模塊10 Unit 3 The first period New words集體備課導學案(教師版)(譯林牛津版高三英語選修十導學案)

發布時間:2016-3-21 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Learning aims(學習目標):

1. Let students read the new words correctly and fluently.

2. Get students to master some important words.

Important points(學習重點): To master the usages of some important words.

Learning procedures(學習過程):

Step 1.Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible

1.Read and recite new words and phrases in unit3. (方法引導:按音標正確讀、背單詞和短語)

Step2.Language Focus.(查字典探究下列單詞和詞組的用法)

cure , subscribe to ,chock ,promote , scold , addictive, in some case , session


n. 藥方; 藥 a wonderful cure for colds感冒的特效藥

v. 治愈, 治療 cure sb. of sth

父母試圖改掉孩子的惡習。Parents try to cure their children of bad habits.

醫生治好了她的癌癥。 The doctors cured her of cancer.

2. subcribe to:


Not many people subscribe to the idea that money brings happiness.



We firmly subscribe to the belief that there will be a large market for our new product very soon.

(2預訂, 訂閱, 訂購

我訂閱《中國日報》已經有好幾年了。_ I have subscribed to China Daily for many years.  

(3)捐款 subscribe liberally to the relief fund. 向救濟基金慷慨捐助

3. choke: verb 哽咽,咽住,卡住

She choked to death on a fish bone.她因魚骨卡喉而死

Children can choke on peanuts. _孩子會被花生噎住

choke sth. back 抑制住、忍住(憤怒、悲傷) choke up 哽咽、噎住、因感情激動而說不出話

choke down 用力咽下、按捺住 choke off 抑制、使停止、阻止

Ex:Hearing her mean words, I stood there trembling and tying to ______ tears.

A. choke out B. choke on C. choke back D. choke up

4. addictive adj. 上癮的→v. addict → n. addiction

沉溺于, 醉心于_be addicted to _addicted oneself to be/become hooked in

one’s addiction to golf 嗜好高爾夫球

5.in some cases: 在某些情況下


in case (that) _以防、可能、倘若 in case of萬一、假使 in that case _假如那樣的話_

in no case絕不 in any case無論如何、反正、不管怎樣

as is often the case這是常有的事

Ex:1)______ fire, all exits must be kept clear. ( 天津2007)

A. In place of B. Instead of C. In case of D. In spite of

2) Leave your key with a neighbor ______ you lock yourself out one day. (2007北京)

A. ever since B. even if C. soon after D. in case

6. promote: v→n. promotion adj. promotional

(1) 提升;擢升(常與to連用)

我們的老師已被提升為校長了。Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster.


促進對外貿易promote foreign trade 促銷新產品promote a new product


1. It has long been known that regular exercise _________ good health.

2. There was a __________ in the supermarket and they were giving away free glasses of milk.

3. How can you expect to be ___________ without working hard?

4. The author organized a ___________ tour for the sale of his new book.


7. swallow (1)吞咽,咽下

My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow.

He put a grape into his mouth and swallowed it whole.


He swallowed hard and said, "Dad, I've got something to tell you."

(3)n. [C] 燕子


swallow up 吞沒;消失在……中

swallow one’s words 收回自己的話

swallow one’s pride 放下架子,不顧自己的尊嚴


1. My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow._______________________

2. She swallowed the insult without comment.________________________________

3. The story about her father being rich is hard to swallow.______________________

4. Though she was really angry, she swallowed her anger and turned to face him._____________

5. There were two swallows nesting above our front door.______________________________

6. Peter book a long swallow of his drink and then ate some cookies.______________________

(key:吞下,咽下/忍受/相信/抑制,掩飾/燕子/一口,一次吞咽的量 )

8.scold vt/vi scold sb. for sth. 因某事而責備某人

The parents scolded him severely for lying to them.他因對父母撒謊而遭到嚴厲的責罵


n. 會議, 一屆會議:

Where was the first session of the U.N general Assembly held?第一屆聯合國安理會在哪里召開的?

(從事某活動)一段時間: a recording session

have quite a session with sb 和某人糾纏了一陣子 in session 在開會,在開庭, 在上課


Finish the exerciseA1 and A2 in workbook on page 114.

