模塊10 Unit 4 集體備課導學案(譯林牛津版高三英語選修十導學案)

發布時間:2016-9-28 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Learning aims(學習目標):

1. Let students read the new words correctly and fluently.

2. Get students to master some important words.

Important points(學習重點): To master the usages of some important words.

Learning procedures(學習過程):

Step 1.Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible

1.Read and recite new words and phrases in unit4. (方法引導:按音標正確讀、背單詞和短語)

重點單詞 重點短語

1.__________ adj. 理論上的;理論的 1. _______________刑事犯罪

2.__________ adj. 與電腦有關的 2. _______________把某物分成…..種類型

3. ___________ adj. 冒犯的,攻擊性的, 3. _______________與….相聯系

4.__________ n. 憎恨,仇恨 4. _______________知識產權

5.__________ adv. 最后 5. _______________最后

6.__________ vt.. 認定,識別,鑒定 6. _______________侵入,闖入,破門而入

7.__________ n . 個人,個體 7. _______________存款于…..

8.__________ adj. 時機成熟的,適宜的 8. _______________銀行帳戶

9.__________ adv. 每年 9. _______________跟上,不落后_

10._________ n. 修訂,修改 10. ______________創始人

11._________ vt. 煽動 11. ______________毫無疑問

12._________ adj. 不合適的 12. _____________充當

13._________ n. 申請者 13. _____________為了做某事

14._________ adj. 蹩腳的,差勁的,瘸的 14. ____________把某人的注意力力吸引到某物上

15._________ n. 暫停,中止 15. _____________情緒波動

16._________ vt. 給….下定義;對…做詳細說明 16. _____________養成壞習慣

17._________ adv. 同樣地,類似地 17 _____________.使用于,應用于

18._________ adj. 未加工的;生的 18. _____________處于法律困境

19._________ n. 困境;海峽 19. _____________國際貿易

20._________ adv. 在飛機上 20. ___________歡迎某人搭乘班機(輪船.火車等);

21._________ n. 生產者,制片人 歡迎(某人)加盟

22._________ vt. 促進,增進 21. _____________經營生意

23._________ adj. 值得信賴的,可信任的 22. _____________面臨,面對

24._________ n. 報酬;支付,付款 23. _____________對….提出挑戰

25._________ n. 道歉 24. _____________耗盡….的生命力

25. _____________把….告上法庭


1.order ---- _________ (形容詞)

2. ripe ----________ (動詞)

3.annually ---- _________ (形容詞)

4. technological ---- _________ (名詞)

5.tight ----___________ (反義詞)

6. revision ----_________ (動詞)

7.unsuitable ----________ (近義詞)

8.apology----______ (動詞)

9.identify ----- __________(名詞)

10.applicant----_________ (動詞)

11.hatred -----_________ (動詞)

12.theoretical----_________ (名詞)

13.classification ----_______ (動詞)

14.accuracy----_______ (形容詞)

Step2.Language Focus.(查字典探究下列單詞和詞組的用法)

1.offence = offense

1)[c] 違反,罪(against) → adj. 冒犯的,攻擊的,令人不快的

a first offence _____________

He committed an offence against our law. ____________________________。

2)[c] 不愉快的事物([to+名] 對……的)

His sarcastic(諷刺的) voice was an offence to me. _________________________。

3) [u] 攻擊(→defense) Offense is the safest form of defense. ____________________ 。

4) → adj. offensive 冒犯的,攻擊的,令人不快的 ([to+名] 對…的)

Traffic sounds _____________ the ear. 交通的噪音很刺耳。

5) → v. offend a) vt. 使…發怒,傷害(別人)的感情:

eg: His misbehavior offended her. ________________________。

b) vi. 犯罪;違反(規則,禮貌等);犯錯 offend+(against)

eg: He offended against good manners.________________________ 。

2.identify (identifies, identified, identifying) → n. identification/ identity

1)vt. 確認;識別;鑒定,驗明[(+as)]

I cannot identify this signature. __________________________。

How did you identify the wallet as your own?你如何證明那錢包是你的?

