牛津模塊6 Unit 4 全單元教學設計(譯林牛津版高二英語選修六教案教學設計)

發布時間:2016-5-2 編輯:互聯網 手機版

Part One Teaching Design

第一部分 教學設計

Aims and requirements

Read a speech made by a UN Goodwill Ambassador and the diary entry of a Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) nurse

Listen to a news report about problems in the mountains in northern Thailand

Discuss the work and skills of a UN Goodwill Ambassador and talk about ways in which students could help children in poor areas

Write a proposal suggesting ways to help poor children

Make an action plan of things you could do to help your community


● Welcome to the Unit

Step 1: Brainstorming

As we all known, we human beings are often stricken by natural disasters. Can you name some of them?

flood, fire, volcano, earthquake, typhoon, hurricane, tsunami, desertification, sandstorm

tornado, drought…

Do they have anything in common? What’s it?

They share one common feature, that is, they cause a great deal of damage to buildings and hurt lots of people.

Would you ask for help if you were involved in a natural disaster? Which organization or person would you turn to for help?

firemen, policemen, PLA men, doctors, governments, Red Cross, hospitals, first-aid station…

Step 2: Sharing information

1. Let’s watch a series of news first. What can we learn from the news?

The whole world is a large family. We make every effort to help the people in trouble, no matter who they’re.

To help the people in trouble more efficiently, more and more international organizations are set up. They help many people around the world to have better lives, especially when things go wrong. What organizations do you know of that can help with the people in trouble?

For reference

美國慈善國際組織(Mercy Corps)

英國全球伙伴組織(Global Partner)

愛爾蘭關懷組織(Ireland’s Concern)

法國“淚水”基金會(French Tear Fund)


世界宣明會(World Vision)

For reference

Actually, there are many governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations that aim at improving the harsh situations. The International Committee of the Red Cross is dedicated to providing humanitarian aids in different areas around the world. Doctors Without Borders or Medecins Sans Frontieres ( MSF) is an independent international medical relief organization that aids victims of armed conflicts, epidemics and natural and man-made disasters, and others who lack health care due to social or geographical isolation, There are also some other organizations in the world which serve the purpose of offering help to those in need.

2. Look at the six pictures at page 49, these pictures present situations where people need international aid. Let’s have a discussion about them.

Picture 1

Can you guess from the caption what the main tasks of peacekeeping soldiers are?

To keep the peace in the countries or areas where there have been wars or conflicts.

Do you think these soldiers play an important role in maintaining the world peace?

Do you think this kind of job is very demanding, challenging and risky? Why or why not?

When you grow up, would you like to do this kind of job if you had the chance? Why or why not?

Picture 2

What can you see in the picture?

It is a picture of African children living in a poverty-stricken area. They suffer from malnutrition and hunger because of lack of food..

Can you imagine what will happen to these hungry children if nobody helps?

Some of them may die of hunger.

How do you feel when you see this picture?

How can we help them?

Picture 3

What can you see in the picture?

A flooded area.

Suppose your home was struck by a flood, what would your life be like? Would you still live a normal life as before?

No. For example, the roads would be blocked by the broken trees; the means of communication and traffic-roads and railway would be cut off.

Picture 4

What can you see in the picture?

Water is being pumped into the fields.

What factors can ensure a good harvest?

Proper methods of farming, fertile soil, sufficient volume of rainfall, enough sunlight, advanced technology, etc.

What would happen if there was not enough water for farming?

Farmers would be very worried about their crops if there was a drought, as a drought sometimes can cause a famine.

Picture 5

What is the doctor in the picture doing?

Working to help people in poor countries.

Why do you think that doctors and nurses need to go to poor areas or countries to help?

People in poor areas don’t have money to go to hospital if they are ill. In addition, hospitals in these areas cannot provide the doctors and nurses with enough training or equipment.

Picture 6

Apart from the problems listed above, people in poverty are still facing many other difficulties. Can you name some of them?

Do you think children can receive good education and good medical care in poor areas?

Can their daily necessities be guaranteed? If not, what will happen?

For reference

International aid aims to help people, especially those in the poverty-stricken areas in some developing countries, to improve their living standards and better their lives.

Besides, it offers timely and appropriate medical help and provides sufficient educational opportunities for the children. For more information, you can visit the following website: http: //www.gospelcom.net / ia /

Step 3: Discussion

Have you ever helped people in need? What did you do to help them?

Yes, I have. I remember when I was in primary school, the teacher asked us to donate our pocket money to Project Hope. I gave all my pocket money that I saved a long time. Though it was not much, I still wanted to do something to show that I cared. I also had a pen friend from a rural area in northern China when I was in junior high school. Apart from exchanging information about our lives with her, I occasionally mailed her some of my spare books and stationery. During the Spring Festival, I also shared my red packets with her.

Step 4: Homework

1. Collect more information about international organizations helping people in need.

2. Prepare the Reading part.

Reading The UN-bringing everyone closer together

Step 1: Lead-in

Now, we’re studying in the large, bright classroom equipped with advanced facilities. In this environment, most of us believe we can realize our dreams as long as we work hard. But look at these pictures. Do you think they have dreams as well? What do you think they can do to realize their dreams?

So, we know that in other parts of the world, there are lots of children who are still struggling with starvation or war. Have you ever thought about doing something for those children to help them realize their dreams? If you have, what would you do?

For reference

1. Make a donation to help more children in poor areas to attend school.

2. Help to raise the public’s awareness about the plight of the poor.

Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas

Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page 50. Just focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions.


A 1 A businesswoman and a Goodwill Ambassador.

2 191 countries.

3 Countries in Africa.

Step 3: Detailed reading for important information

1. Let’s read the speech a second time and complete Parts C1 and C2 on page 52


C1 1 An international group made up of countries that want to increase peace.

