新課標高一英語模塊 1 Unit 1 全單元學案(新課標版高一英語必修一學案設計)

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Unit1 Friendship




Friends and friendship; interpersonal relationships


add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list share feeling Netherlands German outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habit

add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in


1. 態度(attitudes) Are you afraid that …? I’ve grown so crazy about ….

I didn’t dare ….

2. 同意和不同意(agreement and disagreement) I agree. I think so. Exactly.

I don’t agree. I don’t think so. I’m afraid not.

3.肯定程度(certainty) That’s correct. Of course not.

我們將要學習的語法知識:直接引語和間接引語(1): 陳述句和疑問句

1. 陳述句

“I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary.” said Anne.

--Anne said that she didn’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary.

2. 一般疑問句

He asked, “Are you leaving tonight?”

--He asked us whether we were leaving that night.

3. 特殊疑問句

“When did you go to bed last night?” father said to Anne.

-- Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before.


I. 重點單詞 (能花十分鐘把I和 II兩部分的單詞和詞組在課本中查出來并寫上嗎?相信自己能夠做到!查完了別忘了讀一讀記一記哦~~)

1. (adj.)心煩意亂的;不安的;不適的; (vt.)使不安;使心煩

2. (vt.)不理睬;忽視; (n.)

3.________(v.) (使)平靜;(使)鎮定; (adj.)平靜的,鎮靜的,沉著的

4. ________ (vt.) (使)擔憂;涉及;關系到; ________(adj.)擔心的;憂慮的

5. ________(adj.)德國的; _______(n.)德國; _______(n.) 德國人(復數形式)

6. _________ (adv.)在戶外;在野外; _______ (反義詞)

7. _________ (adj.)整個的;完全的;全部的; ________ (adv.)

II. 重點短語

1. add ______ 合計

2. calm (…) ______ (使)平靜下來;(使)鎮定下來

3. be concerned _______ 關心;掛念

4. _______ the dog 遛狗

5. go _______ 經歷;經受

6. set _______ 記下;放下;登記

7. a _______ of 一連串的;一系列;一套

8. ________ purpose 故意

9. ________ order to 為了……

10. ________ dusk 在黃昏時刻

11. face _______ face 面對面的

12. ________ longer/ not…any longer 不再……

III. 語篇導讀 1)閱讀Anne’s best friend, 然后完成下面的表格。(這是細節題,人人可以做到,不信試試看啊,試著在5分鐘之內完成,你就很棒了!)

Name:1. _____________ Nationality:2.________________

Place to live in World War II: 3.___________________________.

Reason for being hidden: 4.____________________________.

Being hidden for: 5.________________ years

Caught finally because: 6.____________________.

2) 挑戰自我 根據課文內容將下面短文補充完整。(這題是拔高題,考你的記憶能力、理解能力,試著在10分鐘之內讀完課文然后關書填空,挑戰一下自我啊!)

Anne was a little girl who lived in the Netherlands with her family. Because they were Jews, they had to 1 everywhere, 2 they would be caught by the German Nazis. 3 that time she had to regard the diary 4 her only friend, because she thought the diary was a friend 5 she could tell everything to, like her deepest 6 and thoughts. And she needn’t be afraid that it would 7 her, or just couldn’t understand what she was 8 . In one of her diaries, she described how she felt after 9 in the hiding place for over two years: I haven’t been able to be 10 for so long that I’ve grown so 11 about everything 12 with nature, the sky, the song of the birds, the flowers, even the wind and the rain…



I. 詞匯知識

1. add up 合計;加起來

①Add up your score and see how many points you get.




②The bad weather _______________________. 壞天氣添加了我們的困難。

③Please _________________________ to the milk. 請往牛奶里加些糖。

④It’s normal that a famous sports player’s cars ________________ five. 一個著名運動員總計有5輛車是很正常的。

2. upset adj.心煩意亂的;不安的;不適的; vt.使不安;使心煩

①Your friend comes to school very upset. 你的朋友來上學時心情很不好。

②There’s no point getting upset about it. 犯不著為這件事煩惱。

③This decision is likely to upset a lot of people. 這項決定很可能會使很多人不快。


④He ____________ not being invited to the party. 沒有邀請他去聚會,他很不高興。

⑤Don’t ______________ it. Let’s forget it. 你別為這事心煩了,忘了它吧。


3. ignore vt.不理睬;忽視

①You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down. 你會顧不上課鈴,去一個安靜的地方,使你的朋友安靜下來。

ignorant adj. 無知的;沒有學識的; ignorance n. 無知;(對某事)缺乏認識

②He was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the speed limit. 他的車開得很快,因為他不知道要限速。


