computer that is connected to your brain. It uses everything you know, and all the information on the Internet. Then I use a special equation to guess what will happen next. The machine is right almost90% of the time.

A: How would people use it?

C: Well, let’s say you want to know what questions will be on the maths test next week. You ask the computer to guess and it will predict the questions. Or, if you want to know what will happen two weeks from now, you just type in the date and the computer will describe what will happen to you.

D: Excuse me, may I tell you about my new invention?

A: OK.

D: I have invented a flying bicycle. This invention can help people get around in crowded cities.

A: What’s it made of?

D: The bicycle is made of very light plastic. The bike doesn’t weigh more than 50 grams.

A: And how does it work? What does it look like?

D: There is a small engine on the bike----it looks a bit like a helicopter. If you want to fly, you just start the engine and take off.

( The discussion continues.)

Step 4 Extensive Listening practice (part 1)

Go through Ex.1 on P130 and do extensive listening practice for exact information

Step 5 Summary

Today we’ve learnt how to express and support an opinion. And we’ve learnt how to apply for a patent when you have made an invention. Many of you have wonderful ideas about new inventions. Study hard now and I believe you’ll make your own invention in the future.

  Step6 Assignment

1. Preview the text and learn the make out difficult sentences new words and expression.

2. Draw your invention and to apply for a patent, please give a good description to it, including how it looks, how it works, and how people can use it.

Period 3 Reading

Goals: 1. Learn the text and train the Ss’ reading ability.

2. Learn some useful words and expressions.

3. Help the Ss to learn to be more creative.

Step 1 Lead-in and Pre-reading

T: Greeting and ask:

In modern times, we have so many inventions? What inventions have you known?

Yes, the inventions can make people’s life easier and better. They will do a lot of good to people.(on the screen)

① But how do they come up with ideas for new invention.

② Do you think you have to be very intelligent to be an inventor?

③ Are some people born creative or is it possible to learn to be creative?

If you want to be an inventor yourself, you must have a lot of questions. New read the passage quickly to find the answers to these questions above.

Step 2 Reading

Allow the Ss a few minutes to find the answers to the questions.

T: Are you finished?

Ss: Yes.

Then collect different opinions from the Ss.

Focus on:

1. Why is it possible to learn how to be creative?

Because creative thinking is a matter of habits. By thinking about how we think and practising good thinking strategies. We can become more creative.

2. Why people don’t have to be very intelligent to be an inventor?

First he or she should be intelligent. But not very because only some of the thinkers did well in school. And creativity is not about getting high test scores having a high IQ or being smart

By the way, what does EQ stand for?

3. Guide the Ss to say out the following points.

① People should try new ways to solve a problem and break away from old thought patterns.

② People should try to combine new with old ideas in many different ways as possible. By comparing and connecting ideas and objects in new ways. People may think of new application and solutions.

③ Good ideas are no accident. They are the result of a long process of trial and error. So keeping trying is important. Failure is the mother of success, as we know.

Step 3 Careful reading

As paragraph one notes, great thinkers seem have little in common-----they have different backgrounds, IQ and education. What they do have in common are the thinking habits outlined in the reading?

1). What are their thinking habits according to the text?

Can you find a sentence from the passage to explain each thinking habit?

2). What’s creative thinking?

3). If we keep trying some of the thinking strategies of the great and famous, what may be the result ?

4. True of False: Do Ex1 of post-reading On P60.

Step 4 Explanation and Listening

Check the Ss’ prevision and explain some difficulties the Ss raise. Meanwhile show the important phrases on the screen.

1. be born creative/ blind/ a singer

2. come up with

3. allow for 為…作準備,顧及

4. get stuck

5. break away from

6. become/be ware of

be aware that 從句

7. remain invisible

8. get high test scores

9. reject

10. inspire

Let the Ss listen and under line the words about.

Step 5 Discussion

Now look at part2 on the same page. Here are five examples which have been mixed up.

Read the short passages carefully and place them in the right paragraph. You may have a short discussion with your partner.

1. Think outside the box.

2. Keep trying.

3. Keep trying.

4. Take another look at it.

5. Make connections.

Step 6 Extensive Reading for discussion(materials attached)

1. who is the young scientist? What nationality is he?

2. what is the teenager’s invention?

3. what do the judges think of the new invention?

4. what advantages does the new invention provide?

5. how many projects take part in the competition and how many of them made it through to the final round?

 Discussion: 1.Is a creative student always a top student in subjects?

2.What do you think makes him a creative student?

Step 7 Summary Assignment

Today we’ve read about how to be creative. And also we’ve learnt some useful phrases. After class please re-read the passage to understand it better and master the new words. Don’t forget to finish the vocabulary exercise on P131, P61.

Period 4 Language study: Grammar

Goals: 1. Review the useful expressions learnt in this Unit.