2)vt. 視...(與...)為同一事物[(+with)]

Never identify wealth with happiness. 千萬不要把財富和幸福等同起來。

He identifies beauty with goodness. ________________________。

3)vi. (與...)認同;一致;感同身受[(+with)]

~ + with I identified with the heroine of the novel. __________________________。

4)be identified with = identify oneself with 與……有聯系, 支持

Formerly he was identified with the party. ______________________。

3.apology 可數名詞

(1) 道歉;賠罪[(+to/for)]

I make an apology to you for my rudeness last night. 昨天晚上我太粗暴,應該向你道歉。

(2) 辯解,辯護

Her open letter was really an apology for her way of life.



apologize to sb.for (doing)sth. (因……而向某人道歉)

他因沒有出席她舉行的宴會而向她表示歉意。He apologized to her for not going to her party.

4.break into (總結break 短語)

5.keep up (總結keep 短語)

6.apply to (總結apply短語)


I.Fill in each gap with a proper word.

1) I found Jane ‘s new book to be not only t____________but very practical, as it includes a lot of useful suggestions for improving study skills.

2) She is a c__________ lawyer, meaning that she represents people accused of committing various crimes.

3) There are many c_________ of crime, from less serious ones such as theft to more serious ones like murder.

4) Independence Day is the American national holiday, which is celebrated a__________ on the fourth of July.

5) Nobody can predict with any a__________ how much money the film will make.

6) Over the past few decades, there have been many ____________advances in computer software and the ways that we use it in our daily lives. (技術)

7)Reading Jim’s letter, I could not help but notice how beautiful and clear his _______was.(簽名)

8)Despite many witnesses and much evidence, the police could not ________the criminal.(認定)

9)Deng Xiaoping was the chief _________ of our country’s new economic policy. (建筑師)

10) The only solution to cybercrime is international _____________.(合作)

Keys:1.theoretical 2.criminal 3.classifications 4.annually 5.accuracy 6. technology 7.signature 8.identify 9. architect 10. cooperation


1. I got the feeling he was _______his tears.

A. Keep back B. Keeping down C. Keeping from D. Keeping back

2. We had better _____ children ______from the dog.

A. Keep ;away B. keep ; down C. keep ; from D. keeping ,back

3. When the Smiths came back from London, they found their houses______ and many valuable things stolen.

A. Broken down B. broken off C. broken into D. broken through

4. The university I applied to asked me to provide all the information ________ my academic achievements.

A. relating to B.is related to C. to relate to D. relating with

5. Many people ______ to the idea that money brings happiness , but I don’t think so.

A. support B. order C. subscribe D. approve

6. Will you slow down a bit .please? I can’t _________-you.

A. keep up with B. put up with C. make up for D. hold on to

7. The passagers were robbed _________all their money.

A. of B. off C. from D. away

8. The 20% discount only ________club member.

A. applies to B. refers to C. devotes to D. comes to

9. ----When will you comeback ,darling?

-----________I will be back on Monday. Don’t forget to meet me at the airport.

A. In doubt B. No more C. No doubt D. No wonder

10.____________with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

A. When compared B. Compare C. While comparing D. Comparing


be faced with deal with keep up no doubt; take to court

1. There is ____________ that the 2008 Olympic Games were successful.

2. What difficulty do you think your sister will ________during her life as a student?

3. Can you ______with me , or shall I have to walk more slowly?

4. My workmate told me that the case had already been _____perfectly.

5. She decided to _________her partner____________ because he sold the company without her agreement.




M10 Unit 4 The third period Reading I

Learning aims(學習目標):

1, Be able to understand the main idea of the passage.

2. Be able to master some key sentence structures.

Important points(學習重點):understand the main idea of the passage.

Learning procedures(學習過程):

Step 1: skimming

Read the Internet article quickly and answer the following questions

1. Read the passage carefully, trying to find the answers to the following questions.

(1). What is the definition of cybercrime?

(2). Can you name two examples of cybercrime?

(3). What is fraud?

(4). According to the Council of Europe, who is affected by cybercrime?