③He _________________ and goes on the smoking. 他不顧醫生的忠告而繼續吸煙。

④It is a question that can not _______________________.這是一個不容忽視的問題。

⑤His failure resulted from ______________________.他的失敗起因于他的無知。

4. calm vt. & vi. (使)平靜;(使)鎮定 adj. 平靜的;鎮定的;沉著的

①No one expected that he was so calm when told the bad news. 大家沒有料到當被告知這個壞消息時,他如此平靜。

②Calm yourself. You should not be so excited. 請鎮靜,你不該這么激動。


③I told myself to calm down. 我告誡自己要冷靜下來。

④Keep calm and try not to panic. 沉住氣,別驚慌。



⑤Keep ________ while I tie your shoe.

⑥One must keep __________ in time of danger.

⑦Be ___________ when you are at the concert.

⑧I wonder why it’s so __________.

5. concern vt. 涉及;關系到;參與;使擔心;使操心;

n. 擔心;關心;關注;(利害)關系

①You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her and you will meet after class and talk then. 你會告訴你的朋友你很關心他/她,下課后你們會見面交談。

②The matter concerns the interests of the people. 這件事關系到人民的利益。

③It’s no concern of mine.這事與我無關。



④She _________ a great deal of _________ her son’s illness. 她非常擔心兒子的病。

⑤He _______________________ the matter. 他與此事有牽連。

6. go through 經歷;經過;穿過;遭受;忍受;獲得通過;詳細檢查,查找;完成

①Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? 或者你是不是擔心你的朋友會嘲笑你,或會不理解你目前的困境呢?

②May/Might I go through this gate? 我可以通過這道門嗎?

③You will go through tough times. 艱難的時候總會過去。

④Let’s go through the plan again.讓我們再仔細地討論這項計劃吧。



⑤Some of the students _______________ hardships before they entered the university.


⑥I ____________ all my pockets looking for my keys. 我翻遍了所有的口袋找鑰匙。

7. set down=put/write/take down 記下;放下;登記

①You don’t have to set down all that our teacher said. 你不必把老師講的都記下來。

②How shall I set myself down in the hotel register?




③She _____________ the report after breakfast and handed it in at noon.


④If you went to catch that train, we’d better ___________ for the station immediately.


8. a series of 一連串的;一系列;一套

①Have you seen a series of books like this? 你讀過這系列的書嗎?

②Then began a series of wet days that spoiled our vacation.接著是一連串的雨天,把我們的假期弄得一團糟。



③A series of films about him _______________ .關于他的一系列電影已經問世了。

④Three series of papers ______________ to the students. 給學生們發了三套試題。

9. on purpose 故意地;有意地

①For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.比如,有天晚上天氣很暖和,我熬到十一點半故意不睡覺,為的是獨自好好看看月亮。

②I come to the hospital on purpose to see you.我特地來醫院看你。



③I didn’t do it ______--it was an accident.我不是故意做這件事的,這是一次意外。

④He went to the USA _______________ further study. 為了深造,他去了美國。

10. in order to 目的是……,以便……,為了……

①In order to catch the train, she hurried through her work.


②In order to be heard by all the students, the teacher spoke in a loud voice.




③He bought this present _____________ give his son a surprise.

④He got up early ______________ the early bus.

11. face to face 面對面地;面對著(相當于副詞,在句中做狀語)

①His ambition was to meet his favorite pop star face to face. 他心里向往的是要面對面地見到他最喜歡的歌星。




②You’d better _____________ with each other, I think. 我認為你們最好彼此坦誠地談談。

③To learn English, one should go __________________. 學習英語要一步一步來。

II. 難句剖析

1. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.在遛狗的時候,你不小心松了手,結果被一輛汽車撞了。

句中while walking the dog=while you were walking the dog.本句中while后面省略了主語you和be動詞were. while或者when引導的時間狀語從句中的主語和主句中的主語一致且謂語含有be動詞或為it is(was)形式,可省略從句中的主語和be動詞。

①While reading the book, he nodded from time to time.



②I won’t go to her party, even if (I’m) invited.