2 Honoured and happy.

3 They come from different countries that belong to the UN.

4 She mainly visits countries where the UN has programmes to help people.

5 Baskets. They sell them at the market.

6 Lack of education, lack of money, lack of food, poverty, disasters and disease.

7 Access to fresh drinking water for everyone and primary education for all children.

C2 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T

2. Listen to the tape and choose the best answers to the following questions:

(1) What occupation does Tang Ning take up in the UN?

A. The Secretary-General.

B. A Goodwill Ambassador.

C. The spoken man.

D. A clerk.

(2) How much money does she earn by doing the job?

A. She earns a lot.

B. She volunteers. She gets no salary for the job.

C. She earns some, though not much.

D. It isn’t mentioned in the article.

(3) What project or projects has she been involved in?

A. She helps develop the world’s education.

B. She helps deal with such problems as poverty and disasters.

C. She visits countries where the UN has programmes to help people.

D. She visits the poorest areas in the world.

Keys BBC

3. Now read the speech a third time and fill in the table with the correct answers.

The United Nations

When it was set up After the Second World War in October 1945

Countries in the UN (originally) 51 countries

(recently) 191 countries

Problems it deals with helps end some of the world’s most horrible conflicts; assists the victims of wars and disasters; protects human rights; improves international laws; helps with other problems such as lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disasters and diseases

Its four main purposes to keep international peace

to develop friendly relationships among nations

to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights

to be a center for organizing the actions or work of different nations

Goals it promises to achieve by 2015 eight goals, one of which is to ensure that fresh drinking water is available to everyone and another is that all children complete primary education

Step 4: Practice

1. Let’s complete Parts D (Refer to the text while completing part D)


D 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. g 5. I 6.h 7. e 8. c 9. b

2. Now, let’s read an article about Tang Ning’s speech by a newspaper reporter and fill in the blanks with the given words. After that, you’ll be more familiar with the speech. Finish the exercise by yourselves and we’ll check the answers later together.


(1)honoured (2)international

(3)purposes (4)laws

(5)poverty (6)disasters

(7)encourage (8)drinking water

Step 5: Post-reading activities

1. Pair work:

Now, have a discussion with your partner. Suppose you are a journalist from a local newspaper and have the chance to interview Tang Ning. What other thins do you want to ask her apart from what you already know?

For reference

Ms Tang, I’m very happy to have the chance to interview you today. I know that you do lots of work for the UN but you get no pay. Why do you choose to work without pay? Do you think it’s rewarding? Do you think international organizations like the UN play a significant part in helping those in need and developing society? What if we lived in a world without organizations like the UN?

2. Group work:

Let’s hold a debate: If Tang Ning was not a successful businesswoman, do you think she would still be chosen to be a Goodwill Ambassador?

3. Let’s come to Part F. Work in pairs and share your opinions with each other.

4. Discussion: How do you understand the title The UN-bringing everyone closer together?

Step 6: Language points

Vocabulary Words refer, operate, honour, purpose, touch, conflict, worthy, press, draw, lack, remote

Useful expressions refer to, feel honoured to do, take on, be based on, be involved in, draw one’s attention, add…to…, under the umbrella of, apart from, set out, on behalf of

Sentence patterns 1. I am pleased to have …, as it is more often referred to.

2. As you know, the UN touches the lives of people everywhere.

3. Now let me tell you about the work I have been doing with them.

4. One of the goals is to ensure…. Another is to ensure….

Step 7: Homework

Parts A1 and A2 on page124 in Workbook.

●Word power

Step 1: Brainstorming

1. As we all know, the United Nations plays a very important role in handling world affairs. It touches many parts of our daily lives. The UN works in agriculture, economic growth, education, health, environment, global partnerships and some other fields. The UN is connected to many different organizations that do different projects or programmes.

To know more about the UN organizations, we need to do some research. I suggest you look in newspapers, magazines, books in the library and perhaps on the Internet for more information about how many divisions and organizations are connected to the UN and what they are.

For reference

The UN organizations

Programmes and Funds

1.UNHCR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

2. WFP World Food Programme

3. UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East

4.UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHSP)

5. UNFPA United Nations Population Fund

6. UNCDF United Nations Capital Development Fund

7. UNV United Nations Volunteers

8. UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women

9. UNDP United Nations Development Programme

10. UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund

UNEP United Nations

Environment Programme

1. UNDCP United Nations Drug Control Programme

2. ITC International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/WTO)

3. UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Specialized Agencies

1. ILO International Labor Organization

2. FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

3. UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

4. WHO World Health Organization

World Bank Group

1. IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

2. IDA International Development Association

3. IFC International Finance Corporation

4. MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency

5. ICSID International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes

6. IMF International Monetary Fund

7. ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

8. IMO International Maritime Organization

9. ITU International Tele-communication Union

10. UPU Universal Postal Union

11. WMO World Meteorological Organization

12. WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization

13. IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development

14. UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization

15. WTO World Tourism Organization

Step 2: Vocabulary learning

1. First, I’d like to ask you some questions to see whether you’ve got some information about the UN?

Which organizations did you find are connected to the UN?

Please choose one organization and tell us when it was set up. What does the organization mainly focus on?

What do you think of its role in the UN or in the world?

2. Let’s read an article found in the library about the different organizations connected to the UN. Try to know the main functions of these organizations. After that, we’ll have a discussion.

Suppose an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean has been struck by a terrible hurricane. All the supplies have been cut off, roads have been blocked and lots of people have been blocked and lots of people have been injured. If so, what organizations or programmes could they turn to for help?

Which organizations contribute a lot to the equal education of children and equal treatment of women?

What do the letters E, S and C in UNESCO stand for? In your opinion, what is UNESCO responsible for?