Step 4: 當堂檢測:

一、Word formation

1、bath → vt/vi 給洗澡

2、infect→ 感染 _→ adj 傳染性的

3. unprotected → 反 →保護 →n

4. distribution → 分布 → 經銷的,分銷的

5.tasteless →美味的 → v品嘗

6.promote →提升 提拔n

7.unnecessary → 必要的adv → 必要的 → 必要性

8.addictive →對入迷 → 上癮的 → n 入迷

9.class → 階級 →將分類 →經典的

10.physically →身體的 →n 物理

11.psychologically → 心理上的 心理學家 心理學

12.forgetful → 易被忘的 →令人難忘的 →過去式 →完成

13.subscribe → 描述 →開處方

14 eraser →v 抹去

15 withdrawal →v收回


1、The garden was b (沐浴) in moonlight .

2、This apple is quite t ________ ;it is neither sweet nor sour .

3、She’s so f ________ that she has to make a note of everything .

4、I’m afraid your son’s been I ________ (卷入) in an accident .

5、It is l ________ (可能) that the train will be late .

6、His ________ is very bad . (pronounce)

7、The case ________ my clothes may be taken by mistake . (contain)

8、________ farming is the key to the further development of agriculture . (science)

9、Their opinion is ________ opposite to ours . (entire)

10、Early to bed and early to wise is a ________ way of living . (health)

11. I was torn between the two a __________(選擇)。

12. One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon _______(感染) other children.

13. He headed the ball into an open goal, one temporarily ________(無防護的) by the goalkeeper.

14. The mother died in ___________(分娩)。

15. If you are not planning on ________(哺乳), you have to decide on a formula.

16. I can’t ________(同意) to unnecessary killing.

17. Now I’ve realized that my ________(估計) of her character was one-sided.

18. The TV station was bombarded with complaints against a _________(沒有品位的) program.

19. The doctor wrote me a _______(處方) for medicine for my cough.

20. Many women find their skin is at its best during ________(懷孕)。




2. 艾滋病沒有任何治療方法。


3. 那位講師被提升為了教授。


4. 他因懶惰而受斥責。


5. 這位名演員向慈善事業捐助了一百萬元。


Answers to new words

1. bathe. 2. infection infectious 3. protect protected protection distributive4distribute. 5tasty. taste 6. promotion 7necessarily. necessary necessarity 8. addict addicted addiction 9 class. Classify classical 10. physical physics 11. psychological psychologist phychology12. forgettable unforgettable forget forgot forgotten13. prescribe describe 14 erase. 15. withdraw


①bathed ②tasteless ③forgetful ④involved ⑤likely ⑥pronunciation ⑦containing ⑧scientific ⑨entirely ⑩healthy 11. alternatives 12. infected 13. unprotected 14. childbirth 15. breastfeeding 1 6. subscribe 17. estimate 1 8. tasteless 19. prescription 20. pregnancy

三、1. I can’t subscribe to the view. 2. There is no cure for AIDS 3.

3. The instructor was promoted to professor. 4. He was scolded for being lazy.

5. The famous actor subscribed a million yuan to charities.

M10 Unit3 The second period Reading(1)

Teaching Aims:

1.. Train the students’ reading ability.

2. Get the students to learn about how to protect themselves from Aids.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Learn to use the words and expressions in the text:

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2. Careful reading to get the detailed information.

3. Asking-and-answering to help the students understand the text exactly.

4. Pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead in

How much do you know about Aids ?

1.Are you familiar with this red ribbon? What’s it related to?

2.What does it mean?

Step 2 Fast reading;

True or false questions ,

1. Only bad people get AIDS.

2. I can become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV.

3. In 2002, there were 42 million people living with HIV/ AIDS in the world.

4. People who have not injected drugs do not need to get tested for HIV.

5. If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick.

6. HIV/AIDS is difficult to cure.

7. People who have HIV look different from everyone else.

8. It is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV/AIDS.

Step 3 Skimming

Read the following TV news special transcript quickly and answer these questions

1. What is this TV news special about?

2. How many people around the world are infected with HIV every day?

3. What places have been affected by Aids?

Step 4 Careful reading

C1.How well did you understand the details in the TV news special transcript? Read it again and answer the following questions.