③Once seen, it’ll never be forgotten. 一旦見到,它將難以被忘記。


④He fell asleep while _____(=while he was doing) his homework.他做作業時睡著了。

⑤__________________, I’ll come tomorrow. 必要的話,明天我就來。

2. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道這是不是因為我長久無法出門的緣故,我變得對一切與大自然有關的事物都無比狂熱。

1) 本句是一個復雜的主從復合句。主句中包含if引導的賓語從句,從句中的it’s…that…是一個強調句型結構,強調because引導的原因狀語從句,在It is/was + because從句 + that…結構中,because不能換用since或as。

-Why was he punished by his teacher? 他為什么受到老師的懲罰?

-It was because he cheated in the exam. 那是因為他在考試時作弊了。

2) 強調句型可對句中的主語、賓語、表語、狀語等進行強調,若強調的主語是人,后面的that 也可以用who代替,可譯為“正是……”。

①It was yesterday that I met Ann in the street. 我是昨天在街上遇見安的。

②Was it you that/who let out the secret to her? 是你把這個秘密泄露給她的嗎?



③It is he who ______ going to speak at the school meeting.

④It ______ in the street that I met my old friend yesterday.

⑤___________ they launched Shenzhou VII? 他們為什么發射了“神州七號”?

⑥It ______ in 2008 ______ the Olympic Games was held successfully in Beijing。

3. …it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face…


It (This,That) is/was +序數詞+time that… 這是/那是某人第一(二、三)次做某事

That引導的定語從句修飾the first time可以省略,從句中的時態常用完成時。如果系動詞是is則用現在完成時;如果是was,則用過去完成時。


①It is the first time that I _______ such a big watermelon.這是我第一次見這么大的西瓜。

②It was the second time that I ___________ to Europe.那是我第二次去歐洲。



③___________________ the Olympic Games in 2012, 2012年該倫敦舉辦奧運會了。

=It’s time that London ___________________ the Olympic Games in 2012.

④When I saw him _________________, I thought him very honest. 當我第一次見到他時,我就認為他很誠實。




同學們,經過了課前自主預習和課堂自主學習之后,相信你一定有了一些收獲吧,是掌握了必須學習的知識點? 或是掌握了一些學習上的技巧與方法? 或者還有什么有待改進的地方?在下面動筆寫寫吧,善于總結的學生才是會學習的學生!



_______________________________________________________________________ _ _

語法點: ____________________________________________________________ _

________________________ ___

______________________________________________________________________ _ _


_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ ⑶這一階段我覺得還需要提高的是:

________________________ ___

______________________________________________________________________ _ _




I. 單詞拼寫

1. He knew there was a speed limit, but he i___________ it and drove very fast.

2. He felt u__________ about losing the money.

3. It’s good for us to do exercise o__________ every morning.

4. It’s d__________ everywhere in the house. Can you help me do the housecleaning?

5. A s_________ of TV play is on Channel 1 these days.

6. The boy hid himself behind the __________ (窗簾) and looked out through the window.

7. Was it an accident or did David do it on ___________(故意)?

8. From the beginning, Paul made it clear that he would be _________ (完全地)in control.

9. The snow is very ___________(疏松)and there is a lot of air in it.

10. I did everything in my ___________(能力,力量)to help her.


1. We spent several days ____________ all related reference materials.

2. His income ________ to 1,000 yuan a month.

3. Please don’t ________ me; I’m fine now.

4. At last the wind ______________.

5. He ___________ a basket on the ground, washed his hands, and then sat down.

6. I can’t stand the pain ________________.

7. The thief _____________ in a friend’s house for several weeks after the robbery.

8. ____________ make his spoken English better, he practises speaking English every day.

9. The street lights come on ______________ and go off at dawn.

10. Maybe one day we could meet _________________________.




1. I have never seen him _______ since I last saw him.

A. any more B. any longer C. no more D. no longer

2. Paper of this kind easily _______.

A. catches fire B. is on fire C. makes fire D. set fire to

3. I'm not sure _______ he will come here today.

A. that B. if C. where D. when

4. What he said is _______.We are _______ at his words.

A. bored; boring B. boring; bored C. bored; bored D. boring; boring

5.-David has made no mistakes recently. -_______ and _______.

A. So has he; so he has B. So he has; so have you

C. So has he; so have you D. So have you; so he has

6. After he finished _______ his homework, he _______ his mother do some homework.

A. to do; kept on doing B. doing; went on to help

C. done; kept helping D. doing; went on helping

7.-I like swimming but I don't like to swim today. -_______.

A. So do I B. So I do C. So it is with me D. I do so

8._______ you begin to do something, you must do it well. That's the way.

A. Because B. Imagine C. Suppose D. Once

9. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _______.

