人教新課標必修3金色教案集Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”(新課標版高一英語必修三教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-5-28 編輯:互聯網 手機版




1. Warming Up部分提供了一個關于加拿大概況的小測試,目的是激活學生已有的知識和經驗,為進入本單元的學習作好準備。

2. Pre-reading部分通過四組問題激活學生有關旅行和加拿大的知識和經歷。本單元閱讀是“在旅途中看加拿大”,因此,“讀前”部分首先提問學生經歷過的旅行,然后提問學生最想去的國家,由此切入到本單元的話題“加拿大”。然后進一步提出“你是否想去加拿大旅行?你想到那兒去看什么?”“你會使用哪三個詞語來描述加拿大?”

3. Reading部分是篇游記,記述了李黛予和劉倩去加拿大看她們的表兄妹的途中見聞。乘火車橫穿加拿大之前,她們表兄妹的朋友林丹尼向他們介紹了加拿大的概況,包括面積、地貌、城市、人口、生態環境等。一路上,他們看到了加拿大的自然美景,野生動物,并因中途停靠卡爾加里(Calgary)而聯想到卡爾加里大賽馬會(Calgary Stampede)。加拿大地廣人稀,多數人住在美-加邊境。本文還提到了桑德貝(Thunder Bay),五大湖(the Great Lakes),溫哥華(Vancouver),多倫多(Toronto),介紹了加拿大的淡水資源。本文對加拿大的介紹涉及面較寬,但都沒有詳述,這給學生留下了足夠的思維空間。

4. Comprehending部分由三部分組成:回答問題、寫出正確信息和畫路線圖。這些不僅檢查學生對閱讀課文的細節的把握,比如,要求學生介紹卡爾加里大賽馬會、列舉加拿大蘊藏的兩種自然資源、寫出有關桑德貝的地理位置的正確信息等,而且檢查學生根據閱讀課文內容所作的推理和判斷,比如,“Why do many people want to live in Vancouver?”一題,要求學生聯系文中相關信息,做出因果推理。此外,還檢查學生的讀圖能力,比如,“Why would ships be able to reach the center of Canada?”一題,要求學生把地圖和課文兩方面的信息綜合起來。最后,要求學生在地圖上畫出橫穿加拿大的路線圖,抓住文中人物的行蹤也就抓住了行文的線索,零散的信息就有機地串聯起來了。

5. Learning about Language部分首先通過構詞法的學習擴大學生的詞匯量并培養學生的詞匯生成能力。用閱讀課文中的詞和信息編對話和填空,旨在提高學生活用詞匯的能力。語法部分通過從閱讀課文中找例句和造句的練習教學同位語從句。

6. Using Language部分綜合訓練聽說讀寫的能力。聽與寫、聽與說有機結合在一起,使學生通過填空、討論的形式進一步學習有關加拿大的知識--加拿大的居民、語言等。閱讀部分繼續加拿大之行:從多倫多到蒙特利爾(Montreal)。本文提到了楓樹,加拿大國家塔(CN Tower),尼亞加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls),多倫多猛龍隊(Toronto Raptors),藍鳥隊(Blue Jays),中國城(Chinatown),圣勞倫斯河(St Lawrence River)等等,充分展示了異域文化風情。寫的部分是兩篇報告,一個寫途中所見,另一個寫途中所聞。教師可以根據課本上的提示,向學生介紹“報告”的寫作方法。寫之前,先讓學生根據本單元的兩篇閱讀完成圖表上所要填寫的信息。寫報告時,要求學生自擬題目,先提出話題,再根據圖表信息詳述所見或所聞,最后作一小結。


1. 將Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading與Comprehending整合在一起上一節“閱讀課”。

2. 將Learning about Language和Workbook的using words and expressions及using structures整合在一起上一節“語言學習課”。

3. 將Using Language設計為一節包括聽說讀寫在內的“綜合技能課(一)”。

4. 將Workbook的READING AND LISTENING和TALKING結合在一起上一節“聽說課”。



1st Period Reading

2nd Period Language study

3rd Period Integrating skills(Ⅰ)

4th Period Listening and Speaking

5th Period Integrating skills(Ⅱ)

Part 1: Teaching Design


Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading



To develop reading ability

To learn about Canada


I. Warming up

Warming up by talking about Canada

Hello, everyone. Today we are going to read about Canada. But first I’d like to inform you of some facts about this second largest country in the world.

