
時間:2021-03-18 17:19:49 經(jīng)典美文 我要投稿


  God puts dreams in our hearts. So, we must dream. We lose our sorrows and heartaches in dreams. And we live our fantasies in dreams. Some dreams are aborted while some come true. 上帝在我們的心中播種夢想。所以我們必須有夢。我們在夢想中丟棄悲傷與心痛,活在夢想的奇異世界里。一些夢想可能會夭折然而一些則會實現(xiàn)。


  Most mornings, I'd sit by the Lake in my neighborhood just to witness the awesomeness of God; to be marveled at what Mother Nature is about to unfold... to shower us with her magnificence. The squirrels too gather by the edge of the Lake. The birds float effortlessly, circling the Lake in a beautiful ballet. The gators stand in awe. Yes, the gators! The leaves on the trees would suddenly stop their slow dance. Just like me, they are patiently awaiting for the grand entrance of the sun. The moon must go. Yes, the moon must go... to make room for the sun to rise. The sound of the gentle breeze is soothing, almost musical. I am filled with joy. I cannot describe the feeling of this awesomeness. You'd have to experience it to understand the feeling and joy of it. I know I am about to witness an amazing grace. So... I am silent. My spirit is at peace. The stage has been set. Behind those clouds, the sun awaits... waiting for the heavenly command. The ritual is in full bloom. Then I see a slice of sunlight, wafting through the clouds. Suddenly, the entire horizon is brightened, and the sun finally takes the center stage. Right there, I am still... humbled... to listen to God speak into my soul. When He's done, then, I share with Him all that my heart desires.早晨我經(jīng)常會靜坐在家附近的湖畔,只為見證上帝的神奇之力;驚嘆大自然母親將展現(xiàn)的事物。。。震撼我們以其雄偉壯麗之景。松鼠也在湖邊聚集起來。鳥兒輕快的浮在湖面上,繞著湖轉(zhuǎn)著圈,好似在跳優(yōu)美的芭蕾。鱷魚肅立著。沒錯,是鱷魚!樹上的葉子會突然地停下她們的曼舞,耐心地等待著太陽宏大的入場禮,就像我一樣。月亮必須要離開啊。是啊,月亮必須要離開啊,得給太陽騰地方啊。徐徐微風(fēng),溫婉靜謐,如同和樂一般。喜悅之情,溢于言表。然此景之震撼實則無法用言語表達。人們須親身經(jīng)歷才能明白這種感覺和其中的喜悅。知道即將親眼見證這一奇妙的恩典,我沒有出聲。我心靜如水,沒有一絲漣漪。舞臺已準備就緒。重重云霧背后,太陽靜待,等著上天的召喚。禮教已經(jīng)進入它的全盛時代。然后我看到了穿過云層透出來的一縷陽光。突然,整個地平線變得透亮,太陽最終站到了中心舞臺上。然,就在那,我一動不動,謙卑地聆聽著上帝對我靈魂的教導(dǎo)。待其結(jié)束,與上帝訴說著我的心愿。

  Now, here's my personal dream story:現(xiàn)在,為您呈上我關(guān)于夢的故事:

  Eight years ago, a young couple very dear to my heart had a miscarriage after being attacked by armed robbers in their home. They were newly weds. They share the kind of love that makes one want to give love a second chance. Why? They truly love each other and, they take God on board with them in all that they do.八年前,持械搶劫犯入室搶劫了一對跟我很親近的.年輕夫妻,他們因此而失掉了一個還未出生的孩子。他們剛結(jié)婚不久,之間有著使人想給愛第二次機會的那種愛。為什么呢?他們真心相愛,而且他們一切都與上帝同行。

  I am your typical all-year-round-positive-kinda-girl. But, it doesn't mean I do not have my down moments. I stay positive and thankful because I know there's a reason for every season. Since the couple had that miscarriage, they felt empty. For awhile, they wondered if God had abandoned them. They fasted and prayed. They cried. They isolated themselves from family and friends. Basically, they were existing, and not living. They travelled far and wide, spending all their resources, seeing different OBGYNs. Nothing worked.我是那種典型的一年到頭都很樂天派女生,但這并不意味著我沒有低落的時候。我樂觀開朗,常懷感恩,是因為我知道每個季節(jié)都有存在的理由。自從那對夫妻遭遇那場不幸之后,就覺得很空虛。有那么一段時間,他們在想上帝是不是把他們拋棄了。他們禁食,祈禱,哭泣。離開家庭和朋友把自己孤立起來。基本上,他們只是單純地存在著而不是生活著。他們傾盡所能,跋山涉水四處尋醫(yī)問藥,找各種婦產(chǎn)科醫(yī)生。但毫無效果。