1. What does Aids stand for?

2. How many children have been affected by Aids so far ?

3. How does HIV affect the body?

4. What are the three ways Aids is transmitted?

5. What is being done in China to help control the Aids epidemic?

6. What is the aim of UNAIDS?

7. What does UNAIDS do for people who think they might have the virus?

8. Why did Ajani not catch the virus from his mother?

Step 5Consolidation ;How do people become infected with HIV/AIDS?

Step 6 當堂檢測:

Aids is caused by a virus called HIV, which enters a person’s blood and attacks the body’s _________system. There is no cure for HIV or Aids, and after a person has been infected, he or she will always carry the virus: Sometimes, infected people have no ___________ symptoms, so they do not know that they are __________.

One of the first symptoms that most HIV-positive people have is a _______ immune system. As the immune system weakens , it loses the ability to fight illnesses.

The virus is spread in three ways --- through unprotected sex, blood-to blood __________ and mother to child transmission. Unprotected sex is the most common way that the virus is spread, __________ for 75 percent of adult infections _________. Blood –to-blood contact is mainly caused by sharing syringes or using infected blood in ________. Mother-to-child transmission can ________ during pregnancy and childbirth or when __________.


Lead in

Red ribbon is related to AIDS. It means that we should give AIDS patients love and care , understanding and support .

Fast reading; T F F T F T


1.It gives some detailed information about Aids and how to fight the spread of Aids. 2. About 14,000 people

3Almost every country in the world has been affected by Aids.

Careful reading

1. Aids stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome

2. About 18 million children have been affected by Aids , among whom 4 million have been killed by Aids and more than 14 million have lost their parents to Aids and become orphans.

3. HIV is a virus that enters a person’s blood and attacks the body’s immune system, so the immune system is weakened, and then it gradually loses the ability to fight illnesses. Eventually the body’s immune system becomes so weak that the person becomes sick very easily.

4. The three ways are unprotected sex, blood-to-blood transmission.

5. China is working hard to control the epidemic, and has opened HIV/Aids labs to test and monitor the disease across the country. In 2003, the government started providing free Aids drugs for Aids patients in need.

6. The aim of UNAIDS is to help prevent the spread of aids

7. It provides infected people with help from doctors and testing for people who think they might have HIV or Aids.

8.Because his mother has access to prescription Aids medications during pregnancy.

1. Unprotected sex. 2. Injection drug use ( share injection needles, cottons, etc. ) 3. From an infected mother to her infant.

( before and during birth, or through breast-feeding) 5. Blood transfusions. (rarely) 6 The health care setting. (rarely)


immune, outward, carriers , weakened, contact, accounting, worldwide, transfusions, occur, breastfeeding

M10 Unit3 The third period Reading(2)

Teaching aims:

1.Read a booklet warning young people of the dangers of drugs

2.Master some phrases and language points


Ⅰ Translate the following phrases into English.

1. 遠方的一聲尖叫



4. 被感染的人們 _________________


6.(數量、比例上)占 _______ __

7.而不是 _____________________ __

8.對… 熟悉 __________________ __

9. 同意、訂閱 __________________ __

10. 在其間,在其中 ________ ______

11.根據 _________________ _____

12.需要 ______________ _______


14.全身心地投入_______ ____

15. 卷入 _______________ _________

16.建立,建造 ______ ____________

17.照顧 _______ ____________

18使用、得到… 的權利或機會 ________

19.冒險 _________ ________

20. 的關鍵 ______________ _________

Ⅱ Fill in the blanks according to the text.

1.________ the immune system __________ (隨著免疫變得脆弱),it loses ____________(戰勝疾病的能力).

2. To avoid this , some infected women seek an abortion _______________(而不是拿她們孩子的健康冒險).

3. All of this makes ______ clear that __________________________________ this deadly disease(必須采取措施來阻止這種致命的疾病).

4._________________________ (據估計)that between 2000 and 2020 , over 68 million people will die of Aids in the countries most affected by this epidemic.

5. The number of children who have lost both parents to Aids _____ also ____________(被預計也會增加) , _____________(達到) more than 26 million in 2010.

