
發布時間:2016-1-16 編輯:互聯網 手機版

1 scene n.(戲劇)一場,一景; (電影、廣播等)一場;(戲劇)場景,布景(5)

This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three scenes.


景色,風景The scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.


view scene Sight 辨析 都含“所看到的東西”的意思。

Sight Something worth seeing; a spectacle:值得一看的事物;風景:

the sights of London.倫敦的風光

Something unsightly:不雅觀的事物: Your hair is a sight.你的頭發很難看

view 系常用詞, 指“能看到的或在視野之內的實物”, 如:

The view is cut off by the next building.旁邊的樓房擋住了視野。

scene 指 “展現在眼前的風景、景色、景象”, 如:

The boats in the harbor make a beautiful scene.港內的船只構成了美麗的景色。

2 speed n.速度;速率(5)at a speed of eighty miles an hour以每小時80英里的速度

The speed of the car was frightening.這輛小汽車的速度真嚇人。

vi. (sped[sped],speeded)迅速前進, 快行(along, down, up, across) [美]超速行駛


speed through wind and waves斬風劈浪向前進

The ambulance sped to the hospital.救護車快速開往醫院。

He was arrested for speeding.他因超速行車

常用短語:at full[top] speed用全速, 開足馬力盡力地; 盡快地

with all speed用全速, 開足馬力 speed up加快速度

3 live with忍受(5)

"I don't enjoy the pain, but I can live with it.""我雖然不以疼痛為樂,但還可以忍受。"

live up to真正做到,生活得無愧于

We will live up to what our parents expect of us.我們決不辜負父母親對我們的期望。

Did the TV play live up to your expectations?這部電視劇有你期望的那樣好嗎?

live for為…而活著


The minority in the primitive forest used to live on a diet of wild animals.


adj.活的,有生命的 有電的 熾熱的;燃燒的:現場直播的現場直播的;

live coals.熾熱的煤炭 a live animal活的動物

The cat was playing with a live mouse.那貓在玩一只活老鼠。

a live television program.現場直播的電視節目

adv.實況轉播地 在現場地

The landing on the moon was telecast live.現場轉播了登月行動

4 owe vt., vi.owed, owing(5)

(常與for連用)欠, 欠債

I owe you an apology.我該向你道歉。

I owe you for your help.我感謝你的幫助。


We owe our parents a lot.我們十分感激父母。


She owes her success to good luck.她把成功歸功于幸運。

The young writer owed his success to his teacher's encouragement.


vi.欠, 有支付[償還]的義務(for)

He still owes for what he bought last summer.他去年夏天買東西欠的錢還未還呢 !

5 role n.角色任務; 作用(5)

the leading role主角

He played the role of the old king in our school play.


常用短語:play an important role in在...中起重要作用

play the leading role起主要作用, 起帶頭作用

play the role of(sb.)(在劇中)扮演(某人)角色

6 take after相似She takes after her mother.她長得像她媽媽。(5)

take back撤銷;同意收回;同意回來

take over接任;接管;接收

take to喜歡;沉溺于;養成…習慣

to take to drinking沉溺于飲酒

take up開始從事;專注于;繼續;接下去

He took up art while at school.他在學校時開始對藝術感到興趣。

to take up one's story接著講故事

take for當作;誤認為 Do you take me for a fool?你以為我是個傻瓜嗎?

We must not take it for granted that the board of the directors will approve of the investment plan.我們決不可想當然地認為董事會一定會批準這個投資計劃的。

take in收留,收容(某人)改短(衣服);縮減尺寸;了解;領悟;欺騙;蒙騙

You can also take in some of the notable architectural monuments.


to take in a doctrine了解一種主義

take off脫掉(衣服);(飛機)起飛打折;作為折扣而減價:休假暫時不做(自己工作中的)應做的工作:I'm taking off three days during May.五月份我將會休假三天

took 20 percent off.優惠百分之二十

The plane took off at three o'clock.飛機三點鐘起飛了。

take on雇用;聘用;開始顯現;變得有;承擔(工作、責任等)

took on extra responsibilities.擔負了額外的責任

took on more workers during the harvest.在收獲期間雇了更多的工人

take up 用盡,耗掉或占用:喜歡對…產生了興趣或鐘愛;開始從事(一項職業或行當):

