Using Language (Reading, Speaking and Writing)教學設計(新課標版高一英語必修四教案教學設計)

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Using Language (Reading, Speaking and Writing)教學設計

浙江省溫州第四中學 徐長才

Using Language (Reading, Speaking and Writing)語言運用部分是新課標人教版各單元中的重點教學內容,它承載著本單元語言輸出教學的重要任務,是對本單元閱讀、詞匯、語法等各項內容學后的一個運用和檢驗。因此,授課教師應對這一塊教學內容進行科學合理的設計,以全面完成本單元的教學任務。


1. 以建構主義理論為基礎

建構主義理論主張在問題情境下進行學習,要求學生不要盲目或被動地接受和記憶教師傳授的知識或課本知識,而是要主動地進行自我探索,將學習過程變成積極參與建構知識的高水平的思維過程(朱文英,2007)。教師要尊重學生已有的知識和經驗,并幫助他們將新環境提供的信息整合或重組到自己原有認知結構中,激活學生的思維、啟發他們觀察、發現、思考、歸納、總結,鼓勵他們提出自己的問題和觀點。教師在教學Using Language這一部分時,應科學妥當地設置話題情境,激活學生已有的知識,以便使之在新的語言環境中得到拓展和運用,從而構建新的知識。

2. 以任務型教學方法為依托

新課程標準倡導任務型語言教學,它是以具體的任務為學習動力或動機,以完成任務的過程為學習的過程,以展示任務成果的方式(而不是以測試的分數)來體現教學的成就。學生有了具體的動機就能自主地學習,并且主動地用所學語言去做事情,在做事情過程中自然地使用所學語言,在使用所學語言做事情過程中發展語言能力。Using Language這部分的教學就是要求教師設置學生感興趣的任務,讓任務貼近學生的實際生活,符合學生的認知水平,學生完成教師所設任務的同時能夠運用本單元所學的語言知識來發展其語言能力。



本節課教學內容Using Language(Reading, Speaking and Writing)是本單元的最后一個課時,要求學生以有機農業和綠色食品為話題,復習鞏固如何用英語提出忠告和建議,以及用英語制作海報和廣告。它是學生在學完前面各項內容后的提升階段,是對師生落實前面各項內容的一個檢驗。該部分由Reading, Speaking and Writing三部分組成。其中Reading,和Speaking 都是為Writing作鋪墊的,即Reading for writing , Speaking for writing. 《學科教學指導意見》指出,教師可以圍繞Reading, Speaking and Writing中相關材料指導學生進行聽、說、寫的嘗試,并指導學生就相關材料進行比較,提出自己的觀點和建議。根據新課標的要求,在寫作教學之前,教師應作好鋪墊,激活靈感,激發興趣,明確目的和讀者對象,討論主題,搜集素材,語言準備,寫提綱等等,從而為接下來重點教學環節打下基礎。本節課主要圍繞學習設計英語海報和廣告展開。值得一提的是在操練Speaking部分時,對功能項目的訓練應有所側重。比如:I’d prefer….because…, This is good value because… It’s a great pity that… If I have a choice I’d choose…because…等屬于高一階段應有所側重的功能項目。而 I don’t like …because… , You need to … It’s better to …等是初中階段就應該熟練掌握的功能項目,可以不作為重點來訓練。


這個階段的高一學生思維正處于活躍的階段,具有較為豐富的想象力。經過初中三年的學習和磨練,再經過模塊一至模塊三的學習訓練,具備了一定的語言表達能力。本節課中,他們經過兩篇關于農業方面文章的閱讀,積累了相關的詞匯與句式表達,從而為本節課的寫作打下了一定的基礎。然而,本節課有三個主要環節即閱讀、對話和寫作。在這三個環節中,學生運用功能項目時,可能只會機械呆板地套用,缺乏靈活性,而且不能把握對話的要點。寫作內容是設計英語海報,學生有可能對英語海報的格式及語言表達方面把握不準,導致表達規范性不夠和重點不突出的傾向。因此,授課教師在教學設計時應引起足夠的重視。另外,基于本節課課型的特點,學生在對話操練前會采用同伴互助即pair work 的方式進行操練,寫作過程中會采用討論和合作探究完成海報的設計。