(5). Why is most cybercrime against companies not reported?

(6). Why are cybercriminals almost impossible to catch?

(7). What do governments need to do to fight criminals with computer skills?

Step2 : Scanning

Further comprehension:

1. Read the passage again and give the general idea of each part:

Part I(1-2): The definition and different types of cybercrime

Part II(3-5): The extent of the problem

Part III(6): The legal situation regarding cybercrime

Part IV(7-8): The solution to the problem

2.Choose the best answer.

(1). Which of the following is right?

A. Cybercriminals are more interested in getting money from large companies.

B. Fraud against individuals is more serious.

C. Receiving e-mails promising money or cheques shows that you’re lucky.

D. With international cooperation, we can avoid any loss.

(2). Which one of the measures will NOT be taken to prevent online crimes?

A. Educating people who use computers.

B. Seeking international cooperation.

C. Passing laws.

D. Preventing people from using the Internet.

(Keys: A, D)

3. Complete the following after reading it:

The1__________of the speech 2__________against cybercrime requires great effort and international co-operation.

Cybercrime 3__________ A relatively new term that refers to any computr-related criminal offence.

Categories Crimes related to security

Crimes not specifically computer-ralated

Websites with offensive content, or websites 4____ hatred and violence

Offences relating to breaking intellectual property and copyright laws.

The severe situation All Internet users are direct or indirect 5_______

6__________for the severe situation Many companies would not like to 7___ cybercrime cases.

There are not specific laws against cybercrime.

Measures against cybercrime An agreement has been signed by the USA , Canada, Japan, South Africa and many European countries.

8________ International cooperation is the most 9_________ solution in dealing with cybercrime.

The UN should form a special agency to solve the problem of cybercrime

Governments and private businesses must work together to provide the tight security needed to stop cybercrime 10________

Answers: 1.topic 2.Fighting 3. Definition 4. encouraging 5. victims 6.Reasons 7. report 8.Suggestions 9. important 10.spreading

Step3. 當堂檢測:

I. Fill in the blanks with proper words:

Part I: The Internet has expanded lately, ___ ____ the opportunities for crimes. Committing ______ is realized online with little _____ of being ______. To fight this, we need to work together. The Council of Europe has ______ online crimes into four categories.

Part II: Cybercrime has become _______ today, and all Internet users are ________ by it. Large companies are ____ targets for cybercriminals, who are often IT ______. A survey ________ in 2002 showed that almost all companies had their security system ______ into. Hundreds of billions of dollars has been lost to cybercriminals _______.

Part III: Cybercrime is so new that some governments have no laws against it, and many holes ______ in their ______ system. Most countries have no __________ for dealing with _______ of other countries who commit cybercrime, and they are difficult to be ______.

Part IV: Only by international cooperation can we s______ this problem. These criminals p______ the best technical skills in the world, m_______ that governments must combine their technological r_________ to keep up. The UN is also required to form a special a_____ to act as an international r_____ or steward.

(Keys: so have; crime; risk; caught; classified severe; affected; ripe; experts; educated; broken; annually exist; legal; arrangements; citizens; caught solve; possess; meaning; resources; agency; referee)

II. Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box below. Change the form where necessary.

refer to in recent years classify--- into break into keep up no doubt in addition work together as well as be involved in

1.If you meet with some new words that affect your understanding, you’d better ___________ a dictionary.

2.There is __________ that the 2008 Olympic Games will be successful.

3.When they came back from work, the family found their house __________ and money stolen.

4.In face of difficulty or danger, you should _______ your courage.

5. He is now running his own research company-that’s ________ to his job at the university.

6.I never imagined that I might be _________ such a trying matter. Now I really don’t know how to get rid of it.

7.Poverty-relief can be realized if all the nations now __________ to develop their own economy.

8.China has been creating a harmonious society _____________.

9.Librarians always ________ books in libraries_______ different categories in order for readers to find them.