The extra duties took up most of my time.額外工作耗費了我絕大部分時間:

take up mountain climbing.喜歡上登山運動

took up engineering.干起了工程設計這一行

6 turn (時刻)超過, 逾He has turned fifty.他已經五十歲了。

It has just turned half past two.現在剛過兩點半。

7 apologize to sb.向某人道歉(6)

apologize to sb. for doing sth.向某人為某事(為做了某事)道歉

apologize for oneself為自已解辯或辯護

例 I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.我因踩了她的腳而向她道歉。

I apologized to the chairman for being late.我因遲到向會議主席道歉。

Apology Offer\ make an apology to sb. for sth.為某事向某人道歉

8 fault n.過失,過錯(6)

Who broke the cup? It's my fault, I dropped it.誰把杯子摔了?這是我的過錯,我摔的。

That's no fault of his.這不是他的過錯。

"The fault lies with me, not with you.""這是我的責任,不是你的責任。"

缺點;瑕疵"There seems to be some fault in the computer, and we're just looking into it.""這臺電腦好象有點毛病,我們正在檢查原因。"

Your only fault is carelessness.你惟一的缺點是粗心大意。

習慣用語:at fault Deserving of blame; guilty:該受責備的;有罪的; 感到困惑; 不知所措

admitted to being at fault.承認有罪

find fault To seek, find, and complain about faults;挑錯,找錯尋找、發現和抱怨錯處;批評:

found fault with his speech.挑他演講的錯

error mistake辨析


error 強調“違反某一既定標準, 不經心而做了錯事, 產生偏差、疏忽或行動上的錯誤”, 如:

an error in judgement 判斷上的錯誤。

mistake 指“由于粗心、不注意或在理解、認識或判斷上的不正確而造成行動或看法上的錯誤, 有時這種錯誤是無意的”, 如:I used your pen by mistake.我錯拿了你的鋼筆。

9 manner n.做事的方法;事情發生的方式;態度;舉止(6)

Why are you talking in such a strange manner?你為什么用這種奇怪的方式談話?

a very rude manner很粗魯的態度

(pl) 禮貌;禮節It's bad manners to talk with a full mouth.嘴里吃著東西說話是不禮貌的。

You should have good manners all the time.任何時候都應該有禮貌。

10 leave alone不打擾防止打攪或干擾(6)

leave off停止;結束;停止做或使用

leave out省去, 遺漏, 不考慮

11 include vt.包括, 包含(7)

Price $14.90, postage included.價格14.90美元,郵資包括在內。

He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech.


include強調“包括作為整體的一部分”, 即“同類包含”

如:The list included his name.這個名單上包括他的名字。

contain著重“其中確實包含有”, 即“不同類包含”

如:The bottle contains water. 這個瓶子里有水。

Pig iron may contain 4%of carbon.生鐵可含百分之四的碳。

12 limit n.界限, 限度, 限vt.限制, 限定(7)

The speed limit is the fastest speed you are allowed to drive a car at.



My mother limits the amount of food that I eat.我母親限制我的飯量。

The Constitution limits the President's term of office to four years. 憲法規定總統的任期四年。

limit the expense to 1,000 dollars把開支限制到1,000美元

習慣用語:within limits適度地, 有限地 without limit無限制地, 無限地

set a limit to限制, 控制 go beyond [over] the limit超過限度

13 restore vt.(使)恢復, (使)復元, 使恢復意識; 使 復職, (使)復辟, 使放回原位(7)

歸還, 交還 修復[補]; 重建; 補正, 校補

restore sb. to consciousness使某人恢復知覺

restore sb. to life使某人蘇醒過來

restore sb. to his old post使某人復職

restore the book to the shelf把書放回書架

renew restore refresh都含“恢復”、“更新”的意思。

renew 系常用詞, 指“使已舊或已失去力氣、活力等物變新或復原”, 如:

renew a stock of goods更新庫存貨物。

restore 指“把用舊、用壞的東西恢復原樣”, 如:restore an old castle恢復舊城堡。

refresh 指“使恢復力量、精力”, 如:refresh oneself with a cold shower

14 ruin n衰敗;毀滅;瓦解;廢墟;破產(7)