1. 語言知識:鞏固Using language 這一塊所學過的單詞,比如:organic, fertilizer, chemical, fertile, supply, mineral, pest, whatever, refer to, nutrition等并學習新詞 certain。

2. 語言技能:學會用英語提出忠告和建議,比如,描述某有一農產品的優點與缺點;學會用英語制作海報,從而提高英語寫作能力。

3. 情感態度:了解農民的生活,尊重農民的勞動;學會辨別有害食品與綠色食品。

4. 學習策略:合作探究,同伴互助。

5. 文化意識:引發學生對食品的質量與發展農業的思考。


1. 組織學生用英語說服顧客購買老王的綠色食品,培養學生口頭表達能力,為學生的寫作作好鋪墊;

2. 指導學生用英語制作海報,提高英語寫作能力;


1. 以任務型教學作為課堂教學設計之理念,采用情境教學法、交際教學法、討論法等教學方法。從一定程度上說,人們使用語言是為了完成各種各樣的任務,而任務型的教學活動就是讓學習者通過運用所學語言來完成各種各樣的交際活動。學習者通過表達、溝通、交涉、解釋、詢問等各種語言形式來學習和掌握語言,實現目標,感受成功。



4. 貫徹“教中學,學中用”的策略,真正使學生學以致用。



學生課前應作好預習準備工作。比如,復習和鞏固Using Language部分的單詞;要弄清綠色食品,有機肥,農家肥的指向,如何用課本上所給的功能項目向對方提建議和忠告等。教師要認真領會新課標精神,充分分析教材,確定重難點,把握學生的學情,理清教學思路,準備好教學課件和教學素材以及課堂上要用的畫筆及紙張,另外要確定好學生的合作小組以及明確組內分工。本節課宜在具有多媒體平臺和實物投影儀的教室里進行。


Step1. Lead-in

Show the students some pictures of green food and junk food and ask them some questions as follows:

1. Which food do you prefer to eat, why?

2. Which of those do you think are green foods and what will you think of when we mention the green food?


Step2. Reading


What is green food? Green food, which is healthy and safe for people’s health, refers to the food growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers. The fertilizer that “green” farmer use is natural waste form animals. They believe that putting this in their fields, which are away from industrial areas and dirty water supplies makes the soil richer in minerals and more fertile. Besides, they can keep the air, the soil and water as well as the food supply free from chemicals.

As everyone knows, green food is usually more expensive to grow than other food which is not safe so that many people would rather buy ordinary food at a much lower price without caring about their health. This means green food doesn’t sell well in China, which worries“green”farmers.

Lao Wang from Nanxijiang Farm, for example, learns to grow green fruits such as watermelons and he gets a big harvest this year. His watermelons sell at 8yuan per kg while the ordinary ones at 4yuan per kg. The problem is that he doesn’t know how to let people in cities know how special his green melons are and may not be able to sell them out before they go bad.


1. What does the writer mainly want to tell us?

He wants to tell us something of green food such as the advantages and the disadvantages of it.

2. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of the green food according to the passage?

Advantages: a. healthy and safe for people’s health

b. grown with natural fertilizers

c. away from industrial areas and dirty water supplies

d. free from chemicals

Disadvantages: a. more expensive than other food which is not safe

b. green food doesn’t sell well

3. What is Lao Wang’s trouble?

He doesn’t know how to let people in cities know how special his green melons are and may not be able to sell them out before they go bad.


Step3. Discussion

Activity: Work in pairs and discuss which of Lao Wang’s watermelons would you prefer to buy, your opinions must be based upon the above advantages of green food, using the following expressions, especially the underlined ones.

