Period 1 Welcome to the unit
Teaching Objectives:
1) To get students to conduct a free discussion about comic shows.
2) To encourage the students to share their ideas with each other.
Important points and difficult points:
1) Students are expected to describe what they have known about comedy and comedians..
2) To encourage the students to communicate with classmates.
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Lead in
A crosstalk show by Hou Baolin.
Step2 Talking about the pictures
Look at the pictures shown and discuss with a partner.
Step3 Group discussion
1. Which of the events above do you think will be the funniest? Why?
2. Who is your favourite comedian? Why do you like him or her?
3. Why do people like funny things?
Step 4 Homework : Preview reading.
Period 2 Reading Stand-up for your health!
Teaching aims:
1) To talk about a magazine article about stand-up comedy and why people love it.
2) To help the students develop the ability of reading.
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Lead-in
1.Brief introduction
2. Match these new words with the correct definitions
Step2 Skimming &Listening
Qs: 1. What is the article about ?
2. How many types of stand-up are there?
3. What is laughter good for?
Step 3 Scanning
1. What is special about stand-up comedy?
2. What are the four main types of stand-up?
3. When did Bill Crystal begin practising stand-up?
4. What is one reason Billy Crystal has become famous?
5. How many times has Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards
6. Who were Bob Hope and George Burns?
7. What does your brain do when you laugh?
8. What is the English idiom about laughter mentioned in the text?
Step 4 Activity
Match each type of stand-up with an appropriate example.
Step 5 A brief introduction of a famous comedian---Billy Crystal
Step 6 Fill in the blanks with suitable words
Step 7 Discussion
1. What kind of comedy do you enjoy the most? Why?
2. Laughter is good for you and for everyone else. How do you make other people laugh?
3. Tell a funny story to your classmates.
Step 8 Reading strategy: guess the meaning of a word from the context
Step 9 Homework.
1. Read the passage carefully and review the new words and phrases.
2. Finish exercises on P4---5.
Period 3 Word Power
Teaching Objectives:
1) To understand the text better
2) To master some useful words and expressions
Important and difficult points:
Some useful words and expressions
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Check the homework.
Step 2 Revision of the reading passage.
Step 3 Presentation Study words used in play scripts.
To be a successful actor, you need to learn the vocabulary used on stage. All the actors in a play are called the cast. The person in charge is the director. He or she gives the actors instructions about how to perform. The words that the actors say are called their lines., and they can be found in the script.
If you are an actor, you need to know where your character is supposed to stand on the stage. The director will tell you, and sometimes the script will contain instructions. A piece of information like this is called a stage director.
The script is divided into sections, called acts and scenes. Plays are made up of several acts. Acts are like chapters in a book and are made up of different scenes. Scenes are like paragraphs in a book. The scene changes when the action of a play moves to a different place. Very short plays are often called one-act plays. This means all the action occurs at one time, in one place. You will need to know these terms in order to be a successful actor.
Step 4 Practice Word study
1. Fill in the blanks with using key words on page 6.
If you want to be an _____ , there are certain thins you will need to know before you can be in a play. The first is to always listen to the ________. He or she will help you learn your ________ and say them in the most believable way possible. The other members of the ______ can also help you. When you get your _______ and are ready to begin learning your lines, start by finding out when your character is on _______ . Look at your script, and make a list of which _______ and ______ you are in. You will be expected to be dressed in your ______ and waiting in the _______a least one scene before you go on stage. If your character uses any ____ , make sure you know where they are before you go on stage.
When you get on stage, you may be surprised by how bright the ______ are and how different the stage looks like with _____. Don’t worry, just follow the ______ that you learnt, and say your lines, and you will do fine!
2. Find some idioms about smiling and laughing. laugh one’s head off → to laugh very hard
eg: I went to see the new comedy. It made me laugh my head off.
b .to smile on/upon sb/sth → approve of or encourage sb/sth
If luck is smiling on you , it means that you are fortunate or lucky.
eg: Luck was smiling on me that day as I won first place in the competition.
→ If the weather is smiling on you, it means that you are enjoying a bright day.
eg: The weather has been smiling on us these days.
c. More idioms about laughing and smiling:
laugh away laugh at laugh in a person’s face laugh down smile at
Step 5 Homework:
Finish the exercises in the workbook.
Period 4 Grammar and usage Overview of tenses 1: present tense
Teaching Objective :
To Introduce the usage of present tenses
Teaching important point:
The basic usage of present tenses in different situations.
Teaching difficult point:
How to use proper present tenses in various sentences
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Revision and lead-in:
Step2 Presentation Types of present tenses and their usage.
Simple present tense: The simple present tense is used to talk about things that are true now or are always true / occur regularly.
eg. The sun sets in the west.
These old people watch TV every evening.
The present continuous tense: This tense is used to talk about actions that are happening or in progress now/ are being planned now, but will happen in the future/ happen repeatedly, used with always, usually with a negative connotation..
Eg. They are standing there talking and laughing.
We are going to an evening party tonight.
You are always asking your parents for money.
The present perfect tense: This tense is used to talk about how the past and present are connected. It is used for: experiences that are repeated/ things that happened in the past, but have an effect on the present/ things that started in the past and are still happening now.
Eg. They haven’t seen each other for ages.
Doctors have found that people who laugh a lot live longer.
People have always enjoyed laughing.