10. The organization encourages members to meet on a regular basis, _________ providing them with financial support.

Keys:1. refer to 2. no doubt 3. broken into 4. keep up 5. in addition 6. involved in 7. working together 8. in recent years 9. classify--- into 10. as well as

III. Complete the following English sentences according to the Chinese given in the brackets.

1.We are going to the cinema tonight, ________________________(你為什么不也一起去呢?)

2.The progress of society is __________________________________(與經濟發展密切相關的).

3. His injury in the leg is_______________(那么嚴重以致于)he has to be rushed to hospital.

4. She realized later that the insurance salesman ______________(是個騙子).

5. ____________________(一項調查正在進行中) into children’s attitudes towards violence on televisions.

6. __________________(解決污染的唯一方法) is to raise the public’s awareness of environmental protection.

7. ___________________(必須采取措施) to prevent the local people from destroying the cultural relics.

8. ________________(考慮到他自己年紀大了),the manager has decided to hand over his business to his son.

(Keys:1. why don’t you come along as well? 2.is closely related to the development of economy 3. so severe that 4. had been(was) a fraud 5. A survey is being conducted 6. The only solution to pollution 7. Steps(Measures) must be taken 8. Considering that he is old)



鼠標的必要性 對多數人來說,操作計算機,上網沖浪……

鼠標的便捷性 ks5u

點擊、移動、插入、拷貝、刪除…… 編輯文本,搜索信息……



如果過分依賴鼠標…… (請考生結合自身感受,列舉兩到三點)

注意: ks5u

1. 對所給要點逐一陳述,適當發揮,不要簡單翻譯。 ks5u

2. 詞數150左右。開頭已經寫好,不計人總詞數。 ks5u

3. 作文中不得提及考生所在學校和本人姓名。 ks5u

The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ks5u

范文:The mouse is a most effective device used by people to communicate with a computer. ks5u ks5For most people, it’s almost impossible to operate a computer without a mouse, let alone surf the Internet. A well-chosen mouse is really handy, flexible and convenient in controlling the screen. With the functions of inserting, deleting, moving and copying, it enables us to edit test, browse web page and download what we want. It can even bring us a flood of music, movies and PC games. Just imagine, all this can be done with a cute mouse. k

A convenient tool can certainly make our work easier, but it doesn’t always help in a positive way. Too much ready information on our fingertips leaves little room for knowledge pursuing. Too many ready answers make us less excited in finding truth. Relying too much on mouse clicking makes us lazier and less creative both mentally and physically. (153 words)




M10 Unit 4 The fourth period Reading II Language points

Learning aims:

1. To raise reading ability by focusing on language points.

2. To grasp the new language usage in the text .

Difficult points:

To grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.

Learning procedure:

Step1: Language points and practice

1. refer to: 指的是;提到; 參照 refer to…as…把……稱為

reference n 參照 參考書 _________________




1) In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays.


2) 他總是把他的房子稱為難民營(refuge ).




2.relate to sb./sth.: 和……有關 relate to sb.: 理解

翻譯: Many parents find it hard to relate to their children when they are teenagers.


3. situation: n 形勢, 情況

翻譯: Her news put me in a difficult situation._______________________________. 注: situation后的定語從句常用 where/in which引導, 這類詞還有: point, case, system, occasion, business等.

4. regard: v 認為 regarding: prep. 關于

翻譯: 1)她的父母總是認為她是他們的孩子中最聰明的。


2)The company is being questioned regarding its employment policy.


5. the solution to this problem: , 其中to是介詞, 其后接名詞,代詞或動名詞, 類似的有:

翻譯:the key to solving the problem _________________

the visit to Beijing _________________________

the entrance to the cinema ____________________

a trip to some place __________________________

a guide to a museum__________________________

6.identify v. 認定,確定(…的起源,性質或決定作用的特征) n. identification



翻譯: First of all, what I can identify is that he wears a long beard.