Ⅲ Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 艾滋病病毒和艾滋病在全球以令人恐怖的速度傳播,大約每天有1萬4千人受到感染。


2. 未加防護的性行為是病毒傳播的最普遍的方式,占到全球成年人感染的75%。___________________

3. 雖然很多人都熟悉艾滋病及其傳播方式,還是不少人贊成這樣的觀點:艾滋病病毒和艾滋病是非洲的問題,因為那里的感染率比較高。_________________________________________________

4. 美籍華裔杰出艾滋病專家何大一博士已全身心地致力于引進最新技術、吸引國際關注中國的艾滋病問題。

5. 他們的爺爺現在正在照顧他們,而且他們的媽媽在懷孕期間使用了處方艾滋病藥物,他們沒有從她那里感染艾滋病病毒。_______________________________________________________________

6. 他相信教育處于危險中的人以及治療已經感染的人,是在未來消滅這一疾病的關鍵。


Ⅳ Language points

1. lose sth to sb _____________________

In the semi-final of the World Cup , the German football team lost to Italy, which made the German people very disappointed .

譯 __________________________________________________________________



2 cure

1) n.藥,藥物;療法

There is still no known cure for Aids but it can be treated. 愛茲病尚沒有確切的治愈方法但可以醫治。

2) n.解決問題的措施,對策;療程

Different management practices might be the cure for the company’s problems.不同的管理做法也許是解決公司問題的辦法。

The cure took six weeks. 此療程需要三個月。

3) v.治愈,治好

90 per cent of the patients can be cured of the disease.


4) v.去解決問題

I finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car. 我最終設法解決了汽車發出的吱吱聲。

________________________ 治愈某人疾病;矯正某人不良的行為

This simple solution cured me of biting my nails.



treat 醫治,治療 強調治療的動作或醫治的過程,不涉及治療的結果;

Which doctor is treating you for this trouble? 哪位醫生在給你治療?

cure 治愈,痊愈 特別指病后的恢復健康

Penicillin cured him of pneumonia. 盤尼西林治好了他的肺病。

heal 強調傷口的愈合;破裂的感情的彌合

The cut healed up without leaving a scar. 傷口愈合沒有留下傷痕。

3. infect vt. 傳染, 使感染

If you cut yourself , you must make sure that you keep the area of the cut clean , or it might get infected .


be infected with ________________________

People who have been infected with a disease must take care not to infect others around them.


infected adj. (傷口)被感染的 infective adj. 會傳染的, 有傳染性的

infection n. 感染;傳染

4. account for

1) 是….的說明(原因),解釋


Her headache accounts for her bad humor. 頭疼是她情緒不佳的原因。


The Japanese market accounts four for 35% of the company’s revenue.(收入)


為了… _______________ 無論如何 ______________絕不_________________把… 加以考慮 ________________ 忽視 ___________________________

Ⅴ Practice

1.Today the canal is still being used. Ships can be seen moving on _____ water now and then. But it is no longer _____ busy water highway.

A. a; the B. the; \ C. \; a D. the; a

2.He cares so little about his meals that _____ will do so long as it fills his stomach.

A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

3.---Such a mistake could have been avoided. ---Unfortunately, he _____ the mistake again and again.

A. repeated B. would repeat C. had repeated D. would have repeated

4.---Excuse me, could you tell me where I could make a call? ---Sorry, I’m a stranger here.


A. Thanks a lot B. That’s a pity C. Thanks anyway D. I’m sorry to hear it.

5.We do meet now and then, but not _____.

A. freely B. commonly C. regularly D. presently

6.---Are you in a hurry? ---No, in fact, I’ve got plenty of time. I _____ wait.

A. must B. can C. may D. should

7.Off to the east, the sky looked pale enough to _____ the storm would be passing quickly.

A. suggest B. report C. prove D. explain

8.---Did you lose the match? ---Yes, we lost the match _____ one goal.

A. by B. at C. with D. only

9.With online course Crazy English has over 20 million students all over China _____ the class through the Internet.

A. attend B. attended C. attending D. to be attending

10.No one _____ this building without the permission of the police.

A. is leaving B. is to leave C. has left D. will be leaving

11._____ could be judged from her eyes that she was terribly sorry for what he _____.