Best of the World's Best

For 7 years in a row (1994-2000 inclusive) the United Nations voted Canada "the best COUNTRY in the world in which to live". In 2001 it was voted 2nd and in 2002 Canada was ranked 3rd. An 8th place ranking in 2003 was disappointing, but Canadians still feel that it is the best!.

In January 2000, Vancouver (BC) was voted "the best CITY in the world in which to live" (in a 3-way tie with Zurich & Bern, Switzerland and Vienna, Austria).

Warming up by looking and listening

Hi, everyone. Look at the picture and tell me what it is like. Yes, the head of the man looks like the map of Canada. The man, representing Canada, is playing hockey, the national sport of the country Canada.

Hockey Canada Strengths

4.5 million Canadians are involved in hockey as coaches, players, officials, administrators or direct volunteers (this does not include spectators, parents and occasional volunteers).

Research has shown that hockey is the activity of choice of over 2 million Canadians.

Over 508,000 players are registered with Hockey Canada for the 1998-99 season.

There are more than 1.5 million games played and 2 million practices every year.

There are over 3,000 arenas in Canada.

Warming up by giving facts

Nice to see you back at school, boys and girls. To begin with turn to page 33, and go over the warming up exercises. Find out the facts about the country of Canada.


area: 9,970,610 sq km/3,849,652 sq mi; capital: Ottawa; major towns/cities: Toronto, Montral, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Qubec, Hamilton, Saskatoon, Halifax, London, Kitchener, Mississauga, Laval, Surrey; physical features: mountains in west, with low-lying plains in interior and rolling hills in east; St Lawrence Seaway, Mackenzie River; Great Lakes; Arctic Archipelago; Rocky Mountains; Great Plains or Prairies; Canadian Shield; Niagara Falls; climate: varies from temperate in south to arctic in north; 45 of country forested

II. Pre-reading

1. Questioning and answering

How do you usually travel when on vacation? Alone? With companion? With classmates? What type of activities do you most like to participate in when you travel?

Do you do group travel?

2. Talking and sharing

What three words would you use to describe Canada?

Happy Canada Day! ( words to describe Canada)

Happy Canada Day! Even though our country isn't perfect, I feel lucky to live here when I think about some of the horrible things that are happening in other parts of the world.

What are some words that spring to mind when you think about Canada?

Here are some of mine: vast, changing weather, uncertain

III. Reading

1. Listening and reading aloud

Now please listen and read the text aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence.

加拿大太平洋岸的一顆寶石--溫哥華市 Vancouver



溫哥華提供琳瑯滿目的體育、文化、娛樂活動機會。在它四季宜人的氣候下,您一定可以了解為何溫哥華被喻為 "加拿大太平洋岸的一顆寶石"。

2. Reading and underlining

Next you are to read and circle all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them into your notebook after school as homework.

Collocations from A TRIP ON THE TRUE NORTH

on a trip在旅途中), on the Atlantic coast在大西洋海岸, take the aeroplane乘飛機, fly from… to…從……飛行到……, take the train from… to…乘火車從……到……, from west to east從西到東, across Canada橫穿加拿大, cross the whole country橫貫整個國家, wait for…等候……, at the airport在機場, take…to…把……帶到……, catch the train乘坐火車, on the way to…在去……的路上, see great scenery看美麗壯觀的風景, on the trip在旅途中, go eastward向東行駛, pass cities經過城市, in less than five days在不五天的時間里, from coast to coast從一個海岸到另一個海岸, in the warmest part of…在最熱的地方, be surrounded by…被……所包圍, on the north在北邊, ski in the mountains在山上滑雪, sail in the harbour在港灣了揚帆行船, north of………的北邊, settle down in the seat落座, look out of the window at the wild scenery從窗口看到了自然風光, a mountain goat野山羊, a grizzly bear大灰熊, a famous Western festival有名的西方節日, come from all over…全來自……, compete in ~ing比賽做……, ride wild horses駕馭野馬, have a gift for ~ing有天資/天分做……, work with…與……共處, win…prizes贏得……獎金, live within 320 kilometres of the USA border居住在靠近美國320公里以內的邊境地帶, go through…穿過……, a wheat-growing province種植小麥的省份, thousands of square kilometers in size面積有數千平方米, at the top end of…在……的最上首, a busy port繁忙的港口, be close to…接近……, one-third of………三分之一, rush through…穿行過……