3. Now we’ve had a better understanding of the organizations of the UN. Let’s try to complete the chart on Part B.


B (2) Food and Agricultural Organization

(3) UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(4) World Health Organization

(5) International Civil Aviation Organization

(6) Universal Postal Union

(7) World Bank group

(8) International Monetary Fund

(10) UN Environment Progamme

(11) UN Drugs Control Programme

(12) UN Development Programme

(13) UN Development Fund for Women

Step3: Vocabulary extension

1. Now let’s come to part C on page 27. Read the passage and fill in the blanks correctly.


C (1) International Monetary Fund

(2) International Civil Aviation Organization

(3) Universal Postal Union

(4) UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

(5) Food and Agricultural Organization

(6) International Labour organization

(7) World Health Organization

2. Do you know what UN and NGOs stand for? Can you give the full name of them?

This shortened version of the name of something is called an acronym. It consists of the first letter of each word of the name. As for the pronunciation of an acronym, it is sometimes read as individual letters and sometimes read as a new word.

Now, please work out the acronyms on P55.



IMF International Monetary fund

FAO Food and Agricultural Organization

ILO International Labour Organization

UNESCO United nations Educational, scientific and cultural organization

WHO World Health Organization

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

3. Now, I’ll give you more acronyms of international organizations. Do you know their full name?

WTO World Trade Organization

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

ADB Asian Development bank

ICRC International Committee of the red Cross

ITU International Telecommunication Union

4. Reading:

words: 127 time: 2’10’’

Origin of World Refugee Day

For years, many countries and regions have been holding their own Refugee Days and even Weeks. One of the most widespread is Africa Refugee Day, which is celebrated on 20 June in several countries.

As an expression of solidarity with Africa, which hosts the most refugees, and which traditionally has shown them great generosity, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 55/76 on 4 December 2000. In this resolution, the General Assembly noted that 2001 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, and that the Organization of African Unity (OAU) had agreed to have International Refugee Day coincide with Africa Refugee Day on 20 June. The Assembly therefore decided that, from 2001, 20 June would be celebrated as World Refugee Day.

Step 4: Homework

Read the transcript in Part B on page 129 in Workbook.

● Grammar and Usage

Step 1: General introduction

This section teaches four other cases that need to use unreal conditionals. You’ll learn the forms of mixed unreal conditionals, words that can replace if-clauses in implied conditionals and the usage of wish or would rather in unreal conditionals.

Step 2: Revision

As we learned in the last unit, when a sentence is talking about something that is not real or currently impossible, the verb will be used in a special form that expresses a wish, possibility, condition, etc.

Here’re some exercises for you. Choose the best answers:

1. Had you listened to the doctor, you _____ all right now.

A. are B. were C. would be D. would have been

2. _____ any change about the date, please tell me immediately.

A. Will there be B. Should there be C. There will be D. There should be

3. _____ today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Would he leave B. Was he leaving

C. Were he to leave D. If he leave

4. Should it rain, the crops _____ .

A. would be saved B. would have been saved

C. will be saved D. had been saved

5. You _____ come earlier. The bus left a moment ago.

A. would B. should have C. may D. have

6. What should we do if it _____ tomorrow?

A. should snow B. would snow C. snow D. will snow

7. You _____ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice.

A. may not make B. might not make

C. shouldn’t have made D. might not have made

8. If it were not for the fact that you _____ ill, I would ask you to do this right now.

A. were B. had been C. are D. should be

Keys 1-5 CBCAB 6-8 ADC

Step 3: Explanation and practice

1. We should first pay attention to the forms of the predicate verbs in different tenses when we use sentences in unreal conditional. Let’s remember how to form unreal conditionals of the present, past or future time.

tense If-- clause main clause

present did(were) would/ should/ could/ might do

past had done would/ should/ could/ might have done

future did,should do,were to do would/ should/ could/ might do

2. We use mixed conditionals when the main clause and the if-clause are about different tenses.

e.g. 1) If you had come and attended the meeting yesterday, you would know what we are doing now.

2) If you had followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.

Now, complete Part A. Pay attention to the different tenses in the if-clause and the main clause.


A (1) had not studied (2) would not be

(3) had studied (4) would have

(5) knew (6) would be

(7) could help (8) would not be

3. Read Point 2. Sometimes we can use otherwise, or and phrases beginning with with, without and but for to replaces a if-clause in implied conditionals. Pay attention to the verb form in the main clauses.

4. In adverbial clauses introduced by even if, as if, as though and if only we can use unreal conditionals.

In object clauses after wish or would rather the subjunctive verb forms are often used because the speaker thinks what is said in the clause is currently not true or possible, or will not happen. You should know different subjunctive verb forms are used in the object clause according to the time that the event happened or will happen.

e.g. 1) I wish you had met him yesterday.

2) Without your help , we couldn’t have made such progress in my study in the past few years .

3) If only you hadn’t told him what I said! Everything would have been all right.

4) Without electronic computers, much of today's advanced technology couldn’t have been achieved.

5. Read the dialogue in Part B and fill in each blank with a proper word or phrase according to the meaning of the sentence.



(1) Without (2) otherwise/or (3) otherwise/or (4) wish (5)With

(6) Without (7) even if (8)without (9) If only (10) as if

For reference





(1)陳述語氣: 表示動作或狀態是現實的、確定的或符合事實的,用于陳述句、疑問句和某些感嘆句。如:We are not ready. 我們沒準備好。What a fine day it is!多好的天氣啊!

(2)祈使語氣: 表示說話人的建議、請求、邀請、命令等。如: Open the door, please。請打開門。

(3)虛擬語氣: 表示動作或狀態不是客觀存在的事實,而是說話人的主觀愿望、假設或推測等。如: If I were you, I should study English. 如果我是你,我就學英語了。May you succeed! 祝您成功!