A. As; had done B. That; did C. As; did D. It; had done

12.---Did you meet with the famous space hero, Yang Liwei? ---_____ I had come here earlier!

A. If only B. If not C. But for D. For fear

13.I wonder why you won’t do it as _____ and it’s the third time you have done so.

A. told you B. be told C. told to D. you told

14.An individual human existence should be like a river---small at first, narrowly _____ within its banks, and _____ passionately past boulders and over waterfalls.

A. containing; rushing B. contained; rushed C. contained; rushing D. containing; rushed

15.---Really nice _____ you. I’m going to miss you. ---Don’t forget to give me a ring, will you?

A. knows B. to know C. to have known D. knew

VI Homework

Read the text as much as possible and remember the language points.

Key to Reading II

(I) 1.a far-off scream 2. lose … to 3. Immune system 4. Infected people 5. at a frighting rate 6. Account for 7. rather than 8. be familiar with 9. subscribe to 10. in between 11. according o 12. in need (of) 13. apart from /in addition 14. devote one’s body and soul to 15. be involved in 16. set up 17. take care of 18. have access to 19. at risk 20. the key to

(II) 1. As , weakens , the ability to fight illness 2. rather than risk their child’s health 3. it , something must be done to stop 4. It is estimated 5. is , expected to rise , reaching

(III) 1. HIV and Aids are spreading across the world at a frighting rate , with about 14000 people being infected daily . 2. Unprotected sex is the most common way that the virus is spread , accounting for 75 per cent of adult infections worldwide .3. Although many people are familiar with Aids and how it is transmitted , more than a few people subscribe to the view that HIV and Aids are an African problem because the infection rates there are very high . 4. Dr David Ho , a Chinese American leading Aids expert , has devoted his body and soul to bringing up-to-date technology and international attention to China’s Aids problem .5.Their grandfather is taking care of them , and because their mother had access to prescription Aids medications during pergnancy , they din not get HIV from her . 6. He believes that educating people at risk , as well as treating people , is the key to stopping the disease in the future .

(IV) 1. 被 … 奪去 在世界杯半決賽中,德國足球隊敗給了意大利隊,這使德國人非常失望。 Many people have lost their lives to cancer. 2. cure sb of 這個簡單的方法治好了我咬指甲的壞習慣。3. 如果你弄傷了自己,必須確保傷口周圍清潔,要不然它就會被感染。 被 … 感染 被疾病感染了的人們要小心不要感染了別人。4.on account of on no account take… into account take no account of

(V) 1---5DCACC 6---10BAACB 11---15DACCC

M10 Unit3 The fourth period Project

Teaching aims:

1.read a booklet warning young people of the dangers of drugs

2.master some phrases and language points



Go through the title and the subtitles of the booklet and predict what the booklet is about .

Ⅱ Fast reading

Try to find how the booklet is developed .

Part1 Question-raising _____________________________________

Part2 Question-analyzing _________________________________

Part 3 Question-preventing ____________________________________

Part 4 Question-solving _________________________________________

Ⅲ Careful reading

1)Listen to the tape and judge the following T/F sentenses.

1. It is said that people take drugs illegally for the same reason. ( )

2. There are a lot of main classes of drugs, each of which has the same effect on the body. ( )

3. Though drugs can produce different reactions, they are all addictive, physically and psychologically. ( )

4. Downers can increase the heart rate and make users feel very energetic and happy. ( )

5. Downers are more addictive than uppers, and in the case of heroin, users may slide into addiction within weeks of use. ( )

2) Read the first part and find details of the reasons / causes for taking drugs.




3)Read the second part and find details of the effects or results of taking drugs drugs

The effect of uppers:

The effect of downers:

The effect of drugs like LSD:

4) Find out the common effects that the three classes of drugs have.

5) Read the third part and find details of the punishments for possession of drugs.

6) Read the fourth part and find details of the assistance drug users need

IVLanguage points

1. L9 There are three main classes of drugs , each of which has a different effect on the body .

非限制性定語從句 ,which代指前面的drugs


1) Last week , only two people came to look at the house , _______ wanted to buy it .

A none of them B both of them C none of whom D neither of whom

L19 As many smokers may tell you , nicotine is very physically addictive , which is why many people have trouble quitting smoking .



