1. 概括的準確性;
2. 字數大約30詞;
3. 不要抄襲閱讀材料中的句子。
1. 如何迅速、準確地捕捉要點;
2. 如何巧妙串連,將要點串成篇章;
3. 如何靈活詮釋,避免抄襲的嫌疑。
1. 巧妙利用opinion,預測材料內容
讀寫任務先讀后寫。那么“讀”的材料肯定是與要“寫”的材料話題是相同的,至少是相關的。因此,我們可以利用這一關系來進行有效的預測。以下是兩個例子。 實例一(閱讀材料-議論文)
We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classrooms, we work in various ways. Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. And advanced pupils can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to achieve this goal.
1. 用約30詞概括短文的內容要點;
2. 用約120詞就“學校該不該分班”這個主題發表你的看法。
此外,當對話題的具體內容感到迷惘時,我們還可以充分利用寫作內容2)里的a) b) c)來幫助我們進一步定向。如:
Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a rich country. One day, he went for a trip to some distant areas of his country. When he was back to his palace, he complained that his feet were very painful, because it was the first time that he had gone for such a long trip, and the road that he went through was very rough and stony. He then ordered his people to cover road of the entire country with leather. Of course, this would need hundreds of thousands of cows’skin, and would cost a huge amount of money. Then taking risks of being killed, one of his wise servants dared himself to tell the king, “Why don’t you cover your feet with a piece of leather?” Luckily the king was an open-minded and easily-persuaded man. So though he was surprised, he later agrees to take the suggestion to make a “shoe” for himself. There is actually a valuable lesson in this story: to make this world a happy place to live in, you’d better change yourself—your heart not the world. 本例中的主題是“改變世界還是改變自己”。那么我們可以分析這一主題:人什么時候需要做出這種選擇——改變世界還是改變自己?當然是遇到困難或矛盾時。那么,主人公遇上了什么困難?最終是通過改變世界還是改變自己來解決難題的呢?
至此,還不知道如何預測的同學,不妨再進一步地利用后面的具體內容要點a) b)來預測如下:
1. 原文中主人公遇到(經歷)了怎樣的困難?
2. 他/她是如何應對的?是改變世界還是改變自己?
2. 分析文章結構,準確捕捉要點
如實例一,論點就在第一段開頭找到:Mixed-ability teaching can do good to bright children. On the contrary, streaming students have many disadvantages.
再看實例二,這是一篇記敘文,我們要找出它的四要素:when, where, who, what等。帶著這幾個問題去找,自然很快就找出來了。
其次,從過渡語入手。如實例一中,Besides就是一個很好的guide, 因為它通常表示并列或遞進的關系,它后面的it is rather unreal to grade people just
according to their intellectual ability 很明顯是講streaming pupils的'缺點,那么在它前面必然還有至少一個缺點。再從第一段的disadvantage看起,就可以迅速找出它的另一個缺點,即have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child as they develop differently,這就是論據了。第三段一開頭,就用了In our classroom, 有具體的地點,那么,一看就知道是在舉例了,且舉的是Mixed-ability teaching所帶來的好處的例子。
3. 理清邏輯關系,選擇合適連詞
4. 靈活變化表達,適度進行paraphrase
(1)同義替換。即用同義或近義的詞語或句型改寫,如實例一中的 “intellectual ability”和“academic ability”就可以用grades(成績)來替換;“grade pupils according to”則可用judge/group pupils by替換;“It does not take into account the fact”可以變為It fails to consider that...
(2)語態互換。即主語語態與被動語態的轉換,如實例二中he later agrees to take the suggestion to...就可以用它的被動語態來表示:he was later persuaded to...
(3)非謂語動詞短語與從句的互換。如實例二中there was a king who ruled a rich country就可以用there was a king ruling a rich country來表達。
(4)合并句子。就是將幾個意義聯系緊密的句子合并為一句話。如實例一中的兩個論據①We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. ②Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability.就可改為Streaming pupils not only neglects the different rates of students’ development, but also is unfair for them judging only by their grades.
5. 削“枝”去“葉”,實行精“兵”裁“員”
(1)主謂縮寫。如they will→they’ll; we are→we’re; should not→shouldn’t; can not→can’t等。
(2)句式省略。如when he crossed the road=when crossing the road. if they’re corrected too much=if corrected too much.
(3)使用代詞或含有替代含義的詞。如實例二中,有學生會這樣寫:Once a king wanted to cover the road with leather to protect his feet. A servant advised the king not to cover the road and just make a pair of shoes for himself. Finally the king agreed and made shoes for himself. 這時,我們可以利用代
詞將其改寫如下:Once a king wanted to cover the road with leather to protect his feet, but he was persuaded not to do so. Instead, he made a pair of shoes to achieve the same goal.
1. 要點不齊,“骨” “肉”分離
如實例一中 “學校不該分班”是“骨”,“為什么不該分班”則是“肉”。如果只寫了Streaming pupils shouldn’t be adopted in schools.則為有“骨”無“肉”;如果寫成Streaming pupils not only neglects the different rates of students’ development, but also is unfair for them judging. only by their grades.則成了有“肉”無“骨”。這兩種寫法都屬于“骨”“肉”分離的典例。
2. 抄襲原文,窮于變化