條件句有兩類,一類是真實條件句,一類是虛擬條件句。如果假設的情況是有可能發生的,就是真實條件何。在這種真實條件句中的謂語用陳述語氣。如: If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the park. 如果明天不下雨,我們就去公園。

如果假設的情況是過去或現在都不存在的,或將來不大可能發生的,則是虛擬條件句。如: If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it. 如果他昨天見到你,他會問你這件事的。(事實上他昨天沒見到你,因此也未能問你這件事。)


從 句 主 句

與現在事實相反 動詞的過去式(be的過去式一般用were) would/ should/ could/ might + 動詞原形

與過去事實相反 had + 過去分詞 would/ should/ could/ might + have + 過去分詞

與將來事實相反 動詞過去式,should + 動詞原形,were to + 動詞原形 would/ should/ could/ might + 動詞原形

注: 主句中的should只用于I、we,但在美國英語中,should常被would代替;從句中的should 可用于各種人稱。

l、表示與現在事實相反的假設和結果。如: If my brother were here, everything would be all right. 要是我哥哥在這兒 ,一切都沒問題了。

2、表示與過去事實相反的假設和結果。如: If you had taken my advice,you wouldn't (couldn’t) have failed in the exam. 如果你按照我的建議去做,你一定不會(不可能)考試不及格。

3、表示與將來事實可能相反的假設和結果。如: If it were Sunday tomorrow, I should (would,could,might) go to see my grandmother. 如果明天是星期天,我就 (可能)去看望我奶奶。If it were to snow this evening, they would not go out. 如果今晚下雪,他們將不出去了。

4、有時條件從句中的動作和主句中的動作發生的時間不一致(表示錯綜時間的虛擬語氣),這時動詞的形式要根據它所表示的時間加以調整。例如: If you had listened to the doctor, you would be all right now. 如果你當初聽了醫生的話,身體現在就好了。(從句動作指過去,主句動作指現在)


(l)省略連詞if。在書面語中,如果虛擬條件從句中有were,had 或 should,可以把if省略,把這幾個詞放到主語之前,構成主謂倒裝。例如: Should he come (If he should come), tell him to ring me up. 他要是來了,讓他給我打個電話。Were I you (If I were you), I would not do it. 我要是你,就不做這事。

(2)用介詞短語代替條件狀語從句。如: Without air (If there were not air), there would be no living things. 如果沒有空氣的話,就不會有生物了。But for your help (If it hadn’t been for your help) I couldn’t have done it. 要是沒有你的幫助,我就不可能完成這件事。 I was busy that day. Otherwise I would have gone there with them. (If I hadn’t been busy that day, I would have gone there with them.) 我那天很忙,否則,我就和他們一起去那兒了。(如果我那天不忙的話,我就……);I would have finished the work, but I have been ill. (If I hadn’t been ill, I would have finished the work.) 我本來該完成這項工作的,但我生病了。(如果我沒生病的話,我就會完成……)


(1)省去條件從句。如: You could have washed your clothes yourself. 你本可以自已洗衣服的。省去了"If you had wanted to")(事實是:你自己沒洗衣服,因為你不想洗。)

(2)省去主句(常用以表示愿望)。如: If my grandmother were with me! 如果我的祖母與我在一起多好啊!(事實是:祖母已不在世。);If only she had not left! 如果她沒走就好了!(事實是:她已經走了。)


l、虛擬語氣在主語從句中的用法:在"It is important (strange,natural,necessary)that…"這類句型里,that所引導的主語從句中的謂語動詞常用 “should十動詞原形”結構,表示某事是"重要"、"奇怪"、"自然"、"必要"等意義。如: It is important that every member (should) inform himself of these rules. 重要的是每個成員知道這些規則。


(1)在動詞wish后的賓語從句中,表示與現在或過去的事實相反,或對將來的主觀愿望,從句通常省略連詞that。1)表示對現在情況的虛擬:從句動詞用過去式或過去進行式(be動詞一般用were)。如: I wish I knew the answer to the question. 我希望知道這個問題的答案。(可惜不知道);2)表示對過去情況的虛擬:從句動詞常用"had十過去分詞"。如: I wish (wished) I hadn’t spent so much money. 我后悔不該花那么多錢。(實際上已經花掉);3)表示對將來的主觀愿望:謂語動詞形式為"would十動詞原形"。如: I wish it would stop raining. 但愿雨能停止;I wish you would come soon. 但愿你立刻來。

(2)在suggest,demand,order,propose,insist,command,request,desire等動詞后的賓語從句中,謂語動詞用“should + 動詞原形”,表示建議、要求、命令等。如: I demand that he (should) answer me immediately. 我要求他立刻答復我。


(1)在帶有even if/ even though引導的讓步狀語從句的主從復合句中,主句和從句都用虛擬語氣,動詞形式與含有非真實條件句的虛擬語氣相同。如: Even if he had been ill, he would have gone t his office. 即使生了病,他倆去辦公室。

(2)由as if或as though引導的狀語從句表示比較或方式時。從句謂語形式為動詞的過去式(be用were)或 “had十過去分詞”。如: He treated me as if I were a stranger. 他那樣對待我,好像我是陌生人似的。She talked about the film as if she had really seen it. 她談論那部影片,就好像她確實看過一樣。


4、虛擬語氣在定語從句中的用法:在"It is time (that) …"句型中,定語從句的謂語動詞常用虛擬語氣表示將來,動詞形式一般用過去式,意思是"該干某事的時候了"。如: It’s (high) time we did our homework. 我們該做作業了。


(1)情態動詞的過去式用于現在時態時,表示說話人的謙虛、客氣、有禮貌,或委婉的語氣,常見于日常會話中。如: It would be better for you not to stay up too late. 你最好別太晚睡覺。

(2)在一些習慣表達中。如: I would rather not tell you. 我寧愿不告訴你。

(3)用“may + 動詞原形”表示"祝愿"、"但愿”,此時may須置于句首(多用于正式文體中)。如:May you be happy!祝你快樂!May good luck be yours.祝你順利。


1. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ____________ yesterday. (2006全國)

A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. happened

2. ---Don’t you think it necessary that he ________ to Miami but to New York?