I would rather… I don’t like…because…

I’d prefer… because… It’s a great pity that…

Should I we …? It’s better to …

This is good value because… If I have a choice I’d choose…because…

What is the advantage of …? You need to…

設計說明:通過討論,開啟學生思維,為進入到對話環節做準備, 鞏固和運用本單元的功能項目并且有所側重。 

Step4. Dialogue production

Activity: Work in pairs to help Lao Wang solve his problem. One acts as a customer, the other acts as Lao Wang, who is trying to persuade his customers to buy his watermelons, again using the above expressions. Some pairs will be invited to act your dialogues out.


Step5. Pre-writing

What other ways can you think of to help Lao Wang sell his products well? Yes, make a poster or an advertisement. Let’s begin.

Show two posters of which one is well designed and the other is ordinarily designed to the students in order to tell the differences between them and decide which is better. Then draw their attention to the better one. The format of a poster should be known to the students. Also the students should be guided to be able to use attractive heading, beautiful pictures and persuasive words, creative design and direct reasons to form their poster.


Sample 1 sample 2


1. The structure of a poster:

Sample 1 sample 2

▲Main heading

▲Part 1 Explain what you sell

▲Part 2 Reasons to buy

(in shortened sentences)

▲Part 3 Impressive slogans

An attractive picture

▲ Main heading

▲Part 1 Impressive slogans

▲ Part 2 Reasons to buy

(in shortened sentences)

▲ Part 3 Explain what you sell

An attractive picture

2. Useful words and expressions:

Healthy and safe; free of chemical fertilizer; rich in nutrition; high in ; grown away from; be certain to ; natural fertilizer;

Follow your desire! This is one step on the road to a …world!

It’s best choice ! just do it!


Step6. While-writing

Activity: Work in groups of 4 and design your best posters for Lao Wang to sell one of his green fruits. Each of the four should be assigned a concrete job such as deciding the heading, drawing the beautiful pictures and using the most attractive words and expressions.


Step7. Post-writing

Give the assessment of the works to the class and then ask some groups to show their works on the screen. Have comparisons of the presented works and then the teacher gives the exact and scientific evaluations.

Assessment Self(自評) Peer



(5) Does the poster have a clear structure(結構)? (2)

Does your poster include persuasive reasons?(2)

Do you draw any pictures?(1)

Grammar(2) Do you use tense correctly?(1)

Is your spelling correct?(1)


(3) Do you use any good expressions learnt from this class?(1)

Do you use attractive and brief sentences?(2)

Total marks (10)

設計說明:(1) 引導學生進行自我評價和互評,它不僅符合新課程所倡導的合作、交流和探究的學習理念,而且有益于學生認識自我,樹立自信;有助于學生反思和調控自己的學習過程,從而促進綜合語言運用能力的不斷發展。


Step8. Summary

In this class we have made it clear what green food is and we have offered our help to Lao Wang to solve his problem by persuading customers to buy his products and making a poster for him. I really appreciate your job. Well done! I hope green food will be always on your dinner table and you will be always healthy with green food.



   Unit2. Working the land

Using Language: Reading, Speaking and Writing

Advantages: a. healthy and safe for people’s health

b. grown with natural fertilizers

c. away from industrial areas and dirty water supplies

d. free from chemicals

Disadvantages: a. more expensive than other food which is not safe

b. green food doesn’t sell well

Useful expressions:

I would rather… I don’t like…because…

I’d prefer… because… It’s a great pity that…

Should I we …? It’s better to …

This is good value because… If I have a choice I’d choose…because…

What is the advantage of …? You need to…


1. Please improve your poster and upload to the web : .




1. 本課的重點是寫,通過寫前的各種鋪墊,實現語言的有效輸出。但是學生的海報設計不論是版面還是語言表達仍不盡人意,有些簡單。尤其是海報上語言表述依然幼稚平淡,似乎初中學生也能寫出這樣的句子。這是否與教材本身的要求有關?




陳琳 王嗇 程曉堂等:《英語課程標準解讀》,北京師范大學出版社2002年版,第105頁。

廣東省教育廳教研室: 《英語優秀教學設計與案例》,廣東高等教育出版社2005年版,第141





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