2. Learn the derivatives of some words.

3. Review and expand the Attributive clause.

Step 1 Check the homework

Ex.3 P61 and Ex.2 on P132

More(on the screen):

1. I got stuck when I’m is spelling a word in a crossword puzzle.

2. He reminded me of what I would otherwise have forgotten.

3. By looking at a problem in as many ways as possible creative thinkers can find solutions that would otherwise remains invisible.

4. It is easy to limit the possibilities of new idea by connecting it to only one area of our previous knowledge.

5. Some of the greatest inventors forced themselves to develop new ideas even when they are tired on feel inspired.

6. If we look only for the correct answer and reject ideas that don’t provide a complete answer, we may get stuck.

Step 2 Word study

1. Now let’s do wore about word study

Please change the form of the following words.

trial (v)

application (v)

inspiration (v)

eraser (v)

involvement (v)

produce (n)

fail (n)

possible (n)

deep (n)

awareness (adj)

ivedicine (adj)

attract (adj)

produce (adj)

2. Do exercises

① He worked very hard during his (try) period at the company.

② What is the (store) limit of laptop computer.

③ Is there any (possible) of solving this problem?

④ To learn think well, you have to learn to make (connect) first.

⑤ It’s necessary to raise high school students’ (aware) of self-defence.

⑥ Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has changed the process of (physical).

⑦ The deepest point in the ocean is generally believed to be in the Marianas with a ______(deep) of about 11.033 metres.

Step 3 The Attributive Clause

After so many exercises, now let’s play a game.

I’ll read out information about some great scientists.

Listen carefully and let’s have a competition between boys and girls.

Anyone who stands up and give the right name will get one score.

Are you clear?

1.the film-maker, whose name is always linked with his cartoon characters, such as Mickey mouse and Donald Duck.

2. the scientist, who was born in Germany but spent his last years in the USA.

3. the inventor , among whose big inventions are electric lighting and the motion picture camera.

4. the actor , whose many great films were City Lights and Modern Times.

6. the famous singer, whose famous songs include Blowing In The Wind.

7. the great physicist from England, who discovered the Law of Gravity.

8.the political leader, who lived in China before the Liberation and contributed to the foundation of China

9. the president, who fought for the freedom of slaves in the USA.

10. a female person , who was Adam’s wife.

T: (slide some of the sentence on the screen) Is there anything special for all these sentences?

Ss: Yeah, they are all the attributive clauses.

T: Yes, now we’re discussing more about the clauses.

Turn to P61 Grammar Ex2

Please join the part of sentences, following the example.

Do them orally first and then write down.

Step 4 Consolidation



1. I will never forget the day when I spent with you.

2. I will never forget the day when I studied with you.

3. Is this the factory that he visited the other day?

4. Is this the factory that his father once worked?

5. The man, from who I learn a lot, is Li Ping.

6. The book, that he bought yesterday, is popular with us.

7. Was it at five o’clock when the fire broke out?


1. I shall never forget the day Shenzhou V was launched, has a great effect on my life.

A. when; which B. that; which C. which; that D. when; that

2. I think you’ve got to the point a change is needed, or you would fail.

A. when B. where C. that D. which

3. The course normally attracts 20 students year, up to half will be from abroad.

A. in which B. for whom C. with which D. of whom

4. is known to everybody, Taiwan is part of China.

A. It B. As C. That D. What

5. The operation turned out to be very successful, was more than we could expect.

A. what B. which C. that D. it

6.. The British are not so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things,

is often the case in other countries.

A. as B. that C. so D. it

7. It was in the street I live I met Mr Green.

A. Where; that B. where; which C. /; where D. that; which

8. This is the boy parents I met in the park yesterday.

A. who B. whom C. that D. whose

Step 5 Activities if possible

In fact, the attributive clause is very important and useful. It helps to describe something new to people.

For example:

An inventor is some one who......

The patent office is the place where......

A clock is a small machine which......

Would you please have a try and finish Ex1 P61

Step 6 Assignment:

1. Finish off wb for Grammar on P132-133

2. Preview Reading on P133 and try retell about some invention in the future.

Period 5 Integrating Reading & Writing

Goals: 1.Learn a reading passage to improve the Ss’ reading ability and learn about science metaphors.

2. Do writing practice to improve the Ss’ ability of writing a process essay around computer.

Step 1 Lead-in and talking

T: How many of you have a computer at home? Please put up your hands. Who do you do with your computer?

S: I search for information on the Internet.

Play games with it.

Draw picture or type a file.

Send e-mails to friends.

Listen to the music.

Watch football matches.

Read books on the Internet.

T: Yes, we can do these things mentioned easily depending on computers. But we can also do these things without a computer.

S1 we can go to library to look for the information needed. But it’s much quicker and more convenient if we use a computer as a typewriter to type letters

S2 Listen to music on the tape recorder.