The Rocky Mountains

The Rocky Mountains, the great backbone of North America, extend 5,000 kilometers from New Mexico to Canada. The elevations range from about 1,500 meters along the plains to 4,399 meters, and the widths range from 120 to 650 kilometers. The Rocky Mountains are composed of many mountain ranges with unique ecological features. For example, 20 ranges make up the Rocky Mountains in and adjacent to Wyoming. The natural beauty, abundant wildlife, and fresh water have attracted human inhabitants for the last 10,000-12,000 years.

4. Reading and transferring information

Read the text again to complete the table summarizing A TRIP ON THE TRUE NORTH.


About Canada About Vancouver About Rocky Mountains About Thunder Bay

For reference:


About Canada About Vancouver About Rocky Mountains About Thunder Bay

bigger than the US; 2nd biggest country in the world; From west to east, you can see mountains, thousands of lakes, forests and wide rives as well as cities. 5,500 km from coast to coast warmest part of Canada; most beautiful city in Canada, surrounded by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific Ocean on the west; population increasing rapidly; wild scenery; mountain goats; a grizzly bear; at the top end of the Great Lakes; a busy port;

5. Understanding difficult sentences

Are there any difficult sentences? Now discuss with your partner the difficult points from the text.

IV. Closing down

Closing down by doing exercises

To end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 35.

Closing down by acting the text

To end the period let’s act this text out. We shall have three student actors to play Li Daiyu, Liu Qian and Danny Lin.

Additional Materials

Complete the summary of the story with one word in each blank.


Li Daiyu and Liu Qian were on a 1 across Canada. Instead of taking the aeroplane 2 the way, they would cross the whole continent of Canada in 3 after arriving Vancouver by air.

Danny Lin waited 4 them at the airport and gave them a brief 5 about Canada, the second 6 country in the world and Vancouver, the most beautiful city of the country, while taking them to 7 the train, “The True North”.

Having settled 8 in the seats, they looked out of the window 9 the wild scenery, the mountain goats, and grizzly bears. They went by the city of Calgary and 10 in Thunder Bay, a city at the top 11 of the Great Lakes, learning more about Canada of its population resources and so 12 . Their last stop is Toronto, one of the southernmost cities in Canada.

(Keys: 1. trip 2. all 3. train 4. for 5. introduction 6. biggest 7. catch 8. down 9. at

10. arrived 11. end 12. on)

Comprehension questions

1. How did they visit Canada?

A. They traveled there all by the aeroplane.

B. They took the train“The true north”to across Canada.

C. They hired a guider to show their way around.

D. They drove their way to visit some of the important city in Canada.

2. What’s make Vancouver so special?

A. It surrounded by mountains on the north and east.

B. It surrounded by the Pacific Ocean on the south.

C. Its population is decreasing very rapidly.

D. People can ski in the Rocky Mountains and sail in the harbour.

3. What did cowboys do in the Calgary Stampede?

A. They compete in riding wild horses.

B. They were dancing with wild animals.

C. They came here to show their beauty and win the heart of girls.

D. They hunt for mountain goats and grizzly bears.

(Keys: BDA)

