
時間:2021-06-11 11:29:53 合同范本 我要投稿




  賣 方:xxx 地址:xxx 郵碼:xxx 電話:xxx 法定代表人:xxx 職務:xxx

  買 方:xxx 地址:xxx 郵碼:xxx 電話:xxx 法定代表人:xxx 職務:xxx


  第一條 貨物名稱、規格、包裝及質量

  第二條 數量、單價、總值



  第三條 裝運期限

  第四條 裝運口岸

  第五條 目的口岸

  第六條 保險:由賣方按發票金額__%投保。

  第七條 付款條件:買方應通過買賣雙方同意的銀行,開立以賣方為受益人的、不可撤銷的、可轉讓和可分割的、允許分批裝運和轉船的

  信用證。該信用證憑裝運單據在________國的____ 銀行見單即付。 該信用證必須在____前開出。信用證有效期為裝船后15天在________國到期。

  第八條 單據:賣方應向銀行提供已裝船清潔提單、發票、裝箱單/重量單;如果本合同按cif條件,應再提供可轉讓的保險單或保險憑證。

  第九條 裝運條件



  第十條 品質和數量/重量的異議與索賠:貨到目的口岸后,買方如發現貨物品質及/或數量/重量與合同規定不符,除屬于保險公司及/或船公司的責任外,買方可以憑雙方同意的檢驗機構出具的檢驗證明向賣方提出異議。品質異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起30天內提出,數量/重量異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起15天內提出,賣方應于收到異議后30天內答復買方。

  第十一條 不可抗力


  方不負責任。但賣方必須立即電報通知買方。如果買方提出要求,賣方應以掛號函向買方提供由有關機構出具的事故的證明文件。 第十二條 爭議解決途徑


  賣 方:____________(蓋章) 代表人:____________

  買 方:____________(蓋章) 代表人:____________ ____年__月__日訂立


  賣 方: 地址


  買 方:地址




  Delivery time(CIF MOJI): After the order in effect via seafreight direct to MOJI seaport in JAPAN, and arriving at MOJI seaport on or before: 30th August 2006. 最終目的地:

  Final destination of Products: 794, Higashitoyoi, Kudamatsu City, Yamaguchi Pref., 744-8061 Japan (6)付款條件: 憑證結算,30天內(以提單日期為準)付清貨款。Term of payment: By D/P within 30 days after the B/L date.The seller’s bank information

  Beneficiary: Bank Name: ACCOUNT: SWIFT NO.: ADD.:


  Contract No.BTGL-HITACHI 2006-001 Date: March 20, 2006The revised date:July 14, 2006

  (7) 保險: 按發票金額110%保一切險及戰爭險(中國人民保險公司條款)。

  Insurance : To be covered by the seller for 110% of invoice value against all risks and war risk as per the clause of the People’ Insurance Co. of China.

  (8) 品質與數量,重量的異議與索賠: 貨到最終目的地后, 買方如發現貨物品質及/貨數量/重量與合同規定不符,除屬于 保險公司貨船公司的責任外,買方可以憑雙方同意的檢驗機構出具的檢驗證明向賣方提出異議,品質異議須于貨 到最終目的地起60天內提出,數量/重量異議須于貨到最終目的地起30天內提出。

  Quality /Quantity/Weight Discrepancy and Claim: In case the quality and /or quantity/weight are found by the Buyer not to conform with the contract after arrival of the goods at the final destination, the Buyer may lodge a claim against the seller supported by a survey report issued by an inspection organization agreed upon by both parties with the exception of those claims for which the insurance company and /or the shipping company are to be held responsible. Claim for quality discrepancy should be filed by the Buyer within 60 days after arrival of the goods at the final destination while for quantity/ weight discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after arrival of the goods at the final destination.

  (9) 人力不可抗拒: 本合同內所述全部或部分商品,如因人力不可抗拒原因,使賣方不能履約或延期交貨,賣方不負任何責任。

  Force Majeure: The Seller shall not be held responsible for failure or delay in delivery of the entire or portion of the goods under this contract in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents.