A. not to B. not to do C. not to do it D. do not to

10. A person should be _______ to his own country. He should not do anything against his country.

A. kind B. loyal C. honest D. brave

11.-_______? -He is kind, and tall in height, with big eyes.

A. What is he like B. How is he C. What is he D. What does he do

12.-I'm sorry I can't go to the cinema with you this evening. -If you don't,_______.

A. so do I B. so will I C. neither will I D. neither do I

13. You could see the signs clearly _______ the light of the moon.

A. by B. with C. in D. under

14. I'd prefer doing the job by myself _______ someone else for help.

A. to ask B. to asking C. to ask for D. ask

15. _______ the beginning of the meeting, we sang a song together.

A. In B. At C. On D. Of


Dear Mr.Harrington,

I saw your name on a list of teachers of French who wished to spend their holidays in France this summer. I'm a teacher of English in Saint-Simon, a small village in the Loire Valley, just south of Saumw. I should very much like to spend some time in England, because it is many years since I had a chance to practise my English. Perhaps we could exchange houses for three weeks in late July or early August.

I have heard a lot about a holiday in Cumbria and the Lake District. I have been eager to spend a holiday in Cumbria ever since I first saw pictures of the fox-hunting, and read about the fine hunting dogs that you have in your part of the country. I am very interested in fox-hunting and I take my dogs out hunting in the local forest whenever I can.

I shall tell you more about Saint-Simon countryside when you express interest in my plan. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Jean-Baptiste Foucault

1. Mr. Foucault wants to visit England _______.

A. to meet his old school friend Harrington

B. in order to use and improve his English

C. because it is many years since he had a holiday

D.because he wants to go fox-hunting there

2. Mr. Foucault plans to _______.

A. spend three weeks in Saint-Simon in the Loire Valley

B. stay with Mr. Harrington in England so that they can talk English together

C. invite Mr. Harrington in England to stay with him in France in July

D. stay in Harrington's house while Mr. Harrington stays in his

3. Mr. Foucault wishes to spend a holiday in Cumbria because _______.

A. he is interested in fox-hunting

B. there are many forests where he can take his dog hunting

C. he has heard a lot about the good English spoken in Cumbria

D. the first pictures of England he saw were of Cambria and Lake District

4. Mr. Foucault does not say much about Saint-Simon because _______.

A. Mr. Harrington has been there and seen it for himself

B. it is such a small village that there is very little to say about it

C. he wants to know first whether Mr. Harrington is interested in his plan

D. He knows Mr. Harrington will not be interested in Saint-Simon

5. Mr. Harrington is a teacher who _______.

A. teaches English in France B. teaches French in France

C. teaches English in England D. teaches French in England




1._____________ (在讀這本書的時候),he nodded from time to time. (while;非謂語動詞)

2.____________________(是在街上)I met an old friend of mine. (it)

3.It was the first time that I ________________ (到北京來). (come)

4.He said that he __________________ (在聽音樂)when she came in. (listen)

5.Father asked Peter ____________________ (何時去睡覺的)last night. (when)









5.___________(vi.& vt.)痊愈;恢復;重新獲得_____________(n.)


1. be worried __________ 擔憂;擔心

2. take no notice _________ 不注意

3. suffer _________ 遭受

4. recover __________ 從……中恢復,康復

5. pack (sth.) _________ 打包



1. “Do you like listening to pop music?” he asked us.


2. “I’m going to hide from the Germans.” said Anne.


3. Mary asked her mother what she should do.


4. “How can you see your friends?” Anne said to her sister.



I. 要點探究

1. She found it difficult to settle and … 她發現很難安定下來……

She作主語;found 為謂語;it作形式賓語,difficult作賓語補足語;to settle…動詞不定式作真正的賓語。find it + 賓補 + to do

I find it difficult to talk with you about anything serious.


I think it necessary to tell them all about the matter.


settle vi. 安家;定居;停留 vt.(使)定居;安排;解決

settle down 安居/安定下來

He settled in the country after he returned from abroad. 從國外回來后他在鄉下定居。

2. She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there. 她遭受孤獨的折磨,但是她得學會喜歡呆在那里。

suffer vt. 遭受;忍受;經歷,后面常接pain, defeat, loss, poverty, hunger等名詞。

vi.受痛苦,患病。常用suffer from結構。

① Iraq suffered serious damage from the war.


② He is suffering from cancer. 他患上了癌癥。


③ The young man ____________ a bad cold the other day and was sent to hospital.