7.break into 侵入,強行闖入


翻譯: 有人闖入我的辦公室并拿走了我的重要文件。


相關短語: break out , break down , break up , break off (在字典中查找并加以區別)

8. keep up


點撥:趕上,不落后 常與with 連用 還可表示:保持;繼續;聯系;熟悉;了解


1) The teacher asked Peter to stop talking, but he kept up. ____________________

2) Do you still keep up with your old friends? _____________________________

3) Anne always keeps up with the latest fashions.__________________________

有關keep的常用短語: keep (sb/sth) off sth: 讓開,不接近 keep on doing sth: 繼續做某事, 反復做某事keep sb. from doing sth: 阻止某人做某事, 防止某人做某事keep (sb/sth) away: 避開, 遠離





7)Keep away from the edge of the cliff.___________________________________

8)Wages are failing to keep up with inflation. ______________________________

Step2: Consolidation practice

1.The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _________ his notes. (2005浙江)

A.bringing up B.referring to C.looking for D.trying on

2.He’s got himself into a dangerous situation he is likely to lose control over the plane.

A. where B. which C. while D. why

3.-How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?

-The key _______ the problem is to meet the demand ______ by the customers.

A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; made

4. Would you slow down a bit, please? I can’t __________ you.

A. keep up with B. put up with C. make up to D. hold on to

Step3: Have a try ( 試一試哦 你能獨立完成嗎)


1.During her college time ,she got many kinds of__________ (證書) ,so she found a suitable job easily after graduation.

2.The company required that _________(付款), be made on time.

3.In modern society,____________ (科技) advances make people’s life more convenient.

4.His behavior was deeply o_________ to poor people , which annoyed them very much.

5.Whem the athlete hit the target with great a________, the spectators cheered up.



1.The house isn’t big enough for us , and _____, it’s too far from the company where I am working now.

A. though B. however C. therefore D. furthermore

2. The job referred to just now is regarded as great ____ salary. It has disadvantages, though.

A. relating B. in case of C. regarding D. except for

3. --- I heard that someone _____ your house last night. Have the policemen caught him?

---- No, they haven’t. But fortunately , I didn’t lose anything important.

A. broke in B. broke into C. broke off D. broke down

4. ---- Could you tell me what made you so unpleasant? ----- ..

A. Scolded for lying to my English teacher B. Being scolded for lying to my English teacher

C. Accused of lying to my English teacher D. Accusing of lying to my English teacher

5._____ with a difficult situation, he didn’t lose heart but kept up his courage to approach the matter.

A. Faced B. To face C. Having faced D. Facing


Using computers to ___1___ a crime isn’t new, but it does appear to be on the increase as more and more people gain ___2___ to the Internet. We all remember the film ‘War Games’ from the 1980s where bored teenagers would ___3__ national military systems and set off World War Ⅲ; but things have moved on somewhat.

Cybercrime today is mainly focused on financial fraud. There are no guns or violence(暴力) . In fact, most of the time the __ 4___ are not even in the same country ! ___5____ a researcher has already predicted that the financial damage caused by cybercrime will ___6____ by between 1,000 and 10,000 per cent by 2010.

Special forces such as the National High Tech Crime Unit (UHCTU) are encouraging in that it demonstrates that recognition of the issue is there and that the resources will be made ___7_____ to combat (防止) this growing sector of crime .___8____, one of the biggest issues still remains: what power would our police forces have to investigate(調查) in other countries ----___9____ in countries where such activity isn’t illegal. To really be able to combat criminals using computers and telephone lines, we need to engage in international ___10_____ and pass laws on a global level.

Key to Reading II


1. 1).在她的自傳里,她偶爾提到了她的不快樂的上學的時光。2).He always refers to the house as his "refuge".3).When you have problems, you may refer to your reference book.2.許多父母覺得當他們的孩子十幾歲的時候難以理解。3.她的消息使我處于一個很困難的境地。4.1)Her parents always regarded her as the cleverest of their children.2)這家公司關于它的就業政策正受到質疑。5、略 6.首先,我確認他留著長長的胡須。7. Someone broke into my office and took an important paper away.8.1) 老師讓彼得不要講話,但他不聽。2)你還和你的老朋友聯系嗎?3)安妮總是跟上最新的潮流。4)There was a notice saying 'Keep off the grass'.5)She kept on asking me questions the whole time.6)We must keep the children from going into the forest.7)遠離懸崖邊緣。8)工資跟不上通貨膨脹的步伐。

