
時間:2021-06-28 20:23:55 其他類英語作文 我要投稿




話題英語作文 篇1


  I like Yao Ming very much who is the idol I like most. I like playing basketball and in my opinion, he is the best basketball player in China. When he started to play basketball in NBA, I was so excited that I saw the news about him everyday. When he performed well, I was really happy for him. When he did not, I hoped he could rearrange himself and did well in the next game. What’s more, his personalities attract me as well. He is kind-hearted and humorous. He always smiles and is kind to very body, even his opponents. Although he does not play basketball anymore, I still like him. I hope he can do well in other fields as well.


話題英語作文 篇2

  It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is just the opposite.

  As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings

  . So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.With fresh water, the world will be prosperous.

話題英語作文 篇3

  Because before you go out to play in the morning, mother will buy the ingredients for rice porridge, soaking in the water in advance, mother said that cooking fast. So, got home at noon, you can cook on the drink. The laba festival to eat is rich! And I most like to eat braise in soy sauce meat ~ children generally like to eat meat!!!! Oh, mom and dad don't want to say them, because in the long body, eating well is the key!

  Today is the laba festival, ask good friends and rice pudding? Very sweet? Ha ha. Who didn't drink I ask you to drink oh ~ home cooked a big pot of today!

  In the morning we went out to play, my father and mother do for a long time of car, a bit does not adapt, (we have a little carsick, ah! Lying in the bed as soon as he got home. In the morning to go out and take some photos, but for some reason, didn't, in a scenery is not very good, anyway have no green in winter.

話題英語作文 篇4

  Should the Golden Week Holidays BeAbolished?

  There is no denying the fact that the introductionof the Golden Week holidays in China has considerably promoted the development of thenation’s economy and touring industry and enriched people’s life. People around the countryhave spent more time and money traveling and relaxing themselves.

  As every coin has two sides, the Golden Week holidays have also brought about piles ofproblems. For one thing, due to the fact that people across the country are spending theirvacations during the same period of time, it is terribly crowded almost everywhere: trains,buses, hotels, scenic spots, etc., which have ruined people’s mood for vacations. For another,some businessmen take advantage of the weeklong holidays and raise the price ofcommodities and services.

  Personally, I believe that it is necessary for people to have long vacations, but there is noneed for them to have the vacations during the same period of time. Instead, they should beallowed the freedom to arrange their own vacations. Only in this way can they really relax andrefresh themselves for a new round of work.

話題英語作文 篇5





  比賽當天,參加把何必三的同學們一個個摩拳擦掌,聲勢浩大,耀武揚威的走上pk臺。呀!我們的對手怎么回事六(5)班呢?oh my god!六(5)班的同學一個個人高馬大,而我們班的主力軍之一費芳琳同學很不幸得了膽結石,去醫院做手術了……怎么辦,我們只剩下了體格較為瘦弱的`的隊員了,我們拼得過他們嗎?沒辦法,我們只能背水一戰了,與他們展開“殊死拼搏”。

  隨著嘹亮的哨音響徹云霄,屬于班與六(5)班的啊“戰斗”拉開了帷幕。“六(3)班加油!六(3)班加油!”啦啦隊員們鼓足了氣拼命地吶喊著。我不知是因為聽到了啦啦隊員的助威,還是怎樣,感到熱血沸騰,像是得到了某種強大的力量。我拉著繩子,想把繩子朝我所在的地方靠近,兩只手被繩子了的火辣辣的疼,為了班級的榮譽,這點疼算什么。我看見繩子上的紅布條正一點點的向我們班的“戰區”靠近,心中感到無比欣慰,剛準備再加一把勁,誰知六(5)班的同學一下爆發了。第一輪他們贏了。可憐的我們呢,太認真了,大多都摔倒在地上,揉著各自疼痛的身軀,踉踉蹌蹌地爬起來,準備第二輪比賽。“老虎不發威,你當我是hello kitty”大家的斗志被點燃起來。比賽開始后,各自的能力紛紛展現出來,鼓足了勁拉繩子,吶喊聲助威聲也是此起彼伏,繩上的紅布條似乎也同意乖乖的跟我們“回家”……隨著結束哨音吹響,張校長莊重的宣布了這輪比賽的結果:“六(3)班勝利!”“耶!”屬于我們的笑聲在操場上空飄蕩。大家歡笑著,蹦跳著,好似這次比賽鐵定就是我們贏一樣。可惜,好景不長,我們終究不敵強敵,與六(5)班的較量以失敗告終,在年級中排名第四。雖然,我們輸了比賽,但我們贏了志氣,贏了骨氣。















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