④ In order to send me to college, my parents ____________________________.


3. How can Linda recover from her illness in this room…? 琳達在這個房間里怎么能夠從病中康復呢……?

recover vi.& vt. 痊愈;恢復;重新獲得,常與介詞from 連用。

① She has covered her health. 她已恢復了健康。

② I think he will recover from his bad cold soon. 我想不久他的重感冒會好的。

③ Jane recovered her lost wallet. 簡找到了丟失的錢包。

4. “ I’ve got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows” Anne said to her father.安妮對爸爸說:“我已經厭倦了透過臟兮兮的窗簾和沾滿灰塵的窗子觀看大自然了”

get tired of 意為“厭倦,厭煩”;有時我們也可以用be tired of, 同義詞有:be sick of; be bored of; be fed up with.

① I’m tired of his silly questions. 我已經厭倦了他那些愚蠢的問題。

② I got tired of so much reading. 我厭倦了如此大量的閱讀。



③ We _____________________ having the same kind of food every day.天天吃同樣的食物,我們都吃膩了。

④ She was tired ____ ____ teaching, but she was never tired ________ teaching. 她教課累了,但是她絕不厭煩教學。

⑤ I was completely __________ after all that. 作了那么多事以后,我感到筋疲力盡

5. I need to pack up my things in the suitcase very quickly, … 我需要很快把衣箱里的東西打包……

pack up 將(東西)裝箱打包

① I packed up all my books into boxes. 我把所有的書都裝進了箱子。

② Please help me pack up my things. 請幫我把東西裝箱打包。

II. 語法突破







1. 人稱的變化

(1) He said, “I like it very much.” 他說:“我非常喜歡它。”

He said that he liked it very much. 他說他非常喜歡它。

(2) He said to me, “I’ve left my book in your room.”


He told me that he had left his book in my room.



2. 時態的變化:

(1) “ I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary,” said Anne.

安妮說:“ 我不想在日記里記流水帳。”

Anne said that she didn’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary.


(2) He said, “I’m using the knife.” 他說:“我正在用刀。”

He said that he was using the knife. 他說他正在用刀。

(3) She said, “I have not heard from him since May.”

她說: “我自從五月份起就沒有收到他的來信。”

She said that she had not heard from him since May.


(4) He said, “I saw her in the street.” 他說:“ 我在街上看見過她了。”

He said that he had seen her in the street. 他說他在街上看見過她了。

(5) He said, “I have finished my homework before supper.”

他說:“ 我在午飯前已經完成了我的家庭作業。”

He said that he had finished his homework before supper.


(6) Zhou Lan said, “I’ll do it after class.” 周蘭說:“我會課后完成它。”

Zhou Lan said that she would do it after class. 周蘭說她會在課后完成它。



直接引語 間接引語

一般現在時 一般過去時

現在進行時 過去進行時

現在完成時 過去完成時

一般過去時 過去完成時

過去完成時 過去完成時

一般將來時 過去將來時

3. 指示代詞、時間狀語、地點狀語和動詞的變化

(1) She said: “I will come this morning.” 她說:“我上午會來。”

She said that she would go that morning. 她說她上午會來。

(2) He said, “these books are mine.” 他說:“這些書是我的。”

He said that those books were his. 他說這些書是他的。

(3) He said,“it is nine o’clock now.” 他說:“現在9點了。”

He said that it was nine o’clock then. 他說那會兒9點了。

(4) He said, “My sister was here three days ago.”


He said that his sister had been there three days before.


(5) He said, “I haven’t seen her today.” 他說:“我今天還沒有見過她。”

He said that he hadn’t seen her that day. 他說他那天沒有見過她。

(6) She said, “I went there yesterday.” 她說:“我昨天在那里。”

She said that she had gone there the day before 她說她昨天去過那里。

(7) She said, “I’ll go there tomorrow.” 她說:“我明天會去那里。”

She said that she would go there the next/following day.


(8) He said, “They will arrive the day after tomorrow.”


He said that they would arrive in two days’ time. 他說他們兩天后到那里。

(9) She said, “I came here to seen the doctor the day before yesterday.”


She said she had gone there to see the doctor two days before.



直接引語 間接引語

時間狀語 now then

today that day

this week/month/year that week/month/year

last week/month/year the week/month/year before

tomorrow the next/following day

next week/month/year the next week/month/year

地點狀語 here there

動詞 come go


① 直接引語如果是客觀真理,變為間接引語時,時態不變。如:

He said,“Light travels much faster than sound.”

