

勵志小說 時間:2017-11-07 我要投稿
【www.drpawanjain.com - 勵志小說】

  Book 1: How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie 戴爾卡耐基《如何贏得朋友并影響他人》

  Fast forward to 1936. Struggling actor Dale Carnegie writes an optimistic tome that catapults him to fame. He wrote that power and happiness would increase if you tried to see the world as others see it, remember people's names, and develop a firm handshake.

  人類歷史上最暢銷的勵志經典,洞見人性直達心靈的人生智慧。 卡耐基在書中以人性為基礎。分析和闡述了處理人際關系的3大技巧、使人喜歡你的6大方法、領導他人的12種技巧、說服他人的9大原則,這一套人際關系學令讀者怦然心動,也使世界人類的相處之道為之一新,能夠幫助讀者最大化地挖掘自我潛能。 本書在世界出版史上創造了奇跡,許多青年企業家、業務員、家庭主婦、學生、熱戀中的情侶都爭相閱讀。這的確是一本能讓人驚喜、使人思想更成熟、舉止更穩重的好書。也是人一生中最重要的一本書。

  Book 2: The Power Of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale 皮爾《正面思考的力量》

  In the 1950s, minister Norman Vincent Peale brought God into the equation with his message that faith is the key to achieving anything. His message? Pray, visualize solutions, and eliminate self doubt.


  Book 3: Self Help by Samuel Smiles 塞繆爾·斯邁爾斯《自助》

  Back in Victorian England, in a land before life coaches, the aptly-named Samuel Smiles wrote the first self-help book. Smiles told his readers that there's no quick fix, and the harder you worked, the happier you would be.


  Book 4: I'm OK- You're OK by Thomas Harris 托馬斯哈里斯《我好!你好!》人際溝通的分析

  Written by a psychiatrist, this book tells us that inside, we each contain a child, an adult, and a parent. Our interaction with others will be best if both people use their inner adults.

  Book 5: Who Moved My Cheese? by Dr. Spencer Johnson 斯賓塞約翰遜《誰動了我的奶酪》

  The message of this book is that change is inevitable. The sooner you let go of the old and embrace the new, the happier you'll be.


  Book 6: Chicken Soup For The Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen 杰克坎菲爾和馬克維克多漢森《心靈雞湯》

  This book consists of heartwarming parables, reflecting the idea that good triumphs over ill, and truth is as cute as a kitten sliding down a rainbow.

  《心靈雞湯》是世界上最暢銷的系列讀物之一,以其簡短、精煉的語言為讀者講述了一個個充滿哲理的小故事。作者選文一直遵照的準則為:以淺顯的語言表達著人間真情;以至深的情感述說著五彩人生;在每一個角落把真情的火炬點燃;讓每一縷清香在塵世間流傳;讓真情在心靈的碰撞中凝固成永恒。 后泛指有益于精神或心理的充滿哲理的小故事。

  Book 7: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne 朗達拜恩 《秘密》

  This is the handbook of "The Law Of Attraction:" the idea that you can think the things you want into existence. Here's a taste: "You are the master of the Universe. You are the heir to the kingdom. You are the perfection of Life."

  Are you sensing a theme? Most of these books essentially tell you to think positive and visualize what you want. Maybe one of them will inspire you, and that's great. If not, know that quick fixes aren't usually the ones that last. Good luck.





  Book 8 Awaken the gaint within by Antony Robbins《喚醒心中的巨人》 安東尼R26;羅賓斯

  醒來吧!控制你的生活! 安東尼R26;羅賓斯是世界頂級激勵大師。你將在本書中與這位大師共享那獨到而又強大的課程,用來喚醒你心中蟄伏的巨人。他是公認的控制心理變化的專家,在本書中,他提供了一個基礎的循序漸進的課程,使你通過富于靈感和樂趣的軼事、例子和一步步扎實的策略,組成一個控制情緒和財政困難并獲得巨人般燦爛生活的程序,用來幫助你發現你的真實目的,并控制你的生活,激發你控制命運的能力。

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