---I agree, but the problem is ________he has refused to. (2005江蘇)

A. will not be sent; that B. not be sent; that

C. should not be sent; what D. should not send; what

3. If I ________plan to do anything I wanted to, I’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible. (2005湖北)

A. would B. could C. had to D. ought to

Keys 1-3 DBB

Step 4: Consolidation

I. Multiple choice

1. We demanded that we __________ of any change in the plan.

A. informed B. would be informed C. be informed D. had been informed

2. It’s necessary that he _________ a recognized qualification.

A. has B. have C. had D. having

3. It's high time we ____________ our attention to this problem.

A. turned B. turn C. had turned D. would turn

4. If only you __________ him what I said! Everything would have been all right.

A. didn't told B. hadn't told C. would not tell D. would have not told

5. He must have had an accident, or he____________ here then.

A. would have been B. had been C. should have been D. could be

6. Much labour would have been saved if the electronic computers_____________ before.

A. had invented B. were invented

C. should have been invented D. had been invented

7. _____________ cease advertising, prices would be significantly reduced.

A. Were they to B. Could they C. If they D. Would they

8. Five minutes earlier, and we ____________ the last bus.

A. had caught B. should have caught C. could have caught D. caught

9. You ____________ the clothes! We have a washerwoman to do that sort of thing.

A. shouldn't have washed B. mustn't have washed

C. can not have washed D. needn't have washed

10. Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she _________ a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.

A. has to get B. were to get C. had got D. could have got

11. The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he _____________ himself.

A. injure B. had injured C. injured D. would injure

12. It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios __________ after 11 o'clock at night.

A. were not played B. not to play C. not be played D. did not play

13. You don't have to be in such a hurry. I would rather you _________ on business first.

A. would go B. will go C. went D. have gone

14. It is important that enough money ___________ to fund the project.

A. be collected B. must be collected C. was collected D. can be collected

15. If only the committee __________ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.

A. approve B. will approve C. can approve D. would approve

16. I don't think it advisable that Tom ________ to the job since he has no experience.

A. is assigned B. will be assigned C. be assigned D. has been assigned

17. You _________ her in her office last Friday; she's been out of town for two weeks.

A. needn't have seen B. must have seen C. might have seen D. can't have seen

18. We didn't know his telephone number, otherwise we _________ him.

A. would have telephoned B. must have telephoned

C. would telephone D. had telephoned

19. It is recommended that the project _________ until all the preparations have been made.

A. is not started B. will not be started

C. not be started D. is not to be started

20. I wish I ________ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.

A. could have slept B. slept C. might have slept D. have slept

21. I ________ her to the party but I didn't know her well.

A. ought have invited B. would have invited

C. should invite D. may have invited

22. You ________ to town to see the film last week. It will be on TV tomorrow.

A. needn't go B. should not go C. had better not go D. needn't have gone

23. --- Would you have called her up had it been possible?

---- Yes, but I ________ busy doing my homework..

A. was B. were C. had been D. would be

24. It was essential that the application forms ___________ back before the deadline

A. must be sent B. would be sent C. be sent D. were sent

25. It is important that we ________.

A. shall close the window before we leave B. will close the window before we leave

C. must close the window before we leave D. close the window before we leave

II. Translation

1. 我不知道他的電話號碼,否則我就打電話給他了。

2. 他本可以給你更多的幫助,即使他很忙。

3. ---如果可能的話你會不會打電話給他?



5. 沒有電,今天人類的生活就完全不同了。


I. 1-5: CBABC 6-10: DACDB 11-15: ACCAD 16-20: CDACA 21-25: BDACD


1. I didn't know his telephone number, otherwise I would have telephoned him.

2. He might have given you more help, even though he was very busy.

3.---- Would you have called her up had it been possible?

---- Yes, but I were busy doing my homework.

4.If you hadn’t seen that film late last night, you wouldn't be so sleepy.

5.Without electricity, human life would be quite different today.

●Task Helping poor children

Skills building 1: listening for specifics

In this part, you will learn how to listen for problems and the causes of the problems. We always have something specific to listen for when we listen to something. We should try to seize the key phrases or sentences that are relevant.

First let’s have a discussion about the following questions:

If we want to know what the problem is when we are listening to a news report, what phrases or sentences should we pay special attention to?

(The problem is that…/As you can see…/The result is …/This means …)

If we want to know what has caused the problem when we are listening to a news report, what should we pay special attention to?

(This is because…/This problem has been caused by…/Unfortunately, …/…as…)

Step 1: finding out about problems

1. Now read the guidelines in Part A on page 58 to find out what you’ll listen for and what you are asked to do in this part. Go over the table in Part A. Then listen to the tape, trying to complete the table.


Reporter: Here I am in northern Thailand. As you can see, the families living here are living in very poor conditions. There is no running water and no electricity in this village. Water has to be collected from the river 10 minutes’ walk away. This may seem near but when you need water for many things, walking 10 minutes is a long time. The water then needs to be boiled before it can be used. The result of not boiling the water is illness. As you can see, the villagers’ houses are built of wood and are not very strong. This is because they have no money and cannot get hold of any materials. The people have very few things like clothes or furniture because they have no money and they are a long way from the nearest town. There is a bus but you have to walk six kilometers to get to the nearest road.

As I said earlier, there is no electricity in this village, so when it is dark, the only light comes from the small fires that the family cooks over. Unfortunately, much of the forest around the village has been cut down for firewood and so the villagers have to walk further and further away from the village to get wood. This also means that water may not be boiled for long enough as there is very little wood. This is going to be a big problem in the future.


A (1) no running water (3) no money (4) few clothes or furniture

(5) no electricity (6) forest has been cut down

2. Listen to the second part of the report and finish the table in Part B on P59.

Now listen to the lecture for a second time, and finish Part A & Part B on P33.