Notes to some difficult sentences

1. Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast. 李黛予和她的表妹劉倩去加拿大大西洋海岸看望她們的表兄妹們。

trip (n.): (usually short) journey, esp. for pleasure(通常指短途的)行走,旅行(尤指娛樂性的)。

與trip搭配的主要動詞和介詞:be (go) on/make/take a trip to …

a trip to the seaside 海濱之行。

a honeymoon trip to Paris前往巴黎的蜜月之旅。

He is on a business trip. 他出差在外。

My father will make a trip to New York next week. 他父親下禮拜要去紐約去。

2. Rather than taking the airplane all the way, they decided to fly from China to Vancouver

and to take the train… 她們不想一路乘飛機,決定先從中國飛到溫哥華,然后,改乘火車……

rather than (prep.): in preference to (sb/sth); instead of 與其(某人/某物);不意;不要。

Rather than get (getting) money in such a dishonest way, Simon would beg in the street. 西蒙寧可沿街乞討,也不愿用不誠實的方式撈錢。

I’ll have a lemonade rather than a coke. 我想喝檸檬汁,不想喝可樂。

He was busy writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper. 他正忙于寫信而不是讀報。

3. It is the second biggest country in the world and as you go eastward, you will see

mountains, and pass by thousands of lakes, forests and wide rivers as well as cities. 它是世界上第二大的國家,當你一路向東行時,除了城市你還會看到山脈,會經過上千個湖泊,森林,大河等以及城市。

eastward 也作 eastwards,副詞,意為“向東”。注意不能說go to eastward。如:

They sailed eastward.他們向東航行。

We couldn’t decide whether to go eastward or westward. 我們難以決定是向東走還是向西走。

thousands of 成千上萬的。注意,million, billion, thousand, hundred, score(20), dozen(12)之前有確定的數字時,不論后面有無of,詞尾都不加s。如:

three hundred students 300名學生,three hundred of them他們當中的300人,three score people 60人,three dozen of these eggs 這些雞蛋里的3打


4. On the coast north of Vancouver some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the

world still remain. 溫哥華以北的海岸依然生長著世界上最古老、最美麗的森林。

north of=to the north of 表示“在……的北方”。其它方位詞,如:east, west, south, southwest, northeast等,都有類似的用法。例如語言運用部分的閱讀課文中還有:

It’s about four hundred kilometers northeast of Toronto… 它在多倫多東北大約400公里處……

5. That afternoon in the train the cousins settled down in their seats. 那天下午表姐妹倆


settle down 安穩坐下,定居下來。如:

His grandfather settled down in the armchair with a newspaper. 他爺爺手拿報紙坐在扶手椅里。

Have you settled down in your new job yet? 你適應新工作了嗎?

6. Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of

dollars in prizes. 他們中許多人都有與野獸共舞的才能,他們能贏得幾千美元的獎金。

have a gift for在……方面有天分;有天賦。如:

She has a gift for learning language. 她對學語言有天賦。

It seems he has a gift for music. 好象他對音樂有些天賦。



1. 從屬連詞that、whether引導的同位語從句。

He has the hope that he will become a college student. 他有上大學這么個愿望。

The question whether he should do this troubled him. 是否該做這件事這一問題使他很煩惱。

注意:由連接詞that (一般不可省略) 引導的同位語從句,在句子結構上與關系代詞that引導的定語從句有相似之處,但有區別:

1) The news that he had landed on the moon spread all over the country. 他登上月球的消息傳遍全國。

2)The news that John told us interested all of us.他告訴我們的消息使大家都感趣。

解析:1)句中that從句中本身的內容就是“news ”內容本身,that在句子中不充當任何成分,起連接作用,所以,本句中的that從句 是同位語從句;而2)句中that從句說明“ news ”是怎樣獲得的,不涉及“news”的內容, that從句中充當 “tell”的賓語,所以,本句中的that從句 是定語從句。另外,可帶同位語從句的名詞主要是少數一些可加入具體內容的表示信息、思想等概念的名詞,如:fact,news,idea,truth,belief,doubt,hope,possibility,order,wish,message,promise,suggestion,report,reply,problem, question, thought等。

2. 連接副詞how,when,where等引導的同位語從句。

You have no idea how worried I was!你不知道我是多么著急。


1. Information has been put forward____ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. (2001上海)

A.while B. that C.when D.as

2. ____is no possibility____Bob can win the first prize in the match. (2001 上海春)

A.There;that BIt;that CThere;whether DIt;whether

3. There is much chance _____ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.

(06 天津)

A. that B. which C. until D. if

E. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class _____ he had to meet his uncle in the airport. (06 重慶)

A. why B. that C. where D. because

5.-It’s thirty years since we last met. (06四川)

-But I still remember the story, believe it or not, ____ we got lost on a rainy night.

