My favorite movie is "leaf asked." it in the description of the year when the war gone with China, leaf asked is a pure passion for martial arts, the pursuit of the freedom of wu chi, full of hatred and the great age of tragedy is not in his vision, he only focused on the dedication and passion for martial arts. However, for the love of nation and the spirit of martial arts obtain, leaf asked step by step out of the limitations of wu chi, than ask of yourself in a big fast dripping wet, shoulder the revitalization of the Chinese flag.
The film made me understand that no matter what to do, all want to stick to it, even if only a glimmer of hope, also cannot shoes tied knot - refers to fall by the wayside, don't lost. The leaf asked, in the movie is my favorite person, because he can in order to carry forward the Chinese martial arts, even if be compelled to desperate, will struggle with the western people in the end, his persistence and determination, let me forget.
我最喜歡的一部電影是《葉問》,它在描述當年正值戰禍亂世的中國,葉問是一名單純醉心武術,追求于自由的武癡,充滿仇恨和悲劇的大時代并不在他的視野當中,他只專注于對武術的執著與熱情.然而,出于對民族的熱愛和對武術精神的不 斷參悟,葉問一步步走出武癡的局限,在一場大快淋漓的自我比拚中,扛起振興中華的大旗.
我最喜歡的電影英語作文-My Favorite Movie11-19