2) The Beatles , _______ many of you are old enough to remember , came from Liverpool .

A what B that C how D as

2. L15 in some cases 在某些情況下

in case (of) ____________________ in no case ________________

in this/that case ____________________ in any case ________________

as is often the case ___________________

1) _________________ , people have had to wait several weeks for an appointment .


2)Take a taxi ___________ you are late for the meeting .


3) _________________ should you give up .


4) ---- It is sunny but why did the weatherman say there was a shower in the afternoon?

--- Anyway , take an umbrella ________ it rains .

A as if B in case C so that D even though

5) He went to the rescue of a drowning child ______ his personal safety .

A instead of B regardless of C in spite of D in case of

V. Some phrases

1. 以 … 結束__________________

2. 對 … 有影響 ________________

3. 在某些情況下_______________

4. 做 … 有困難 __________________

5. 把 … 看做 __________________

6. 導致__________________

7. 一湯匙… __________________

8. 對…有傷害 ___________________

9. 大量___________________

10.在…范圍內波動 _______________

11. 自殺_____________________


Ⅳ. Homework

Work in groups and try to design a poster about the dangers of drugs with your partner for “School Health Week”.

Key to the project

II 1. Why do people take drugs ? 2. what happens when people take drugs ? 3. what does the law say about taking drugs ? 4. how can drug users seek help ?

III 1) 1. F 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. T

2) 1. be curious 2. rebel against their families or society . 3. want to be accepted by their friends who are drug users .

3) 1. Uppers can increase the heart rate and make users feel very energetic and happy .The side effect of drugs in this class include a sore jaw, toothaches , diffiulty sleeping , heart attacks , and , in some cases ,death .2. Downers can decrease the heart rate and make users feel relaxed and sleepy. Using downers can make people forgetful and is known to cause headaches ,depression , shallow breathing and a weak pulse. In some situations , using downers can lead to death .3. Some drugs like LSD can change the way people think and see the world .They confuse the brain and sometimes cause people to see and/or hear things that are not real .

4) They are all addictive , physically and/or psychologically .

5) Punishments range from a small fine and a few days in prison to a large fine and the death neatly .

6) Admit their problem with drugs and seek help from a hospital or drug alinic ;

Stay in hospital and take a special medicines to help break addiction or ease withdrawal symptoms ;

Have individual or group sessions with a psychologist.

IV 1. 1) D 2) D

2. 以防,萬一 絕不 在這種/那種情況下 無論如何 這是常有的事

1) In some cases 2) in case 3) In no case 4) B 5) B

V 1. end in 2. have an effect on 3. in some cases 4. have trouble (in) doing sth 5) refer to … as

6. lead to 7. a spoonful of 8. do harm to 9. in large quantities 10. range from … to … 11. commit suicide 12. death penalty

M10 Unit3 The fifth period Writing

書面表達 1

以car and pollution為題,寫一篇150詞左右的短文,包括以下幾點;

1. 中國小汽車數量劇增,引起空氣污染。

2. 廢氣危害;形成煙霧,惡化環境,影響人類的健康,引起疾病和死亡。

3. 解決問題的方法;開發使用干凈的能源,完善公共交通體系,限制私人小汽車的數量。

4. 總結;問題的解決要靠科技及政府和公眾的努力。

煙霧;smog 公共交通;public transportation 共同努力; Co-efforts






3.形成 惡化 影響

4.開發 完善 限制

5.問題的解決 依靠

One possible version

1. The population of….the number of… is increasing fast There are more and more …..

2. cause /lead to /result in /contribute to

3. form /…come into being make …even worse /worsen… affect/have an effect on /have an impact on…

4. develop design/improve limit/set a limit to…/restrict…

5. to solve the problem /to improve …/the solution to the problem…. depend on / rely on

Cars and Pollution

China’s population of cars are increasing. This results in a very large amount of air pollution because huge amounts of waste gases are pumping into the atmosphere from millions of cars each day. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death. Besides, they can form heavy smog, making the sky gloomy for weeks and worsen the environment.

One possible solution is to design and develop clean fuels like natural gas which does not give off as much waster gas as the petrol. Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the number of private cars.

On the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the co-efforts from the government and the public with the help of science and technology.

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