- 相關推薦
1、孤單,不是心無意念,是一個人,一種習慣和一度時光。 Lonely,not mind,is a person,a habit and a time.
2、我在努力的變成你喜歡的樣子,可是你卻告訴我你愛的是她。 I am trying to become what you like,but you tell me you love her.
3、孤單是一個人的狂歡,狂歡是一群人的孤單。 Loneliness is a person's Carnival,carnival is a group of people alone.
4、經歷過真正的孤立無援,你就會明白眼淚是最沒用的東西。 After experiencing real isolation,you will understand that tears are the most useless thing.
5、始終一個人,是因為心里藏著一個無法擁有的人。 Always one person,because the heart is hidden a person who can not have.
6、等了小半輩子,終于等到這么個人,他怎么能不珍惜。 Wait for a small half of his life,finally wait for such a person,how can he not cherish.
7、寂寞層層包圍,我再也沒有力氣走出這片重圍。 Lonely layer by layer encirclement,I have no strength to walk out this encirclement again.
8、前世的風,今世的塵,無窮無盡的哀傷的精魂。 The wind of the past,the dust of the present,the soul of endless sorrow.
9、我微笑著對著鏡子里的自己說:做個沒心沒肺的女人挺好。 I smiled at myself in the mirror and said,"it's great to be a heartless woman.
10、孤獨便算是靈魂的病癥,我在胸口里一直圈養著它。 Loneliness is the disease of soul,and I keep it in my chest all the time.
11、最糟糕的感覺,莫過于不知道應該等待還是放棄。 The worst feeling is that I don't know if I should wait or give up.
12、如果沒有你,如此的良辰美景,讓我去向何人訴說。 If there is no you,such a beautiful day,let me tell who.
13、不曾站在原地守候的人,不會懂得站久了雙腿都無法彎曲的滋味。 Never standing in place waiting for people,will not understand standing for a long time legs can not bend taste.
14、這個城市雖然擁擠,卻到處都是孤獨的靈魂! Although the city is crowded,it is full of lonely soul!
15、我們擁有著孤獨的靈魂,誓死也要為她傾盡終生。 We have a lonely soul,and we will die for her life.
16、一個人的時候,總會靜靜的想一想以前的自己,是多么的單純和無知。 When a person,always quietly think about the past of their own,how simple and ignorant.
17、人到了一定年齡,也就學會了接受事實,喜歡不一定非要擁有。 When people reach a certain age,they learn to accept the facts.They don't have to have them if they like.
18、把不愉快的過往,在無人的角落,折疊收藏。 Fold up the unpleasant past in the corner of nobody.
19、果然適應了陪伴,便不再習慣孤單。 As expected,I am used to being alone.
20、既然孤獨創造的憂傷無法把握,且放它一邊去。 Since the sadness created by loneliness is not sure,let it go.
21、獨自一人的孤獨,只有黑夜能明白。 Alone alone,only the night can understand.
22、淋過雨的空氣,疲倦了的傷心,我記憶里的童話已經慢慢的融化。 Drenched by the rain air,tired sad,my memory of fairy tales has slowly melted.
23、希望我不會難過太久,希望你不要回頭看我。 I hope I will not be sad for a long time.I hope you don't look back at me.
24、愛只需要一個理由,離去,卻有千百個借口! Love only needs a reason,leave,but there are thousands of excuses!
25、一個人發呆,一個人靜立;一個人哭泣,一個人歡笑。 One is dazed,one stands still;one cries,one laughs.
26、夜是越熬越精神,人是越活越孤獨。 The more the night is,the more spiritual,the more lonely the people are.
27、沒心沒肺的現在,是有個掏心掏肺的曾經。 Now,I have a heart out of my heart.
28、無論多么艱難,都要繼續向前,因為只有你放棄的那一刻,你才輸了。 No matter how hard it is,keep going,because only the moment you give up,you lose.
29、孤獨,我愿意享受孤獨。此時,我所有的能量都被打開,自由奔放。 Lonely,I am willing to enjoy loneliness.At this point,all my energy is opened and free to go.
30、孤獨是人的宿命,愛和友誼不能把它根除,但可以將它撫慰。 Loneliness is a destiny of human beings.Love and friendship can not eradicate it,but it can be soothed.