Step2: BABA

Step3: 1.certificates 2. payment 3. technological 4. offensive 5.accuracy



1. commit 2. access 3. break 4. cybercriminals . Furthermore6. increase 7.available 8. However 9. particularly 10. cooperation

寫作:1. agree to do sth 2. one after another 3.think about sth carefully4.follow the teacher’s instructions 5. have difficulty in doing some sports 6. in order to keep healthy

In order to promote the healthy growth of children, our school pays special attention to the students’ exercise. Last year, we were asked to play games for a whole afternoon every Friday in our school, but it didn’t last long. However, it is fortunate for us that more and more efforts have been made to improve the situation of sports activities in our school. This year, many new kinds of sports are put forward, supported and highly developed. In addition, all the students feel free to choose the one they like best to take part in. A lot of games for girls now can be found on the playground. We all hope things will continue like this

M10 Unit 4 The fifth period Project

Learning procedures:

A1 Read the article on Pages 62 and 63 of the Student’s Book and answer the following questions.

1. How many can intellectual property be classified into? What are they?


2. What will happen to you if you copy intellectual property without paying the inventor or creator? ______________________________________________________________________________.

3. Why do we say ideas are more valuable than many material things?


4. Why was the World Trade Organization formed?


5. What has the Chinese government done as a member country of WTO?


6. What caused such a great loss to film companies in Hollywood in 2005 alone?


7. What might happen to you if you buy pirated CDs or DVDs?


8. What shall we do to protect intellectual property?


A2 Read the article on Pages 62 and 63 of the Student’s Book again and fill in the chart below.

Parts Main ideas More details

Part 1 The classification of intellectual property Two categories: industrial property and (1)______.

Part 2 The reasons for protecting intellectual property ▲It is (2)_______ to copy intellectual property without paying the inventor or creator. ▲Ideas are more (3)_______than material things.

Part 3 The problems in protecting intellectual property ▲Many countries had not passed laws to protect intellectual property until recently. ▲Some companies have made money by producing fake or (4)________ goods. ▲Some people think that intellectual property laws do not (5)_____them if they are not running a business or stealing business ideas.

Part 4 What we should do to protect intellectual property We should not buy pirated products or (6)_____ music and films illegally.

B Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the first letter provided.

1.Walt Disney is the c_______ of Mickey Mouse.

2. By the end of the year, Jim had produced a first d________ of his new novel.

3. The first letter she wrote me was less than a page long, and her second letter was s________ brief.

4. I recommend hiring a professional d________ to design a set of furniture for your apartment.

5. She had to make a formal public a________ for her wrong remarks.

6. Each student must obtain the ________ of his or her parents if he/she wants to board our school.

7. Generally speaking, if you graduate from a university, you will gain a degree c_________.

8. OPEC is an organization of 13 major oil p________ in the world.

9. Taiwan province is separated from Mainland China by the Taiwan S_______.

10. No one can hold back the w_________ of history.

C Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

be classified into deserve to be popular with add to be faced with

take steps suck the life out of with the development of have a bad effect on even if

1. I am very worried about my business. Many people are moving away from the city center, which is __________ my shop.

2. The student has made great progress in his studies, so he _________ be praised in the class.

3. The show will no doubt ________ his growing reputation.

4. ____________ agriculture and industry, people’s living conditions have been improved a lot.

5. The Chinese government must have to ________ to protect our environment, which is now a very severe problem in some areas.

6. Any increase in fuel costs could __________ on business development.

7. My approach is successful and I am ___________ the pupils, the parents and the headmaster.

8. The stations on the Trans-Siberian were __________ five categories according to size and function.

9. ________ he gets admitted to a key university, he won’t be able to afford the tuition.

10. ________ difficulties, he will give up his dream of becoming a great writer.

D Translate the following sentences, using the words or phrased given in the brackets.