We saw the ruins of the church.我們看見了這座教堂的廢墟。

the ruin of his hopes他的希望的破滅

The building is in ruins.那建筑物已成斷壁殘垣。

Gambling was his ruin[the ruin of him].賭博是他墮落的原因。

in ruins成立廢墟,遭到嚴重破壞

ruin vt. 毀壞;毀滅

She poured water all over my painting, and ruined it.她把水全倒在了我的畫上,把畫毀了。

使破產I was ruined by that law case.我被那場官司搞得傾家蕩產。

習慣用語:be the ruin of成為...毀滅[墮落]的原因

bring sb. to ruin使某人失敗; 使傾家蕩產 go\ come to ruin毀滅, 滅亡; 崩潰; 破壞掉

in ruins成為廢墟 ruin oneself毀掉自己

damage destroy ruin都含“破壞”、“毀壞”的意思。

damage 指“價值、用途降低或外表損壞等, 不一定全部破壞, 損壞了還可以修復”, 如:

The heavy rain damaged many houses.大雨毀壞了許多房子。

destroy 指“徹底毀壞以至不能或很難修復”, 如:

That town was destroyed in a big fire.那個城鎮在一場大火中被毀了。

ruin現在多用于借喻中, 泛指一般的“弄壞了”, 如:

He knocked over a bottle of ink and ruined the table cloth.他打翻了一瓶墨水把桌布弄臟了。

15 weight n. 重量 What is your weight?你體重多少?(8)

by weight按重量計算 gain [lose] weight增加[減少]體重

put on weight體重增加, 發胖

16 point n.點, 尖端, 分數, 要點, ;含義vt.弄尖, 指向, 指出, 瞄準, 加標點于(8)

I don't see the point of waiting for her, she is probably not coming.


What is the point of discussing this issue further?這件事再討論下去有什么意義呢?

in point of=With reference to; in the matter of:就…而言;關于…:

In point of fact, I never lived at the address stated on the form.


to the point切題的,切中的有關正在討論的事件的,或與正在討論的事件有關的:

remarks that were to the point; rambled and would not speak to the point.


on the point of resignation;.正要辭職之時;

用處;用途There's no point in wasting time.耗時間沒用。

17 score n.得分,二十, vt.把...記下, 刻劃, 獲得, 評價vi.記分, 得分(6\8)

The score in the football game was 4 - 1.足球比賽的比分是四比一。

Will you score for us when we play?我們打球時你給我們記分好嗎?

three score of people六十人

scores years ago許多年前

18 no more than adv.只是

not more than n. 至多

than [用于rather, sooner, 之后]與其...(寧愿...)

I'd rather you came tomorrow than today.我寧愿你于明天來而不是今天來。

I would rather die than disgrace myself.我寧死不受辱。

[用于 other, else, anywhere 等之后]除...以外

They were given nothing other than dry bread and water for their evening meal.


He did nothing else than laugh.他除了笑以外沒做別的事。(他只是笑。)

[用于scarcely, hardly之后表示時間](剛剛...)就

Hardly had I finished telling the news than she began to cry.我還沒有把消息講完她就哭了起來。

19 give away背棄;泄露(秘密), 暴露;贈送, 分送;(7)

give in屈服, 投降, 退讓(to);交[呈]上

give off(散)發出(蒸氣), 發散(光線)

give out用完, 用盡;散[分]發;公布, 發表;精疲力竭

give over交給[付], 移交

give up放棄, 停[中]止;投降, 認輸, 泄氣

20 stand by在場;靠近;袖手旁觀;忠于;信守(8)

to stand by one's promise遵守諾言

stand for代表,表示;意指;象征;容忍;允許;參加...的競選

We will not stand for impertinent behavior.我們不會容忍不禮貌的行為

stand out明顯;醒目;突出;杰出;堅持;支撐

to stand out a crisis挨過危機

stand up耐久;耐用;成立

Will the charge stand up in court?這個指控在法庭上能成立嗎?

stand up for維護;擁護;支持

stand off遠離;[美]疏開, 避開; 延期

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