He said that light travels much faster than sound”

② 如果在當地轉述,here不必改為 there,動詞come不必改為go,如果在當天轉述,yesterday, tomorrow等時間狀語也不必改變.


● 一般疑問句

(1) “Do you think a diary can become your friend?” the writer says.


The writer asks us if we think a diary can become our friend.


(2) She said, “did you see him last night?” 她問:“你昨天晚上看到他了嗎?”

She asked me whether I had seen him the night before.



將一個一般疑問句由直接引語變成間接引語時,首先要用whether/if 連接,而且要把原來的疑問句變成陳述句語序的賓語從句; 其次,人稱、時態和狀語的變化與陳述句直接引語變為間接引語的方法相同。

● 特殊疑問句

(1) “ What do you want?” he asked me. “你想要什么?”他問我。

He asked me what I wanted. 他問我想要什么。

(2) “ When did you go to bed last night?” father said to Anne.


Father asked Anne when she went to bed the night before






同學們,這一課時主要內容是語法知識,經過了課前自主預習和課堂自主學習之后,相信你一定有了一些收獲吧, 或者還有什么有待改進的地方?在下面動筆寫寫吧,善于總結的學生才是會學習的學生!



_______________________________________________________________________ _ _

語法點: ____________________________________________________________ _

________________________ ___

______________________________________________________________________ _ _


_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ _ ⑶這一階段我覺得還需要提高的是:

________________________ ___

______________________________________________________________________ _ _




I. 單詞拼寫

1. Her relatives have come to America and ________________(定居)in Boston.

2. We are on the _____________ to progress.

3. I haven’t fully _____________(康復)from that flu I had.

4. She put all her clothes in a big ____________(手提箱)when she traveled

5. An ___________(外套)is a warm coat that you wear in cold weather.

II 句型轉換

1. “I’m going to London next month,” my sister said to me.

My sister told me _____________________________________.

2. Mr. Smith said, “How long did it take you to fly to New York, John?”

Mr. Smith ___________________________________________.

3. “Do you think a diary can become your friend?” the writer asked.

The writer asked us ____________________________________.

4. He asked whether I had watched the TV play the night before.

“________________________________?”he asked.

5. “When did you go to bed last night? ” Father said to Peter.

Father ________ Peter __________________________ to bed last night.




1. He said that his car _____ stolen and he _____ have to telephone the police.

A. was; would B. has been; will C. had been; would D. had been; will

2. He told us he ________ a concert ________.

A. had attended; three days before B. attended; a week ago

C. would attend; since a week ago D. was attending; for a week

3. -When Tom ______, please let me know. -Mary said when Tom ______, just tell her about it.

A. comes; comes B. came; came C. comes; came D. comes; coming

4. The teacher said that Columbus _______ America in 1492.

A. discovered B. found C. had discovered D. had found

5. After the examination, my teacher told me that failure _______ the mother of success.

A. was B. is C. be D. been

6. The child asked his mother ________ go out to play tennis.

A. that he could B. if he could C. if could he D. that could he

7. Mr. Brown said he _______ me the next week.

A. would see B. will see C. had seen D. saw

8. The mother asked her son _______.

A. what did he do the day before B. where did he find his lost wallet

C. what time he got up that morning D. that if he had finished his homework

9. He asked me _______ I would go to Beijing by air the next day.

A. that if B. if C. that whether D. how

10. The teacher told the students that there ________ a meeting at three o’clock.

A. were going to have B. are going to be C. will have D. was going to be




1. 媽媽告訴兒子讓他呆在家里直到他回來。


2. 保羅說他們隊贏了比賽。


3. 他說他在這兒住已很多年了。


4. 媽媽問我是否做完作業了。


5. 一個小男孩問我火車什么時候開。


6. 他問我那天晚上是否看到他姐姐了。




同學們,這一課時主要內容是語言的運用,你有了什么樣的收獲, 或者還有什么有待改進的地方?在下面動筆寫寫吧,善于總結的學生才是會學習的學生!


單詞和詞組:___________________________________________________ ________ __

___________________________________________________________________ __ ____

___________________________________________________________________ __ ____



___________________________________________________________________ __ ____

___________________________________________________________________ __ ____



___________________________________________________________________ __ ____

___________________________________________________________________ __ ____





1. The number of ____________(青少年)smokers is on the rise in China, according to a report published in Beijing.

2. Let me give you a piece of _____________(建議) on how to learn English.

3. Seafood always _________________(不適合)with me.

4. He’s in a difficult _______________(境遇)and doesn’t know what to do.

5. We can ______________(交際)with people in most parts of the world by telephone.




1. We’re going to play basketball. Would you like to ________?

A. join B. join in C. attend D. take part in

2. We can communicate ______ people in every part of the world ______ the Internet.

A. with; with B. with; through C. through; through D. through; with

3. _______ is a good firm of exercise for both young and old.

