北京師大二附中Unit 17 語言點教學案教師版(新課標版高一英語下冊教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-5-8 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Unit 17 Great woman

I. Spelling:

1. The big success inspires/inspired us greatly.

2. In some parts of the world there is an extreme climate, and it is very hot in summer and very cold in winter.

3. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” means that someone who works all of the time will become boring and uninteresting.

4. It is most generous of you to lend me the money.

5. He is always mean with his money.

6. I was thankful for all the training I had had.

7. The terrorist threatened to blow up the plane if their demands were not met.

8. The experts are optimistic about our chances of success.

9. In many parts of the world, people are still struggling against hunger.

10. He seemed not to value his life at all.

11. It is said that personality from the film will come here.

12. My parents suffered great hardship(s) during the war.

II. Complete the sentences from the books with the words and phrases given:

be about to, inspire, imagine, admire, regret, promise

come to terms with, threaten, mean, die down,

1. Imagine you are traveling alone to the South Pole. What will you take with you?

2. Another journey of challenge and danger was about to begin.

3. Within a few minutes the winds increased to a howling storm that threatened to blow me and my tent away, but none of that happened.

4. I had to think of my family, which is very important to me, and do the right thing. I did so without regret.

5. Oprah Winfrey is not just a very successful TV personality in the US, she is also a woman who has inspired millions.

6. Write a short letter to a famous person you admire.

7. On November 12th the storm died down.

8. She has helped thousands of men and women come to terms with things.

9. For her family, life seemed to hold no promise.

III. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases given:

be about to, inspire, imagine, admire, regret,

come to terms with, threaten, mean, promise


1. His speech inspired us to try again.

2. I was inspired to work harder.

3. You inspire me to greater efforts.

4. The good news inspired us with hope.

5. His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother.

6. You can’t paint a picture without an inspiration.

7. He is an inspired poet.

8. We remembered the inspiring talks he gave us last time.


1. The farmer threatened to beat the boy if he came into the field again.

2. Father is threatening a beating if I don’t obey.

3. Whatever you do, don’t threaten people.

4. Floodwaters are threatening the town.

5. This rough life threatened to injure his health.

6. They threatened him with punishment.

7. The weather looks very threatening.(rainy)


1. The words are spelt differently, and mean quite different things.

2. I mean what I say.

3. Life to him meant action, rather than thought.

4. Your friendship means a great deal to me.

5. I mean to go, and nothing is going to stop me.

6. Missing this bus means waiting for another hour.

7. I had meant to go on Monday but have stayed on.

8. At last he knew the meaning of life.

9. She gave her husband a meaningful look.

10. Life seemed all of a sudden empty and meaningless.

11. He’s mean-----he likes to see people suffer.

12. He hoped to achieve his goal by peaceful means.

13. This is by no means the first time you have been late.


1. As you admire the scenery, you’ll agree there’s no better place for a spectacular adventure!

2. He much admires your poems.

3. We really admired him all the more for his frankness.


1. Can you imagine life on the moon?

2. As I lie in bed I like to imagine that I am in a spaceship.

3. Try to imagine being on the moon.

4. Can you imagine these fat men climbing?

5. Don’t imagine that you are the only person in trouble.

6. She had plenty of imagination.


1. I regret the loss of her friendship.

2. I regret that I shall not be able to come.

3. I deeply regret having said those words!

4. I regret to say that we have no news for you!

5. They said goodbye with great regret.

Be about to

1. He waited until she was about to leave.

2. He’s about to go out when it began to rain.

Come to terms with

1. He managed to come to terms with his illness.

2. He was once a millionaire and he can’t come to terms with being poor.

3. It had taken him a long time to come to terms with the fact that he won’t be able to go to college.


1. You must promise me to take a thorough rest.

2. You’ve got to promise me that you won’t do that again.

3. I can’t give you the book; I’ve promised it to Susan.

4. It promises to be fine tomorrow.

5. The rainbow promises fair weather.

6. The weather looks promising.

7. A very promising lawyer, that young man is.

die of, die from, die down, die away, die out,

1. Many old customs are gradually dying out.

2. His father died of hunger in Ireland.

3. His anger has died down a bit.

4. He died from a wound.

5. The sound of the car died away in the distance.

IV. Translations:

1. 過了很長時間他才甘心接受公司已經倒閉的事實。(come to terms with)

It took him a long time to come to terms with the fact that his company had closed down already.

2. 不要對別人那么刻薄。(mean)

Don’t be so mean to others.

3. 他恐嚇說要把那些照片公開。(threaten)

He threatened to make the photo public.

4. 她的美妙的事業激勵著許多人,使人相信成功和幸福是伸手可及的。(inspire)

Her wonderful career inspires many people to believe that success and happiness in life are within reach for everyone.

5. 風暴漸漸平息下來。(die down)

The storm slowly died down.

6. 我們佩服他的勇氣。(admire)

We admire his brave.

7. 注意你所說的話,否則你可能會后悔的。(regret)

Have a care what you say or you may regret it.

8. 我相信你會后悔離開這里的。(regret)

I believe you will regret leaving here.

9. 很遺憾地告訴你這次你又失利了。(regret)

I regret to tell you that you failed again.

10. 他正要說話的時候他的同學卻先開始了。(be about to)

He was about to speak when his classmate began first.

11. 他總是想象根本就不存在的危險。(imagine)

He’s always imaging dangers that don’t exist.

12. 我簡直不能想象你會做任何蠢事。(imagine)

I can’t imagine you doing anything stupid.

13. 期中考試就在眼前。

Mid-term examination is around the corner.

V.Writing Practice:

1. A letter to a famous person I admire (P35)

2. An introduction to a great woman

3. Steps of my future career (P100)

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