Reporter: Over there you can see the school. As the village is poor, the school has no roof. There are no chairs either, so the children have to sit on the floor. When it rains, school is stopped. Many children, especially the girls, do not go to school because they have to stay at home and help their parents or grandparents with the farming of their small pieces of land. All the farming is done by hand as the villagers have no money for equipment. It is difficult to raise animals because of the small amount of land and water available. Because of this and the lack of fresh water, many of the children have poor diets. A common problem is that they de not eat enough meat to get the amount of protein that they need. As a result, they do not grow properly and cannot concentrate on learning. Another problem is that many of the children’s parents have died because of AIDS. This means that the grandparents have to bring up the children. That is very difficult because they are already old and poor.



(1) poverty

(2) many children, especially girls, do not go to school

(4) all farming is done by hand

(5) small amount of land and water available

(6) children have poor diets

(7) children do not grow properly

(8) many of the children’s parents have died of AIDS

(9) grandparents have to bring up children

(10) grandparents are old and poor

3. Read the report in Part C. Try to get more information needed to finish the two tables.


A (2) repairing of pumps takes several days

B (3) not enough money

Skills building 2: discussing in groups

In this unit, you will review the sentence structures used to make suggestions, ask for opinions, express agreement or disagreement and make conclusions.

1. In a discussion, people usually give suggestions. There are some sentences or sentence structures used particularly for this purpose. What sentences do you know are often used to make suggestions? Remember you should be polite or not too blunt when giving suggestions. Please make some sentences using the structures given on P60.

For reference

I think it would be a good idea to post our proposal on the Internet.

We could help by giving out leaflets to ask people to donate money.

I would like to suggest that we organize a charity show.

It would be a good idea if we sell old books to raise money

2. In a discussion, we also need to know opinions from others, and we often use questions to ask for other people’s opinions. Now please make some sentences to ask others for their opinions.

3. Now, use the skills we have learned in part A to skim and scan for specific information from the newspaper article in Part B and answer the four questions.

4. There are many ways to express personal opinions about a suggestion. Let’s learn how to express disagreement in a polite way. Please make some sentences to express agreement or disagreement using the sentence structures given in point 3 on P60.

For reference

I agree to organize a charity show because more people will come and help.

That’s a great idea, but who will star in the show, who will be the host, and where we will hold the show are all problems we must think about.

I’m sorry but I don’t think that will work because we will need lots of money for the show.

5. At the end of the discussion, the group members should make conclusions and work out a solution. Please make some sentences to give conclusion or solution using the sentence structures given in point 4 on P60.

For reference

So to summarize, our group has decided to organize a charity show.

In conclusion, we have decided to organize a charity show.

Step 2: making suggestions

Now, let’s use the speaking skills we just learned. Let’s have a discussion: What can we do to help the poor children in northern Thailand?

Sample answers

S1: All of us have listened to the news report and read the article about the poor children in northern Thailand. I feel really sorry for them. What do you think we can do to help them?

Does anyone have any suggestions? I’ll write down your ideas.

S2: I think we could help by raising some money for them. I’d like to donate my pocket money.

S3: That’s a good idea. I suggest that we make a poster telling the students in our school about what kind of life these children have. We can ask all the students to donate some of their pocket money.

S4: OK, that sounds like a good idea. I would like to donate some books.

S2: I’m sorry but I don’t think that would work. They won’t be able to read the books because they don’t understand Chinese. Maybe we can give them some English books. Does anyone have any other ideas?

S3: I think we can sell the old Chinese books to get some more money.

S4: Good idea. I would like to suggest giving them some clothes. I have many old clothes that I no longer wear. I think I could give them to the children there.

S2: I agree, but how can we send these books and clothes to them?

S3: We can go to a shipping company and ask if they can help to ship these things there.

S1: OK, so we’ve decided to raise as much money as we can and donate English books and clothes to children. We can also write a letter to them and tell them we want to help them.

Skills building 3: writing a proposal

When we want to give some suggestion, we sometimes need to write a proposal. In this unit, we’ll learn the structure of a proposal and what should be included in a proposal.

Read the six points in this part and try to find out which is the most important point in a proposal.

Step 3: composing a proposal

In this part, you’re required to write a proposal to UNICEF about how to help the hill tribe children in northern Thailand with information that you have learnt in Steps 1and 2.

1. Work in pairs and have a discussion: What should you write on the proposal to UNICEF? What title will you give to your proposal?

2. Now, work in groups of four to write the proposal.

3. Now, let’s share you proposals.

Possible example

Title: Helping the hill tribe children in northern Thailand

Group members: (Students’ own names)

Introduction: We have been researching the problems faced by the children in northern Thailand. There are many villages in northern Thailand where children do not have books. Their classrooms have no roofs. Many girls cannot go to school. Our group would like to help them.


We would like to help the children by:

donating the money collected from the students and teachers in our school

donating English books collected from the students in our school

donating clothes collected from the students in our school

writing a letter to them to tell them that we want to do what we can to help them


Helping the hill tribe children in northern Thailand to go to school and live a better life

Helping us recognize that there are many people in the world that need help

We would be pleased if you would approve our proposal. If you require any further information, please contact us.

Our contact details are:

(Students’ school address)

●Project Making an action plan


1.At the beginning of this class, let’s watch a video. From it, we know that when a nation is in trouble, the people all over the world will give a hand. And we also know that when a destructive disaster happens, medical aid is especially important to the injured people.

Today we’ll read a diary entry of a nurse who works for an international organization that provides medical service around the world. After that, I’m sure you’ll have a better understanding about what can be done to help poor people in poor areas.

2. Pair work: Have a discussion about the following questions:

Have you ever heard of an organization called MSF?

What does MSF stand for?

What does it mean in English?

Who do you think the members of MSF are?

What do you think the members of MSF do?