Watch football matches, on TV, etc.

T: You’re quite right. Now technology is often used in old ways. That means we can use some old words to describe new technology and science for example “store, memory, cut, paste”. We call these science metaphors. Now please have a discussion in groups of four to complete the chart shown on the screen.

The Internet: used as a library/ TV/ telephone P

used to send e-mails

read news from home and abroad

Cellphone: used as a telephone/ a telephone directory/ a video game player

a watch/ a calender/ a alarm clock/a torch

Step 2 Reading

T: Well done Now we are going to read a passage about science metaphors. Turn to P62 and try to find out the answer to the two questions.

1. Why are scientific metaphors like “memory” and “cut and paste” useful?

How many they limit our thinking?

Answer: They make it easier for as to understand and use a new tool. They may make it more difficult for us to use the new invention in the best way.

2. Think of more words we use to talk about computers and Internet. How well do they describe the things or action they are used for? Are there other words we could use tat might be better?

copy, file, delete, lock, enter, return, store

Step 3 Listening and explanation

1. Read the passage again and get the following phrases. Then ask the Ss to make some sentences

be said to do.

A be similar to B

be different from

after all

Now(that) 既然

2. Read the passage aloud; one student one paragraph..

Step 4 Pre-writing and writing

T: Just now, we talked about computers. Most of you have a desktop computer at home. And as you can see, I’m using a laptop computer.

T: Yeah. These are the most popular computer that use can final. But have you ever heard that a new type of computer---the palmtop computer has been invented. (show the picture)

This is a palmtop which is a kind of computer that we can put on our palm. It’s very small, light and convenient to carry about? Do you like it?

S: Yes, I wish I could have one.

T: From these computers. We know computers are getting smaller and smarter. Can you imagine what the first computer was like?

S: I must have been very big people need a large house to put it in and run slowly. It was built in 1946.

T: What do you think they will look like in the future and how we will use them?

Who’d like to tell us your opinion?

Collect the Ss’ opinions.

Possible opinions: Look like a watch or a cellphone.

Use them to watch TV, read books, ......

Check the date arrange memory thing for people.

That would be a real computer society.

T: Very good. Now, imagine that you had to describe a computer to someone who lived in the 19th century.

How would you explain it? What would you compare it to?

( look like, development, uses of computers in different fields, machine, at high speed, calculate, in many fields, it is said that) These words maybe available and helpful

Let the students have a discussion and writer their composition. Check one student’s writing and then give out a sample description.:


Have you ever seen a computer?Now let me tell you something about the computer. A computer is an electric calculating machine that can store and recall information and make calculations at very high speed. It is a wonderful machine and can do most of the things people can do, but it can work millions of times faster. The first large, modern computer was built in 1946, and people needed a large house to put it in. In the last few years there have been great changes in computers. Today they can be used in many fields. People even use it to pay their bills or order what they want . It is said that in the future computers would arrange everything for people, and do almost all kinds of work. That would be a real computer society! I believe that the computer will sure become smaller and smart, which you take where you go.

Step 5 Summary and Assignment

Today we read a passage about toe scientific metaphors and know these phrases (omission). In this Unit we also learn how to become more creative by practising good thinking strategies. They can be used to study English too. Read the tips on P64 and try the ideas in future and they are helpful for your English study. Don’t forget to finish the workbook

VI 備課體會

1、本單元教學設計基于教學參考和課本資料,教學任務高計主要圍繞以下幾個主題:①任務目標。教學步驟中每一步都將成為下一教學步驟的鋪墊,在每一步驟中,教師設計具體任務,讓學生參與到課堂互動中,并完成具體的任務。在寫作課中,Discussion能充分使學生如釋重負。②自主學習。本單元的兩個主題任務滲透中Period 2 和 Period 3 Reading部分,都要求學生在課余進行資料收集、整理并在課堂上報告,對于基礎較弱的學校,教師可以事先收集資料讓學生課前閱讀。③著重思維培養,圍繞話題 Invention 進行多方面的擴展,并且能較好地利用 Pre-reading 部分,引發學生積極思維、討論。 Post-reading 作為較高要求進行教學設計,可選擇使用。④課堂總結,當堂鞏固。每堂課都進行總結,并復習重點詞匯。在授課過程中,在師生互動中呈現并教授新學詞匯,并落實在課文和練習鞏固中。對于長句、難句,教師進行控制性提問和分析。⑤盡量引入最新的科技,富有時代性,并引導學生利用網絡資源。

2、課堂容量較大,特別是練習。在實際上課中很可能需要調整課時,特別是Period 3 Reading 部分。一般來說,一個單元需要7-8個課時,5-6個課時加上2節練習課(同步作業本),本單元中還需一個課時全面復習定語從句。

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