
時間:2024-11-14 13:18:18 其他類英語作文 我要投稿




學英語作文 篇1

  Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is that…… 隨著社會的不斷發展,出現了越來越多的問題,其中之一便是____________.

  As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes. 然而,對于此類問題,人們持不同的看法。(Hold different attitudes 持不同的看;Come up with different attitudes 有不同的看法)

  As society develops, people are attaching much importance to…… 隨著社會的發展,人們開始關注……

  People are attaching more and more importance to the interview during job hunting 求職的過程中,人們慢慢意識到面試的重要性。

  As to whether it is worthwhile ……, there is a long-running controversial debate. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it. 關于是否值得___________的問題,一直以來爭論不休。當然,不同的人對此可能持不同的觀點。

  In the process of modern urban development, we often find ourselves in a dilemma. 在都市的發展中,我們往往會陷入困境。

  Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern, some people are in alarm that…… 最近,這種現象引起了人們的廣泛關注,有人開始擔心______________.

  The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history, with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention. 人類進入了一個歷史的.嶄新的階段,經濟全球化、都市化的速度不斷加快,隨之給我們帶來了很多問題。

  …… plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the present world, there comes a question, is it a blessing or a curse?" _______顯得非常重要而成為當今世界所關注的最大的問題,這是無可厚非的。不過,問題是:"我們該如何抉擇?"

  Now we are entering a new era, full of opportunities and challenges, 現在我們正在進入一個充滿機會和挑戰的新時代。

  People from different backgrounds would put different interpretations on the same case. 不同行業的人對同一種問題的解釋不盡相同。

  The controversial issue is often brought into public focus. People from different backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue. 這中極具爭議性的話題往往很受社會的關注。不同的人對此問題的看法也不盡相同。

  When asked ……, some people think…… while some prefer…… 說到______,有人認為________,而另一些人則認為__________.

學英語作文 篇2

  When winter holiday is around corner,I have so many plans,but now I just like coughpotato.

  My sister and I sleep in the morning,my parents get mad at us.They force us to get up,we lock the bedroom door until we are both hungry.Ha...

  Because of final exams,our skin in bad condition,my sister said that sleeping is good for skin.Yeah,female do care about their appearence all the time.

  Afternoon belongs to friend.Call them out and go shopping toghter.We gossip all the people we know.This feeling is so cool,you may find that friend is so important in the world,no on can live without them.

  My day is simple.

學英語作文 篇3

  Having been in Massey high School for more than one month, I still remember the first day I came here。 My eyes were lit up by seeing such three large magnificent football fields。 No doubt, for the soccer lover like my friends and me, nothing is better than the natural green—grass where we can run without any worries。

  Two weeks later, our English teacher Mr。 Brodie found us, “Do you guys like soccer? Here is a social team of Massey High lacking members, do you want to join?” “Of course!” Answered by us without hesitation。 At weekend, with an excited heart, I arrived at the field to meet my new team partners。 Even before I stood up after changing into my soccer shoes, they came to me, shaking hands with me one by one and introduced themselves。 Some of them are kiwi; some are international students like me but came from South America (Guys from there always have amazing soccer skills just like people from China can use chopsticks well!)。 During the game, I fought the best, creating the opportunities for partners。 Our efforts got the reward, because we became the winner at last and I won the cheer from my partners。 Although my friends and I performed well at the soccer game, we found the lack of strength compared with the kiwis。 So now, hard soccer training and push—up have become an indispensable part of our life。

  Many Thanks to the soccer for not only the benefits it brings to my physical health, but also the friendship and happiness。