For reference

About MSF:

The MSF role in emergency medical aid

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than 70 countries.

In countries where health structures are insufficient or even non-existent, MSF collaborates with authorities such as the Ministry of Health to provide assistance. MSF works in rehabilitation of hospitals and dispensaries, vaccination programmes and water and sanitation projects. MSF also works in remote health care centres, slum areas and provides training of local personnel. All this is done with the objective of rebuilding health structures to acceptable levels.

Raising Awareness

In carrying out humanitarian assistance, MSF seeks also to raise awareness of crisis situations; MSF acts as a witness and will speak out, either in private or in public about the plight of populations in danger for whom MSF works. In doing so, MSF sets out to alleviate human suffering, to protect life and health and to restore and ensure respect for the human beings and their fundamental human rights.

Only a small percentage of the populations that find themselves in a situation of danger gain the attention of the media. MSF teams travel to places that many people have never heard of, to assist those who have fallen victim to natural or man-made disasters. MSF volunteers have a story to tell when they return from their missions, and they use their experiences to speak of what they have seen. For MSF, raising awareness for these populations and the situations they are in is an important task. Whenever possible, MSF volunteers give interviews and make presentations. MSF offices worldwide facilitate the organization of gatherings, for individuals and groups who want to speak in their home communities. MSF also mounts exhibitions and, from time to time, releases publications, with the aim of raising awareness.

It is part of MSF's work to address any violations of basic human rights encountered by field teams, violations perpetrated or sustained by political actors. It does so by confronting the responsible actors themselves, by putting pressure on them through mobilization of the international community and by issuing information publicly. In order to prevent compromise or manipulation of MSF's relief activities, MSF maintains neutrality and independence from individual governments. The organization also tries to ensure that the majority of funds raised for its work comes directly from contributions from the general public. In this way, MSF guarantees equal access to its humanitarian assistance.

MSF has been setting up emergency medical aid missions around the world since 1971.

3. Read the passage “Changing the world---my commitment” Try to answer the first questions on P63.


1. The nurse and the other members of the medical team set up feeding centers to make sure that people get food, check the health of babies to make sure that they put on weight, give vaccinations to stop children dying from measles, and set up a clinic to take care of injuries. They also have to bury the dead bodies as quickly as possible to stop disease spreading. In addition, they listen to and comfort people.

2. Sometimes there is lots of fighting. There is not enough clean water.

3. She feels she is very lucky to be able to help others and do something worthwhile. She likes her job and she is happy and proud to make a difference to people’s lives on an individual level.

4. Read the passage again and try to judge whether the following statements are true or false.

1) Although there is too much work to do, she can still afford to write her diary every day.

2) The town is in ruins, but fortunately the hospital remains in good condition and usable.

3) Before working in this island, she has never worked in poor areas.

4) There are altogether five people on the medical team ,two doctors , one nurse and two assistants.

5) She worried that malnutrition will be a problem in the future because the fields and harvest have been destroyed.

6) Several MSF staff were attacked as people tried to get the food in Sudan.


1) F 2) F 3)F 4)T 5) T 6)T

5. Discussion: What does the writer mean by the title “Changing the world-my commitment”?

Making an action plan


Now let’s work in groups of four and discuss the questions on P63.


Write a plan about what you are going to do and how to put your plan into action.


At length, each group should present your plan to the whole class. Other groups can give your comments.

6. Homework:

Parts D1 and D2 on P127 in Workbook.


This section aims to help you assess the progress you have made, how much you have achieved, and also what else you can do to improve your understanding. The colour bar with five levels rates how confident you feel about what you have learnt in this unit.

In part A, some items are presented to you and you are asked to check how well you think you have developed these skills. Each item corresponds to one or more parts in this unit. For example, after finishing Part B on page 57, you will know whether you are able to use certain words or phrases to introduce unreal conditionals correctly. You have the opportunity to evaluate your own skills and abilities in English. If you feel very confident about another item, you get a score of 2. After going over all the items in this part, you need to add all the scores up and divide the total amount by the total sum. Thus, you will get a percentage, which shows your level.

In this unit, 15 items are listed with each one scoring 5. The total score is 75 points. These items cover the main study targets in this unit, including listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, the usage of vocabulary and grammar items, as well as doing activities in English. Through assessing themselves as learners, you will realize whether you have achieved the goals for this unit.

If you feel there are some areas in which you are not confident or just slightly confident about, you can think about how to improve on them. In Part B, you are asked to make an action plan, so you will know what to do and take some effective measures. You can also have a better understanding of your students, enabling yourself to guide them and help them study English more effectively.

Part Two Teaching Resources

第二部分 教學資源

Section 1 A text structure analysis of The UN-bringing everyone closer together

I. Summary of The UN-bringing everyone closer together

Main idea of the passage brief introduction of the UN

Main idea of paragraph 1 time of founding and its purpose

Main idea of paragraph 2 peacekeeping operations of the UN

Main idea of paragraph 3 what the author does with the UN

Main idea of paragraph 4 how the organizations work

Main idea of paragraph 5 the UN helps countries with some problems

II. A tree diagram of the text :

III. A retold version of the text The UN-bringing everyone closer together

The United Nation was founded in Oct. 1954 by 51 countries. Today there are about 191 countries in the word that have the memberships of the UN. It plays a leading role in many ways. For example, it borrows soldiers from different countries to keep international peace. Led by the organizations of the UN, 191 different countries work together to solve international problems and to keep peace to develop friendly relationships among nations. Through these actions, the UN brings everyone in different countries close together.