  (10) 仲裁:凡執行本合同或與合同有關事項所發生的一切爭執,應由雙方通過友好方式協商解決。如果不能取得協議時,應提交中國國際貿易促進會委員會對外貿易仲裁委員會,根據該仲裁委員會的仲裁程序暫行規定進行仲 裁,仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方都有約束力。仲裁費用除非仲裁另有決定外,均由敗訴一方承擔。

  Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiations. If no settlement can be reached, the case shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Beijing, for settlement by arbitration in accordance with the Commission’s Provisional Rules of Procedure. The award rendered by the Commission shall be final and binding on both parties. The arbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise award by the arbitration organization.

  (11) Other requirements:

  1, Dimensions and marks as per the drawing respectively. 2, How to take test sample as per manufactory way..

  3, Additional requirements as per requirements in each drawing. 4,Other conditions to IP-5403& LOI No.DVD-83005-001

  (12) The buyer’s bank information:




  銷售定單 DATE: 07 MAY 2011

  The Seller:



  The Sellers agree to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated:

  - All prices are FOB port Qingdao (in China) so all transport costs to the port and port costs are included in the unit price. Goods are to be loaded in a ship container according to the instructions of Buyer.


  - Color shades are made according to:1- “light gray VR” and deep gray VR” are according special VR color samples that Buyer has given to Seller (not according to the Standard color card of Buyer). Hand-feel and softness are according to the sample “deep gray VR”. 2- other colors shades and hand-feel are according to color samples that Seller has given to Buyer.

  染色標準:1- “VR淺灰”和“VR 深灰”按照買方已提供給賣方的特別VR色樣 (注意;不是按照買方提供的”標準”色卡).手感和軟度是按照樣品”深灰色VR”. 2- 剩下的顏色和手感賣方倉庫中現有提供給買方的色樣(買方已拿到)。

  -All quantity of the fabric must be in the first (1st) class of export quality, made of one bulk first-class gray fabric. It must not be used open-end yarn. Fabrics are produced by Seller itself; it is soft hand-feel. Seller will care well of production and quality/quantity of the goods and pay special attention on the final quality check of the goods after production is finished.

  所有的布質量必須符合出口商品一等品出口標準, 由同一批坯布的一等品生產的. 不得少經緯紗.布料必須是由賣方自行生產.布料手感柔軟整理。 賣方要嚴格監控整個生產過程,特別注意生產完成之后的質量和數量的檢驗。

  - Fabric shrinkage after the third wash is to be less than 2% both in length and width on 60oC temperature.


  - Fabric quality, composition, yarn number and density, weight, width, weave, shrinkage must be as written above. Color fastness after the third wash on 60oC temperature, dry rubbing, wet rubbing, staining cotton and polyester strap, color fastness to light and perspiration have to be graded as grade 4 or above (at grade scale 1-5, where 5 is best). 布料的質量,成分,紗支號,以及密度,克重,幅寬,織法,縮水率均必須滿足上述要求。 色牢度要求在溫度60℃三次水洗條件下,干磨,濕磨, 在全棉和全滌的面料上的著色, 耐曬色牢度和耐汗色牢度等方面均需達到 4級以上。(在檢測級別1-5級中, 5級 是最好的).

  - If Seller fails to produce quality as contracted or it use fabrics of different composition or different yarn number/density, Buyer has right to cancel the order.


  - After production is finished, Seller must test fabrics in factory lab (all colors) by own cost. Test reports are to contain the above characteristics (composition, yarn number and density, weight, width, weave, shrinkage dry rubbing, wet rubbing, staining cotton and polyester strap, color fastness to light and perspiration) at the above conditions and must satisfy the above quality demands.