  兩周后,我們的英語老師Brodie找到了我們,“你們熱愛足球是嗎?現在梅西高中有一支球隊缺人,你們來嗎?” “求之不得!”我們毫不猶豫地答到。 周末,我們懷著顆激動的心來到球場與我們的新隊友們見面。甚至還沒等我換好鞋起身,他們已經走過來與我一個個地握手,同時向我介紹他們自己。有些是歐美血統的新西蘭人,有些則與我們一樣是國際學生,所不同的是他們來自南美洲(從那片大陸來的小伙伴們總有令人嘆為觀止的球技,就好比從中國人都能完美地用筷子一樣)。 在比賽中,我拼盡全力為隊友創造機會。我們的付出得到了回報——最后我們獲得了勝利并贏得了同伴的贊許。 盡管我和我的朋友的在球賽中展現出了自己的.實力,但我們深知在身體體能上我們和我們的新隊友們是無法抗衡的。于是,刻苦的足球訓練與俯臥撐、仰臥起坐等便成了我們生活中的一部分。


學英語作文 篇4

  One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. I'm very happy.

  From that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. They have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. They're marvellous.

  Everyday, they play with each other happily. One day, I couldn't find them. I asked my mother: ”Where are they? ” My mother told me that She didn’t know. At last, I found them in the grass. They were very dirty. I was angry, but when I looked at their lovely faces, I was happy again.

  I love my little rabbits, and they love me. They are my good friends forever.(約100字)

學英語作文 篇5

  Nowadays, there is no doubt that Internet plays an important role in people’s life. People can make connections with each other or do business through Internet. Many popular languages have been created. People have different opinions about these words.


  On the one hand, some people like to use Internet language to express themselves. They think these words can help them to better communicate. They play fun with each other and these popular languages make them laugh out loudly. The use of network language provides more ways for people to communicate in a funny way.


  On the other hand, some language experts have criticized the network languages, because they think it will mislead the young generation to use them in the official writing. China as the old country, has more then 5000 years’ culture, whose language is profound. And some people start to lose interest in learning our culture after using the easy words.


  It is in need of enhancing students’ knowledge on Chinese literature, so as to improve their language skills. I am not objecting using the Internet popular language, but we can’t lose fever in learning Chinese.


學英語作文 篇6

  In recent years, Sinology, the study of Chinese traditional culture, literature, history, society etc, has become increasingly popular For instance, it is reported that many primary and secondary schools have set up courses of sinology, in which students are taught classical works by Chinese ancient educators and philosophers, like Confucius- Another good illustration is in the program CCTV Lecture Room famous scholars, e.g, Yu Dan, give lectures on Chinese ancient philosophies and literatures.

  Sinology becomes prevalent due to the fact that it is of vital significance for both the individuals and the society. For one thing, Sinology is the essence of Chinese civilization with more than 5,000 years. Thus, for individuals, they can enlarge their scope of knowledge, enrich their experience and adapt themselves to the complicated society. For another, it is acknowledged that the rehabilitation of Sinology can contribute to the establishment of a harmonious society.

  In my opinion, all Chinese people should inherit the merits of Sinology. To do so, we can read books by ourselves or to attend lectures on this issue. Besides, we have the gation to popularize introducing it to the world By doing so, we can not only inherit it but also make it glorious and prosperous.

學英語作文 篇7



  第一、英語底子太薄。底子太薄主要表現為對語法知識掌握不牢及對基本詞匯記憶不清。它包括定冠詞和不定冠詞的濫用,主謂不一致,單復數搞不清楚(例如:a people等),時態和語態混亂及詞語的各種形式掌握不牢。有的學生文章寫得很長,字跡也很工整,但是讀完之后只覺得思路紊亂,支離破碎,沒有一個完整的句子,所以也就只能得兩三分以慰勞苦。