  One day, I called them to say hello. The wife sounded like someone had died. When I asked, she said, "I am fine. Nobody died. Just tired." When I spoke with her husband, he shared with me that she had just seen her period, menstrual period, that is. I asked him if I could speak with her again. I believe till this day that it was the grace of God that led me to make that phone call. It was time to share my one dream with her.有一天,我打電話過去問候他們。這位妻子的聲音聽起來就像誰去世了一樣很是悲傷。當我問道她就說“我很好,沒有誰去世。我只是累了.”當我跟她丈夫談起時,他告訴我說她剛剛進入經(jīng)期,僅此而已。我問道是否可以再跟他妻子聊會。我相信直到這一天是上帝恩惠讓我撥打這個電話。是時候和她分享我的一個夢了。

  "For eight years, I always had same dream, You were in it. You were always nursing a child while rocking him/her in a rocking chair. In the dream, there was always a celebration happening...like a Christening, and you were in it, with your husband by your side." She was silent. I had to share some life lessons with her. I also had to remind her that she must never allow her faith to be shaken, instead, it should be renewed with each sunrise because God is Hope. “八年以來,我一直在做著同樣的夢,你就在夢里面。而你總是在搖著搖椅照看一個孩子。在夢里,總是有那么一場慶祝活動在舉辦著,像是一場洗禮,而你在那里,你的丈夫站在你旁邊。”她沒出聲。我必須說一些生活的經(jīng)驗給她聽。同時我也必須要提醒她一定不能動搖信念,反之,信念應(yīng)當在每次太陽升起的時候得到新生,因為上帝就是希望。

  I read somewhere that when Life breaks us, "We are only broken to be made whole." Therefore, we must strive not to fall apart.當生命將我們分開的時候我就會念到,“我們只有在要組成整體的時候才會被分離開來。”因此,我們必須努力不破裂。

  I shared this dream with my mother. And each time, we got excited together and submitted this dream of mine to God in prayers and in songs of praise, after all, God is just a prayer away. And God sure loves to be praised.我跟我母親講了這個夢境。每次我們都會變得很興奮,并在禱文中和贊歌中與上帝分享我這個夢,畢竟,上帝是遠方的一個禱告者。再者,上帝肯定也喜歡被稱贊。

  Many moons ago, I remember waking up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat. I was woken up by a sharp pain in my stomach. I had a dream. This time, I was the one pregnant. I went down on my knees in total submission to the Will of God...asking Him for my one dream to come true. And no, I did not wish to be pregnant (Laughs).數(shù)月以前,我記得自己披著一件毛衣,在午夜醒來。我被腹部的一陣刺痛而驚醒,我做了一個夢。這回,懷孕的那個人是我。完全服從上帝的旨意,我跪了下來,請求上帝能實現(xiàn)我的一個夢--不,我不想懷孕。(此處有笑聲)

  I do know one thing for sure: Dreams really do come true when you believe in your dreams, when you give God something to work with (doing your part), and when you believe in and trust God.有一件事我可以肯定:當你相信夢想,當你做出一些努力從而能讓上帝能對你有所幫助,當你相信自己并信任上帝,夢想就一定會成真。

  God finally granted me the dream of my heart. This winter, this man and wife are expecting their first child.上帝終于恩賜了我心中的夢想。今年冬天,那個男人和他的妻子正期盼著他們第一個孩子的到來。

  When I received this great news, I was not surprised. The awesomeness of God is immeasurable. I am always in total submission to His Will. I believed this dream was going to come true at God's own time. And, this is God's time. For this, I am most thankful and humbled by this amazing grace.聽到這個好消息的時候我并沒有感到很驚訝。上帝的奇妙是無法估量的。我一直都服從著上帝的旨意。相信等時機到了,這個夢想就會成真。而現(xiàn)在就是那個時機。因為這個,我非常感謝并膜拜這奇妙的恩典。












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