IV. Translation of reading and project



我很高興今天有機會跟大家談談聯合國,也叫UN------這個名稱在英語里更為常用。聯合國是一個國際組織,由所有愿意促進和平的國家組成,我很高興入選聯合國的-名親善大使。作為一名親 善大使意味著我要前往聯合國實施扶助項目的國家。能夠擔當這一角色,我感到非常榮幸。我會在后面跟大家談談我所做的一些工作,但首先我想跟大家簡單介紹一下聯合國的情況。那么聯合國是什么時候成立的呢?聯合國實際上是第二次世界大戰之后于1945年10月由51個國家聯合組建的。今 天,世界上幾乎每一個國家都是聯合國的成員------共有191個國家。聯合國建立在《聯合國憲案》基礎之上。該憲章確立了聯合國的四大宗旨,即:維護國際和平;發展各國之間的友好關系;進行國際合作,以解決國際間的各種問題,增進對于全體人類之人權的尊重;構成一個協調各國行動或工 作的中心。




除了由于戰爭和沖突所引起的各種緊急問題外,聯合國還幫助解決其成員國的其他問題,如教育匱乏、食品不足、貧窮、災難和疾病等。在2000年召開的--次聯合國會議上,所有的191個成員國 都同意,到2015年爭取實現八個發展目標。這八個目標其中之-就是保證每個人都能夠享受到新鮮 的飲用水。另外-個發展目標就是保證所有的孩子都能夠完成小學教育。如果大家想知道這方面更多的信息,可以瀏覽聯合國的相關網頁。現在,你們已了解到,由于聯合國的工作,全世界的人靠得更近了。




到達這里后發現一切都是亂糟糟的。已經整整一周時間抽不出空閑寫日記了。整個島嶼都遭遇 了洪水的侵襲,許多人為躲避洪水都逃到山上。醫院嚴重被毀,已是一片狼籍,完全無法使用了。這-切對我來說是一個全然不同的體驗。通常情況下,我都是在那些缺水的地區工作,如肯尼亞和蘇丹,那些地方的主要問題是饑荒。在蘇丹,我們設立饋給站,確保人們能夠得到食物;我們還檢查嬰兒的健康狀況,確保嬰兒的體重在增加。我們還做一個接種宣傳活動,不再讓兒童死干麻疹。遺憾的是,這個活動是在遠離城市的鄉村進行的,那兒戰亂頻繁。躲避槍林彈雨、展轉奔波已經成了家常便飯。因此,這里的情形就完全不一樣了,所存在的問題也不一樣。我們非常擔心,諸如瘧疾和傷寒等由水傳播的疾病會爆發。這里沒有沙塵飛揚,我們看到的是一片汪洋。到處都是泥漿和水,讓此地到彼地的行程變得很困難。

昨天,醫療隊里我的同事和我(兩名醫生,作為護土的我,還有兩名助手)在城市的北面發現了一個空曠的醫療中心。我們準備在那里設立一個臨時診所,來自海外的醫療設備和藥品正在運輸途中。我們已經開始清理這個醫療中心。影響到健康的問題之-是,那些需要定期服藥的病人遇到這樣的洪災后很難得到藥品,比如,那些患有心臟病或者糖尿病的人就是這樣。輕微傷口也需要予 以處治,特別是在這樣潮濕的情況下。大多數病人的傷口是由于墻壁和屋頂坍塌所導致的。洪水使得傷口難以愈合,細菌容易擴散。同時,在這座城市的其他地區,住所以及食物和干凈水的供給都成了大問題。土地和莊稼都毀了,所以,營養不良會成為未來的一個問題。





● Section 2 Background information about the UN

I. History of the United Nations

The name "United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was first used in the "Declaration by United Nations" of 1 January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers.

In 1899, the first International Peace Conference was held in The Hague to elaborate instruments for settling crises peacefully, preventing wars and codifying rules of warfare. It adopted the Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes and established the Permanent Court of Arbitration, which began work in 1902.

The forerunner of the United Nations was the League of Nations, an organization conceived in similar circumstances during the First World War, and established in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles "to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security."

In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the United Nations Conference on International Organization to draw up the United Nations Charter. Those delegates deliberated on the basis of proposals worked out by the representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States at Dumbarton Oaks, United States, in August-October 1944. The Charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives of the 50 countries. Poland, which was not represented at the Conference, signed it later and became one of the original 51 member states.

The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the Charter had been ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and a majority of other signatories. United Nations Day is celebrated on 24 October each year.distressed area









The current United Nations emblem was approved on 7 December 1946. The design is "a map of the world representing an azimuthal equidistant projection centred on the North Pole, inscribed in a wreath consisting of crossed conventionalized branches of the olive tree, in gold on a field of smoke-blue with all water areas in white. The projection of the map extends to 60 degrees south latitude, and includes five concentric circles".


Olive branches symbolize peace. The world map depicts the area of concern to the United Nations in achieving its main purpose, peace and security.


The use of the emblem is restricted, based on General Assembly resolution 92(I),1946.



20 October 1947


The official emblem of the United Nations in white, centered on a light blue ground.(PMS 279)


Hoist (width) : Fly (length) 2:3 or 3:5 or the same proportions as the national flag of any country in which the UN flag is flown; the emblem is one half of the hoist and is entirely centered.


The use of the flag is regulated by the United Nations flag code and regulations.

III. 聯合國總部一覽

通訊地址 美國,NY 10017,紐約市,聯合國。

四大主體建筑物 秘書處大廈、大會大廈、會議樓區域(包括各理事會會議廳)和圖書館。

設計師 沃里斯哈里森(美國人,總建筑師);成員:尼古拉巴索夫(蘇聯)、蓋斯頓 Brunfaut(比利時)、厄內斯特柯米爾(加拿大)、查爾斯柯布西埃(法國)、梁思成(中國)、斯文馬克利烏斯(瑞典)、奧斯卡尼邁耶(巴西)、霍華德羅伯遜(英國)、G. A. Soilleux(澳大利亞)、Julio Vilamajo(烏拉圭)。

開工日期 1949年10月24日

造價 6500萬美元



IV. The Biography of Kofi Annan

Kofi Annan of Ghana is the

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