  第二、詞匯量太小,且對已學詞匯記憶不清。除了底子太薄這個歷史原因之外,學生詞匯量太小也是一個不容忽視的原因。有的學生漢語功底很好,用漢語作文,他們就會思如泉涌,下筆千言,但是一到用英語作文就好像被縛住了手腳,不知如何下手。比如99年1月的作文,題目是"Don’t Hesitate to Say No", 大部分學生能夠領會題意并能按給出的漢語提綱作文,但有的學生連Hesitate是什么意思都不知道,更不用說在此基礎上再作發揮了。另外有的學生雖然對題目及要求非常清楚,但是因為自己所掌握的詞匯所限,無法用一些合適的詞來表達自己的思想,于是只有繞著題目翻來覆去亂說一氣,再加上這次出的作文提綱就象一道繞口令:

  1、 別人請求幫助時,在什么情況下我們會說“不”;

  2、 為什么有些人在該說“不”的時候不說“不”;

  3、 該說“不”時不說“不”的壞處。

  所以在說過一個又一個的"No"再加幾個"Yes"之后,閱卷老師也給搞得云里霧里,頭腦發脹,最后也只得酌情給個兩三分罷了。還有的一寫到紙上就是錯字別字滿篇,有些詞匯的用法也走了樣。其中最典型的就是for example寫成example for , for instance寫成for a instance, illegal 寫成unlegle, 而such as, in spite of 等許多短語則是亂用一氣。詞匯的有限導致許多學生有口難言,欲說不能,對他們來說,用英語作文實在是一件很頭疼的事情。

  第三、缺乏思想,深度不夠。99年1月的考試中很大一部分學生不能得高分還有一個重要的原因,就是他們的作文缺乏思想,深度不夠。很多學生雖然已是大二的學生,甚至是大三大四的學生,但是他們在作文當中所表現出的智力水平與閱歷似乎只相當于一個初高中生。寫出的文章著眼點低,視野狹窄。作為學生,作文著眼于學生之間的關系,反映學生之間的幫忙,這并不為過,但是這種幫忙不能僅僅限于在考試當中的幫忙,而且對這種幫忙都是一句話 "Don’t hesitate to say ’No’"。更有相當一部分學生在文章中寫幫忙就是這一次四級考試當中的幫忙。與在校考生比較起來,社會考生應該多了許多社會閱歷,也多了一些見解,但是舉出來的例子也是范圍太窄,大多是講老板或領導讓干的事只能答 "Yes"而不能回答 "No"。其實除了這些,可舉的例子很多,關鍵是要抓住實質。

  第四、缺乏應試技巧。缺乏應試技巧,主要表現為有些學生在篇首或篇尾有喊口號傾向(如Dear Friends, let’s not hesitate to say"No"),或畫蛇添足,本來文章該結束



學英語作文 篇8

  When I grow up, I want to be an artist. I want to use my colorful pencil to draw this wonderful world to everyone. Some years ago, I did not know how to use the pencil to draw the picture for my mother and my father. One day, I found I could draw animals, people, mountains, seasons with the colorful pencils with teacher’s help. As a result, I want to be a artist. Even though this dream is very small, but I still make my effort. I can study drawing hardly from now on. An then I think my dream will come true.


學英語作文 篇9




  老媽:“這個‘I'm very annoyed,don't trouble me.’是什么意思?”



  老媽又問:“‘I hear nothing,repeat.’是什么意思?”


  老媽又說了一遍:“‘I hear nothing,repeat.’”


  老媽再問:“‘What do you say?’又怎么解釋呢?”


  老媽繼續問:“‘Look up in the dictionary’是何意?”



  老媽又問:“‘You had better ask somebody.’怎么翻呢?”




  老媽:“敢耍你老媽,哼哼!我再問你,‘Use your head,then think it over.’又是什么意思。俊






  老媽:“這個‘I don't know.’是什么意思?”






  老媽:“這個‘I know.’是什么意思?這回你總該知道吧!”








  老媽:“你給我小心點,花那么多錢送你上大學,搞的現在什么都不會,懂一丁點英語還跟老娘擺譜,再問你最后一個,你給我好好解釋一下,說不出來我再收拾你。給我翻譯一下‘I know but I don’t want to tell you.’是什么意思?”













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