A. which B. that C. what D. when

6. A warm thought suddenly came to me _____ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday. (06 安徽)

A. if B. when C. that D. which

7. There’s a feeling in me ______ we’ll never know what a UFO is---not ever.(2002上海)

A. that B. which C. of which D. what

8. Along with the letter was his promise _____ he would visit me this coming Christmes. (2004上海春)

A. which B. that C. what D. whether

9. A story goes ______ Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court. (2004上海)

A. when B. where C. what D. that

10. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _____ a cure for AIDS will be found.(2005廣東)

A. which B. that C. what D. whether


1.They have no idea at all_____.

A. where he has gone B .where did he go

C. which place has he gone D. where has he gone

2.I have no idea ____far the airport is far from here.

A. what B. how C. it’s D. that

3.The manager asked the question ____I would like to be his secretary.

A. if B. that C. whether D. how

4.____is a fact____ English is being accepted as an international language.

A. It; that B. That; that C. It; which D. As; that

5.The reason ____she didn't say anything was ____she was ill.

A. why; that B. why; because C .that; why .D. why; why

6. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars ______ road conditions need to be improved.

A. that B. which C. where D. when

7. The question has been raised at the meeting ______ each member country should share the expenses of the committee.

A. which B. if C. what D. whether

8. There is a common belief among them_____ rubbish can and should be put to good use.

A. which B. if C. whether D. that

9. _____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. There B. This C. That D. It

10. It is no longer a question____ man is learning more and more about space.

A. whether B. that C. if D. how


1. 我想到冬天的時候在山上滑雪。

2. 這個小女孩有唱歌方面的天賦。

3. 他將與老對手比賽跑步。

4. 我們家緊鄰公共汽車站。

5. 她在音樂比賽中獲得頭等獎。



1. B這里Information的內容即: more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.

2. A possibility后應引導一個同位語從句,因其前有 no修飾,所以其后不用 whether;“存在有……”應用“There is…

3.A that引導一個同位語從句作chance 的同位語。that 只起引導作用,不作成分。而B、C、D項均不合適。A、D項不引導同位語從句,which 引導同位語從句須在從句中作成分。

4. B his reason 后接同位語從句,由for being absent from the class 隔開。一般情況下從句與同位語的名詞相接,但有時可以分開。如:The news got about that he had won a car in the lottery.此題考生易選A. why,而誤認為此句為定語從句。而題干中for being absent from the class 已給出reason 的結果,因而后面的從句是說明reason 的內容的,所以不選why,而選that。

5. B 分隔復合句。這是一個分隔同位語從句,最大干擾項是which,它不能引導定語


6. C 此句為分隔同位語從句。Thought與同位的that I might … 從句,被謂語suddenly came

to me隔開。

7. A 同位語從句that we’ll never know what a UFO is---not ever作a feeling的同位語,解釋a feeling的具體內容。

8. B that 引導同位語從句,作promise的同位語。

9. D that引導同位語從句修飾go。

10. B a cure for AIDS will be found是同位語從句,充當doubt的同位語。


1.A 2B 3C 4A 5A

6. A。 本句中road conditions need to be improved作problem的同位語,前面需要引導詞that。

7. D。考查分隔同位語從句。Whether引導名詞性從句不擔任句子成分,只保留詞義“是否”。該題從句不缺句子成分,question 又是一個可具有具體內容或信息的抽象名詞。由此斷定該句是由whether引導的同位語從句,因謂語部分將其和名詞the question分隔開,所以稱之為分隔同位語從句。

8. D。 此題考查同位語從句,作belief的同位語。

9. D。10. B。


1. I’d like to ski in the mountains in the winter.

2. The little girl has a gift for singing.

3. He is going to compete in running with his old rival.

4. Our house is close to the bus stop.

5. She won the first prize in the music competition.

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