A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk D. Walk

4. The rain ______ the beauty of the West Lake. It looked more attractive.

A. added to B. added C. added up to D. added up

5. He asked me ______ with me. A. what the matter is

B. what the matter was C. what’s the matter D. what was the matter

6. Mike _____ with Janet for over one year before they got married.

A. had fallen in love B. had been in love C. has fallen in love D. has been in love

7. Readers can _____ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A. get over B. get in C. get along D. get through

8. I don’t think she is a nice woman; I am ______ her empty talk.

A. grateful for B. tired of C. crazy about D. concerned about

9. –Sorry to have kept you waiting. –_______ .

A. It’s all right. B. It doesn’t matter C. No worry. D. That’s right.

10. I am _____ to you for the chance to express my feeling.

A. helpful B. hopeful C. grateful D. useful

11. I often ______ him for advice on my work and he is always willing to _____ me some.

A. give; ask B. ask; give C. ask; take D. give; give

12. He has some trouble ______ his classmates, but he has no trouble _______ doing his lessons.

A. with; with B. in; in C. with; in D. in; with


(你很了不起!能夠選擇做A級測評題,因為這是一部分拔高題。如果能夠在5分鐘完成就更好了!) 完成句子

1. 我第一眼就喜歡上了這套房子。(fall in love)

I _______________________________________ at first sight.

2. 他們一起唱這首歌。(join in)

They all ____________________________________.

3. 和他相處是很有趣的。(get on/along with)

It is interesting _______________________________.

4. 對于我們應該做什么,我常常跟他意見不一致。(disagree)

I often __________________________ what we ought to do.

5. 我極討厭打牌賭錢。(dislike)

I have ________________________ playing cards for money.

6. 我非常感激你沒有對我們老板說這件事情。(grateful)

I _________________________________________.














In your letter you ______________________________________.


In my opinion, ________________________________________.


Smile at others, ________________________________________.


_________________________________ and don’t judge a person by his or her appearance.


__________, never believe in those ________________________.




Dear Jack, Sept.1,2009 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yours ever,

Li Hua


Dear Jack, Sept.1,2009

I am glad to hear from you. In your letter you asked me for some advice on how to make friends. In my opinion, friendship is very important to us all. Everyone needs friends. To make friends, we must be friendly to others. Smile at others and we are sure to get a smile in return. We should try to make a stranger feel at home. Think more of others than of ourselves and don’t judge a person by his or her appearance.

When we don’t agree with someone, don’t quarrel but discuss with him or her. Besides, never believe in those who leave us when we are in trouble. Remember: A friend in need is a friend indeed.

What do you think of my advice? Can you give me yours? I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes.

Yours ever,

Li Hua



(1)陳述建議的語言必須中肯:在勸說對方接受你的建議時,應該注意措辭,慎用must等命令詞匯,這樣才能使對方高興地接受你的勸告或建議。例如:You must stop your meaningless work at once. (該句中的情態動詞must就使句子的語氣顯得很生硬,對方會因此而反感。)

此外,要“設身處地”,可適當運用虛擬句“If I were you,…”表述自己的建議。常見的此類表達有:maybe; perhaps; probably; in my opinion; You could/might/had better…; It seems better that …; Why not …; If I do this, ; as you have known; Facts prove that …; even if/ though等。

(2)陳述建議必須有說服性:要想提出好建議,必須具有充分的理由,展示出自己獨特的見解。常見的表達有:If you think it twice, you will find…; As is well known,…; It is necessary/ important/certain that…; in spite of; on the contrary; in other words等。

2. 建議信的結構

建議信一般采取“三段式結構”,通常以firstly, secondly, thirdly或to begin with, then, later等依次陳述建議。





Keys to Unit1


I. 重點單詞

1.upset; upset 2.ignore; ignorance 3.calm; calm 4.concern; concerned 5. German; Germany; Germans 6.outdoors; indoors 7.entire; entirely

II. 重點短語

1. up 2. down 3. about 4. walk 5. through 6. down 7.series 8. on 9.in 10.at 11. to 12. no