1. 謊言可解釋為說一些欺騙人的話.(define---as )


2.據估計吸煙可能使人的壽命平均縮短大約十二年.(it is estimated that--)




4.科技的發展使人們到太空去旅行成為可能.(make it possible )


5.這兒的警察對限速行駛執行得很嚴格.( enforce )





E. Write a passage of about 150 words according to the following information.


優點 缺點


2.可查閱有關課程信息,上因特網(internet)學習 1.大部分同學上網聊天,玩游戲,甚至上不良網站(web sites)


3.了解最新信息,開闊眼界,擴大知識面 3.對學生身心都造成傷害

Keys to the Project


1. Two. They are industrial property and copyright. 2. It’s illegal and you will be punished by law. 3. Because material things are not worth much until they are made into useful things like a car and the knowledge of how to make the motor, body and wheels of the car is even more valuable. 4. In order to help control such problems and smooth the progress of international trade. 5. The Chinese government has added its signature to several laws protecting intellectual property. 6. Illegal copying, downloading from the Internet and piracy. 7. You will be taken to court for piracy and you will be fined. 8. We should not buy pirated products or download music and films illegally.

A2 1. copyright 2. illegal 3. valuable 4. pirated goods 5. affect 6. download

B 1. creator 2. draft 3. similarly 4. designer 5. apology 6. signature 7. certificate 8. producers 9. Strait 10. wheel

C 1. sucking the life out of 2. deserves to 3. add to 4. With the development of 5. take steps 6. have a bad effect on 7. popular with 8. classified into 9. Even if 10. Faced with

D 1. A lie is defined as saying something in order to deceive someone.2. It is estimated that smoking may reduce life expectancy by around 12 years on average. 3. If you want your teacher to trust you, you have to be a trustworthy person. 4. The development of science and technology makes it possible for people to travel to space.5. The police are very strict here about enforcing the speed limit.6. You can download the software free from the Internet for your own use. 7. In order to adapt ourselves to the development of society, we have to find an opportunity to further our own education.

E Nowadays,going online is one of the most popular topics of the students.Some students think the internet is a great help to them.0n one hand,they can get some information about their school subjects or take a course.On the other hand,they can learn more about the world,which can broaden their views and enrich their knowledge:0n the contrary,other students think the internet does great harm to our body and mind.Instead of studying on the internet,most students waste their time chatting,playing computer games,or even visiting ill web sites.As a result,the Internet has a bad influence on our studies.

In my opinion,we students should put right our wrong doings and make full use of the internet to improve our studies.

M10 Unit 4 The sixth period Writing

Have a Write



1. 樂觀的人生態度;2. 努力學習;3. 參加體育鍛煉。

生詞:態度 attitude

注意:1.可以適當增加細節;以使行文連貫; 2.開頭已為你寫好。

As we all know, body is extremely important for us. As students, the hope and future of our country, how should we build up our strength?

We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we do several things.

Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life .Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we have the power, we can help to build our country and enjoy life better. In order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit. We can go running, play ball games or simply take a walk after a day’s study. If we do all these things well, we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.


1. Everyone desires success and is capable( 有能力) of achieving it.

2. The key to your success is your attitude, for it determines the quality of your life.

3. Always think of the bright side of things. Look for the silver lining. Even if it’s not readily apparent, you might see it later.

4. Don’t get jealous of other people. So what if someone has more going on for him in his life than yours? Just remember that you have something special about yourself, too.

5. People in schools, families, society should strengthen the propaganda (宣傳) of sports activities after school so that many students can take an active part in sports activities.



1.同意做某事 _____________________ 2.一個接一個______________________

3.仔細地思考某事__________________ 4.跟隨老師的指導∕ 引導__________

5.做某些運動有困難_______________ 6.為了保持身體健康 ______________


為了學生能健康的成長, 你校非常重視學生的體育鍛煉。從去年到今年, 體育活動狀況有了很大的改進。請根據以下提示信息, 寫一篇英語短文,講述一下你的看法。

去年 學校安排每周五一個下午的活動時間,但沒有繼續堅持。


今年 增開了許多體育項目;






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