The present perfect continuous tense: It is used to talk about actions that started in the past, have lasted up to now and will probably continue to happen.
Eg. It has been raining for a week on end.
Step3 Practice Choose the best answer from the given four
Step4 Consolidation Complete the passage using correct forms of the tenses in brackets.
Step5 Homework
Complete the exercises in the workbook
Period 5 Task Writing to a foreign friend.
Teaching Aims:
To train the students’ ability of writing.
To practise writing an e-mail to a foreign friend.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Review and lead-in
Step 2. Presentation
Writing skills building 1: identifying priority
When you are asked to do something, it is important to identify the most important part of the task. The language used in requests helps you to identify what is most important and what is least important. e.g. ‘ I need….’ ( most important)
The word ‘need’ tells you that the request which follows is very important.
‘ I want…’ ( somewhat important)
The word ‘ want’ tells you that the request is very important, but it is more something they desire than something that is necessary.
‘ I would like…’ ( least important)
The use of ‘ would like” tells you right away that the request is not too urgent.
Writing Skills building 2: asking questions orally
When you ask questions orally, you must remember to use the correct question words. You should also vary the forms of questions you ask. Try not to as k several questions in a row, using the exact same words. This will help to keep the dialogue interesting.
e.g. Do you know…..? ( used for general questions)
Can you name……? ( used when the answer is a proper noun
Who is/are…? ( used when the answer is a person or people’s names)
Please tell me… ( used for general questions)
When did…? (used when the answer is a date or a period of time)
Please list… ( used when there are several parts to the answer)
Writing Skills building 3: answering questions in an e-mail
People often send an e-mail to answer questions from friends, family members and colleagues. When you answer questions in an e-mail, it is important to remind the person you are writing to of the questions you are answering. It you write down your answers, the recipient may not now what question each one answers.
Suggested ways to avoid the problems
1. Make a list You can write each question, followed by the answer.
2. Mention the question
If you answer the question with a complete sentence, you can mention the question. There are both formal and informal ways to do this job.
Step 3 Practice
1. 假如你叫李華,你在加拿大的筆友Thomas來信詢問你校課外活動開展的情況,請根據以下內容給予回信.
課外活動課時數 每天下午兩節(星期六 、日除外)
活動時間 3:20-------5:20
活動內容 閱讀、體育活動、唱歌、學電腦等
最喜歡的項目 體育、歌詠比賽、演講比賽
希望與建議 減少作業量、增加活動時間、多組織參觀和旅游活動
1. 回信須包括以上內容要點
2. 詞數: 120左右
3. 信的開頭已寫好,不記入總詞數
Dear Thomas,
In your last letter, you asked me about our out-of-class activities in our school
2. Writing an e-mail
首先,必須要標題(Heading)欄的'收件人(To)'框中輸入收信人的E-mail 地址。'主題(Subject)'框的內容應簡明地概括信的內容,短的可以是一個單詞,如greetings;長的可以是一個名詞性短語,也可以是完整句,但長度一般不超過35個字母。'主題'框的內容切忌含糊不清。像News about the meeting 這樣的表達,應改為Tomorrow's meeting canceled。一般來說,
只要將位于句首的單詞和專有名詞的首字母大寫即可。另外一種較為正規的格式可將除了少于5個字母的介詞、連接詞或冠詞之外的每一個單詞的首字母大寫,如:New E-mail Address Notification。視信的內容是否重要,還可以開頭加上URGENT或者FYI(For Your Information,供參考),如:URGENT:Submit your report today!
E-mail一般使用非正式的文體,因此正文(Body)前的稱呼(Salutation)通常無須使用諸如'Dear Mr. John'之類的表達。在同輩的親朋好友或同事間可以直呼其名,但對長輩或上級最好使用頭銜加上姓。如:Tommy,或者Mr. Smith。
E-mail文體的另外一個特點是簡單明了,便于閱讀,太長的內容可以以附件的方式發出。一個段落大多僅由一到三個句子組成。信尾客套話(Complimentary close)通常也很簡明。常常只須一個詞,如:'Thanks','Best','Cheers',不需要用一般信函中的'Sincerely yours'或'Best regards'。稱呼和正文之間,段落之間,正文和信尾客套話之間一般空一行,開頭無須空格。
Step 4 Homework
Write an e-mail to you e-pal to talk about your English studies.
Period 6 Project Putting on a play
Teaching Objectives:
1.To get Ss to understand how to put on a play
2.To practise acting out in a play
Teaching procedure:
Step 1. Review and lead-in
Ask and answer: Do you like watching plays? Have you ever acted in a play? If so, what are the steps to prepare a play, or how much work it takes to perform one?
Step 2. Skimming & listening
1. What were Tony and Mike doing when Cathy entered?
2. Why did Mike stand up and wander over to the middle of the stage and sit down?
3. What are the King’s important papers?
Step3 Reading and Discussion
1.What kind of comedy do these two plays use?
2.Do you think these plays are funny? Why?
3.Which play will you choose?
4.Who will play each character? Who will be the director?
5. What kind of scenery will you need? Who will make it?
6. Will you need props? Who will find them?
7. Will you need costumes? Who will make them?
8. Where and how often will you practice
Step4 Practice
Ask students to act out the plays in groups.
Step5 Consolidation
Rewrite the two plays and try to retell.
Step 4. Assignment
Ask Ss to make up a dialogue and act it out.