III. 語篇導讀

1) 1. Anne Frank 2. Jewish 3. Amsterdam(Netherlands) 4.They were Jewish and would be caught by the German Nazis 5. two

6. they were discovered

2) 1. hide (away) 2. or 3. During 4. as 5. whom 6. feelings 7. laugh at 8. going through 9. being 10. outdoors 11. crazy 12. to do




1. ②added to our difficulty ③add some sugar to ④add up to

2. ④was upset at/about ⑤upset yourself about

3. ③ignores the doctor’s advice ④be ignored ⑤his ignorance

4. ⑤still ⑥calm ⑦silent ⑧quiet

5. ④showed; concern about/for ⑤was concerned with

6. ⑤had gone through ⑥went through

7. ③set about writing ④set off

8. ③has come out ④are/ were handed out

9. ③on purpose ④for/with the purpose of

10. 思維點激 in order to/ so as to 相同點:1)不定式的邏輯主語應與句子的主語保持一致;2)由肯定形式變否定形式時,都是在to前加not; 3)如果表目的的是一個句子,可以換用in order that 或so that來引導,從句中常用情態動詞can, may, could, might, will等。不同點:in order to 可以用于句首,但so as to不可以。

③in order to ④in order not to/so as not to miss

11. 思維點激 face to face相當于副詞,在句中做狀語;face-to-face相當于形容詞,在句中做前置定語

②have a heart-to-heart talk ③step by step

II . 難句剖析

1. ④doing ⑤If necessary

2. 2) ③is ④was ⑤Why was it that ⑥was; that

3. ①have seen ②had been ③It is time for London to hold ④for the first time



I. 單詞拼寫

1. ignored 2.upset 3.outdoors 4.dusty 5.series 6.curtain 7.purpose 8.entirely 9.loose 10.power

II. 用所給短語的正確形式填空

1.going through 2.adds up 3.be concerned about 4.calmed down 5.set down 6.any longer 7.hid away 8.In order to 9.at dusk 10.face to face


Ⅰ.1~5 AABBB 6~10 BCDAB 11~15 ACABB Ⅱ.1~5 BDACD


1.While reading the book, 2. It was in the street that 3. had come to Beijing 4.was listening to music 5. when he went to bed



1.settle; settlement 2.suffer; suffering 3.nature; natural; naturally 4. hide; hid; hidden 5.recover; recovery


1. about 2.of 3. from 4. from 5.up


1. He asked us if we liked listening to pop music.

2. Anne said that she was going to hide from the Germans.

3. Mary asked, “Mother, what shall I do?”

4. Anne asked her sister how she could see her friends.



2. ③suffered from ④suffer(ed) a lot

4. ③are/get tired of ④with; of ⑤tired out



I. 單詞拼寫

1.settled 2.highway 3.recovered 4.suitcase 5.overcoat

II 句型轉換

1.that she was going to London the next month 2.asked how long it took John to fly to New York 3.if a diary could become our friend 4.Did you watched TV last night 5.asked; when he went



1-5 CACAB 6-10 BACBD



1. Mother told her son that he must stay at home until she came back.

2. Paul said that their team had won the match.

3. He said that it was many years since he came to live here.

4. Mother asked me if/whether I had finished my homework.

5. A small boy asked me when the train would leave.

6. He asked me if/whether I had seen his sister that night.


I. 重點單詞

1. teenager 2. grateful 3. tip 4.swap 5.item 6.exactly 7.disagree; disagreement 8. dislike; like

II. 重點短語

1. along/on 2.in 3.effort 4.in 5.to 6.with


I. 要點探究


1. ③gets on/along well with ④are you getting on/along with

2. ②fell in love with ③ was in love with

3. ③join…in ④took part in ⑤attend ⑥joined



單詞拼寫1. teenager 2.advice 3.disagrees 4.situation 5.communicate

B級測評:單項填空1-5 BBBAD 6-10 BCBBC 12-12BC

A級測評:1.fall in love with the house 2. join in singing the song

3.to get on/along with him 4.disagree with him about

5.a strong dislike for 6.am grateful that you didn’t tell our boss about this


1. ask sb. for some advice on sth. 2.in one’s opinion 3.in return 4.let/have/make sb. do sth. 5. believe in sb. 6.look forward to


1.asked me for some advice on how to make friends 2.friendship is very important to us all

3.and we are sure to get a smile in return 4.Think more of others than of ourselves

5.Besides; who leave us when we are in trouble 6.I am looking forward to learning from you

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