  生產結束后,賣方需在本廠質檢室對所有顏色的面料進行檢驗并提供報告。質量報告需包括以下全部項目(面料成分、紗支、密度,克重,幅寬,織法,縮水率,以及水洗,干磨,濕磨。滌棉面料的 耐曬色牢度,耐汗色牢度等。質量報告所需費用由賣方承擔。所有上述質量要求都必須滿足本合同所規定的要求。

  - Test reports are to be addressed to Buyer’s name. 質量報告屬于買方的名下。

  Terms of Payment: T/T 17,000USD as deposit within 13 May 2011, and the left of the total value opened the Irrevocable Letter of Credit at sight, after production is finish and all the goods are completely ready for delivery according to the above requirements, in favor of the seller and uestricted to negotiation. Opening bank to be acceptable to seller’s bank. Application for L/C should be faxed to the seller before issued.



  - Samples description 樣品條款:Seller is obligated to send certified samples for look, appearance, softness, hand-feel and color shades by own cost:


  1) - before 13 May 2011 through “EMS” carrier to location in China according to Buyer’s instruction, in order Buyer to choose correct to aspects A and B:

  A- Softness/appearance samples: for “VR” colors 3 samples with different level of softness for Buyer to choose correct softness, hand-feel and appearance, for the other colors one sample;

  B- color shade samples – 3 samples for VR colors (lab dips) in order Buyer to choose the right color shade, for the other colors one sample;

  - also will add 0.5 meter of original gray fabric.

  1) 2011年05月13日之前: 通過“EMS”快遞寄樣品到國內的'地址按照買方的要求,由買方選擇適合的關于兩個(A和B)方面的樣品:

  A- 布料軟度和外觀的樣品:

  關于”VR”顏色, 三個不同軟度的樣品以供買方選擇軟度,手感和外觀樣子. 關于別的顏色一個樣品; B- 顏色樣品:


  - 同時附上0.5米的相應原始坯布。

  2) – before 26 May 2011 (after production is finished): Seller will by “FedEx” express carrier post to Buyer’s foreign address production samples of 1m per each color in order Buyer to confirm the quality.

  2) 2011年05月26日之前(生產已結束):通過“聯邦”快遞公司到國外的地址需將每個顏色一米的大貨樣品,以供買方確認質量.

  Date of arrival of the goods to China Qingdao port: the last date is before 06 June 2011.

  Seller will perform duties of this order without delay, otherwise Buyer has right to cancel the order.



  - Packing and marking way: Fabric in full width is rolled on cardboard tubes and each roll is to contain only one peace of fabric. The goods are marked by labels designed by Buyer; Seller bears costs of packing. Fabric is clean, no dust. - It is strictly prohibited any information about Seller (address, phone number, factory logo or others) to be written/put at the goods otherwise Seller is responsible for the possible losses of Buyer.

  包裝和標簽的方式:布料全幅卷在卷筒上,并且每匹打成一卷。貨貼有按照買方提供的樣子做的標簽,賣方承擔包裝標簽的費用。布料是干凈的, 里面沒有灰.

  嚴格 禁止 任何關于賣方的資料 (包括地址,電話,染廠logo等等) 出現在貨品上面,否則賣方需承擔買方因此而遭受到的所有損失。

  - Buyer can personally or through representative inspect production, finished goods and loading of the goods. 買方可以親自或委托他人檢查生產和裝運的全過程。

  Buyer should direst payment(and l/c) to the bellow bank account of Seller (Beneficiary):


  - Seller guarantees that all the goods of this order are made in China (including gray fabric with yarn).


  - For this order 000/11-1 both parties will bear costs of its own bank and intermediary banks. 關于000/11-1定單,雙方各自承擔自己的銀行和自己銀行的中介銀行的費用.

  Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this contract shall be settled by negotiation between two parties. If no settlement can be reached, The case in dispute should be submitted for arbitration to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Beijing. The arbitration award is final upon both parties.

  仲裁: 本合同項下所有爭議雙方協商解決,協商不成提交中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會在北京仲裁。仲裁對雙方是終結的。

  Special Clauses: 特別條款:

  Both quantity and amount 3% more or less than are allowed. 數量、金額允許±3%上下浮動。

  Quantity on the invoice is to match real quantity in container. 發票上的數量要與實際在貨柜里的數量相符合.

  This contract takes effect after signature and stamp of two parties. Fax has equal force ad effect. (Add any of the terms by hand shall be deemed null and void for the contract).












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